Forensic Astrology - SOMER THOMPSON,7 yr old missing 10/19/09 Orange Park, FL

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The body of the small child found in the Clay Co. landfill (landfill in Georgia serves Orange Park) is no doubt Somer as the parents have both been notified.

Tuba is it possible that there is a child serial killer in FL? It's just crazy to me that all this happens in FL over and over and over. Tks for all that you do with your talent. I think that you are an angel here on earth. I wake up everyday and grab my laptop just read, or hopefully read, what you have posted. Tks for being here for the lost souls of the world. I truly am enamored by you.
So sad! I may be wrong in wanting this but I pray Somers mother has been discouraged to be the one to indentify Somer. My heart is breaking for mama and the entire family. As much as I try to find some lesson to be learned when children are abused and found thrown away like garbage The lesson learned by me is that this sickness is constantly simmering to the point of acting on their sick thought patterns. There is no cure so the powers that govern these crimes need to find a better way to keep these guys contained. Sorry for the rant.
We need to keep in mind that Arcturus (navigational Fixed Star) has already helped immensely in the tracking involved in this case. Law enforcement followed the trash trucks from Orange Park and other Clay County communities to the landfill in Folkston, Georgia. Now the detectives will be examining which dump came from which area of Clay County in order to find where this body was put into the trash.

As to the appearance of the male perpetrator, despite his being on a critical degree of Libra and being a loser, he has erect posture and good skin, an oval face. The female companion is short and tubby, brunette, dim complexion, features set in a grim expression, a mug's face.

He is stressed, anxious, nerves on wires and since he is on a critical degree and unstable, using very bad judgment, he may be more easily caught.
We need to keep in mind that Arcturus (navigational Fixed Star) has already helped immensely in the tracking involved in this case. Law enforcement followed the trash trucks from Orange Park and other Clay County communities to the landfill in Folkston, Georgia. Now the detectives will be examining which dump came from which area of Clay County in order to find where this body was put into the trash.

As to the appearance of the male perpetrator, despite his being on a critical degree of Libra and being a loser, he has erect posture and good skin, an oval face. The female companion is short and tubby, brunette, dim complexion, features set in a grim expression, a mug's face.

He is stressed, anxious, nerves on wires and since he is on a critical degree and unstable, using very bad judgment, he may be more easily caught.
does anything show that he had sexual issues with children, etc? could he be an rso... would certainly bear looking at all the rso picturs in the area for what I bolded eh?
Tuba- you rock! can I ask an astrology question here? Do you use the ruler of asc as the missing person, or would use the lord of h5 and then turn the chart?
Thanks to Tuba for the *appearances* of the perp or perps.

Watching the live news here since 5 PM it seems they are all talking in the past tense as in that it may definately be Somer. But not saying for sure just yet, they said they should be able to tell that or give that info to the press by tomorrow perhaps, maybe even late tonight. The sheriff there and the State Attorney (Angela Corey) were there live a few ago and gave another live speech to the press. They then went directly from there into Somer's mother's home to speak with her.

More than likley and how it looks and how tuba already relayed the info, the body of whomever the child is was dumped possibly locally there in Clay county then the trucks pick that up, move onto Green cove springs, that trash is then added to the other trash, then large haulers are used to move it all to the landfill in Folkston, Ga.

From what I also understand it was 3 detectives that came across the body themselves while seraching the landfill late this afternoon.

They are asking Tim Miller from equisearch to stay on in order to help with some investigating and searching in the immediate area for more evidence. As in, the crime happened there. The shefiff did make a comment that was to the effect of the search and recovery is over and the criminal investigation is to begin. I think of course that is why Angela Corey was there (states attorney). My guess, they know w/out a doubt it is Somer, but because of obvious reasons and knowing the perp is watching, they are not going to give too much away. He did say on camera that *we know you are out there and we are going to get *him*.
That's all the info I have for now you guys. Hope it helped some.
Take care.
We need to keep in mind that Arcturus (navigational Fixed Star) has already helped immensely in the tracking involved in this case. Law enforcement followed the trash trucks from Orange Park and other Clay County communities to the landfill in Folkston, Georgia. Now the detectives will be examining which dump came from which area of Clay County in order to find where this body was put into the trash.

As to the appearance of the male perpetrator, despite his being on a critical degree of Libra and being a loser, he has erect posture and good skin, an oval face. The female companion is short and tubby, brunette, dim complexion, features set in a grim expression, a mug's face.

He is stressed, anxious, nerves on wires and since he is on a critical degree and unstable, using very bad judgment, he may be more easily caught.

Can I get some opinion's on this guy??? Do you think he fits the appearance Tuba has posted???? He is a RSO closest to where Somer walked home.. THanks thompson/446bb4d6.jpg

ETA: Curious Mom did the work I just brought it over to get opinions... She deserves the credit for doing the map... I always give credit to the right person deserving it .. Thanks Curious mom ...
Is there any way to tell if the perps are LOCAL? I know earlier you said they were travelers.. but are they from the local area (can you tell?) tia
boy... this wobble moon has caused a LOT of crime problems hasn't it?????
I used the ASC of 3:52 Aquarius and its rulers for Somer because it was her group of little friends and sibs who watched her run off & provided the time. She would not be "the child" to them. But we would get the same result either way. If we use the House of the child, Mercury is in the most unfortunate House of death, complicated problems and investigations as is one ruler of the ASC, Saturn. Also, for full measure, Venus of little girls and at a very young degree (6°) is in that House as well and rules the House of ending of life and the grave. We always need to look also at the day and hour rulers and here it is Saturn.

As you now by now, the wrong birth date was posted for Somer. Fortunately, as FifthEssence explained, this is an event chart not Somer's birth planets. With the correct birth date, Somer's Moon in Capricorn was severely hit by the Moon Wobble and her Sun at 15° Aries was opposed as you see in the event chart by Mercury on October 19.
The woman who was last with our perpetrator, Scorpio Moon described in the post above, had passing contact or "acquaintance" with the children as seen in her semi-sextile to Mercury which rules the school setting and the children as a group. It could have been through a commercial transaction like selling them soda or candy or school milk. The Scorpio Moon female was not with our perpetrator when he executed his crimes. As mentioned in the original main chart for Somer's running off, this male perpetrator needs cash and gasoline. I believe he already took care of that problem because it was acute.
Wow! I am just learning Astrology and you astros constantly amaze me. So this woman works somewhere that she has interaction with the children. Would the perp be a boyfriend or spouse perhaps or a relative like a sibling? Can you tell? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE WOMEN??????????????????? guess what.... if I ever had any inclination that a BF or anyone I knew was a pedophile, the only thing I'm doing is turning them in!
The woman who was last with our perpetrator, Scorpio Moon described in the post above, had passing contact or "acquaintance" with the children as seen in her semi-sextile to Mercury which rules the school setting and the children as a group. It could have been through a commercial transaction like selling them soda or candy or school milk. The Scorpio Moon female was not with our perpetrator when he executed his crimes. As mentioned in the original main chart for Somer's running off, this male perpetrator needs cash and gasoline. I believe he already took care of that problem because it was acute.


Is there anyway to tell if this woman possibly worked in the school; like in the lunch room?
Yes, that sort of connection. This responds to your question, White Hawk.
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - FL-Somer Renee Thompson, age 7, missing from Orange Park, thread #3[/ame]
please check out this rso with ~~~possible~~~~ third order connection to the child link has another link to this rso...

Tuba, If a pedo recently moved to a house by Somer's house, and if this same pedo had a few other temporary residences before he came to live near Somer, Could he still be considered a stranger and a traveler? Or...does your term stranger & traveler refer to the "literal" meaning? I'm wondering b/c if the perp has traveled around and had temporary residences before he finally found his permanent residence, he could be considered a traveler, and of course he'd be a stranger to Somer simoly b/c she may not have known him. The accomplice could be his girlfriend? Just wondering...hoping for clarification.

Oooooh, just thought of this - Do the charts suggest a relationship between the male & female perps, or is it strictly platonic? Thanks again, Tuba!
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