GUILTY France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, including Bataclan concert hall, 13 Nov 2015 *arrest* #4

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Hi, not sure if this has been posted. So many links/articles here, you guys are doing such a great job of keeping up with everything. Thanks!

Good article.

56 Arrests in U.S. This Year Related to ISIS, Study Says

Eta: there were some snippets I wanted to paste, but am unable to, some kind of copyright block? Anyway, I thought it was interesting, the part about it being 1/3 women who run the websites, etc. Also, the age stats.
CIA Director John Brennan: ISIS decimated during Bush years

Hi, not sure if this has been posted. So many links/articles here, you guys are doing such a great job of keeping up with everything. Thanks!

Good article.

56 Arrests in U.S. This Year Related to ISIS, Study Says®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0

Wow! Where do you even start to figure out how to stop this? ISIS is better at recruitment than Scientology.

“The individuals range from hardened militants to teenage girls, petty criminals and college students,” said Lorenzo Vidino, the director of the university’s program on extremism, which conducted the study. “The diversity is staggering.”

The people in the George Washington University study ranged from a 15-year-old boy to Tairod Pugh, a former Air Force officer who was 47 at the time of his arrest. The average age of the American supporter of the Islamic State was 26, the report found, reflecting a pattern unfolding in other Western countries as social media attracts younger recruits.
CIA Director John Brennan: ISIS decimated during Bush years


Q: Good morning, sir. Kylie Morris from Britain’s Channel 4 News.
Can I ask, there’s been a lot of discussion about whether or not the U.S. has underestimated the threat from the Islamic State, perhaps focusing rather on issues of containment in the Middle East, in Iraq, in Syria, and even on the threat posed by lone wolves, but not looking at the capacity of the organization to stage the kinds of attacks that we’ve in Paris and Beirut?

MR. BRENNAN: I don’t think we are underestimating at all the capabilities of ISIL. Its growth over the last several years in particular – but as you know, that it had its roots in al-Qaida in Iraq. It was, you know, pretty much decimated when U.S. forces were there in Iraq. It had maybe 700-or-so adherents left. And then it grew quite a bit in the last several years, when it split then from al-Qaida in Syria, and set up its own organization.
France's 'chief Islamic State group recruiter' goes on trial


Six other alleged terrorists accused of being part of [his] terror network will also stand trial in Paris...

the leader of the so-called Buttes-Chaumont terrorist network that included Said and Cherif Kouachi, the brothers responsible for the deadly Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack in January. He has also been linked to Mehdi Nemmouche, the gunman suspected of opening fire at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in Brussels, killing four people in May 2014...

[His] life seems to have taken a turn for the worse back in 2001, when he fled France for Algeria, from where his family originates, after being accused of murder and attempted murder for a gangland fight.

He remained in contact with his family before finally returning to France in 2002, when he was arrested and served time in prison.

Military Operations Against ISIS

Dec 1 '15

"Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair General Joseph Dunford testified on U.S. military strategy to combat ISIS* militants in Iraq and Syria. Secretary Carter announced that the U.S. is expanding its special operations force in Iraq and Syria. The specialized expeditionary targeting force will be sent to Iraq to assist Iraqi and Kurdish forces and will also be positioned to conduct unilateral missions in Syria. Secretary Carter stated that this special force will be able to conduct raids, free hostages, gather intelligence, and capture ISIS leaders. He also said the U.S. is expanding strikes on ISIS infrastructure and sources of revenue from oil. 

After the hearing adjourned, Committee Chair Mac Thornberry (R-TX) answered reporters' questions. 

* The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), or DAISH/DAESH in Arabic is a militant group that has called itself the Islamic State."

U.S. Eyes Boost in Special Ops Action in Iraq, Syria
Defense Secretary Ash Carter says allies must step up fight against Islamic State

Updated Dec. 1, 2015 4:41 p.m. ET

“If we find more forces that we can enable in this way we’re prepared to do more,” Mr. Carter said. “We’re looking for those opportunities to do more. So we’re actually eager to do more because that will accelerate the defeat of ISIL.”

“Turkey must do more to control its often porous border,” Mr. Carter said. “Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states joined the air campaign in the early days, but have since been preoccupied by the conflict in Yemen.”

“If they want to, as we would wish them to, wield more influence in the Middle East…they’re going to need to do more of that on the ground,” he said.

Gulf Arab states frequently complain to Mr. Carter about Iranian capabilities, Mr. Carter said. “To which I say, ‘Yes, and you’re not in the same game, an effective game on the ground.’”
Does anyone really believe that we will win this war on ISIS?

I, certainly, don't. While it is possible to weaken them a bit. For every chief that is killed...five new ones pop up. I'm not sure there, actually, is a solution.

The local legends fighting ISIS

Heroes to many in Syria and Iraq, three men – all belonging to different factions – have also become symbols. Meet Rambo, the Preacher, and the Tiger.

Iraq's "Rambo", a Sunni religious scholar, and an Alawi "tiger": these three men have become living legends. The local heroes in the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria are undoubtedly considered war criminals in the West. The line between hero and criminal has become blurred in the stalemated conflict.

Iraq's Rambo" hunts ISIS
"Abu Azrael", 40, the "angel of death" who eliminates ISIS fighters, is Ayoub Falah Hassan al-Rabai, a Baghdadi taxi driver who is married with five children.

He joined the Popular Mobilization Forces, a Shi'ite organization that supports the Iraqi government in its fight against ISIS, about a year ago.,7340,L-4732946,00.html
Hi, not sure if this has been posted. So many links/articles here, you guys are doing such a great job of keeping up with everything. Thanks!

Good article.

56 Arrests in U.S. This Year Related to ISIS, Study Says®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0

Eta: there were some snippets I wanted to paste, but am unable to, some kind of copyright block? Anyway, I thought it was interesting, the part about it being 1/3 women who run the websites, etc. Also, the age stats.

Interesting, if scary article.From the link.

“The individuals range from hardened militants to teenage girls, petty criminals and college students,” said Lorenzo Vidino, the director of the university’s program on extremism, which conducted the study. “The diversity is staggering.”

The report, titled “ISIS in America: From Retweets to Raqqa,” was made public on Tuesday.

Even before the recent attacks in Paris, at least three dozen people in the United States suspected of ties to the Islamic State were under heavy electronic or physical surveillance, according to American officials. Those under investigation typically have little terrorism expertise or support from a cell, making it even more difficult for the authorities to predict or detect who might carry out a strike.

“For law enforcement, it’s extremely difficult to determine who makes a big leap from keyboard jihadist to doing something,” said Dr. Vidino, who has studied Islamism for 15 years."


Kerry in Brussels for talks on threats from Russia and the Middle East
By Carol Morello, Washington Post

December 1 at 1:56 PM

Further complicating matters, many Islamic State leaders are believed to have relocated to Libya, where there is effectively no government and they can operate more freely. That positions them just a few hundred miles by sea from Italy.

“We don’t have the luxury of either being focused or addressing the challenges to the east or the challenges to the south; we have to do both at the same time,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters.

Report tracks hundreds of U.S. ISIS sympathizers on Twitter

December 1, 2015, 3:20 PM

Researchers also discovered that while American ISIS supporters tend to be male, nearly a third of the social media accounts examined appear to be operated by women.

Shout-outs introduce new accounts to the community and promote the new accounts of previously suspended users.

While some supporters express their interest solely online, in a number of cases U.S. extremists "cultivated and later strengthened their interest in ISIS's narrative through face-to-face relationships. In most cases online and offline dynamics complement one another," the authors write.

German Cabinet approves mission in Syria against 'Islamic State'
Deutsche Welle

Dec 1 '15

A military package covering reconnaissance flights, a naval frigate and up to 1,200 German troops joining the coalition against IS is now awaiting support from Germany's lower house of parliament on December 2.

From yesterday:

Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen caused some confusion over the weekend when she wrote an article in Sunday's edition of the "Bild" newspaper declaring that "the lack of unity among opponents is also a reason for the strength of ISIS. ... The fight against ISIS must have the highest priority, for France as well as for the USA, China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, the Arab states and us."

Later the same day, she appeared on public TV network ZDF to clarify the point: "There will be no future with Assad, that's clear - that's why the transition phase is so important," she said. "But there are some parts of the army in Syria that you certainly can take, just as in the case of Iraq, where the training of local troops has happened successfully."

ISIS has 300 US ambassadors on Twitter, report says
By Josh Meyer and Tracy Connor, MSNBC

12/01/15 02:50 PM

“After a few weeks, the accounts of hardened ISIS supporters slowly introduced increasingly ardent views into the conversation. The new recruit was then invited to continue the conversion privately, often via Twitter’s Direct Message feature or on other private messaging platforms such as surespot.”

“One of them, located in Texas, revolves around a few charismatic individuals and an Islamic studies group. Another, based in the suburbs of a large Midwestern city, appears to be composed of former high school friends and a handful of their acquaintances,” the report said.

.M. Berger, a social media counterterrorism analyst and co-author of a book about ISIS, said the report’s analysis of offline clusters was eye-opening.

“For all that we talk about social media, there is still a significant role for face to face interaction,” he said.
Wow look at all those women and children!
There must be some music or sound that for these people, is very unpleasant to listen to, imo.
The truck drivers should amplify that music from the truck and wear earplugs if necessary.
Iirc, heavy metal music was blasted at Somalian pirates to some effect, will find link...
if certain objectionable graphics/pics are plastered on the trucks, might that make them hesitant to throw anything at those depictions?

Interesting, if scary article.From the link.

“The individuals range from hardened militants to teenage girls, petty criminals and college students,” said Lorenzo Vidino, the director of the university’s program on extremism, which conducted the study. “The diversity is staggering.”

The report, titled “ISIS in America: From Retweets to Raqqa,” was made public on Tuesday.

Even before the recent attacks in Paris, at least three dozen people in the United States suspected of ties to the Islamic State were under heavy electronic or physical surveillance, according to American officials. Those under investigation typically have little terrorism expertise or support from a cell, making it even more difficult for the authorities to predict or detect who might carry out a strike.

“For law enforcement, it’s extremely difficult to determine who makes a big leap from keyboard jihadist to doing something,” said Dr. Vidino, who has studied Islamism for 15 years."


It shouldn't be that difficult! Compare it to threats against the POTUS. ALL threats are followed up on and may be prosecuted, they don't sit back and say "well it is hard to differentiate between keyboard warriors and the real thing".

They have locked more than a few 'keyboard warriors' up if they felt like it. Just do the same with ISIS supporters (and if they aren't citizens boot them out).
Does anyone really believe that we will win this war on ISIS?

I, certainly, don't. While it is possible to weaken them a bit. For every chief that is killed...five new ones pop up. I'm not sure there, actually, is a solution.

MORNING JOE 11/30/15
Israeli Minister: ISIS can be defeated quickly
Israeli Minister of Education Naftali Bennett explains how ISIS can be defeated through a concerted effort of 50,000 - 60,000 soldiers on the ground. Duration: 6:32

Continues into a report from MSNBC's The Shift / Road Map from 5/20 which is interesting
Maybe these soon to be, new Toronto residents will be so happy and grateful they will help in the war on terrorism?
Imo. the ones settling downtown might be in for a major culture shock, imo.

"Here is a list of how many privately-sponsored refugees communities in Toronto and the GTA can expect:

Toronto downtown and midtown, 1,326

Willowdale​, 1,079

Etobicoke, 18

​Scarborough, 156

North York, 23

Thornhill, 33

Maple, 11

Woodbridge, 7

Mississauga, 68

Brampton​, 18

Vaughan, less than 5

Concord, 9

Aurora, less than 5

Newmarket, 5

Pickering, less than 5

Ajax, less than 5

Stouffville, 5"
Do you have any links for any of this? Thanks.

It's from my husband and his work colleagues his transport warehouse. And his Managers. As they are usually the frontline for the fallout for the 'late' or 'non delivered' goods. Especially if they are over a weekend and are 'fresh food' example fruit veg meat etc. All trucks have to comply with EU regs. And no trucks can move over a Saturday. And Sunday. Unless you are hauling fresh goods. You will have a special document for running yr truck to the docks over the weekend. But you will still be checked rarely by French side. But most are checked going thru Dover. I will see if I can find some links re yr highlighted comments.
The French Authority housing was posted up by another op on here already.
Does anyone really believe that we will win this war on ISIS?

I, certainly, don't. While it is possible to weaken them a bit. For every chief that is killed...five new ones pop up. I'm not sure there, actually, is a solution.

Well, Germany declared war on the world twice killing people in the most horrific ways possible, and yet they were defeated!
Perhaps, whatever steps were taken to win the war then, could help with this one now?

imo, speculation.
The suspected mastermind of last week's Paris massacre, and some of the other attackers, had exploited the Syrian refugee crisis to slip into France unnoticed, Prime Minister Manuel Valls revealed Friday, the same day the French Senate approved extending the nation's state of emergency by three months.

Med boats' secret cargo - jihadis bound for Britain: ISIS terrorists are being smuggled into Europe by posing as refugees, intelligence analysts fear

Fingerprint records in Greece showed the man had passed through the country on October 3 alongside 198 refugees arriving by boat from Turkey.



Please find link to Government benefits in UK For refugees/immigrants

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