GUILTY France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, including Bataclan concert hall, 13 Nov 2015 *arrest* #4

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Hollande says France 'will not give in to hatred' at Paris attacks ceremony
Video by Oliver FARRY
Text by FRANCE 24


The Latest: Some weapons used in Paris made in ex-Yugoslavia

Nov. 27, 2015 12:57 PM EST

The head of a Serbian arms factory says several weapons used by Islamic militants during the Paris attacks have been identified as produced by his company in the early 1990s.

"I believe there were seven or eight, all automatic rifles, the Kalashnikovs."

Before the bloody breakup of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s, former Yugoslav republics were supplied with weapons produced by Zastava.

the weapons could have been resold by all sides after the country broke up.

France pays tribute to victims of Paris attacks

Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:45 am est


Nov 27, 11:31 AM EST

The strikes came as France's foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, declared that destroying the IS headquarters and "neutralizing and eradicating" the extremist group is the main objective of the international campaign.

Belgium charges sixth person over Paris attacks

48 minutes ago

BREAKING: Belgian prosecutors office says man arrested in Brussels, charged with "terrorist attacks"^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Report: Evidence Paris attack weapons shipped from Germany
DW via AFP, Reuters

O/T however loosely related: to note
Questions over Boko Haram attacks despite military claims of success

13 hours ago

Last Sunday, eight people were killed when a female suicide bomber detonated her explosives among women and children arriving in the city.

kinship bonds in the Kanuri ethnic group which forms the bulk of Boko Haram's membership has played its part in prolonging the conflict.

"It provides Boko Haram with some protection because of the ethnic sentiment that plays out with the Kanuri population not willing to expose their kindred who move across the borders with ease," he told AFP.

Nigeria's porous borders have long contributed to the supply of arms via lawless Libya and the established smuggling routes through the sparsely populated Sahel region.
Yes, I remember KAL007 and I'm still not at ease with the 'downing' of MH170 and the 'missing' MH17; particularly the latter *adjusts tinfoil hat*

We don't have 'Black Friday' but I suspect it isn't far away. We have a couple of 24 hour trading days but nothing like the mad rush for 'consumables' before Christmas. Our sales start on Boxing Day. People camp out waiting for the doors to open, then push and bump into each other, and run and scream, to get what they want. Yes, repulsive, and I've never felt the need to join in either.

We in the UK adopted Black Friday a few years back. Mainly I think Cuz of the many Americans we have here. And also one of our big supermarkets ASDA (Walmart) being American too.
But us being Brits we didn't end it we did not. Becuz we all like to spend and buy online...... We founded a new psycho shopper day and it's called........CYBER MONDAY. which is this coming Monday. 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
O/T guys out side of USA do you have the same thing as Black Friday? It is like this at every retailer across America.It is repulsive,..............take a look! It goes on for about 6 hours -till like 5 in the morning T-Giving night They bring tents like two days ahead Never particpated thank you..

Black Friday's $59 Billion

D I S G U S T I N G --I could get it if it was about food! They will start shortly...................

When I first moved to Toronto six years ago it was not a thing, but now it's a big deal. A few years ago I went to the mall thinking it wouldn't be so bad. Wrong! It was awful. Not to America level, though I'm sure it's gotten worse. I think the retailers started pushing it after more and more Canadians made the trip south to take advantage of the deals.. The timing coincides with the Canadian dollar getting stronger so that might account for some of it too.
I can't find a source that knows exactly why they claim to be in fear for their life but based on photos it appears they are politically active Kurds pushing for succession. Photos of them shirtless show Kurdistan tattoos:

Iran isn't trying to wipe out their Kurdish population (which makes up 10% of their total population) but they will execute political dissidents involved in illegal activity, such as the assassination of politicians.

If they want a separate Kurdish country why in the heck aren't they going to Iraq's Kurdish region to live in a Kurdish controlled area? They could have lived peacefully in Iran but they chose not too, and now it is going to be Germany or Sweden's problem?

Iraq wants the Kurdish out of Kurdistan. They have their own autonomous region. And it also is rich in oil. The Iraqi Ministers know this. But have denied the Kurdish their 'own' country becuz of it. They are self sufficient. Also the Turks are against the Kurdish. Especially in the more northern regions along the borders with Syria n Turkey. Hence the PKK who are currently fighting ISIS.
Iraq wants the Kurdish out of Kurdistan. They have their own autonomous region. And it also is rich in oil. The Iraqi Ministers know this. But have denied the Kurdish their 'own' country becuz of it. They are self sufficient. Also the Turks are against the Kurdish. Especially in the more northern regions along the borders with Syria n Turkey. Hence the PKK who are currently fighting ISIS.

There's more to this than meets they eye ..
Ringleader of Paris attacks planned more strikes, mocked open borders: sources

Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:39 pm

The witness statement, quoted in the Valeurs Actuelles weekly magazine, describes how Abaaoud approached his cousin Hasna Ait Boulahcen two days after the killing spree asking her to hide him while he prepared further attacks.

Speaking of the planned future attacks, Abaaoud told his cousin on Nov. 15 that "they would do worse (damage) in districts close to the Jews and would disrupt transport and schools", the witness statement said.

Abaaoud said he would give Boulahecen 5,000 euros ($5,289.50) to buy two suits and two pairs of shoes for him and an unidentified accomplice to "look the part" in a planned attack on Paris' commercial district La Defense.

Two Men Arrested in Berlin for Alleged Terror Plot Released for Lack of Evidence

Nov 27, 2015, 11:08 AM ET

The two men arrested in Berlin... were released Friday after investigators didn't find evidence to keep them in custody, police said.

The men, 28 and 46, were arrested Thursday in Southeast Berlin after police were informed of a potential threat, described as "preparation of a serious act of violence endangering the state."

Police did not say who gave them the tip.


If ISIS was serious about hitting soft targets in the US one would think black friday would be one of the best possible days.

Huge crowds at shopping malls make easy targets in some states, an attack would result in panic and be a blow to the retail sector of the economy, plus it would dominate the news for the rest of the holidays.

It would stay in the news longer AND be mentioned every year when the date rolls around again (i.e. after last years devastating black friday attack this year malls are....yada yada).

Doesn't look like they are going to do anything.
If ISIS was serious about hitting soft targets in the US one would think black friday would be one of the best possible days.

Huge crowds at shopping malls make easy targets in some states, an attack would result in panic and be a blow to the retail sector of the economy, plus it would dominate the news for the rest of the holidays.

It would stay in the news longer AND be mentioned every year when the date rolls around again (i.e. after last years devastating black friday attack this year malls are....yada yada).

Doesn't look like they are going to do anything.

That is exactly what I am thinking - maybe we are more on top of it than we think?

dont beleive that yet - but maybe ???
We've just had our 'national security threat level' upgraded to 'probable' from 'high'; whatever that means. I'll have to look it up.

I have noticed uniformed police in their twos and threes, being more 'visible' than I'm used to; particularly in our major indoor shopping complexes.

I totally agree that bombs have never made friends:

View attachment 84936

It hasn't been upgraded. It's changed from a 4 tier to 5 tier system. 'Probable' is level 3, with 'expected' and 'certain' after that.

Yes, used an inaccurate word in that sentence because I omitted 'system'. Thanks for picking that up, Bb.

I have included also added a reference.

'Australian Government
Australian National Security
National Terrorism Threat Advisory System'
We in the UK adopted Black Friday a few years back. Mainly I think Cuz of the many Americans we have here. And also one of our big supermarkets ASDA (Walmart) being American too.
But us being Brits we didn't end it we did not. Becuz we all like to spend and buy online...... We founded a new psycho shopper day and it's called........CYBER MONDAY. which is this coming Monday. ��������������������������

I must admit I have felt a little uneasy when doing my annual Christmas shopping in my local mall. Not really because of the recent Paris attacks by #daeshbags but the amount of extra uniformed police I've seen walking around.

I actually find their presence intimidating because it seems like they may be 'expecting' something to happen. I'd much rather they were in plain clothes or, if they're in uniform they don't stand so close to me. I think they'd be the first target of any gunman involved in a terrorist attack and I don't want to be 'collateral damage'.

This is not to say I'm not grateful to anyone who puts their life on the line to protect the public; I am. It's my problem, I don't want to be reminded there is still a threat of terrorism in my country.

To put it another way: if there's is a risk I'm going to be hit by a truck I want to be told of the risk but I don't want to be constantly reminded about it. Of course, if I'm about to walk into the truck's path I want someone to try to prevent it hitting me but I don't necessarily want my rescuer to be wearing a high visibility vest if the truck driver is a psychopathic killer.

Oh, believe me, we Aussies are mad online shoppers. So much so, our government/retailers are constantly having kittens about the fact there is(was?) no GST payable on goods purchased OS as it's impacting on their profits/tax revenue.

btw Our favourite places to shop? UK/Europe and the US!

Now, we should get back on topic or risk turning this thread into a TVSN.
When I first moved to Toronto six years ago it was not a thing, but now it's a big deal. A few years ago I went to the mall thinking it wouldn't be so bad. Wrong! It was awful. Not to America level, though I'm sure it's gotten worse. I think the retailers started pushing it after more and more Canadians made the trip south to take advantage of the deals.. The timing coincides with the Canadian dollar getting stronger so that might account for some of it too.

Wrong! It was awful.

Can imagine!!
Hollande says France 'will not give in to hatred' at Paris attacks ceremony
Video by Oliver FARRY
Text by FRANCE 24


The Latest: Some weapons used in Paris made in ex-Yugoslavia

Nov. 27, 2015 12:57 PM EST

The head of a Serbian arms factory says several weapons used by Islamic militants during the Paris attacks have been identified as produced by his company in the early 1990s.

"I believe there were seven or eight, all automatic rifles, the Kalashnikovs."

Before the bloody breakup of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s, former Yugoslav republics were supplied with weapons produced by Zastava.

the weapons could have been resold by all sides after the country broke up.

France pays tribute to victims of Paris attacks

Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:45 am est


Nov 27, 11:31 AM EST

The strikes came as France's foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, declared that destroying the IS headquarters and "neutralizing and eradicating" the extremist group is the main objective of the international campaign.

Belgium charges sixth person over Paris attacks

48 minutes ago

BREAKING: Belgian prosecutors office says man arrested in Brussels, charged with "terrorist attacks"^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Report: Evidence Paris attack weapons shipped from Germany
DW via AFP, Reuters

O/T however loosely related: to note
Questions over Boko Haram attacks despite military claims of success

13 hours ago

Last Sunday, eight people were killed when a female suicide bomber detonated her explosives among women and children arriving in the city.

kinship bonds in the Kanuri ethnic group which forms the bulk of Boko Haram's membership has played its part in prolonging the conflict.

"It provides Boko Haram with some protection because of the ethnic sentiment that plays out with the Kanuri population not willing to expose their kindred who move across the borders with ease," he told AFP.

Nigeria's porous borders have long contributed to the supply of arms via lawless Libya and the established smuggling routes through the sparsely populated Sahel region.

"neutralizing and eradicating" the extremist group

When we talk about this ... we need to rember what we are talking aobut

we are talking about killing your mother, father, husband, wife, kids ,aunts, uncles, granchilren, rien friends , houses, food, water, jobs, cars............

all any of us need to do--- if any entity did that to us , what is our feeling?

so easy to get into all this without "getting" there model of the world

what they call terror we call war , what we call terror they call war both are accurate from where your standing............
Ringleader of Paris attacks planned more strikes, mocked open borders: sources

[/URL]Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:39 pm

The witness statement, quoted in the Valeurs Actuelles weekly magazine, describes how Abaaoud approached his cousin Hasna Ait Boulahcen two days after the killing spree asking her to hide him while he prepared further attacks.

Speaking of the planned future attacks, Abaaoud told his cousin on Nov. 15 that "they would do worse (damage) in districts close to the Jews and would disrupt transport and schools", the witness statement said.

Abaaoud said he would give Boulahecen 5,000 euros ($5,289.50) to buy two suits and two pairs of shoes for him and an unidentified accomplice to "look the part" in a planned attack on Paris' commercial district La Defense.

Two Men Arrested in Berlin for Alleged Terror Plot Released for Lack of Evidence

Nov 27, 2015, 11:08 AM ET

The two men arrested in Berlin... were released Friday after investigators didn't find evidence to keep them in custody, police said.

The men, 28 and 46, were arrested Thursday in Southeast Berlin after police were informed of a potential threat, described as "preparation of a serious act of violence endangering the state."

Police did not say who gave them the tip.



Have they found the dozen Bio hazard/chemical suits that went missing from a hospital in the area?
Makes me wonder if they are in talks about maybe implementing them in another attack... like ^^ up in yr post with regard to them attacking the Financial sector and schools.... maybe? Even still? Jmo

Paris attacks drive home harsh realities of extremism for US police and civilians alike


With the horrors of Paris still fresh, Washington, D.C., Police Chief Cathy Lanier said in a recent television interview that she's worried about a creeping "numbness to what potentially is a reality" on U.S. soil, adding, "Just ignoring it and not preparing yourself — that's not an option anymore." Said New York Police Commissioner William Bratton: "It's a new world we're living in; it's a very troubling world," he said. He added that it's the police's job to worry about the threat but for "the population to be aware."

Paris attacks 'mastermind' plotted to attack Jewish targets

New details have emerged from the investigation into the terror attacks in Paris, showing that Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the alleged mastermind behind the attacks, had planned to carry out similar strikes against Jewish targets.


According to one of the testimonies, Abaaoud went to his niece, Hasna Aitboulahcen, in Saint-Denis. Abaaoud asked her to hide him and told her of his plans for the future.

"We will do even more huge damage, mainly to Jews, and will carry out activities against schools and transport in the city," Abaaoud said, according to a quote in the investigation.,7340,L-4731878,00.html
Absolutely terrifying!!!

The sinister world of online arms dealing of guns on the dark web

THE dark web may be known as an online marketplace for the purchase and distribution of illicit drugs, but it is also home to something far more sinister.

With a digital wallet of bitcoin and a quick search of the dark web, someone could easily attempt to have an authentic AK-47 shipped directly to their door.
A recent analysis of the darknet from Vocativ discovered 281 listings of guns and ammunition across the dark web.

Even more concerning was the type of weapons readily available which included 16 submachine and machine guns, 12 sniper rifles and 40 assault rifles.
For those operating as arms dealers, business is so demanding it becomes a fulltime job.

“It’s a better option for most of us than regular civilian life,” a vendor from a marketplace told Vocativ.
“We don’t do much business face-to-face, so the unscrupulous characters you may expect from Hollywood are far and few in between.

“This is simply a very busy business, and usually it’s a 50-plus-hour workweek.”
In terms of customer base, the vendor admits to having all major countries in the world covered, although they primarily send to the USA, Australia, United Kingdom and Ireland.

When it comes to the dubious method of shipping, they have created some ingenious methods.
“Our favourite is power tools. Take the tool apart, mill out space for the firearm component and seal it back up,” the vendor said.


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