Forensic Astrology - ZAHRA BAKER missing 10yr old Hickory, NC 10/9/10

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One of the owners, Jessika Gein, told WBTV by phone Tuesday night her husband used a pen name when he wrote to Baker. "We don't doubt the authenticity of it," said Gein regarding the letters.

But some of what Baker allegedly writes is disturbing when she talks about what happened to the little girl who's been missing for nearly a month. She again blames her husband, Adam, writing,"we really didn't kill her but what he did after the fact is kinda horrifying." She goes on to say that she is afraid of her husband.

In another letter she writes, "Zahra isn't missing. The cops know where she is and what he has done. That's right what he has done."

Related: Full Coverage of the Search for Zahra

The letters stop short of saying where Zahra is or what happened to her.

When Gein was asked how they know the letters are authentic she said, "if we write to that person and we get something back and it's stamped by the prison or the jail, the envelope, then we pretty much know it's legit."

Gein went on to say the police know about the letters.

"They said that they have copies of all the letters that are coming and outgoing and that they know they're legit letters," she said. "So they don't doubt it and neither do we."
Their story will possibly be that the little girl died of cancer and they couldn't afford a funeral (I know, crazy and stupid, but look who LE is dealing with). EB seems to be heading in that direction.

Hello All!

I realize this may sound crazy to some, but does Zahra's chart say anything about animals, specifically dogs?

Thanks in advance,

I was wondering along time ago about the pitbulls.........very grose thoughts.
(no remains)

Special~ Jane Velez Mitchell on HLN 7PM-eastern time

Zahara's biomother will be interviewed in tv in Australia.

Supposed to air tonight in AU on 7 news at 6 pm- hopefully someone will film it and post
I want to ask a question I formed last night. Will Zahra's remains be recovered?

Time I asked the question was 7:43 pm 11/1/2010, Verdi, Nevada.

Paulette and all:
I had no idea that Adam Baker worked for a Tree Trimming Service when I sent this to you via PM (Horary on your question) Perhaps the others would like to see the chart too so I redid it for the forum:

Sun & Moon below the horizon in the Horary
makes it less likely that there will

Be a recovery of a body if we use Skyscript tips. Could this possibly mean she is under the earth literally?


Gemini the Querent, and the same as 5th House of children or Ruler of Zahra…i.e. Mercury

South Node conj. Hades..(she’s dead and it’s past meaning, past the question in time ) the SN is about the past

The Part of Fortune squares the Sun a significator of the question itself.

The Sun (or the question) is conjunct to Zahra and the Querent, (Mercury)….

Conjunct fixed star Crux or the Cross (11Scorpio) and 19Scorpio is the evil degree.

The Worse has happened to her. These vibrations shown are awful.

Trying to locate in the chart, the stepmother is tricky or dicey, as we need to count from the 4th (if we take the 4th to be the traditional house for the mother) and then count from THAT cusp, over 7 houses (her spouse ) we get Adam B. or the father. (Bio mom is hs 4)

10th house cusp is the traditional for one parent but often it is transposed between the 4th to the 10th.

So, 1 house removed, we find the 2nd wife or stepmom I think.

Hence, Uranus is here which squares Pluto.

Well, that is a given as we both know she’s dead. Yet where is the body?

When all else fails go to the 4th house and investigate the planets here.

The Moon is here in it’s OWN domocile or the 4th house . Pointing to the body.

In Virgo, the Moon is – what?

Cold?…….of the earth (mulch piles, etc)…..perhaps incinerated and used as mulch.

Something to do with the earth itself.

The 6th house of decision making, shows Pallas along with the other significators.

Pallas suggests It was a pre-meditated act..carefully designed and conjunct the DC (perp)
Cusp in Sagittarius.

The North Node in the 7th conjuncts Pluto (original horary doesn’t use the planets out from Saturn ) but I do and many others do.

The South Node then, is in the 1st house an Angular house, so takes prominence and unfortunatley it is conjunct the Pleaides star cluster and in particular, fixed star called "Hyades"

The South Node is between the Uranians - Hades and Kronos so never a good sign for longevity or anything good of the matter.

The 10th rules the authority or Police, and we see Neptune here at the MC conjunct sadness (Chiron)…….Neptune Rex Bills rules an “artificial leg” which came into the public knowledge (10th and the MC is the public)

Since I did this chart the other night, now I am wondering aloud, why Admetos is in the 12th - was it true that Zahra was sick, and Admetos can be chronic illnesses.
Any ideas?

I tend not to believe this woman at all, so I'm seeing Admetos as symbolizig
"anything that is deep down, (like the bottom of an ocean or lake) or dead "
would be the more apt keyword to use.

"Physical inertia " is another keyword for this TNP.

Realizing it's conjunction to Algol however, shows us it's the worse end for little Zahra

Paulette and all:
I had no idea that Adam Baker worked for a Tree Trimming Service when I sent this to you via PM (Horary on your question) Perhaps the others would like to see the chart too so I redid it for the forum:

Sun & Moon below the horizon in the Horary
makes it less likely that there will

Be a recovery of a body if we use Skyscript tips. Could this possibly mean she is under the earth literally?


Gemini the Querent, and the same as 5th House of children or Ruler of Zahra…i.e. Mercury

South Node conj. Hades..(she’s dead and it’s past meaning, past the question in time ) the SN is about the past

The Part of Fortune squares the Sun a significator of the question itself.

The Sun (or the question) is conjunct to Zahra and the Querent, (Mercury)….

Conjunct fixed star Crux or the Cross (11Scorpio) and 19Scorpio is the evil degree.

The Worse has happened to her. These vibrations shown are awful.

Trying to locate in the chart, the stepmother is tricky or dicey, as we need to count from the 4th (if we take the 4th to be the traditional house for the mother) and then count from THAT cusp, over 7 houses (her spouse ) we get Adam B. or the father. (Bio mom is hs 4)

10th house cusp is the traditional for one parent but often it is transposed between the 4th to the 10th.

So, 1 house removed, we find the 2nd wife or stepmom I think.

Hence, Uranus is here which squares Pluto.

Well, that is a given as we both know she’s dead. Yet where is the body?

When all else fails go to the 4th house and investigate the planets here.

The Moon is here in it’s OWN domocile or the 4th house . Pointing to the body.

In Virgo, the Moon is – what?

Cold?…….of the earth (mulch piles, etc)…..perhaps incinerated and used as mulch.

Something to do with the earth itself.

The 6th house of decision making, shows Pallas along with the other significators.

Pallas suggests It was a pre-meditated act..carefully designed and conjunct the DC (perp)
Cusp in Sagittarius.

The North Node in the 7th conjuncts Pluto (original horary doesn’t use the planets out from Saturn ) but I do and many others do.

The South Node then, is in the 1st house an Angular house, so takes prominence and unfortunatley it is conjunct the Pleaides star cluster and in particular, fixed star called "Hyades"

The South Node is between the Uranians - Hades and Kronos so never a good sign for longevity or anything good of the matter.

The 10th rules the authority or Police, and we see Neptune here at the MC conjunct sadness (Chiron)…….Neptune Rex Bills rules an “artificial leg” which came into the public knowledge (10th and the MC is the public)

Since I did this chart the other night, now I am wondering aloud, why Admetos is in the 12th - was it true that Zahra was sick, and Admetos can be chronic illnesses.
Any ideas?

I tend not to believe this woman at all, so I'm seeing Admetos as symbolizig
"anything that is deep down, (like the bottom of an ocean or lake) or dead "
would be the more apt keyword to use.

"Physical inertia " is another keyword for this TNP.

Realizing it's conjunction to Algol however, shows us it's the worse end for little Zahra



adem=father????? ((adam))

what would "tos" mean on the end of the name? (ie of adam, etc?)
Leomoon, I'm not an astrologist, but I have to say that when I see everything bunched together in "one quadrant" (that's over simplifying, I know, but I hope you get my drift), I think "eeek!". Everything is lined up in succession and it's like a kid scribbled *heavily* on one side. (Not good!) Then I read your analysis and it's as bad as I think it is.

Makes you want to light a candle and say a prayer.

adem=father????? ((adam))

what would "tos" mean on the end of the name? (ie of adam, etc?)

The Uranians (TransNeptunian planets, hypothetical ones) discovered by Alfred Witte,_Alfred

As one of them, they are still being observed and watched carefully by Uranian astrologers who incorporate them in their work with Harmonics.
These are available now on astrodienst to put into the charts as I have done to map them. (for all of them, just click under asteroids...the letters "hh")
Admetos in particular seems to be indicative of health that is enduring in some way a rooted problem, so deep that it works against the person (cancer may be a Admetos type of disease)
You can google Uranians - Admetos for instance and find Nauman's link with 60 or more possible signifiers, but they all still seem to revolve around deep rooted illnesses.

from this link another perspective: (keeping in mind of course that Astrology is highly symbolic and often the tools used will aid the Astrologer towards a given path or course of action to explore) but cannot be thought of as a literalness when we think of this explanation either....for the Uranians or any asteroids, etc.


This is another Uranian planet. For those who love to suppress/repress their hard feelings, their hard knocks in life, their bitterness, their bad luck, their trauma, , is doing an Admetos response. Admetos has an affinity for the Moon and is often seen as the other symbol for the mother. It is also about our subconscious. In its most lurid form, the monsters and the Shadow within ourselves is mirrored by this planet. Very often, with a strong Admetos natally in one's chart, this can mean that a "photograph" of a trauma occurred very early in life--especially in utero--while being carried by Mom--and it stains the person's entire life-force.This planet rules strangulation of the person. The person suffocates in some way. It could be due to an overdose of prescription, over-the-counter or other drugs, inhaling poisonous gas of some kind ,being poisoned by drinking water , or inhaling poisonous air that accumulates and you get sick and die from it.Admetos is about the hidden, poisonous things in our everyday environment that can potentially kill us. Admetos means death by slow, gradual onset and poisoning. An Admetos death can take years, if not a decade. And the person suffers enormously over time, if the source of the poisoning to them is not identified. A person slowly being poisoned by arsenic being put in their food daily, is a good example of this--a lot of liver pain, a lot of suffering, but its slow and unmerciful.
Have they done EB's chart yet? We should have her birthdate and relevant numbers by now yes?

Can someone direct me to it? Whereabouts in the thread whatnot?
The Uranians (TransNeptunian planets, hypothetical ones) discovered by Alfred Witte,_Alfred

As one of them, they are still being observed and watched carefully by Uranian astrologers who incorporate them in their work with Harmonics.
These are available now on astrodienst to put into the charts as I have done to map them. (for all of them, just click under asteroids...the letters "hh")
Admetos in particular seems to be indicative of health that is enduring in some way a rooted problem, so deep that it works against the person (cancer may be a Admetos type of disease)
You can google Uranians - Admetos for instance and find Nauman's link with 60 or more possible signifiers, but they all still seem to revolve around deep rooted illnesses.

from this link another perspective: (keeping in mind of course that Astrology is highly symbolic and often the tools used will aid the Astrologer towards a given path or course of action to explore) but cannot be thought of as a literalness when we think of this explanation either....for the Uranians or any asteroids, etc.


This is another Uranian planet. For those who love to suppress/repress their hard feelings, their hard knocks in life, their bitterness, their bad luck, their trauma, , is doing an Admetos response. Admetos has an affinity for the Moon and is often seen as the other symbol for the mother. It is also about our subconscious. In its most lurid form, the monsters and the Shadow within ourselves is mirrored by this planet. Very often, with a strong Admetos natally in one's chart, this can mean that a "photograph" of a trauma occurred very early in life--especially in utero--while being carried by Mom--and it stains the person's entire life-force.This planet rules strangulation of the person. The person suffocates in some way. It could be due to an overdose of prescription, over-the-counter or other drugs, inhaling poisonous gas of some kind ,being poisoned by drinking water , or inhaling poisonous air that accumulates and you get sick and die from it.Admetos is about the hidden, poisonous things in our everyday environment that can potentially kill us. Admetos means death by slow, gradual onset and poisoning. An Admetos death can take years, if not a decade. And the person suffers enormously over time, if the source of the poisoning to them is not identified. A person slowly being poisoned by arsenic being put in their food daily, is a good example of this--a lot of liver pain, a lot of suffering, but its slow and unmerciful.

tyvm leo
copied from Page 1 of this thread.



Very briefly:

1. Stepmother's MARS/SATURN midpoint (cruelty, brutality) 21 Taurus close opposes Zahra's natal SUN 22 Scorpio.

Additionally, Stepmother's MARS/SATURN midpoint is partile conjunct Asteroid NEMESIS, showing her temper/brutality/cruel nature (Mars/Saturn) is her downfall (Nemesis).

2. Stepmother's JUPITER (the expansion principle) 28 Leo is conjoined by Asteroid TORO (brutality) 29 Leo, showing exaggerated and/or excessive (Jupiter) meanness/cruelty/brutality (Toro).

3. Stepmother's natal PLUTO 20 Virgo partile conjuncts Zahra's natal CERES suggesting a controlling, if not destructive mother-figure.

CERES 22 Libra in Stepmother's chart opposes exactly her own natal SATURN 22 Aries, suggesting Stepmother's total lack of ability to nurture a child. Note: the planets inhabit the sunrise 5th-11th axis, children/stepchildren, respectively, and in intercepted signs which hinder the planets' expression in any healthy/productive manner.

4. #3 above is strengthened by another configuration in Zahra's natal chart (not shown), namely CERES 20 Virgo square HADES 18 Gemini. If this doesn't describe the "Mother From Hell," I don't know what does....

To be continued,
brought forward from Page 2

Here is a natal chart I had already created for Adam Baker showing the transits for the last time Zahra was seen in public in the furniture store.

We do not know his time of birth, and if we did, we'd see far more but as it is, it's revealing I think.

The natal chart (no time of birth known) inclines towards much negativity. Lots of negative vibrations but many do, yet don’t end up like this…they work on them and even in some instances may overcome the bad parts.
He apparently is giving in to the path of least resistance.
Look here:
Sun 13Leo conjunct fixed star – exactly conjunct to AcubensFrom Constellation of Words:
Elsbeth Ebertin 1928 said in part:

conveying an unbalanced and "jumpy" nature. If the chart is a disharmonious one to people effected by it and especially if Acubens is in conjunction with Mars, Sun or Uranus, this will make for an unsettled mentality and helplessness. If in conjunction with Saturn, major disappointments in life, ordeals and trials, mental suffering, excitements, loss, opposition, disputes and deception are indicated.

The Moon’s position is unknown for exactness because we do not have the time of his birth.

– 10-11Virgo conjunct Fixed Star Zosma promising a death close to him.

Of the nature of Saturn and Venus. It causes benefit by disgrace, selfishness, egotism, immorality, meanness, melancholy, unhappiness of mind and fear of poison, and gives an unreasonable, shameless and egotistical nature. [Robson*, p.219.]

His natal Venus squares Pluto which conjuncts Vindiamiatrix, (a death) hence, love and destructive forces are co-mingled with a propensity towards trying to control others through his own actions

Mars in Gemini can be very deceitful for it also is opposed by Neptune and in his case also squares Mercury representing the lower mind.

What did Shakespeare write? Something about, when you are not true to yourself, you cannot be true to another? Well he does the opposite of being true to himself and then it played out with Zahra who he was supposed to be protecting .
A weak man for certain. Weak morals and self-deceiving then deceiving others.

Kronos conjunct Mars
(within minutes) in Gemini conjunct the BML, he is inclined towards, “If it’s good for me, then to hell with everyone else including my own” and the Sun’s vibrations augment this for him.

Hades at 27 degrees Taurus
. What can we surmise of this……other then
The worse with the worse and then double that as a personal effect.
Algol and Hades, can we envision worse?

Regarding the position in the chart as related to the North Node and Ceres and his desire to protect and shield those he loves and cherishes?
Seiginus is the fixed star associated with his North Node and Ceres (the nurture and protection he was supposed to give his little girl)

It gives a subtle mind, shamelessness and loss through friends and companies. [Robson*, p.207.]

How about the asteroid Medea who killed her children, in the Greek myths?
In his natal chart, lodged between Hades and Kronos, and remember, Kronos is exactly atop his natal Mars.
Medea is located in his natal - 2.38Gemini for those who study these things, in the Pleiades star cluster.

Medea, then, is associated with light and dark, delivery and death.
Medea myth allows Euripides to use the salvific and destructive nature of love to encourage his audience to see the smoldering power of the oppressed, and the consequences of hypocrisy.

Might we be inclined then to see Juno at 16Scorpio, otherwise called by the Greeks Hera, the jealous wife, square to his own Saturn and his Sun the instigator of the disappearance of this child? I think so…….and I think his natal chart shows us that Juno is not working in his favor in this lifetime.

The position of Juno in his natal, says justice will be served for it's located in the Southern Scales of the constellation of Libra.

So you guys pretty much called it from the get.

Sorry, I pop in now and again to try to gain new insight on something I do not understand but have respect for.

Lately when I've popped in the posts were not astrological in nature but more speculative. When I come upon a specuatlion or theory I don't care for, I tend to skip or skim it.
Bumping with a prayer for Zahra and all the searchers looking for her.
When investigators searched the Dudley Shoals area in Caldwell County on Wednesday, they found possible human remains in connection with Zahra Baker’s homicide.

The evidence is being sent to the SBI lab in Raleigh to be analyzed. Hickory police is saying the evidence “could provide valuable information in the Zahra Baker case.”

On Wednesday, Gunpowder Creek was searched, as well as the brush along the banks. A BOB-CAT was also brought in to trim the brush farther up the banks. In one area, investigators searched about 10 feet from the banks of Gunpowder Creek. At this spot, there is now a two-and-a-half foot deep hole that gapes 10-feet wide. The hole wasn’t visible on Wednesday, before law enforcement closed the road to traffic around mid-day. Inside this hole is a smaller, distinct, round hole in the dirt. All of the dirt from the hole was also taken with the investigators.

A white evidence flag was marked at the edge of the hole. At previous search sites, a white flag was used to mark bones.

The hole was about 25 feet from the end of where a paved access road ends.

also from this article... searchers are back at Christie road today and it is closed off ((due to a lead))

Add'l news & details:
I am ready for some astro analysis on the "find" yesterday! is there anything you guys need to do that? let me know and I will ferret it back here asap!
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