Fox Orlando Mobile Web Cam #6

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Alhough I don't agree with her method, that poor lady whose daughter has been missing for 6 years showed more true grief for Caylee in that short segment than Caylee's own family has shown for Caylee over the past entire month.

I completely agree!
I find that utterly strange that some people think that 'grandparents should be forced to face the evidence' or 'grandparents should admit in public that Caylee might be dead'. Would it make a difference? These people demanded that C and G 'should provide more information to the investigators, Cindy's been spending hours and hours at the police station, they obviously are not allowed to comment everything in public.
I am sure they still have Caylee's staff in the house, her toys in the garden, hoping that the girl will be found safe and well. What's wrong with that?
Nothing wrong with that as long as they don't attack everyone else but the one responsible for Caylee's disappearance.
Are they really attacking? Come on. Crazy people send them deaththreats, bang their door, scream and shout, and call them liars in their frontyard?
I think the webcam will be gone tomorrow if there are no additional outbursts from the Anthonys. What do you think?
Are they really attacking? Come on. Crazy people send them deaththreats, bang their door, scream and shout, and call them liars in their frontyard?

I think that's in reaction to things the Anthonys themselves have said. Telling people to get off their ----- and look for their granddaughter, calling the media maggots, parasites, etc. Believing every lie out of their daughter, etc.

Cindy started on the attack early on...weeks ago.
I agree.
These people may/may not realize the sad truth.
The time and energy spent protesting at their residence is time wasted.
What purpose does it serve?
CinA loved the camera and seemed to thrive on the media attention. If it is not something she believes is true, it's not true.
These people have their own reality, it is not ours.
Grizzy, I think so.
Really, I question their mental stability that they feel the need to bang on the door of a grieving family to tell them what the 'world' thinks of them.

How cruel. Maybe someone should call children's services and sign that lady up for a psych eval. Definitely not the place to take your children and cause a spectacle. Maybe she should worry more about her own children.

She's taking the focus off her own children and putting it on Casey. How sad.

Why doesn't she go join TES and do something productive ?

I agree with your post Chicana. I'm actually at a loss for words, for how I feel about these protesters. Especially when they are neighbours!!!!

Sure everyone is entitled to free speech, but how can these people be so cruel to voice/scream their opinions to a family during the very lowest, most tragic time of their lives. Isn't this the time neighbours normally come together to help them get through a tragedy, no matter how wrong we feel they are? These people really need to learn if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all.

It almost makes me wonder if these kind of people have so much turmoil in their own personal lives, that they seek out people that are worse off then them to make their own problems look simpler, then take their personal anger out on them. I don't know.

This is so totally unbelieveable. I pray this is over really soon. So sad.:(
You're right AnnBelle, the protests are not accomplishing a thing. The Anthonys will or won't ever accept the truth and the protests just make them feel under siege (as someone else stated). If the attention is gone from their home, they might start to let it sink in.

I would never want to be in their position and I would NEVER go up to someone in that position and yell at them.
I agree with your post Chicana. I'm actually at a loss for words, for how I feel about these protesters. Especially when they are neighbours!!!!

Sure everyone is entitled to free speech, but how can these people be so cruel to voice/scream their opinions to a family during the very lowest, most tragic time of their lives. Isn't this the time neighbours normally come together to help them get through a tragedy, no matter how wrong we feel they are? These people really need to learn if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all.

It almost makes me wonder if these kind of people have so much turmoil in their own personal lives, that they seek out people that are worse off then them to make their own problems look simpler, then take their personal anger out on them. I don't know.

This is so totally unbelieveable. I pray this is over really soon. So sad.:(

I totally agree. Well said.
I didn't read all threads, so you can beat me if this has been asked so far, but anybody know why the camera is on the beach right now?
I can't help but think what a fun day this would have been for the Anthonys on any other Labor Day. Instead we are looking at a house where the people feel like they have to stay inside and isolated.
I really do not see any reason for people to be protesting now, since Casey is in the pokey, but I don't object to it. The layd at the front door is acting against the law, she was on her private property, and is stupid to bring her kids, but if she was within the law, I have no problem with them quietly protesting.

I do not think the GPs know where Caylee is so beating them up will get nowhere, but I do not like their behavior, so I think they brought this on themselves.

When Casey was there, I think we all had every right to be there protesting, and if I lived in FL, I would have been there myself.
I agree with everyone against the protests. It not as if protesting towards the family will make Casey talk or be tried and convicted. They have been thru so much with more coming in the future (trials, possible conviction, ect). They have lost their grandchild/niece and will possibly lose Casey to prison.

The protestors should use that same energy to help the search for Caylee. Whether she is alive or dead doesn't matter with the search. The point is to bring Caylee home where she belongs.

I am very baffled why her family has chosen to believe Casey even though Cindy admitted in the past that Casey lies, steals and is a "Physociopath". But they have their reasons and shouldn't be ripped apart by protestors. I'm pretty sure they are just grieving and in denial which is a sign of grief. They probably know on an intellectual level that Casey has something to do with Caylee's disappearance and that the DNA in the trunk belongs to Caylee.
These people have their own reality, it is not ours.

Do you remember LP saying Casey lives in a "parallel" universe? Right on, LP. What I'm having troubles doing is putting myself into their reality. Ain't working. MO, of course.
I think it's awful that people are reacting like a mad mob. We live in a country that has a proven justice system that works (most of the time). Yes, the Anthony's behavior is bizarre and at times kind of crazy, but that doesn't mean it's 'open season' on trespassing, creating a mob scene, etc.

Man would I hate to be one of the neighbors living on THAT street. What a mess to deal with just coming and going.

I have to agree with you 100%.

After quietly watching and reading all of the info here and from the news I find it so hard to believe Americans are acting like they have been.

I, as a few have reiterated, find it incredible that the compassion is simply no where to be found.....
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