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Nuisanceposter said:
Oh, who knows what was going on with seems to me that Patsy was obsessed to some degree with the My Twinn doll. She talks about how she thought it was a good gift, set it aside so it would be opened last, and then JonBenet held it at arm's length and said it didn't look much like her, then she comes out with the "JonBenet in a coffin" comment later.

I've noticed that when the Rs call attention to something in DOI, there is a reason - like the way JR insists a stun gun was used (indicates to me it wasn't) and that JonBenet was strangled first and then bludgeoned on the head (indicates to me she was hit first and then strangled.) Following that, there is a reason that J&P bring up the doll and point that JB didn't love it as much as they thought she would and laid it aside, and that Patsy shrugged it off with "sometimes the big gift you had in mind for your kids wasn't the hit you had expected." (DOI, pb, page 4)

I think there's more to it than that. Patsy had sent out pictures of JonBenet for the manufacturer to make this doll, and it came with custom-made matching outfits so JonBenet and the doll could dress alike (again with the dressing alike.) This doll was a big deal, especially when Patsy mentions setting up gifts to make it the last one JB opens, as if it's the grand finale and ought to be the pinnacle of JB's Christmas loot pile.

What I've been wondering for some time now is - if Patsy got the doll from the house, did she keep it? If so, where is it now? Or did she let it go? If she did, how did she do so - did she give it away, or throw it in the trash, or bury it in the backyard in the tiny little coffin box it came in?


If the doll has not been destroyed, or is in any other hands than a Ramsey, just think what its market value may fetch as a macabre memento from the worlds 2nd most famous unsolved homicide case?

UKGuy said:

If the doll has not been destroyed, or is in any other hands than a Ramsey, just think what its market value may fetch as a macabre memento from the worlds 2nd most famous unsolved homicide case?

Big Time UK, big time.:cool:
Solace said:
Big Time UK, big time.:cool:
Wow, I have to agree, and I hadn't considered the doll's value as murderabilia....I seriously hope someone Patsy trusted has that doll and holds onto it and it never becomes available for purchase - or that it's been destroyed. It would upset me greatly to see that specific doll auctioned or sold off. I'd see as JonBenet being victimized again.

I just had a thought sitting here reading this, about how I'm wondering if the doll was a bigger deal than was let on, and about how there seems to be some tie to JonBenet's American Girl dolls in the murder (fibers on JB? source of tape? brown fibers on tape from doll's body?), and how another American Girl doll was ordered in Jan 97 after JonBenet died....but what if the dolls have something to do with this? Maybe the My Twinn doll was rejected in favor of an AG doll? I'm going to go re-read that thread over at FFJ about the AG doll and get some more info.
Nuisanceposter said:
Wow, I have to agree, and I hadn't considered the doll's value as murderabilia....I seriously hope someone Patsy trusted has that doll and holds onto it and it never becomes available for purchase - or that it's been destroyed. It would upset me greatly to see that specific doll auctioned or sold off. I'd see as JonBenet being victimized again.

I just had a thought sitting here reading this, about how I'm wondering if the doll was a bigger deal than was let on, and about how there seems to be some tie to JonBenet's American Girl dolls in the murder (fibers on JB? source of tape? brown fibers on tape from doll's body?), and how another American Girl doll was ordered in Jan 97 after JonBenet died....but what if the dolls have something to do with this? Maybe the My Twinn doll was rejected in favor of an AG doll? I'm going to go re-read that thread over at FFJ about the AG doll and get some more info.
Interesting NP. Let us know what you find.
JMO8778 said:
the entire contents of a curio cabinet,pictures,PASSPORTS,credit cards,family bible,jewelry,clothes,bank records,personal pprs,toys,cell phone,xmas stockings...per ST's book,that's it in a nutshell(the abbreviated version)lol. much for "funeral clothes". :rolleyes: PASSPORTS? Hmmmm....why would they need passports? Were they planning on say....maybe...a TRIP out of the country for some reason. What gets me, it is quite obvious that Pam was bringing out evidence, because the majority of that stuff, was not really needed. Its as if the Ramsey's thought that they would never return to that house EVER again....its not like they were MOVING. So, why the long list of WAS evidence. Which IMO, it is as evident as the nose on this smiley's face....:liar:
JMO8778 said:
I read somewhere she did,b/c ppl were questioning the fact the R's say they were too out of it to talk to LE,yet they gave PP a detailed list of items to get from the house.(she had stuffed animals in her lap,lol).
Yes, that IS a tad bit suspicious....too upset to talk to LE...BUT yet, with it enough to give Pammy Poo a detailed list of stuff a mile long, to get. WOW...
JMO8778 said:
yes,ST says LE did give her a pair of latex gloves (as well as a police jacket to wear).
Wasn't that "sweet" of the LE....:rolleyes: Geesh...

It must have been "lets see how far over backward we can bend for the Ramsey's day"...and too bad, the contest is STILL going on.
JMO8778 said:
Thx,I didn't have time type that out earlier (sorry if I seemed curt at the time !)
It's hard to believe she was once a former Ms WV and a Ms America contestant..she has the grace of a cow's behind !!
The grace AND face....(sorry, that was mean!)
julianne said:
Around here, the trunk of a police officers car is never "empty". It's more like an "extension" of themselves & there are a number of things they are mandated to always keep in their trunk. They carry many of their supplies in the trunk. I don't know SPECIFICALLY what supplies, but probably ones they may need but not within a split-second. I do know that they have multiple blankets, childrens toys and stuffed animals, additional ammo & other weaponry, books, logs, emergency eye wash kits, first aid supplies, clothing, along with any personal belongings of the officer that he want with him.

Just putting this out there because it is likely that she didn't fill up an ENTIRE TRUNK full of belongings---around here there is very little room to place much of anything in a police officers trunk. Plus, I know that they are required to have some free space in which to temporarily place weapons from suspects they are dealing with. Don't know if that's how it is in Boulder, but it's a possibility.
This is very true...never thought about that before. Thanks for pointing it out...she still took out WAY more than "funeral clothes"....filling part of the trunk, and the back seat.
Here's what ST's book says,p. 52,hb.of course you can interpret it on your own as to how much she took:

"She spent an hour on her first trip throught the crime scene and emerged with a big cardboard box filled to the brim,which she plopped in the back of the police car.For the next several hours,Pam made about a half-dozen trips through the house,often spending an hour or more inside,and hauled out suitcases,boxes,bags,and loose items until the backseat of the police car was stuffed like a steamer trunk."

(and an armload of stuffed animals)
JMO8778 said:
Here's what ST's book says,p. 52,hb.of course you can interpret it on your own as to how much she took:

"She spent an hour on her first trip throught the crime scene and emerged with a big cardboard box filled to the brim,which she plopped in the back of the police car.For the next several hours,Pam made about a half-dozen trips through the house,often spending an hour or more inside,and hauled out suitcases,boxes,bags,and loose items until the backseat of the police car was stuffed like a steamer trunk."

(and an armload of stuffed animals)
It is a miscarriage of justice that she was even allowed inside the house in the first place, but then they also let her carry away evidence. No wonder this case has never been solved. I believe that Pammy Pooh knows more than she is saying.
Ames said:
It is a miscarriage of justice that she was even allowed inside the house in the first place, but then they also let her carry away evidence. No wonder this case has never been solved. I believe that Pammy Pooh knows more than she is saying.
For sure,that's what ST said as well..that nothing should be removed from an active crime scene.
Not only that,but I suspect the R's were seriously thinking about leaving the country,due to their passports being retrieved,and the other items as well,esp the mementos from the DOI,they say it was things like their baby shoes,teeth,christening gown,etc.Things that can't be replaced and have a huge sentimental value.To me,the fact they had those 2 things retreived is a HUGE sign they were thinking of fleeing..I wonder how the ppl who decided to let PP raid the house would have felt had that happened????
Ames said:
It is a miscarriage of justice that she was even allowed inside the house in the first place, but then they also let her carry away evidence. No wonder this case has never been solved. I believe that Pammy Pooh knows more than she is saying.
Me too,I can't beleive PP retrieved the items that were on the list,but didn't suspect the R's were thinking of fleeing the US.(And why would they need to flee if they were innocent?)It was too obvious, IMO.The items she took were specific to doing just that.
JMO8778 said:
Me too,I can't beleive PP retrieved the items that were on the list,but didn't suspect the R's were thinking of fleeing the US.(And why would they need to flee if they were innocent?)It was too obvious, IMO.The items she took were specific to doing just that.
I agree with you. The things that she took, made it look like the Ramsey's had never, ever planned on returning to that house. IMO PASSPORTS??? See, that to me spells FLEEING THE COUNTRY! Why would they NEED any of that stuff from the curio cabinet? Baby teeth? Yeah, right....I don't even think that I believe that one. And even if she DID get those things....WHY? I believe the same thing that you do, that they were planning on fleeing the country, never to return to that house again....thats why they wanted those sentimental things...such as baby teeth.

Passports + PP taking them with the "funeral clothes" = Fleeing the country (IMO)
JMO8778 said:
For sure,that's what ST said as well..that nothing should be removed from an active crime scene.
Not only that,but I suspect the R's were seriously thinking about leaving the country,due to their passports being retrieved,and the other items as well,esp the mementos from the DOI,they say it was things like their baby shoes,teeth,christening gown,etc.Things that can't be replaced and have a huge sentimental value.To me,the fact they had those 2 things retreived is a HUGE sign they were thinking of fleeing..I wonder how the ppl who decided to let PP raid the house would have felt had that happened????
They would have probably felt like bunch of idiots!!
icedtea4me said:
Pam: "All I need is the entire contents of this curio cabinet. That's all I need. That and these pictures. And that's all I need. Oh, wait. I need these passports. These passports, these pictures, and the entire contents of this curio cabinet. And that's all I need. That's all I need."

:: pouts ::

No one got my parody.

icedtea4me said:
:: pouts ::

No one got my parody.

-Tea all sounded so realistic....well ......if there was a parody could you explain it. All she needed was everything but the kitchen sink. Nope she'd of asked for that too if it was evidence.... jmho....:D
coloradokares said: all sounded so realistic....well ......if there was a parody could you explain it. All she needed was everything but the kitchen sink. Nope she'd of asked for that too if it was evidence.... jmho....:D
It was that scene from The Jerk when Steve Martin/Navin R. Johnson is leaving his house... "I need this ashtray. That's all I need. That's all I need. And this (paddle ball game). I need this. This ashtray and this. And that's all I need. That's all I need...."

Ames said:
I agree with you. The things that she took, made it look like the Ramsey's had never, ever planned on returning to that house. IMO PASSPORTS??? See, that to me spells FLEEING THE COUNTRY! Why would they NEED any of that stuff from the curio cabinet? Baby teeth? Yeah, right....I don't even think that I believe that one. And even if she DID get those things....WHY? I believe the same thing that you do, that they were planning on fleeing the country, never to return to that house again....thats why they wanted those sentimental things...such as baby teeth.

Passports + PP taking them with the "funeral clothes" = Fleeing the country (IMO)
On top of that,in DOI,Patsy says a dept. store sent over some dresses for her to look through b/c she didn't have a dress for the funeral.......huh???Pam raids the house (just for that specific 'purpose') and she "doesn't have a thing to wear??!!"
icedtea4me said:
Pam: "All I need is the entire contents of this curio cabinet. That's all I need. That and these pictures. And that's all I need. Oh, wait. I need these passports. These passports, these pictures, and the entire contents of this curio cabinet. And that's all I need. That's all I need."


I got it!! For some reason I missed your post. LOL...way too funny! "That's all I need." HA HA HA HA, "These passports, these pictures, and the entire contents of this curio cabinet...thats all I need. NO WAIT....AND those stuffed animals....AND those dolls. Thanks...thats all I need. NO...and Patsy's paintings...did I forget anything? Wait a minute, let me check my shopping list."

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