Found this video...of Casey and Caylee

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Did anyone else notice in the video where Caylee is about a year old, and wobbles over to Cindy (who's holding the camera), that Cindy says "C'mon Case....come to Grammie"....she calls Caylee "Case".
I think these videos were shot for 1 reason.
Casey wanted Cindy to view them after Caylee was gone. Casey is vindictive enough in the way that would shout out to Cindy:

"See? This is what she WAS. You don't/can't have her anymore" type of thing.

These videos were all made for Cindy to have to go back over later.

My opinion of course.
I don't see what the big deal is about not talking to Caylee in the videos. Doesn't mean anything, IMO. I have a lot of videos with my son that I don't talk in and also some that I do. The reason I don't talk in some is I just want to get my son in the video being cute and sometimes I feel my stupid voice ruins the video, lol. People say they like my voice but when I hear myself on recordings I hate it.
It looks like about a year ago or so...Look at the expression on KC's face right at the end of the video. Something is so wrong in that family, it actually looks like she is crying. She grabs Caylee at the end and hugs her tight, then sadness.

Nope. I just see someone wiping their hair away. The frown is probably because she just got hit in the face. Very familiar when playing rough with the children. Happens sometimes when I tickle or play with my grandchildren.
I cannot see how conjecture can be made on anyones behavior from such a small portion of video.


i agree wholeheartedly with this statement. while i believe casey is guilty, i think there is so much reaching and grasping at straws in this case that it's detracting from legitimate reasons and sources that reflect her guilt.
Did anyone else notice in the video where Caylee is about a year old, and wobbles over to Cindy (who's holding the camera), that Cindy says "C'mon Case....come to Grammie"....she calls Caylee "Case".


people get names wrong all the time. my parents have many grandchildren, sometimes they call them each other's names accidentally. sometimes my siblings will call their children my name first. it happens.

sorry if this seemed harsh or anything, i just get so frustrated with stuff like this. there is plenty to make casey look guilty; things like this just don't do it and takes away from the real stuff that matters.

people get names wrong all the time. my parents have many grandchildren, sometimes they call them each other's names accidentally. sometimes my siblings will call their children my name first. it happens.

sorry if this seemed harsh or anything, i just get so frustrated with stuff like this. there is plenty to make casey look guilty; things like this just don't do it and takes away from the real stuff that matters.

I'm always being called by my brothers name and vice-versa, even at 43 years old!
I'm always being called by my brothers name and vice-versa, even at 43 years old!

My Memaw yells out a rolecall of all the grandkids until she gets it right.

"Michael.. Jacob.. George.. Justin.. JOSH, don't hold the refrigerator open!"

Of course she's close to 90, but I remember her doing it for as long as I've been able to remember, and I'm 30. :D
My Memaw yells out a rolecall of all the grandkids until she gets it right.

"Michael.. Jacob.. George.. Justin.. JOSH, don't hold the refrigerator open!"

Of course she's close to 90, but I remember her doing it for as long as I've been able to remember, and I'm 30. :D

It just seems like the roles of the females in this family are all blurred...who's in the mom role? Who's the daughter? Is Caylee in the g-daughter role, or the daughter role to Cindy? That's all.
It just seems like the roles of the females in this family are all blurred...who's in the mom role? Who's the daughter? Is Caylee in the g-daughter role, or the daughter role to Cindy? That's all.

You're absolutely right about that. Cindy bears the financial burden for Caylee while Casey didn't even want Caylee at first from all accounts. I think if all of this hadn't happened, Cindy may have pushed for custody if she could have substantiated that Casey wasn't providing the minimum level of care for Caylee.

Cindy loves Caylee more than she'll ever love Casey.
You're absolutely right about that. Cindy bears the financial burden for Caylee while Casey didn't even want Caylee at first from all accounts. I think if all of this hadn't happened, Cindy may have pushed for custody if she could have substantiated that Casey wasn't providing the minimum level of care for Caylee.

Cindy loves Caylee more than she'll ever love Casey.

Who wouldn't?
Am I the only one who thinks Caylee was not all that thrilled with KC playing with at the time the two 'play vids' were shot? In both KC is restraining her, in one Caylee is bopping KC's face with her feet, in the other Caylee tries to rip KC's lip off.

In the first, the look on KC's face at the end really shrieks "fine, I'll leave you alone".

IDK, maybe it's just me...
You're absolutely right about that. Cindy bears the financial burden for Caylee while Casey didn't even want Caylee at first from all accounts. I think if all of this hadn't happened, Cindy may have pushed for custody if she could have substantiated that Casey wasn't providing the minimum level of care for Caylee.

Cindy loves Caylee more than she'll ever love Casey.

And KC knows it too.
Am I the only one who thinks Caylee was not all that thrilled with KC playing with at the time the two 'play vids' were shot? In both KC is restraining her, in one Caylee is bopping KC's face with her feet, in the other Caylee tries to rip KC's lip off.

In the first, the look on KC's face at the end really shrieks "fine, I leave you alone".

IDK, maybe it's just me...

Do you have kids? My kids try to rip my lips off all the time. Especially at that age.

I think this video is being overanalyzed.
I think it's easy to overanalyze, especially in this off-the-wall case.

I see nothing but love from all of the videos, whether anyone is interacting with Caylee or not. The fact that there are so many pictures and videos of Caylee, and she is always dressed so cute and seems to be happy, nice and clean, has lots of toys and dress-up stuff, just tells me that she is one loved little girl.

I totally agree! I have 4 sons and on the rare occasions when I actually have my video camera with me and charged and ready to use, I want to film my boys, not me "directing" them. My Mom drives me CRAZY when she narrates while I'm videoing!:)
Do you have kids? My kids try to rip my lips off all the time. Especially at that age.

I think this video is being overanalyzed.

Yup, I have lots of kids, in my experience pinching and ripping off body parts usually start when the kid is frustrated, wants down and no one is listening.

I didn't say it was the norm, just in that particular clip.

You're very possibly right about the vid being overanalyzed.
These videos are adorable--and way overanalyzed. The fact there is no interaction, forcing of reactions, cues or directions by videographer may simply be an effort to avoid the kind of controlling over-staged video we've all seen (like CA when she is "directing" and telling everybody to do things on command) in favor of recording a more natural "slice of life" video. I have a mother, also controlling (who actually writes, directs, produces, stages and occasionally casts herself in real life dramatic performances). The rest of the family and I cringe and groan whenever she is behind the camera because it is so forced. Call it intuition but I can easily see KC or others in A family resisting, or radically departing from this when capturing their own. I do think it's evident from the sheer number of these precious videos and photos, as well as what we can observe of the interactions and of Caylee's home environment and from Caylee herself--her joyfulness, liveliness and lack of inhibitions etc--that she was truly loved and cherished by this family.

Quote: I think it's easy to overanalyze, especially in this off-the-wall case.

I see nothing but love from all of the videos, whether anyone is interacting with Caylee or not. The fact that there are so many pictures and videos of Caylee, and she is always dressed so cute and seems to be happy, nice and clean, has lots of toys and dress-up stuff, just tells me that she is one loved little girl. I am sure that KC loved/loves her in the only capacity that she can if she is truly a sociopath. It seems to me like there were lots of good times in this family. If you look back on the pictures and videos of Susan Smith and her children, you will see that she loved her children. If you look back on the pictures and videos of Andrea Yates and her children, you will see that she loved her children. People are not always "bad". Sometimes, they are "sick". I know that many do not have any sympathy for KC, Susan or Andrea. Would you want to be any of them? They all have to live with what they have done. KC has not shown us her grief for the loss of Caylee (whether she is just somewhere else or gone) but I have followed Susan Smith's case and read her mother's book about her and I followed the Andrea Yates' case to some degree as well. Nothing is sadder than a parent taking their own child or childrens' lives. But there is more than just evil behind some of these horrible events and I believe that both Susan and Andrea, in their sick minds, drowned their children to save them from them (Susan and Andrea). I do think that this case is unlike the Smith and Yates cases and I am hoping that that is because Caylee really is alive and KC is really the good mother that CA says she is and is doing everything in her power to protect Caylee and her family by staying quiet. PLease don't throw rotten eggs at me. I could be wrong. I am trying to think outside of the box.

Yesterday, I read an article in our local newspaper about 76 people who were arrested from our County in a sting relating to gangs, drugs and weapons. I still think that KC was involved in something criminal, maybe something underground, and that is the reason why Caylee is missing. Crime is everywhere. It is right in your backyard. It walks the malls, it goes to the movies, it goes to the grocery store, it's at the park. So let's not rule out entirely that KC isn't a part of that world and now facing the music from some very scary people. That doesn't mean that she doesn't love Caylee. That could mean just what CA said on the Today Show the day after KC's arrest - that KC loves Caylee more than CA loves KC . . . because maybe CA knows that she wouldn't be able to keep quiet for as long as KC has to protect her child. Also, don't forget all of the people in KC's life who are now saying "We don't know this KC." There is a reason for that.

Some day, and I hope it is soon, we will have answers. Remember when Yuri is saying to KC in the Universal interview that there are only 2 case scenarios . . . one that something bad happened to Caylee by accident and KC was covering it up or that KC was a monster? I think there is a third scenario that could be possible and that is what I have stated above - that KC has been threatened to keep quiet (remember the PB visit in which he tells her to hold her head up high and if she needs to talk "just let it go". His father has a party boat company (easy to get to Mexico)).

Can I get a H#ll Yeah?

With all due respect, (H#ll) no (with no offense intended). I see few comparisons to either Susan Smith (who never believed she was protecting her children but ridding herself of them since it came out during trial she saw them as in the way), nor to Andrea Yates (who was experiencing psychotic delusions and found criminally insane). We do live in perilous times--and these times call for discernment! This isn't some soap opera, there are not and have never been any "kidnappers," and there is human decomp inside KC's own trunk to prove it. There is however a fourth option few are willing to consider: and that is negligence. KC isn't a "martyr" in fear of a mafia kingpin, nor a "victim" sucked into some invisible underworld--IMO she is far more likely an immature, irresponsible or self-centered mother who couldn't admit to her own mother that she allowed harm to come to Caylee. Even manslaughter in FL requires a finding by the jury that there wasn't just negligence but "culpable" negligence. The State has even afforded KC this option--but under a theory such as this must show KC did not take reasonable measures, or use "ordinary care," in protecting Caylee from accidental injury resulting in her death (and rising to level of "flagrant" disregard). Thus in the case of drowning eg, given all the variables and hypotheticals and under the circumstances (they have yet to get a single credible story from the only surviving witness), this would seem a difficult distinction for the State to prove. But we should reserve judgment until the State at least presents its theory. JMHUO (unprofessional)
[COLOR="SeaGreen" said:
With all due respect, (H#ll) no (with no offense intended). I see few comparisons to either Susan Smith (who wasn't trying to protect her children but ridding herself of them since it came out during trial she saw them as in the way), nor to Andrea Yates (who was experiencing psychotic delusions and found criminally insane). We do live in perilous times--and these times call for discernment! This isn't some soap opera, there are not and have never been any "kidnappers," and there is human decomp inside KC's own trunk to prove it. There is however a fourth option few are willing to consider: and that is negligence. KC isn't a martyr in fear of a mafia kingpin, or a victim sucked into some invisible underworld--IMO she is far more likely an immature, irresponsible or self-centered mother who couldn't admit to her own mother that she allowed harm to come to Caylee. Even manslaughter in FL requires a finding by the jury that there wasn't just negligence but "culpable" negligence. The State has even afforded KC this option--but under a theory such as this must show KC did not take reasonable measures, or use "ordinary care," in protecting Caylee from accidental injury resulting in her death (and rising to level of "flagrant" disregard). In the case of a drowning eg, given all the variables and hypotheticals and under the circumstances (they've yet to get a single straight story out of the only surviving witness), this would seem a difficult distinction for the State to prove. But we should reserve judgment until the State at least presents its theory. JMHUO (unprofessional)[/COLOR]

Yeah these fantastic tales to explain away the mother that kills are sometimes delusional as this happens every day. Mothers do in fact kill. I said before that in a neighboring county a mother was arrested after they found several babies she had hidden around her house.

During the summer a mother and father were arrested in Spartanburg County because they went inside a small video poker place and left their newborn infant in the backseat for hours while it was 102f. That child died.

Just yesterday in Cherokee County (SC) where I live a mother was arrested for putting thumb tacks in her sons shoes as punishment for throwing rocks and making him wear them everywhere. The police counted 170 bleeding puncture wounds in each of his heels.


Accident by the pool etc...If this were the case she would have told by now
as there is usually some leniency towards accidental deaths.

A spur of the moment anger moment: This could happen

Cold hearted killing: This could happen.
Aww, I thought it was (bitter)sweet. But my 9yo came over when he heard the laughing, and he said "she drops her at the end".. I rewound, and sure enough she does, when KC pulls her arm out Caylee totally :: thunk, thunk:: drops to the ground, and KC seems like she doesn't even notice.. ?

I liked the video though. That part of me that just does not believe in evil sees stuff like that and hopes that maybe, just maybe..

Out of the mouths of babes....
Quote: "Accident by the pool etc...If this were the case she would have told by now
as there is usually some leniency towards accidental deaths."

This assumes it is LE--and not CA--whom KC fears. We have seen no evidence nor heard reports of any such sadistic nor cruel parenting (but rather reports to the contrary). Her lies will continue for as long as her mother continues to buy into them. I have said all along even if it were an accident, she would rather face the full brunt of the State of FL and maintain her innocence in CA's mind--than admit her negligence and face her mother's wrath. JMO

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