Forensic Astrology - ZAHRA BAKER missing 10yr old Hickory, NC 10/9/10

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Hello All!

I realize this may sound crazy to some, but does Zahra's chart say anything about animals, specifically dogs?

Thanks in advance,
See Transiting Juno over his natal Hopi, both conjunct "Regulus" the Fixed star in a natal which promises a quick rise but then a very fast fall in the life.
This happened then, on the 25th and the "fall" was related to the wife, i.e. Juno.

The fact that this asteroid was transiting over his natal Hopi, (Martha Lang Westcott)
gives Hopi an association with knives, stabbings and ambush....

Says a ton to me. :(

What about Transiting Hopi, going over his natal Vesta?Vesta, the vestial virgin Zahra,
and what did her father say about her hormones?

This statement to 911 almost makes me want to throw up


DISPATCHER: OK, so.. No one has seen your daughter since 2:30 this morning...? [It is now after 2 pm that day]

ADAM BAKER: No.. like I said we, uh, had all that drama last night and we... me and my wife went back to bed. And my daughter is I think's coming into puberty.. cause she is hitting that brooding stage (laughter) so we only see her when she comes out when she wants something. And that's about it.

I agree with Leomoon80, why is the comment about puberty included in the call? Is this a statement to absolve the father in his own mind of sexual interest he might have had and/or acted upon on his daughter? A strange comment to make from the father of a missing child! I am trying to learn more with atro books that I have but I do not have the skills or knowledge required to further investigate. Maybe one or our astros can further post, I am so uncomfortable about the father's statements! JMO
I am so uncomfortable with the father's demeanor, as well.
I am so uncomfortable with the father's demeanor, as well.

Perhaps his mind is only in the gutter pertaining to the lovely wife,(10 yrs. his senior?) he spent $10,000 on, to come to America to see and marry? She must be quite a siren if the stories are true. Supposedly a second suitor as well.
The hormonal blurt may have nothing whatsoever to do with Zahra,other then symbolically, the child is a virginal child...and perhaps Vesta shows us this. She was just "in the way" apparently and jealousy may have been the motive.

As far as I recall from this story , the relative of Elisa Baker said the child was kept pretty much locked up in her room all the time. A terrible life for her, and locked up by the stepmother who may have suggested the behavior pattern was similar to a hormonal change in puberty hence, problematic as the justification for such abuse as well as letting the 911 operator know he doesn't see her much so how would he know she's even missing?
In otherwords a pre-arranged excuse for not seeing his child much.

We will need to wait for the revelations which surely will come out eventually as they are pitted against each other.

I am not making such a charge here against Adam B. the father.

Just for clarification purposes.
I agree with Leomoon80, why is the comment about puberty included in the call? Is this a statement to absolve the father in his own mind of sexual interest he might have had and/or acted upon on his daughter? A strange comment to make from the father of a missing child! I am trying to learn more with atro books that I have but I do not have the skills or knowledge required to further investigate. Maybe one or our astros can further post, I am so uncomfortable about the father's statements! JMO

Astrological symbol of Hopi: Martha Lang Wescott asteroid # 2938 and written about in the book "Forensic Astrology" by Dave Campbell (see google amazon to read some of it free)

" Keywords: associated with knives, stabbings and ambush

Therefore, Hopi conjunct or connected to Vesta (the Virgin) "may" have symbolically been pointing to a knowledge of a young female's death

Vesta keywords: Rituals, fire, sacrifice, virgins , dedication,
I've been researching this case and it seems that nobody has verified that Zahra's biological mother is alive, or has been informed.
Seems everyone just *believes* Adam Bakers side of the story -- that she abandoned Zahra when she discovered Zahra had cancer.
But I don't buy it. It think someone needs to find this woman verify that she is even alive. Even investigative reports state they *believe* her biological mother lives in Australia. But it seems nobody has actually talked to her.
My question: Is there proof she abandoned Zahra? Or did she just disappear 10 years ago, and Adam decided to tell that story to his mother????
I think there is reason to question the validity of anything this guy says. I just wish someone can verify this.
I'd like to be wrong. But women who *abaondon* their children and are never heard from again are rare.
Even the worst drug addicts I've known who left their children get bouts of conscience and curiosity.
All I'm saying is why do we believe the guy with the *bloody wood chipper*
We need sleuths to verify this woman is alive and has been informed.
We need LE to verify this woman has been seen in the past 10 years.I'm nervous this may be a part of what went wrong.
did Zahra want to establish contact with her bio mom.
Did Zahra's curiosity become a liability?

Zahra's mother tells a completely different story. Evidently she just found her days before she disappeared - if I remember correctly, she saw a photo of her getting her hearing aides. From what I've read on the M&L forum, both Biomum and Valhall have been cleared by Tricia. Valhall has a blog where Biomum posts her story.

Here is a date & place in the blog to find some info.: biomum said: { Oct 28, 2010 - 09:10:11 }
Miss James, in post #103 M&L forum, points out that Zahra didn't wake up & come outside to see what all the commotion was about when the fire truck arrived to put out the fire in the morning. I think the fire truck arrived at 5:45 am. A fire truck certainly would have awakened her if she were home. Just trying to get a fix on the exact time of disappearance.

“She was the life of any camp we went on, the kids loved her,” said Camp Quality’s North Queensland manager Mark McGregor. “Other kids were so inspired by her enthusiasm and her fight to live against all odds.” He remembers what she said when other kids asked her how she could do the ropes course on one leg.
‘Because I want to,” Zahra said.

Nikki Hay, a teacher’s aide in the town of Mackay, has a daughter who was a friend and fellow cancer patient with Zahra at Camp Quality..
After one of the camps, she printed out some photos her daughter had wanted to send to Zahra.
Hay called Zahra’s grandmother and asked how she was.
“She was so upset,” Hay said. “She explained to me that her son had remarried and they had taken off overseas quite abruptly and she didn’t have any idea exactly where they were.”
Hay told her story in an e-mail to Hickory Police Chief Tom Adkins recently.

Zahra’s father had hit it off with a Hickory woman, the former Elisa Fairchild. They met on, an online community where people interact with each other in the form of 3-D avatars.
She was a 40-something woman who called herself a gothic fairy, and selected an avatar with red angel wings and a stylish gown to go with his online persona, which was clad in a black duster with bat-wings.
She told friends he was her soulmate, the one she wanted to spend her life with, the one who made her smile when she heard or spoke his name.
“who says long distance relationships dont work,” she wrote on her MySpace page, which was adorned with skulls and crossbones and backed by the thumping music of Rob Zombie’s song “Living Dead Girl.”

Elisa went to visit in 2008.
In Giru, the Bakers’ friend Kim Wright thought that Elisa wasn’t telling the truth about who she was.
She claimed to be a police officer shot in the line of duty. She said she was a bounty hunter.
They married in July 2008 in the backyard of Adam’s parent’s house in Giru, not far from the sugar mill. That November, they moved some 10,000 miles to North Carolina.
Zahra didn’t want to leave her grandparents and friends, Wright said.

“She was the life of any camp we went on, the kids loved her,” said Camp Quality’s North Queensland manager Mark McGregor. “Other kids were so inspired by her enthusiasm and her fight to live against all odds.” He remembers what she said when other kids asked her how she could do the ropes course on one leg.
‘Because I want to,” Zahra said.

I'm so glad she had SOME happy experiences .Thank you for sharing.
Miss James, in post #103 M&L forum, points out that Zahra didn't wake up & come outside to see what all the commotion was about when the fire truck arrived to put out the fire in the morning. I think the fire truck arrived at 5:45 am. A fire truck certainly would have awakened her if she were home. Just trying to get a fix on the exact time of disappearance.

Allow me to clarify....I don't believe EB's story about checking on Zahra at 2:30.I believe that was a cover story made up after Zahra was gone.That's why I don't believe she was even there when the firetrucks came. I believe she was already dead at the hands of one or both adults in the home.
Having said that......let me catch up on what our brilliant astrologers have found.I may have to eat crow :blushing:
am I in the wrong forum? I thought this was forensic astrology?

* wanders out *
Regardless of what the StepM said about last 'seeing' Zahra @ 2:30am that morning, or the fact that the fire truck sounded it's siren at 5:30am, the REPORTED MISSING Chart on Page 1 confirms Zahra had passed on before the 10/9/2010 date.

Reported Missing Chart w/analysis:
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News reports state the Stepmother ran out of the house screaming to Zahra's Father that Zahra was gone. The call to LE was placed approx. 2:00 pm on Saturday, 10/9/10.

The chart produced could hardly be clearer.


The Arabic Part of the MOTHER is conjunct the ASCENDANT and partile square ruler SATURN, 08 Libra, posited in the cadent 9th House. This is a secretive position. MERCURY the hidden message and SUN, also in the cadent 9th house, tell the tale with Part of ASSASSINATION conjunct the SUN (describing the Event), confirmed by Part of DEATH 11 Libra conjunct MERCURY the hidden message. MERCURY itself is partile conjunct the malefic Fixed Star VINDEMIATRIX, associated with death in the family.

The Arabic Part of FATALITY is partile conjunct CERES the Mother/Nurturer in the cadent 12th House (secrets, lies), strengthening our argument of who is responsible and what may have really happened.

The Malefic Fixed Star ALGOL, associated with losing one's head either literally or figuratively, sits within the 5th House of the Child, partile conjunct ADMETOS, a death marker, both associated with strangulation/suffocation.

The Arabic Part of MURDER 12:51 Aquarius squares Lord 5 the Child VENUS conjunct MOON, both at 13 Scorpio, both in the Via Combusta (the Burning Way).

The MARS/SATURN midpoint (cruelty) conjuncts the MIDHEAVEN.

The MARS/PLUTO midpoint (violence, rage, murder) 09 Sagittarius parallels the MOON.

Of course, since the time of the Reported Missing, it has come to light the Stepmother herself wrote the ransom note, and that no one outside the family has seen Zahre for possibly as long as a month. This, in addition to many other startling and sickening facts and allegations emerging in this case give more weight to the chart at hand.



ETA: Note Salvarenga has a listing below in Post #8 of important dates and times brought over from the Case Requests thread.

You are beyond amazing. I am so impressed. WOW!

This is the first case I have not been posting on, nothing other then RIP little angel. :beats:
I felt from the very start she is at peace now. Hope she will have a respectful burial.
I can't stop thinking about this litte angel. Will charts tell if there are multiple disposal sites and when she was killed?


IMPORTANT DATES and TIMES (brought over from my other posts in the Case Requests Thread)

* at 5 am on 9 October the fire department and LE investigators respond to a brush fire in the back yard of this house!
Later that morning Dad states he goes out on a job..... and gets home early in the afternoon at which time he is out doing some yard work with SM comes screaming out of the house that Zahra is missing at 2pm on 9 october 2010 LE is called and arrive at 2:30 pm

* Elesa Baker was arrested at about 10:45 a.m. Sunday 10/10/10 on nine unrelated warrants and charges

* DOB for step mom, EAB, is 06/06/1968, NC.
DOB for dad, ATB, is 08/06/1977. Sydney, Australia
DOB for Zahra is 11/16/1999.- Giru, Queenland, Australia/ other news outlet says Wagga Wagga, AU


ISSUED: 9:41 pm 10/10/10
EXECUTED: 9:52 PM 10/10/10

* Small grass fire was called into Fire Department on 10/09/10 at 5:09AM. by StepM.
Investigator on the scene by 5:30AM. Ransom note was addressed to the Baker's landlord and the kidnapping reference was made against the landlord's mention of the Bakers or Zahra.

* At 2PM on 10/09/10, the police were back on scene investigating the fact that Zahra was missing. On 10/10/10 at 12:45PM SC Search and Rescue dog was on site at request of HPD and FBI. At 1PM, her canine alerted to human remains in or on both vehicles belonging the Bakers.

* Media briefing : 10/12 Media Briefing 11:30AM
No longer an Amber Alert, now a HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION

* Search goes on in wooded area in Morganton. Tuesday evening 10/12/10.
Officials searched the area late Tuesday night and concluded their search on Wednesday around 1 a.m.
For some strange reason it reminds me of little Caylee when the 911 call was not made for a month.
This is what I believe happened here too. I think if found it will take time, and there will be no more evidence on the bone. :(
Just my hinki meter.
Hello All!

I realize this may sound crazy to some, but does Zahra's chart say anything about animals, specifically dogs?

Thanks in advance,

I do not think we have Zahra's time of birth do we? I have a Sunrise chart for her.
As for dogs? The 6th house is where we may find small pets and animals, whereas the 12th or opposite house rules larger creatures (animals)

When we do not have a time of birth, we don't know the houses in the natal chart.

Rex Bills gives: Virgo, the 6th, Mercury and Jupiter for dogs if anyone cares to look in the mundane event charts look for these symbols.
I want to ask a question I formed last night. Will Zahra's remains be recovered?

Time I asked the question was 7:43 pm 11/1/2010, Verdi, Nevada.
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