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What has you frustrated with trial so far?

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That is exactly what the SA HAD TO DO. They did not do it that way because they wanted to waste any one's time. It is what the court demands of them. They had to lay the foundation and introduce each and every piece of evidence, one by one. If they didn't they would not be able to use any of it in their case or in their closing statements.

I agree, and can't wait to see JB lay down the foundation for drowning and molestation when he presents his case in chief. He can't just get up there and say it's true without nuffin right?

Hope I'm not getting OT.


I am frustrated by the fact that the defense is allowed to make an OS that slanders people and is not required to show any basis for such statements before making them. Experts are required to show proof that they are qualified. Why could the defense not be required to show SOME reason for making the argument they are making when it involves innocent people???

I am also frustrated at the "special" treatment being given to ICA. She should be escorted out as soon as court is over. When she is at the desk, she should have no access to computers, phones, and notes being passed to her. JMHO
And the internet searches and how many links she clicked. This only shows that SA is fabricating evidence. If neighbor's child dies of chloroform am I responsible? I HAVE searched for this word. KC also searched for shovel. Then we can as well conclude that she wanted to buy a shovel for Caylee and therefor she is a loving mother. :)
She clicked 84 times! Wow! What an evidence! :) Well links are there to be clicked.
I like the way Judge Perry is taking care of the jurors. For the most part, I believe the prosecutors are doing a good job, and they are methodical and professional. Even George and Cindy are behaving themselves in the back of the room.

I hate that Judge Perry has to take time to school the "lead" defense attorney on things he should already know or should still be learning by watching another attorney do them. Holding school in the courtroom is a waste, a huge waste.

Why do Baez and Mason treat the witnesses like trash, or is it garbage? They are so rude to them, so condescending, and they attack the credentials of every expert witness and badger them during questioning. :banghead:

Jose and his objections, which he throws out hoping he'll get something right eventually, like the broken clock which has the correct time twice a day. He smirks most of the time, he acts giddy and has laughter in his voice when he attacks witnesses, he goes on and on and it's so difficult to follow his train of thought.

The entire defense team can't seem to sit still, can't keep quiet, and don't know how to control their talkative client. So much disrespect in one courtroom is unbelievable. After the last sidebar today, Judge Perry was distracted by the actions of THE TEAM and THEIR CLIENT. Poor Judge was trying to get things settled and leave for the night but the ruckus in the corner held his attention. Watch it on the WFTV video Part 12. Fast forward to near the end. Judge was so frazzled he forgot to tell the witness he could go home, too. Why do they let them carry on???????? :maddening:
I voted "other" because I'm most frustrated with the poor representation from the defense team. No attorney should have to be told to "rephrase" a question so many times due to asking either questions that don't even make sense or that are duplex (which leaves the witness at a loss for words).
Everytime JB does his long overly flirty i'm such a nice guy smirk at the jury when he says good morning, really gets my back up, his demeaning tone to witnesses is another, i love it when the experts correct him, classic. The guys an idiot.
Everytime JB does his long overly flirty i'm such a nice guy smirk at the jury when he says good morning, really gets my back up, his demeaning tone to witnesses is another, i love it when the experts correct him, classic. The guys an idiot.

bwaaaa----:floorlaugh:-------I feel the same exact way! That smirk nauseates me.

:banghead: His his ill-toned voice he used yesterday with the Dep. when he questioned him about the dog hitting spots.

I hope someone hits him in the face with a whipped pie.
I put other. JB - not just his sarcasm, but his condescending attitude, his lack of preparation,His lack of respect to the courtroom/the long-standing proper way to address his peers and his superiors in a courtroom, his endless use of others to do work he should have done himself, even the way he addresses the court...pretty much everything about him.
The thing that irritates me the most about the trial so far is the swagger of Baez, along with his rude treatment of witnesses. And another thing is his trying to pretend that he knows what he is talking about. I do not believe that he has done his homework on the things he is cross examining about. He is just way over his head in this and does not seem to want to let others on his team do any of the cross examining of the witnesses.
I like the way Judge Perry is taking care of the jurors. For the most part, I believe the prosecutors are doing a good job, and they are methodical and professional. Even George and Cindy are behaving themselves in the back of the room.

I hate that Judge Perry has to take time to school the "lead" defense attorney on things he should already know or should still be learning by watching another attorney do them. Holding school in the courtroom is a waste, a huge waste.

Why do Baez and Mason treat the witnesses like trash, or is it garbage? They are so rude to them, so condescending, and they attack the credentials of every expert witness and badger them during questioning. :banghead:

Jose and his objections, which he throws out hoping he'll get something right eventually, like the broken clock which has the correct time twice a day. He smirks most of the time, he acts giddy and has laughter in his voice when he attacks witnesses, he goes on and on and it's so difficult to follow his train of thought.

The entire defense team can't seem to sit still, can't keep quiet, and don't know how to control their talkative client. So much disrespect in one courtroom is unbelievable. After the last sidebar today, Judge Perry was distracted by the actions of THE TEAM and THEIR CLIENT. Poor Judge was trying to get things settled and leave for the night but the ruckus in the corner held his attention. Watch it on the WFTV video Part 12. Fast forward to near the end. Judge was so frazzled he forgot to tell the witness he could go home, too. Why do they let them carry on???????? :maddening:

It's almost embarrassing, isn't it? I've noticed more than one witness with that look on their face as if to be saying........"are you for real"?......or "mister, you've got to be kidding me". IMO, Casey couldn't have chosen a more appropriate attorney......LOL
At the top of my list: Lawyer Baez has twice now tried to make a witness appear to be part of this case in order to "SELL" something. WooHoo. I am apt to say things to my tv and or computer that a Websleuther refrains from saying. Continuing to be above petty name calling although I'm having a very hard time....I would just like to point out that perhaps there are others who really are making money from this case. Some are talking heads....

I can't go on without going blue. You get my drift.

I have to say "media coverage" because I am forced to watch much of the action on IS or HLN, as my computer tends to overheat when I use it to watch live events...and their coverage is repulsive and ignorant, no matter which side they take, in my opinion.

I never have high expectations that lawyers on the defense side of criminal trials will behave very well toward witnesses, as often they have very little to work with as far as actual evidence or law on their side. So often we see defense teams attacking victims of rape, is despicable but it is what they do. So JB does not bother me as much as he might otherwise. I think he portrays desperation when he is rude and insinuating with witnesses.
Me too - I can hardly shwallow! Why won't she look at the jury? Why does it appear she's watching a tennis match when Baez is at the podium (Baez-witness-Baez-witness). But when LDB or JA is up, her head is practically buried in her lap.

Don't get me started, but when she does her meet n' greet every morning I just want to hurl. Oh, here, let me get that cord for you. Let me get out the notebooks and pick the one I want to read while the SA is talking about my dead daughter.

Oh, the grooming. Can we talk about the grooming? Oh nevermind...

DS is out of school on Monday and that will give me a good excuse to take a necessary time-out :) Let's see if I can really do it - LOL



As far as the "tennis match" vision.. ( good comparison, Mel )

I think she is so full of herself that she want's to make it appear that she is making sure that the person who is working for her is doing his job properly.

Of course she forget's that us Floridians are paying for every volley. Nahh.. I take that back, she know's and doesn't care.

Take care, Robin
The sidebars are irritating, but not near as bad as watching Casey turn on and off like a light switch.
Yes, that reminded me of another thing. Jose is alllll over the place. Do you notice how he changes the subject, then comes back to his original subject, leaving the witness with a WTH look on their face. Half the time I can't figure out what he's on about. He spends quite a bit of time saying "I'll get back to that" - "let me rephrase that" - "let me strike that" - "can you give me a moment" - "Judge, can we have a sidebar".

I think once he's done with those witnesses, they must run to the nearest bar. I know I would :)



I think JB and ICA are like two pea's in a pod and are made for each other. They can't tell the truth and they truly think that if they just bamboozle with BS they will surely be believed.

Take care, Robin
I like the way Judge Perry is taking care of the jurors. For the most part, I believe the prosecutors are doing a good job, and they are methodical and professional. Even George and Cindy are behaving themselves in the back of the room.

I hate that Judge Perry has to take time to school the "lead" defense attorney on things he should already know or should still be learning by watching another attorney do them. Holding school in the courtroom is a waste, a huge waste.

Why do Baez and Mason treat the witnesses like trash, or is it garbage? They are so rude to them, so condescending, and they attack the credentials of every expert witness and badger them during questioning. :banghead:

Jose and his objections, which he throws out hoping he'll get something right eventually, like the broken clock which has the correct time twice a day. He smirks most of the time, he acts giddy and has laughter in his voice when he attacks witnesses, he goes on and on and it's so difficult to follow his train of thought.

The entire defense team can't seem to sit still, can't keep quiet, and don't know how to control their talkative client. So much disrespect in one courtroom is unbelievable. After the last sidebar today, Judge Perry was distracted by the actions of THE TEAM and THEIR CLIENT. Poor Judge was trying to get things settled and leave for the night but the ruckus in the corner held his attention. Watch it on the WFTV video Part 12. Fast forward to near the end. Judge was so frazzled he forgot to tell the witness he could go home, too. Why do they let them carry on???????? :maddening:

ITA !! The lack of respect from the DT that is being allowed surprises me ... I really thought protocol and decorum would have been strickly followed for the trial ... Big disappointment for me there ... so we get a whole 8 weeks or so of Jose not standing completely to address the court, walking away from the mic and not staying at the podium, leaning on just about everything, hands in pockets, clicking his pen ... I could go on and on .... uggghhh ... could he BE anymore aggravating? :banghead:

There's only so much sleeze I can take from one defense lawyer ... but courtroom decorum aside, Baez seems to think belittling and badgering of the state's witnesses is going to win him points with the jury ... the same jury he wants to "dumb things down" for ... WTH?
So far, I think he's managed to bolster the state's witness testimony and credibility and damage the defense's case ...

Today was the frosting on the cake .... Jose attacking the computer forensic witnesses !! Seriously, Jose actually thought he could discredit these guys with his "vast" computer knowledge ... LMAO ... Jose can't even figure out how to use the courtroom technology because he doesn't even know how to use Windows or how to use a PC ....
I really had to laugh when I saw him carrying his MacBook around to display something .... :floorlaugh:

Someone needs to tell Jose to stop using Wikipedia as his go to legal reference ... I'm sure he's never read the disclaimer and doesn't know it's not a real encyclopedia ... jeeze .... :loser:

Don't get me wrong, I use Wikipedia for info but don't consider it gospel .. if there's something I want to verify or get more info on, I do the research ...
Now that I think of it I should have put "primping" on the list!! If ICA plays with those bangs of hers one more day I SWEAR my TV will not only be a flat screen it will be a dead screen!
Baez's smirks and the sarcastic comments by the DT have frustrated me but I think Baez's lack of respect for the court, Judge Perry and the legal system gets to me more and more each day. Not only does he smirk, but he rolls his eyes and disregards Judge Perry's rulings...going on to continue asking a question that has just been sustained. I particularly despise his condescending tone when questioning a witness, after his initial friendly greeting, and his accusatory manner in which he attacks their credibility and ability to do their job. He is despicable and epitomizes the very essence of a sleazy defense attorney, IMO.
OK, guess I wasn't done with my rant ...

What is up with big high chairs for the DT, Jose looks as tall as Mason in his ... and an itty bitty one for KC which barely puts her above the table ... then they pile books, etc. up in front of her so you can barely see her ...
I can't believe they are getting away with it ... trying to make her look like a kid and a paralegal at that !! Certainly it makes her look harmless to be treated like one of the team, I can't believe she's being allowed all this leeway at trial ....

I suppose the state would have to take issue with it but come on !! ....
Guess it's OK for capital murder defendants to have pens, laptops, iPads ... who get's this kind of treatment .... even handling power cords for the equipment ???

OK, done with my ranting ... :twocents: :rolleyes:

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