From Whence to Casey's Tears Flow?

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Casey cries because:

  • She is angry that she cannot speak

    Votes: 9 3.3%
  • She is furious at being caught in her lies

    Votes: 52 19.0%
  • She is wallowing in self-pity at her incarceration

    Votes: 61 22.3%
  • She believes she can sway the jury

    Votes: 112 41.0%
  • None of the Above (Please comment with your answer)

    Votes: 39 14.3%

  • Total voters
This didn´t look like genuine crying to me. She had been given a cue word by her team: "skull".
I can hear them say: "Casey, when they get to the point where they talk about finding the skull, you´ve GOT to show emotion."
She seemed very attentive, like in ready, steady, GO! She wasn´t emotional at all in the leading up to the moment the skull was mentioned - she knew it was coming, just the thought of it would have made any normal person very emotional!
But not Casey - oooh no. Cue-word "skull", and she immediately goes into a sad excuse of a "crying" fit. At first she can´t even get it right - she looks angry where she´s supposed to look sad; she looks aggrieved - almost like a little girl who doesn´t get what she wants.
Then she starts poking her face, wiping, picking, checking for tears. This was a pathetic show of non-emotion. And I mean pathetic in the most pathetic sense there is. I almost feel sorry for her: she HAS no real emotions, she is an empty shell. There is no Casey; only a shadow of a silly girl who once was and who wanted so much to be in a hot body contest that she killed her daughter - to put it crudely.
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE DEAD BODY OF HER TWO-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! And she can´t even at least fake anything that even resembles grief and horror. She can´t because she doesn´t know these feelings when they are not about her.
Casey is irritated. She is extremely irritated that we all just don´t leave her alone. She did nothing but get rid of her little brat (sorry Caylee), which was HERS and none of our business. She is FRUSTRATED that she can´t just lie, lie,lie, and walk out of this annoying situation. Why don´t people just believe what SHE says - they always did at home.
Casey can´t SWALLOW she´s that FRUSTRATED and ANGRY. That is what her facial expressions convey to me. Poor empty, dumb Casey - and I DO feel sorry for her.

:goodpost: Right on. Narcissists are at their core empty shells. Their sense of self is a creation, carefully matained so as to present the image they would like the world to imagine represents them.

She is indeed exhibiting characteristics typical of sociopaths as well. Her inability to actually feel emotions is clear from her obviously inappropriate reactions to events or cues -- like "skull" -- that would elicit immediate and genuine reactions from others.

Some pyschiatrists believe that narcissists exist in an arrested state of emotional development, generally involving trauma induced at an early age. That would be consistent with emotional responses such as the ones she displays which are highly infantile and lacking mature perspective as to the degree of intensity and appropriate setting for their display. The irritated reaction you describe would be entirely consistent -- and appropriate -- in a very young child, but is obviously jarring to us when we see it coming from an adult. All of these things argue for a significant personality disorder, but it in no way absolves her of responsibility for her own actions.

The times that I have seen real tears from ICA, she seems to be wallowing in self pity, hence my vote on the poll. :)
I have never seen a tissue that can handle real tears and nose blowing for that long. Either fake and rehearsed or I am buying the wrong brand of tissues.

Exactly what I was thinking yesterday. My god if you showed me anyones deceased child I would need a few boxes. She used the same kleenex over and over for her "tears" and "runny nose". Of course her eyes were red after due to irritation of a dry piece of tissue being rubbed over and over the same area. She makes me sick.
Yes, I too noticed she had on more eye makeup than usual and wondered why on this PARTICULAR day she chose to wear heavier makeup when there were so many other days when she did not appear to have ANY makeup on!

Regarding her acting skills, I don't think she is all that good. Really good actresses are able to produce real tears. Casey is mostly unable to do so despite all the prodding and poking of her eyes.

The obsessive tissue folding and dabbing really get to me.


IMO, she really believes that she's a much better actress than she is. She thinks that "damn I'm a good liar" but I think people see through it and don't call her on it.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if she is dying to take the stand but JB won't let her. I honestly think she believes she can outwit the prosecution with more lies.


IMO, she really believes that she's a much better actress than she is. She thinks that "damn I'm a good liar" but I think people see through it and don't call her on it.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if she is dying to take the stand but JB won't let her. I honestly think she believes she can outwit the prosecution with more lies.

In ICA's defense, she did watch One Tree Hill. Comparatively speaking, she's probably not too awful an actress ;)

IMO, she really believes that she's a much better actress than she is. She thinks that "damn I'm a good liar" but I think people see through it and don't call her on it.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if she is dying to take the stand but JB won't let her. I honestly think she believes she can outwit the prosecution with more lies.

Yep-no one has called her on it until now. Her family, I believe, has at some level, doubted her lies, but as I know all too painfully well, that it is much easier to let a sociopath/liar get away with their lies than call them on them. Until-there is such a HUGE issue you can't let them get away with it. The A's tried their best intil 6 weeks ago and were slapped in the face that their ICA was throwing them under the bus to save her own hide.

Her tears are only for herself and for show. Even the TH's have noticed how she tries to squeeze a tear out at certain times but just can't do it. I was choked up looking at the pixilated images of Caylee-she didn't seemed bothered. Well, she did seem like she was trying to be bothered, but it just didn't ring true to me. If that was my baby, I would've been an absolute MESS.
I have to keep reminding myself that Casey isn't like most people I have ever met. That said, I was just thinking how in the world she drove around town with her baby dead in the trunk for almost 3 days (at the very least) that we know of.

If her job was fiction, her friends and co-workers were fictional, etc., I think she continued on after Caylee died by believing in her mind that she was just asleep in the trunk as she had been so many other times (assuming she had used the chloroform she learned how to make). She managed to get away with that for only a couple of days when the car started to emit the odor of decomp. I think that's when she was reminded to try to either get rid of the odor first by attempting to bury her at home or taking her somewhere else. There were lots of pings from the cell phone around the airport area as I remember and I'm guessing that was a consideration but she was hesitant on that I believe for fear of being spotted. Lots of activity around the airport. The eventual dumping of the body was a pressed decision due to the strong odor at that point to the extent where she couldn't stand it herself. Suburban Dr. was familiar to her, an easy access and less chance of being spotted because school was already out for the summer, so no traffic on that end of the street. Once the body was out of her sight, Caylee was out of her mind and it was on to the alibi. Like I said, this is not the mind of any 22 yr. old mother I have ever known, but this is Casey we're talking about here. If things don't go Casey's way, she "imagines" the situation molded to her liking. Her tears I believe are real these last 2 days but, they are out of fear now. She needs to be afraid, very afraid. Her expressions are of someone that seems surprised by the news she is hearing about her daughter. What did she think she was going to hear? This isn't a fantasy anymore. This is real and she's terrified. This is what I've been waiting for. I've stayed up nights trying to figure out what happened to Caylee. I've gotten up at 5am many a day to meet with Equusearch team members to look for her. I've watched every tidbit of news, talk show and spent countless hours on WS hoping she would somehow someway be found alive and in good health. That was not to be. This is what I've been waiting for. I want to see the fear on Casey's face. It's been a long time coming and now it's finally here. I hope she's heaving her guts out half the night with the slight vision she had of Caylee's skull laying on the ground with empty eye sockets. Sorry for the rant.............
My heart literally aches for Caylee. I am so deeply saddened that this poor innocent perfectly wonderful and enchanting child was born to this monster we all know as Casey Anthony. God rest her soul and bring her into His loving and eternal peace.

That said, watching Casey pretend or try to mimick grief and sadness at the demise of this precious soul is almost more than I can take. I had to leave and go away outside, into the sunlight, and do something productive and sweat and work it out of me it was so difficult for me to swallow. Her fakeness is so apparent to me, and it sickens me to no end.

It is my sincere belief that ANY tears that have fallen from her eyes are ALL for her own self. She does not care and never cared for Caylee. She PRETENDED for her audiences while Caylee lived just like she is pretending for her audience now. I can only pray that the day is coming when she will cry real tears, in that moment when they lock her away for the rest of her useless miserable empty life. :banghead:
Got in late after work, watching testimony, Go Dr. G. Here is what is shocking to me, sorry did not read all posts BUT: Someone tell me how ICA can get all sick and weepy when she does not even look at pictures but be all non weepy and indignant when viewing a MOVIE showing her DAUGHTER decomposing with DUCT TAPE over her mouth before her very eyes which she was able to watch?

Sorry bout the internet yelling. Just watching the testimony and that is ridiculous. Utterly beyond any scope of reasonableness with regard to true emotion.
I think the majority of her tearful efforts are to sway the jury. She wants to prove she is feeling upset. I believe she has been coached to do so at certain points, because I do not believe she knows when it would be a natural point in which to cry.

The way she "cries" is not natural. Pressing her eyes so hard is only to hopefully induce tear flow. If she were truly crying, she would not wipe away the tears, they would stream down her face and her face gleam with wetness. Some women, who wear eye-makeup and will wipe upwards under the lower lashes to keep from getting "raccoon" eyes, but she doesn't seem to be concerned with that, her meticulous dabbing with tissues and checking the results is really all about convincing herself she is accomplishing an act. As I said, if she was really crying, her tears would be practically unstoppable. I noticed many times how she could stop instantly and be distracted with something else and forget she was having a "crying" jag. I am not impressed and I doubt the jury is either.

I know this probably belongs somewhere else, but I am appalled at her overall appearance for her trial. Hair pulled back so severely making her look older and harsh, the clothing is terrible and unsuitable for a trial in my opinion. She should have had a softer looking hair cut, more feminine clothing, if she was to be portrayed as innocent, I would think the clothing and hair would have been important in the illusion-making. I am baffled that she appears to be so hard looking. Even long hair could be arranged in a softer way. He defense team seem to be clueless in more ways than one.
From Whence to Casey's Tears Flow?

From the deep void that is where her spirit and personality should be. (I see KC as having definately cluster B disorder(s) and I tend to lean toward's OLG's assessment which is narcissist as primary diagnosis).

Why does she cry fake tears?

1. She can not empathize with other's pain. She.just.can't. She does, however, understand that she has to at least appear sympathetic to the jury and has to behave in a way she thinks would help the jury see her as a "victim". She has observed others that are capable of empathy and compassion for over 20+ years and she has adopted behaviors she has seen---monkey see, monkey do basically. These tears are a means to an end.

She sees her self as perfection. She sees herself as superior JMHO. How dare anyone challange her? To challange her is to commit an unpardonable sin. She can't let her rage out at the persons she feels are challanging her or those that are showing exactly how ugly her true self is---so she cries (fake and real tears). She believes deeply in her mind she is victimized.

2. Her real tears---IMHO pure and unmitigated rage. Seething below the surface. She can't release that rage and not show the jury and court who she really is so she cries real tears as a release. She cries, she stares with seething cold hatred at what challanges her sense of self (false self) which included her own Mother earlier in the trial as her Mother left court. Or at a video presentation that she doesn't want shown to the jury. If you watch KC very closely her emotional rage is severely limited. 1. Anger, rage 2. Irritation 3. Charm and what I call the "sunshine and lollipops" brigade~ meaning she want's to project that she is perfection. But not a normal range of emotions---not that I've seen JMHO.

She cries for herself and for whatever reason she thinks is best at that moment.

All the above only my humble opinion.
i think casey is crying bc she is slapped in the face with a dose of reality .. and i dont think she ever saw a decomposing body .. and she knows she will probably end up just like that ..
If I were on the jury I would be wondering why this woman was so unemotional after the supposed drowning of her baby, dancing, partying and having a good time with her boyfriend but now she can sit there and cry? Where were the tears when her child had an accident? She obviously can show emotion now, why not then? Did she just suddenly develop the ability to feel pain while in jail or is it all an act or just plain old self pity?
i think casey is crying bc she is slapped in the face with a dose of reality .. and i dont think she ever saw a decomposing body .. and she knows she will probably end up just like that ..

She saw a decomposing body when she put Caylee into the garbage bags.
In my opinion, I have only seen KC truly cry once and that was when Cindy gave her the cold shoulder after she testified last week....I don't think it was from being sad either, she was extremely p'd off because CA didn't give her the time of day and rightfully so. All this other boo hoo with her head in her attorney's chest w/the kleenex over her face is all hooey! Don't even get me started on that fake arse eye jabbing she does and the constant checking for tears....she's as bad at crying as she is at making up her goofy stories.

When I first read the title of this thread about where KC's tears come from, my first thought was certainly not from her eyes, lol. Sorry but true!!
I voted none of the above because I have barely seen her crying during the trial. I've seen her faking a lot. First she starts rubbing and squeezing her nose to make it red, then she pretends to wipe it, then she rubs her eyes hard to make them redden and swell. No tears, no snot, no sobbing breaths.
The couple of times I thought she might really be crying for a short bit, it seemed to be from anger or frustration.

IMO, she really believes that she's a much better actress than she is. She thinks that "damn I'm a good liar" but I think people see through it and don't call her on it.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if she is dying to take the stand but JB won't let her. I honestly think she believes she can outwit the prosecution with more lies.

I agree with this, and have been fearing that she'll do so and purposely speak/behave in a totally deranged way. What would happen, I wonder, if she did this?

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