Found Deceased France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017

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Lelandais est un "pervers d'une dangerosité extrême'' selon les psychiatres

The suspect in the murder of Maelys and Corporal Noyer was heard twice by psychiatric experts.

"I was a spectator, a second person was inside me..."

Psychiatric experts have released their report on Nordahl Lelandais, the suspect who confessed to the murder of Maëlys and Corporal Noyer, reports RTL. The man was reportedly heard twice, in March and again last April.

According to the radio, the man was first evasive about Maëlys' death, in August 2017 after a marriage in Pont-de-Beauvoisin (Isère), even if he regretted: "I killed Maëlys, this poor child who had asked for nothing. It was like a video game. It can't be a normal guy who did something like that. I love children and animals."

The second time, he goes back over the evening in more detail. He claims to have drunk about fifteen glasses: wine, punch, beer... With, in addition, perhaps cocaine...

Then he went back to the start of the wedding night with Maëlys, then the blow with his fist: "All of a sudden, I got out of my body. I was a spectator. As if I were next to the car, like a ghost flying next to it."

And he adds: "I heard voices but I don't want to talk about them. I don't want people to say I'm crazy. Then I dropped Maëlys in the grass. I didn't know what to do, I wanted the second person inside me to leave."

Concerning the death of Arthur Noyer, who went missing in Chambéry (Savoie) in April 2017 and whose murder he also acknowledged, he explains: "As with Maëlys, it wasn't me."

Nordahl Lelandais says that the soldier he picked up was drunk and that he himself took blows before retaliating...

After these two interviews, the conclusion of the experts is without appeal: Nordahl Lelandais does not present any psychosis, but would be of an "extreme criminological dangerousness", "a split personality of a perverted type."


Amazing how voices manage to switch off phones at decisive moments. :thinking:
I suppose that’s the only way you could live with yourself after killing adults and children. Just tell yourself it wasn’t you, you didn’t have control, it was someone else. He’s making that his reality. Too bad for him, that’s not everyone else’s reality and he still has to pay for what his done.
Affaire Maëlys : de nouvelles expertises attendues

After the completion of the autopsy and the burial of little Maëlys, new expert reports, invalidating or not Nordahl Lelandais' version, are still to follow.

During an interview on March 19, the former handler explained that the little girl had died following a violent slap in the face. The first elements of the autopsy seem to indicate that Maëlys had a fracture to her jaw, which could result from "one or more violent blows", as the suspect had indicated.

"Nothing contradicts the theses of Nordahl Lelandais," a source close to the case told LCI. "But the most important expert reports, those that could shed light on the causes of death, including those on the jaw, have not yet been filed," she revealed.

The investigators intend to find out the causes of Maëlys' death, especially since they believe that Nordahl Lelandais is trying to plead to "violence that led to her death without the intention of causing it" in the hope of receiving a lesser sentence than if the murder had been confirmed.

The former dog handler, 35 years old, adopts the same line of defence concerning the Arthur Noyer affair: he assures that during a car ride, the young corporal, drunk, would have struck him several times, and that a retaliation would have been at the origin of his death.


If NL dropped the body of Arthur Noyer at the side of a country road, how come the remains have not been found, except for a few pieces?
Nothing is EVER his fault, is it? /sarcasm.

It’s always “reaction not action” according to him. (See his changing statements & “explanations” at every twist & turn throughout... ).

I’m glad to see that his attempt at “I’m batshit crazy” doesn’t seem to be working & he isn’t fooling investigators & experts.

I’m tempted to (mis)quote/adapt Lady Bracknell’s lines (The Importance of being Earnest), but not today.
"A dangerous and manipulative killer:

During discussions with psychiatric experts, Nordahl Lelandais spoke about the night of August 26 to 27, 2017, when little Maëlys disappeared. He said he felt like "a ghost flying" beside the car where the little girl would have died. But the experts give no credit to these statements, believing instead that these words had been repeated, rehearsed, and recited, as if memorized. An element that reinforces the idea of a "dangerous" and manipulative killer.

Mort de Maëlys : Nordahl Lelandais s'est senti comme "un fantôme qui volait"
Tiny white coffin.....

Fly with the angels, Maëlys :rose:

The (DNA) results are not yet known, but Nordahl Lelandais should be confronted at his next hearing in July.

The man is also suspected in several other cases. Our journalist continues: "Nordahl Lelandais has also been indicted for the alleged murder of Corporal Arthur. The corporal's body has still not been given to his parents, who were present today at the funeral [Maëlys']. Investigators are interested in about ten other cases... "

Nordahl Lelandais : une dizaine d'autres disparitions suspectes ?

Nordahl Lelandais soupçonné d'avoir agressé sexuellement une fillette de sa famille

The analysis of Nordahl Lelandais' mobile phone revealed a video on which he is seen assaulting a little girl under the age of 7 who is said to be one of his cousins.

A video discovered in the phone of Nordahl Lelandais shows the sexual assault of a girl under 7 years old, a week before the murder of Maëlys in Isere, according to information from BFMTV Wednesday, confirmed by Europe 1.

A sexual assault on a cousin. The examination of Nordahl Lelandais' phone, indicted for the murders of Corporal Arthur Noyer and Maëlys, revealed the existence of a sexual assault video. The victim is believed to be a cousin of Nordahl Lelandais, under the age of seven. It was shot a week before the kidnapping and murder of Maëlys on the night of 26 to 27 August in Isère. We see a hand that could belong to the thirty-year-old.

The girl's parents, from the south of France, were spending the weekend with the parents of the former soldier who was also living there at the time the video was taken, according to information from BFMTV. Nordahl Lelandais has not yet been confronted with these images and has therefore not given his version of the facts. A hearing is due in June but has "not yet been scheduled," according to one of AFP's sources



INFORMATION EUROPE 1 - Disparus du fort de Tamié : la vidéo qui pourrait relancer la piste Lelandais

The lawyers of Jean-Christophe Morin and Ahmed Hamadou's families have recently handed over images of the festival where both disappeared to the courts. There' s a man on those images who looks like Nordahl Lelandais.

Six and seven years respectively after the disappearance of their loved ones, the families of Jean-Christophe Morin and Ahmed Hamadou finally hope to have a reliable lead. In 2011 and 2012, the two young men disappeared after attending the same electronic music festival at the Tamié fort in Savoie, a region frequented by Nordahl Lelandais. Since the ex-military confessed to the murders of Maëlys and Corporal Arthur Noyer, the families of the disappeared and their lawyers have been trying to get the justice system to investigate. According to information from Europe 1, their relentlessness bore fruit at the end of May: their constitution as a civil party was accepted and a judicial investigation opened. To speed up the work of the investigators, the families viewed the videos of the festival editions that their children attended. In one of them, they spotted a man resembling Nordahl Lelandais.

Similar features and a signet ring. The video, which dates from 2012, has just been transmitted to the courts. In free access on Youtube, you can see alternately shots of the groups performing at the festival and of the audience, filmed close enough to distinguish faces. In the crowd, a man in a blue hoodie has a face, a face shape and a haircut reminiscent of Nordahl Lelandais. He wears sunglasses and a signet ring on his right hand, like the former dog-handler in some of his social networking photos.

These coincidences were considered troubling by the families' lawyers, Corinne Herrmann and Didier Seban. They are today launching an appeal to all spectators who attended the festival in 2011 and 2012, so that they share with the gendarmes any photos and videos they have.

"We're waiting. For us, this provides one more element to the file, to be studied concretely by the investigators," explains Adeline, Jean-Christophe Morin's sister. "Today I want to know, but in another sense I don't want to know," Annick tells Europe 1 . Annick is the young man's mother, she is speaking for the first time since her son's disappearance. "It's very contradictory. I have moved on, I can only now, six years later, talk about it. I have friends who say to me:'but you never told us anything'. I answer: 'but I couldn't'."

"For a moment, I believed, I convinced myself that it was his choice (to disappear, editor's note)," Annick continues , very moved. "He was young, he was looking to find his own way. But I think my son's been hurt, I think he'd be here otherwise. We have a right to know. Justice must do its duty."

Jean-Christophe Morin's parents are now waiting for the investigators to seize their son's mobile phones, which they have at their disposal. They hope that a message, a number or a call can confirm the link between their child and Nordahl Lelandais.

Since the indictment of Nordahl Lelandais in the Maëlys case, the families of the disappeared at Tamié Fort have highlighted the potential connections between their children and the former soldier. First there is the geographical proximity: the man lived in Isère, not far from Savoie, and moved a lot with his dogs. The profile of the victims, disappeared as they were leaving the fort of Tamié alone, on foot, recalls that of Arthur Noyer, who was leaving a nightclub in the centre of Chambéry when the suspect killed him during, he says, a "fight that went wrong". Finally, an additional element links the ex-dog handler to Ahmed Hamadou: according to his cousin, the man knew Nordahl Lelandais "by sight".


2012 is the disappearance of Ahmed Hamadou.

Affaire Nordahl Lelandais : la perquisition à son domicile est terminée

11: 55 : The roads around the village of Domessin (Savoie) where Nordahl Lelandais' parents live are currently blocked by the gendarmerie. The suspect was reportedly taken from his cell at the Vinatier psychiatric hospital in Bron and is reportedly awaited on the spot.

12: 11 : Nordahl Lelandais is suspected of sexual assault on a girl in his family. This evidence comes from the analysis of the mobile phones of the former dog handler of 35 years: "a video on which a little girl undergoes touching was found", according to BFM TV.

"The film was shot with one of the phones, at Lelandais' home in Domessin and we see a hand that could belong to him," it was added, adding that the girl's parents had been informed.

According to the evidence from the investigation, the video was shot a week before Maëlys was abducted on the night of 26 to 27 August, while the little victim and her parents, originally from the South, were spending the weekend with Nordahl Lelandais' parents.

According to another source close to the file, the suspect was extracted Wednesday morning from his cell in the specially equipped hospital unit (UHSA) of the Lyon-Corbas prison in the psychiatric hospital of Le Vinatier.

His destination was not specified by this source but, according to another, a search of his parents' home in Domessin (Savoy) was planned by the gendarmes in charge of the investigation, where the detainee should therefore go under escort.

Nordahl Lelandais has not yet been questioned by the Grenoble investigating judges on these new elements. A hearing was scheduled for June but the date "has not yet been scheduled," one source said.

13:08: The search of Nordahl Lelandais' parents' home was completed around noon. The ex-military man was reportedly taken back to his cell.


Affaire Nordahl Lelandais : l'avocat des parents de Maëlys réagit

20: 20: For Fabien Rajon, the lawyer for Maëlys' parents, "if these facts are true, this tells us a lot about Nordahl Lelandais' personality," he said Wednesday evening on BFM TV. These could be "very compromising revelations (...) about a suspect who was said not to have a paedophile personality" and could "undermine the defence strategy that speaks of an accident", he added.

This search in the presence of Nordahl Lelandais and his parents, as witnesses, was carried out on instruction of the Grenoble judges in charge of Maëlys' murder. The ex-military will soon be confronted with this video in which certain elements make it possible to establish with certainty that it is indeed him and that this video was shot at his home in Domessin.


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"The young victim is the daughter of his cousin who lives in the Gard region..."

"The girl's mother is a cousin of Lelandais'. A family proximity that had earned her threats when she inadvertently revealed on social networks her connection with Nordahl. Nordahl's mother's sister also lives in the Gard region where a branch of the family is installed. This geographical and familial link led investigators to look into two suspicious disappearances in this department, two teenagers who had disappeared under unexplained conditions. But in the current state of the investigation, the cases of Lucas Tronche (disappeared in March 2015) and Antoine Zoia (disappeared in March 2016) are not related to Nordahl Lelandais."

"This alleged sexual assault on a child under seven years old, less than a week before Maëlys' disappearance, relaunches the hypothesis of a sexual assault (on Maëlys). But from the analyzes on the remains of the body, there is nothing to say whether the girl from the Jura (Maëlys) had suffered sexual violence. She was found in a skeletal state. And according to our information, "the autopsy is not conclusive."

As for Maelys' clothes, found in a ravine, they are still subject to an extensive analysis to determine if there are any traces of rape. Nordahl Lelandais' next audition, originally scheduled for June 21, was postponed until July. "

Nordahl Lelandais : les charges s’accumulent
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