France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo #1

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Likewise my Bravo my dear ! This is just "weird", how does an entire news planet, for now days, have NO discussion of the others? It is like just I dont know , it is not ok -- there are a whole bunch of facts there, what happened, what they siad, are they ok , paralyzied, their famileies , it is just W E I R D , I am not implying any giant like conspircacy, I am concerned about media

Cnn we have all learened is a joke imo --- but this is a major story, why are journalists not wanting to know about 11 11 11 human beings it is just wierd

dont you all want to know about each of them?

Thanks. I do want to know for sure. Perhaps this is just how France handles such????
A state of Vigipirate is in place in Picardie and Ile de France now. I'm told it is a kind of state of emergency where certain civil liberties are temporarily put aside, for safety (for example, being forced to stay in your home or submit to vehicle searches, etc).

We did that here during Boston Marathon. IT blew my mind, not ok. Thousands of AMericans had to let groups of 6-8, without a search warrent, with machine guns, dogs in thier living spaces. They had to sit there while these gangs of govt officials were throwing opening their closets, searching through their stuff, without a search warrent. Not ok guys, and the implications are hideious, and we are watching it happen, again, across the ocean, it is so not ok.

How would like it - knock knock, open door, 8 dudes, night goggles, machine guns, handgrnafes on thierbeltss, body armor, walkie talkies making noise, not asking, coming into your home, tocuing your stuff, opening your closets , asking you questions, its not ok folks

It is not ok search warrents there are reasons for that ---
Here is a detailed report on ALL the victims of this terrible tragedy.

Jean Cabut, cartoonist
Georges Wolinski, cartoonist
Bernard Verlhac, cartoonist
Philippe Honore, cartoonist
Bernard Maris, economist
Elsa Cayat, psychoanalyst and columnist
Mustapha Ourrad, copy editor
Michel Renaud, visitor
Frederic Boisseau, caretaker
Ahmed Merabet, policeman
Ahmed Merabet, policeman
Brigadier Franck Brinsolaro, police bodyguard
Thanks. I do want to know for sure. Perhaps this is just how France handles such????

Some are being interviewed on French TV, crying as they explain what they saw. The very injured are protected to give privacy to their loved ones I imagine.
Was the I.D. left as a calling card? Or was it plain stupidity?
SWAT teams are still searching forests for the brothers. Not ideal conditions, now night has fallen.

François Becker (@beckerin_AFP) tweeted at 8:04pm - 8 Jan 15:

De maison en maison, l'arme à la main, Raid et Gign continuent leur traque dans les forêts de l'Aisne #AFP #charlie (


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There is a huge police presence in the streets. I went up to a couple of regular police officers in full riot gear to thank them for their work, that is so not like me and I was embarrassed but they were really nice and thanked me.
We did that here during Boston Marathon. IT blew my mind, not ok. Thousands of AMericans had to let groups of 6-8, without a search warrent, with machine guns, dogs in thier living spaces. They had to sit there while these gangs of govt officials were throwing opening their closets, searching through their stuff, without a search warrent. Not ok guys, and the implications are hideious, and we are watching it happen, again, across the ocean, it is so not ok.

How would like it - knock knock, open door, 8 dudes, night goggles, machine guns, handgrnafes on thierbeltss, body armor, walkie talkies making noise, not asking, coming into your home, tocuing your stuff, opening your closets , asking you questions, its not ok folks

It is not ok search warrents there are reasons for that ---

Truthfully, if I lived in Boston at the time, and they wanted to search my house, I could care less. I don't care if they had a warrant or not. I cared more about them finding the *advertiser censored**wipes that killed those innocent people. Respectfully.
We are not allowed to pick and chose - freedom of expression - freedom from the right not to be searched without legal causes, without outside review. In much the same way yesterday was not ok, the botson marathon, and what is what is going on now, it is all in the same vein, checks and balances, we just cant pick the ideals we like in the moment, freedom of speech, freedom from unwarrented search by officials.

Freedom to live in our spaces without fear (N Korea) that govt officials can come smashing throught our doors - its all the same package. Cival liberties.

And at the end of the day Boston, the headlines, were, "we caaaught him". They did not catch anyone. 4.6 billion dollars in personal did nothing. A guy who went out for a smoke noticed it- LE did not "catch" anyone, it was a cell phone call, cig in hand, there is some blood on my boat.
Truthfully, if I lived in Boston at the time, and they wanted to search my house, I could care less. I don't care if they had a warrant or not. I cared more about them finding the *advertiser censored**wipes that killed those innocent people. Respectfully.

Respectfully back ! When that was going on in Boston, just IMO not ok. Cause they knew nothing does not tranlsate to the ability to invade right to privacy rights, which is on the same page as freedom for speech. Again respectfully, these are very dangerous precidents that are being established in this "war" on terrorism.

Irag, N Korea, Russia, do this stuff
Do you think they committed suicide?
Britain has strengthened all its border entry points from France, BBC news just said. I doubt the suspects are heading there though.

Does anyone know the Picardie area of France? Is it full of empty vacation homes like other rural places? They would make good hiding places, if so...
Respectfully back ! When that was going on in Boston, just IMO not ok. Cause they knew nothing does not tranlsate to the ability to invade right to privacy rights, which is on the same page as freedom for speech. Again respectfully, these are very dangerous precidents that are being established in this "war" on terrorism.

Irag, N Korea, Russia, do this stuff

Respectfully, when it comes to finding terrorists, just do what you gotta do. Extraordinary circumstances. Hope they find these terrorists alive and then round up everyone else in their group. They don't deserve to breathe the same air as we do. IMO
France TV saying while many do not agree with Charlie Hebdo's editorial line all agree they had the right to publish as they saw fit. There has been a lot of criticism of the magazine in the months leading up to this incident because of the nature of the cartoons.

Islam should not be off limits in regards to satire IMO, but do other publications now pour oil on the fire? I really don't know, I don't think a huge outpouring of mockery aimed at Islam would be the appropriate response however.
I'm told French TV just said the brothers' parents both died young and the brothers were cared for by the French state, in a children's home. Ironic really.
I'm told French TV just said the brothers' parents both died young and the brothers were cared for by the French state, in a children's home. Ironic really.

To me this is like the way bikie clubs are filled with men who were wards of the state growing up, it is the lack of a home life growing up that makes these men vulnerable to being indoctrinated into a group that offers them the idea of brotherhood and a 'cause' and a chance to act out their rage at the world and have their barbarism validated by like minded men and an ideology. Rich pickings for religious extremists.
Respectfully, when it comes to finding terrorists, just do what you gotta do. Extraordinary circumstances. Hope they find these terrorists alive and then round up everyone else in their group. They don't deserve to breathe the same air as we do. IMO

Hey find em! Not by invading thousands of citizens right to privacy, freedome from invasion etc etc! I am wondering if they killed themsleves, if not then maybe this is far bigger "operation" in terms of having hide out. But they left their id, went to the wrong place etc, so maybe they were stoned (he apparently was a party person earlier.

Sounds like pot, shoe, wrong door , lost my id, ahhh I remember the days ..........
I don't understand why the experts are saying this was so well planned when the idiots didn't even know the correct office to go to.
But there's one thing we must all be clear about: terrorism is not the pursuit of legitimate goals by some sort of illegitimate means. Whatever the murderers may be trying to achieve, creating a better world certainly isn't one of their goals. Instead they are out to murder innocent people.

Salman Rushdie
Longpont is a small country town with small country town roads, dark, not easy to get around: from livecast
Now that they ditched the car, hopefully scent dogs may track them down if they're on foot.
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