Formal Sentencing - August 24 2015

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Ohhh Now some twits are claiming "Now the Victims are advocating for taxpayer funded drugs ) BIG PHARMA AGENDA!! Go away!!..

Chemical imbalances CANNOT be treated with voodoo counselling sessions when the client can't or won't be honest about what's going on in their mind??

Get a grip those that hate PHARMA ...while I do agree it's often looked to as a quick fix..BUT no one should ever suggest medications are "Poison"...only when used and abused by non-treating types..

I guess they feel the same about Diabetes, heart disease, high blood
pressure, cancer, infections and a whole list of diseases that impact lives....SMH
Me too although you can see King is itching to object!

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WHY bother..THEY won in their pee brains..Monster got LWOP..and since they really don't give a care..They are more than happy to let it go now...STFU and sit down is their new motto!! They know nothing being said now can influence the outcome of sentencing...Well..I hope some of these impact statements haunt them ALL ( except Monster since he has no soul) forever!!
Ohhh Now some twits are claiming "Now the Victims are advocating for taxpayer funded drugs ) BIG PHARMA AGENDA!! Go away!!..

Chemical imbalances CANNOT be treated with voodoo counselling sessions when the client can't or won't be honest about what's going on in their mind??

Get a grip those that hate PHARMA ...while I do agree it's often looked to as a quick fix..BUT no one should ever suggest medications are "Poison"...only when used and abused by non-treating types..

I guess they feel the same about Diabetes, heart disease, high blood
pressure, cancer, infections and a whole list of diseases that impact lives....SMH

These tweets never make any sense! are they invoking Big Pharma because the convict is on mental meds? or what?
Ohh this young women is a victim who lived in the building where Monster booby trapped his apartment...Listen to just how this affected this young women!! yikes!! So glad to hear from these folks....and yes..she too is yelling at media for their predatory "Scoop" and yes even paparazzi mentality...good on ya..Media needs to learn a lesson!!
Who is this girl? It's clear she is an writer by her testimony.

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These tweets never make any sense! are they invoking Big Pharma because the convict is on mental meds? or what?

NOPE..Their agenda is to balme Big Pharma for psychotropic medications..and label them all as****h don't offer alternative!! As a daughter of a pharmacist..I understand what "Pharma" is all about and as a Nurse, I understand what hoops they have to go thru with trials and verifications before any med becomes FDA approved!! So I do get rather peeved with types like that..!!
Veronica Moser Sullivan's grandad is up.

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@pstenser: "Where does one begin in advocating for a deceased 6-y-o child?" Robert Sullivan speaking now in #TheaterShooting case

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I'm not understanding what happened to her to cause PTSD.

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As far as I can tell, she lived in the defendant's building - the building he rigged to explode - I can only imagine how that must feel to know how close they all came to a horrible death, and the media attention at her place of residence didn't help her. PTSD could definitely be a natural response, JMO, IMO
I had to rewind what she said, I wasn't sure where she was going either, becaue I thought she said May 2012 - she was kind of confusing, again, IMO, JMO
@thegoldpatrol: #theatershooting

We will have to cope with this until our dying day. My love for her and her daddy gave him strength

@thegoldpatrol: #theatershooting

In the wake of her premature and violent death. He had stress, depression, anguish

@thegoldpatrol: #theatershooting

The amount of time to conclude the case has made it even harder.


There’s been no time for grieving.


The aftermath with media, government, extended family, friends, etc. interacting & interfering

@thegoldpatrol: #theatershooting

He reminded Veronica’s dad to keep focus on Veronica and not be consumed by calls, request for interviews

@thegoldpatrol: #theatershooting

His only solace is being blessed by Veronica.

At the continuance at her school, which he attended, this pic was when she spotted him



He felt sorry for her as she didn’t see any family in audience. Then she spotted him.


Her face brightened and she smiled immediately. He snapped the pic.


To him, this photo captures her essence - sweet angelic little girl. His heart soared

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Veronica Moser Sullivan's grandad is up.

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This is heartbreaking! These people speaking are so much braver than I could ever be. It's important they are heard, but so sad, I don't know how they get the strength.
@thegoldpatrol: #theatershooting

Absolute wonder, limitless opportunities and undiscovered promise reflected in her bright eyes

She will remain in the hallowed reaches of my heart.

That Friday, so much crammed in that day when they found out.

Ian screamed through their window at 3:30 AM and woke them up

They found out the shooting was at the theater. didn’t know she was dead. Ashley had been shot

They didn’t know the condition of Veronica. Ian took off in a frenzy to find Veronica

Dad tried to stop ian. Wanted him to wait for more info. He was determined & went to Children's Hospital

The next phone call was ian completely screaming. "My daughter is dead"

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@thegoldpatrol: #theatershooting

it was like a lightning bolt. I didn’t know how, why. Just those words.

We went to hospital to see Ian and what they could find out. What happened to Ashley and Veronica

She had been taken to another hospital. Ashley was in surgery. They knew she may not survive

In the midst of this, they went in to see her family in waiting room.

Gave them thoughts and condolences. Asked for update on her condition when they knew.

The shock and loss of our only grandchild and so many people pouring in. Ian was delirious.

I knew I had to hold this family together. That was my responsibility.

Through all this, my thoughts were consumed with Veronica. When I think back it’s clear

I worried for her, even though she had died. For what does a 6 y/o comprehend of death?

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Awwe Brauchler is really trying to hold it together..Man that man surely wears his heart on his sleeve..:-..)
@thegoldpatrol: #theatershooting

What is she experiencing? Did she go into the open arms of her other loving grandfather?

Was he waiting for her? (Cries)

I tried to reach to her. I saw my son with tons of calls/texts/friends and ricocheting off walls

I tried to focus his mind - think of her. Concentrate. Think of her. Where is she now?

Put your mind there. Remember her.

So many forces, his friends, co-workers, all people he knew on social media forcing their way in

What about dad? He knows dad but does he listen to dad? Can he?

Can he digest what I am telling him. I’ve dealt with death, but never a child

I did my best and that’s all i could do.

2 weeks later after all the attention,it was too much and I had to take off to mountains by myself

I tried to reach out to Veronica, make contact, breach that barrier. I didn’t want any distraction

The sun was down. The only sound was babbling brook. Only sights were silhouette of trees and peaks.

It was there I tried to reach to her. Whether it’s correct I don’t know

My impression was she could see us, those alive and she tried to communicate but didn’t know how

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oh no, judge I love you but, please, no more confronting the victims..

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