TO Detective Jim Byfield, or Agent Charles Davis, or any officer authorized by law to execute search warrants within the County of Boulder, State of Colorado, having this date filed an affidavit for search warrant in conformity with the provisions of Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rule 41), for the following described property, to-wit:
1. Any data of a SEXUAL NATURE including adult *advertiser censored*, adult nudes, CHILD *advertiser censored*, CHILD NUDES and any related correspondence, electronic mail (e-mail), including letters, notes, memorandum, or other communications in written or oral firm, stored on the computer system described below. These material could be stand alone files attached to or contained within the e-mail, and/or possibly stored in the form of data, files, documents, graphics, or fragments or partially deleted fragments of the same, or other magnetically stored format, stored on floppy disks, hard disk drives, magnetic tapes or other media capable of storing information in either a magnetic or optical form.
2. Any and all graphic images stored in various formats, to include both color and black-and-white, as well as sequential frame and full-motion video. These images would be of a sexual nature including adult *advertiser censored*, adult nudes, CHILD *advertiser censored*, CHILD NUDES. believed to be situated (in or on the items) or (at the place) known as: