I must be totally lost. Reading here before I thought the people here were saying she was kidnapped and held against her will in dire straits, and/or killed.
I don't think you are lost, but rather confused about the astrology that we all commented on.
First off, Pluto (and there was plenty of Scorpionic energy being exhibited between 3 people, not just 2, such as in the Composite chart for instance), made this a difficult case for a flat out pronouncement of a run-away bride situation OR a death/abduction case.
The reason, (if I might suggest) may be because these symbols aren't the easiest to dissect when the entitites (parties involved) are Scorpionic meaning, "intense" "underworldly types", i.e. "subversive types" or even
"depth of being types" i.e. like living on the edge types (think Bonnie & Clyde) as living not as average folks do, but "on the edge" type of living.
Excitement arousal is high!
This is what I meant by Scorpionic types of individuals.
ALL 3 of these folks have the similar propensity towards living a high profile and high energy style of projection.
This then is what all the astrologers were basically commenting on, including myself.
The reference to "Hyades" for example, which was prevelant in a few of the charts and I believe was
with the Moon in the 12th house is a very "dire" sign or symbol under any "stretch of the imagination".
It could mean a person who is like a seething cauldron of emotion to sum up.
There is nothing "kind" we might say about Moon conjunct Hyades believe me especially in the 12th house and "on the run" from the law.
As this case turned out, the lady is safe and home with her family once again.
This is not to say that the mention of (Hyades being compared to perversion and sadism, I believe one astrologer said), isn't to be taken seriously, as we still do not know and probably NEVER will know what went on behind those closed bedroom doors!
My guess is it was "spot on" as per the charts involved.
Hope this clarifies a bit more.
My guess (purely a guess now), is that the lady involved was a "seething cauldron of emotion" which Antares and Hyades very aptly showed in the charts, or she'd not have run off in the middle of the day with a stranger (so to speak), for all intents and purposes.
No doubt, she will need some type of psychiatric help to help her with her very strong emotional issues of hidden anger. (i.e. Antares)