Full circle

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Sep 24, 2008
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As the 1st annv of Caylee's death approaches, it has made me personally reflect on many things regarding what this case, what Caylee's death has meant to so many who never knew her.

I realized a year ago, we had never heard of her, didn't know this little angel would become such a part of our lives & for many of us, change it. For me, it meant getting involved with TES & becoming even more comitted to the protection of children.

We all need to make sure Caylee & all our other murdered children have not died without us all learning a lesson from it. We all need to keep our eyes open, pay attention to the children around us, in our class rooms, our dance classes or scout troops & to know our gut feelings will rarely lead us in the wrong direction. It is so easy to not get involved when you know a child is being hurt or neglected, it's much easier to close your eyes & heart to it all, but we can't. We must take the painful step to follow our hearts to take whatever steps are necessary to save a child.

There is no greater gift God can bestow upon us than children. No child should know the horror of being raped, beaten or looking up into their mothers eyes as she kills them. They shouldn't ever see any killer's eyes. I so wish Caylee & all our other murdered children were doing what God intended them to do as children, chase butterflies, catch fireflys on a summer night, see their first rainbow, dig their toes in the mud after a warm summer rain.

I hope Caylee's death has opened all our eyes. Get involved in any way you can to make sure children are safe, volunteer at school, get involved with scouts, be the home your children & their friends want to be at, a safe harbor. I hope her death has made all of us open our eyes to see that very ugly things do happen in what we think is a nice, safe family.

We've come full circle with TES being back in the Orlando area for yet another search. Even though it's not a child, it is still someone's daughter, someone's friend, someone important who still had a lot to give. I plan to mark Caylee's annv by not only praying for her but by also donating again to TES. I find it heart breaking that every day there are so many people who are missing, so many famlies praying for help. As long as Tim MIller continues to have a heart as big as the whole world, I plan to continue to do whatever small part I can do to help TES continue their work. I hope, despite how rough things are for each of us, we can all find a way to honor Caylee & all those who are missing, as well as honor Tim, with however much we can.

I know Caylee is in heaven chasing her butterflies & in a world filled with love. I know Caylee knows we love her, will never forget her & that we have all learned many lessons from her death.

God bless everyone for caring, doing their part & esp thanks to all who searched for her or donated to the cause.
I agree, fantastic post!!

I have always been an overprotective mom, even with my 18 yo. But since joining websleuths and hearing of all these children that go missing.....Ive become even MORE overprotective (if thats possible)

Now when my youngest son wants to know why he cant do something or someone gives me carp for being overprotective I remind them that I belong to a crime forum and that they have no idea the kinds of things that go on in the world!!

Thank you WEBSLEUTHS for opening my eyes to things I did not know. And may God be with those who are missing and the ones who are no longer with us!!!
I am not sure we have come full circle yet while a year has past and it seems that Casey is being haunted by CAYLEE in her dreams, at this time of year is normal reaction.
I think I will call it a full circle when it has been solved.
No child should have their lives snuffed out, not by a perp, and certainly not by the people who are supposed to love and protect them.
But surely in this year I have been able to observe myself in my own life drama with a bipolar daughter, the Anthony's have shown me how I too have been too soft and too understanding at times;
While I am nothing at all like those nuts: THANK YOU GOD!
I am a parent and at times there is denial, overlooking and covering for her.
Through watching this dysfunctional fiasco, I had been able to deal better in some situations, and open my eyes to where I may have been in denial in other situations. for that I do thank them.

I cant wait for this case to get to the courts, It is starting to be exhausting.
I do want to see justice for Caylee at the end of all the discovery and trial. But I do not want to see the DP for Casey.
I do not think she is the product of a normal home, I would like to see the Anthony's in a padded room for a very long time.
I have no idea how they can live off CAYLEE'S Name sake and cant stand behind her at all. That makes me ill.

RIP little angel - :blowkiss:
Having known victims of crime I can think of no better trhread than the one you just started LeLe...seriously. A victim is always a friend, co-worker, relative...same for the people who commit those crimes. God Bless you all. And thank you for starting this thread...
Whilst I have witnessed the loss of a child (Caylee), the cold heart of a killer and the intricate dysfunction of the family, I have witnessed more good than bad thus far.

Strangers came to search for a child they'd never met. I (and I'm sure others) have re evaluated some of my own parenting and have become less judgemental.

Thousands offer nightly prayers, hundreds visit here to get updates, and each of us have been changed (mostly for the better, but the protesters - not so much).

TES have become even more widely known, and will go on to help others.

Caylee didn't die in vain - she has led many of us to be better people.
...and even though Casey may not suffer the "anniversary effect"...I know that there are those here that most definitely are.

G-d bless you Caylee. You are not forgotten.
God rest her soul,
So quick departed
Keep her by your side.

The light of life
Though in her started
We question why she died.

Make her a light
A torch that burns
Illuminating others.

And if you could,
Kiss her for us
And tuck her in her covers.

Send butterflies
And sweetest songs
Into her baby dreams.

And draw her nigh
Unto Your House
Upon an angels wings.

She lived and laughed
Her love remains
She did not die in vain.

Caylee Marie
Now chasing stars
And laughing in the rain.
God rest her soul,
So quick departed
Keep her by your side.

The light of life
Though in her started
We question why she died.

Make her a light
A torch that burns
Illuminating others.

And if you could,
Kiss her for us
And tuck her in her covers.

Send butterflies
And sweetest songs
Into her baby dreams.

And draw her nigh
Unto Your House
Upon an angels wings.

She lived and laughed
Her love remains
She did not die in vain.

Caylee Marie
Now chasing stars
And laughing in the rain.

What a beautiful poem, I am so impressed. And so glad I got to "meet" you all, though I wish it had been under happier circumstances.

You're Loved Beautiful Lil' Peanut.
Having known victims of crime I can think of no better trhread than the one you just started LeLe...seriously. A victim is always a friend, co-worker, relative...same for the people who commit those crimes. God Bless you all. And thank you for starting this thread...

:blowkiss: That's exactly right. All of the Anthony's were someone's neighbor & co worker. Denial is such a strong thing, we do it even though it eats away at our gut. KC didn't get this way over night, be it from being from a very disturbed family or a mental illness. If she was being abused as a child, someone, anyone, should have stepped forward, if she had a mental illness, her parents should have gotten her help. Of course, there is also the possiblity she is just evil.
How many friends or lovers could have looked at her and known she would, in cold blood, kill her own child. How many of Cindy's co workers could have known her grand daughter would be a victime.
SO yes, every victim & every perp IS someone's friend, neighbor, possible co worker, lover, spouse. And normally anyone that knew them is just shocked, why, b/c we don't want to admit to ourselves this evil has touched our own lives.
Caylee's life was not without purpose. We have learned so much from her life & her death. I know I have made friends thru this case that mean the world to me, I would not have these friendships if it were not for this angel.
Rest in peace baby girl
Whilst I have witnessed the loss of a child (Caylee), the cold heart of a killer and the intricate dysfunction of the family, I have witnessed more good than bad thus far.

Strangers came to search for a child they'd never met. I (and I'm sure others) have re evaluated some of my own parenting and have become less judgemental.

Thousands offer nightly prayers, hundreds visit here to get updates, and each of us have been changed (mostly for the better, but the protesters - not so much).

TES have become even more widely known, and will go on to help others.

Caylee didn't die in vain - she has led many of us to be better people.

I couldn't agree more. I have made many friendships by coming together
with others here, but I have made 3 very very close friendships & these ladies would not be in my life, nor each others, without Caylee. This beautiful child touched more lives in her little life than most of us touch in a lifetime of growing old.
I can't help thinking that KC was once a small child like Caylee and wouldn't it had been nice if she was taught that lying was wrong and wouldn't it have been great if when she cried out to get help someone would have listened? KC was allowed to lie, steal & cheat her way through life and the only ones I can think of that could have stopped this is her family but I feel her family was dealing with too many issues of their own. This last year has taught me that as parents we need to think about what we are teaching our kids and listen to them and get them help when they need it instead of being comsumed with our own problems.
caylee judging from the pics and videos we've seen. reminds me so much of my own daughters and granddaughters at that age. while many talked badly of the terrible twos i never looked at that age as such. kids that age are so full of life, love, and learning about the world around them. learning to become "independent" while a part still wanting to cuddle and be a baby. i think that was my favorite age...along with surprisingly teenhood. i can't imagine someone wanting to hurt a child. especially a parent...all that child wants as with all is to be loved and to show love!!

we talk about coming full circle and as i look, while there has been some positive outcomes there has also seemed to be so many more children being taken and killed. this hurts my heart so much and makes me want to cry out in anger and pain!!
I can't help thinking that KC was once a small child like Caylee and wouldn't it had been nice if she was taught that lying was wrong and wouldn't it have been great if when she cried out to get help someone would have listened? KC was allowed to lie, steal & cheat her way through life and the only ones I can think of that could have stopped this is her family but I feel her family was dealing with too many issues of their own. This last year has taught me that as parents we need to think about what we are teaching our kids and listen to them and get them help when they need it instead of being comsumed with our own problems.

How right you are. How many times do we as parents say "it's just a phase." Perhaps, but we still have to teach them right from wrong & not let them or us use the excuse "its just a phase."
Not only do we need to tell our children what is right & wrong, WE need to live it. We can't knock back a few at a friends back yard bbq, drive the family home & expect our kids to listen when we tell them not to drink & drive, they do as they see, not always as they are told. How many have gotten out of a store without paying for something by mistake.........take it back in, pay for it, let your kids see you be honest. They watch what we do & it really does matter. Caylee's death has taught us how NOT to parent but also how to really open our eyes and see.

Please donate to TES in honor of Caylee & all God's missing loved ones.
Lele, thanks for starting this thread. Other posters have already written far more eloquently than I ever could.

I came here too because of Caylee and everyday I thank her for bringing me here. I couldn't even begin to tell you how much I've learned. Good, bad and otherwise.
The legacy of Caylee Marie has only just begun!
Her short two and a half years on this earth has and will impact more lives than many who have lived well into their "golden" years! It will be interesting to come back here year after year and see what her legacy has brought to the lives of those she never had a chance to know!
Rest in Peace Sunshine :blowkiss:
I am not sure we have come full circle yet while a year has past and it seems that Casey is being haunted by CAYLEE in her dreams, at this time of year is normal reaction.
I think I will call it a full circle when it has been solved.
No child should have their lives snuffed out, not by a perp, and certainly not by the people who are supposed to love and protect them.
But surely in this year I have been able to observe myself in my own life drama with a bipolar daughter, the Anthony's have shown me how I too have been too soft and too understanding at times;
While I am nothing at all like those nuts: THANK YOU GOD!
I am a parent and at times there is denial, overlooking and covering for her.
Through watching this dysfunctional fiasco, I had been able to deal better in some situations, and open my eyes to where I may have been in denial in other situations. for that I do thank them.

I cant wait for this case to get to the courts, It is starting to be exhausting.
I do want to see justice for Caylee at the end of all the discovery and trial. But I do not want to see the DP for Casey.
I do not think she is the product of a normal home, I would like to see the Anthony's in a padded room for a very long time.
I have no idea how they can live off CAYLEE'S Name sake and cant stand behind her at all. That makes me ill.

RIP little angel - :blowkiss:

I agree songline, we will come full circle when the one who took Caylee's life is under lock and key and serving the sentence for this horrible crime.
This site has proved to be a great place to go when we are searching for justice and involve our mind and soul with the loss of another human.
Through Websleuth I have met many bright and caring people. I enjoy reading the posts, even the ones which are far from my own opinion.
My heart breaks for this little girl whose life ended so early.
I'm not sure about the DP for Casey, my mind really hasn't visited there yet. However, like you I clearly see Casey's relationship with her parents, her mother, Cindy in particular to have a base in her behavior and personality. Too bad for all of us, that something wasn't done long ago for Casey that she would never be in a positon or a mind-set to take her daughter's life.

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