Fox airs vulgar shirt during playoff game!

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julianne said:
It's definately vulgar and in bad taste, but in the grand scheme of things, well....there are soooooo many more things higher up on my list of things that I wouldn't want my kids being subjected to seeing. There are shows on FOX (and other stations) that I would never let them watch. Recreations and dramas about murders, rapes, violence, portraying women as sexual objects only.......IMO, all that stuff is sooooo much more harmful to our kids than seeing the printed word "F*CK" for 3 seconds on a t-shirt at a football game. If that's the worse thing my kids will come across in todays world, then I am a happy parent, LOL.
Amen. I've seen violence during football games that I found more offensive than that shirt.
Not sure what's offensive about football? It's just a game. Those guys choose to pound each other on the field.

Yes, kids hear words like that at school and much worse. It's also in music lyrics and movies. It's on television. Doesn't mean it's right. Doesn't mean parents shoudn't try to protect them from cuss words.

People want kids to grow up too fast these days. What's the matter with allowing/wanting our kids to be innocent of words like "f*ck" for a few years? It's an ugly word with an ugly meaning, and I wouldn't want it in my kids' vocabulary.
tybee204 said:
LOL Cracks me up that people are offended by the shirt rather then the 30 or so giant men pounding the snot out of each other on the grass.
I know, right?!? It always fascinates me what upsets people.

I will never forget my worst sporting event ever. I was at a Red Sox Yankees game the year the Sox won the World Series. My girlfriend and I, two Red Sox fans were respectfully cheering our team on at Yankees Stadium. When the game ended (yankees won), we had to endure a 15 minute walk down the ramp with drunken men (young and old) leaning into our faces with their fingers pointed screaming "aw, what's the matter you skanky red sox *advertiser censored*. bend over and grab your ankles, you know you love to take it up the *advertiser censored**." This was the chant, over and over again right in front of women, children and security guards. My friend had tears streaming down her face. I kept my mouth shut and tried to get out of there as fast as possible. There is not a doubt in my mind that one of those idiots would physically assault us. NOT ONE PERSON DID ONE THING TO DEFEND US. Not even the security that I complained to and everyone was laughing. It was really horrible. So needless to say, I would rather see people get upset about the insane actions of sports fans than some over some idiot trying to get attention by wearing a provocative t-shirt. I am sure she is loving her 15 minutes of fame.
tybee204 said:
LOL Cracks me up that people are offended by the shirt rather then the 30 or so giant men pounding the snot out of each other on the grass.
Nah, THAT's entertainment! :D
julianne said:
Exactly. I agree 100%. Random acts of violence are okay, but the word F*CK will screw kids up?

Actually, I think we live in a society that's has no morals. I don't think children need to see the "F" word on a shirt. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know they hear these things, but it doesn't make it right. Random acts of violence are also part of the problem, along with everything else that's going on in this country and around the world.

I remember a time when people were respectful to one another. I remember a time when no one would wear something like that. It's about respect for others...and in this ME ME country, we don't have it. It's all about US. Some people do what they want and to heck with everyone else.

This sort of thing is just the tip of the iceberg...and we wonder why our children show up at school and kill each other. It's what society is teaching them. They can say what they want, they can do what they want...and another life isn't worth the pavement they will hit when they kill that person.

It's sad the world we live in.

And that woman looks like a tramp, IMO. But boy, she must be quit proud of herslef. lol What she is displaying is what's wrong with this country. And again, it's just part of the overall problem in this country. Lack of respect for anyone...and our failure for some to teach our children right from wrong, and respect...which of course leads to other issues.

But this is just my opinion. :)
Mr. E said:
Not sure what's offensive about football? It's just a game. Those guys choose to pound each other on the field.

Yes, kids hear words like that at school and much worse. It's also in music lyrics and movies. It's on television. Doesn't mean it's right. Doesn't mean parents shoudn't try to protect them from cuss words.

People want kids to grow up too fast these days. What's the matter with allowing/wanting our kids to be innocent of words like "f*ck" for a few years? It's an ugly word with an ugly meaning, and I wouldn't want it in my kids' vocabulary.
I laughed when I read your comment about "people want kids to grow up to fast"
My daughter now a senoir in HS has informed us she is never moving out!!
Mr E you said "its just a game" I say its just a word..
There are many things to protect our kids from but to protect them from a word??
Maybe she's a groupie, communicating her deepest desires..... :eek:
Dark Knight said:
The director can see what the camera sees before he goes to that camera shot, so I still cannot believe they let that happen. I imagine it was after that shot that security had a few words with her. She had nice abs, though, lol.

I think you answered your own disbelief. I believe the cameraperson and director were looking at the abs, not the printing.
Nova said:
I think you answered your own disbelief. I believe the cameraperson and director were looking at the abs, not the printing.
Excellent point! Someone probably said "Check out this babe! Everytime she jumps you see her sexy abs! WHOOPS! Uh oh."
julianne said:
It's definately vulgar and in bad taste, but in the grand scheme of things, well....there are soooooo many more things higher up on my list of things that I wouldn't want my kids being subjected to seeing. There are shows on FOX (and other stations) that I would never let them watch. Recreations and dramas about murders, rapes, violence, portraying women as sexual objects only.......IMO, all that stuff is sooooo much more harmful to our kids than seeing the printed word "F*CK" for 3 seconds on a t-shirt at a football game. If that's the worse thing my kids will come across in todays world, then I am a happy parent, LOL.
Amen! I'd rather have my child know the ins and outs (no pun intended) about sex, than violence. I am still shocked at the trailers shown on tv that are so violent and then everybody gets all upset about a boob??? Or the F word??? Violence doesn't shock me for me, but because tv bosses seem to think that's okay for kids to see. It isn't IMO. Double amen on the bold quoted part!
Amraann said:
I laughed when I read your comment about "people want kids to grow up to fast"
My daughter now a senoir in HS has informed us she is never moving out!!
Mr E you said "its just a game" I say its just a word..
There are many things to protect our kids from but to protect them from a word??
Well, I guess that's what makes the world go 'round. Words do offend me, to an extent. If I'm reading a book or watching a movie, then no. But I hear vulgar words so often (I work in a high school), I feel like if you can't even go to a ball game without having to see it on a shirt, what's this world coming to? We're living in a world where people go, "Who cares? It's just a word." Jeez, I was 15 years old before I even heard my mother cuss, and she apologized for letting it slip.

I'm not a big football fan, though, just to clear that up. I do dislike flighty women who wear tacky clothes with cuss words on them and no regard to how that affects the people around them.
Even though I said "I would rather", I do agree with Mr. E about the 'just a word' part. It would be great if cursing was banished from vocabulary altogether. Unfortunately, I doubt that will ever happen. But if it takes a world of people going '' a couple of times a day, and we'd never have abuse, murders, and other violence anymore, I'd definitely prefer that over a world of violence where nobody curses. Just me babbling, here. :)
2 years ago my son and I went to Pittsburgh to see Notre Dame vs. Pitt. Not only did some Pitt fans make comments to my 6 year old son, there was one fan in particular who was over the top. He had "f*ck the Irish" written on his bald head. He also apparently thought I was an easy target, because he jumped in my face and started screaming and swearing at me. My son hopped right up and yelled at him to leave his Mom alone and go sit down. He also told the man not to talk to me like that. It could have gone very badly, but the man just sat down with his mouth hanging open. He left soon after and the people sitting in front of us gave my son $5. LOL at the memory.
And BTW, security would not remove this man for what was on his head. @@
Round about Mardi Gras, she'll probably show you what the shirt is barely covering. It's NO, and while I'm not knocking the folks down there AT ALL, uptight/conservative behavior isn't something they're known for. And you see stuff like that at many (maybe most) sporting events if you look hard enough. Not excusing it, but the only way to avoid "corruption" is to get rid of all your tvs & radios and stay locked inside. Sad to say, but true. Oh, and if you see 30 guys on the field at one time beating each other up, you're going to see a TON of yellow flags too. Only 22 players allowed, 11 each side. ;)
I fail to see how saying the "F" word has the power to stop murders or violence on TV. It does, however, have the power to offend some people. If the woman had any respect for others, she wouldn't have worn the shirt. She's a loser, IMO.
Mabel said:
I fail to see how saying the "F" word has the power to stop murders or violence on TV.
Yeah, I fail to see that too. Who said something like that?
I fail to see how she is a loser because she wears something like that or with vulgar words like that. Just because you wouldn't wear it doesn't mean she is a loser. I personally wouldn't wear it but that doesn't make me a better person. I could find thousands of things to offened me if I really wanted to waste my time and energy on it. For me it may not be right or something I would do but to act like she caused a war or should be shot is crazy.
FOX is the loser for showing the shirt to begin with! The FCC should be salivating over that mistake.
Who said she should be shot or that she started a war?

I don't swear. I cringe when I hear other people swear, especially in front of children. I would never assume that my right to free speech overrides the rights of others to not be confronted with words that serve no purpose and are considered vulgar. Someone who has no consideration for others is a loser. It's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
And would you want her sitting beside you and your young children? Unfortunately there's a lot that goes on at football games you don't really want your kids seeing. We go to all the Panther games and though many complain about the strictness of Bank of America stadium, I'm glad that you can go to security and have really offensive people removed or warned. It SHOULD be a family atmosphere and those who are too drunk to know what's happenning on the field anyway, just need to go away. Yeah it's a great way to let out all the steam you've built up over the work week and scream and yell, but you can do it without being vulgar and believe me I do. Unfortunately the idiots of the world also reproduce and I've seen very young kids behaving horribly right in front of their parents who say nothing. I reported a kid in front of us at the last game because he was throwing stuff off the rail of the upper section onto the people underneath. Small stuff like peanut shells and the like, but still inappropriate. Security chatted with the parents and that stopped that because the next step was a nice escort out.

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