"G (Guilty)" vs "NG (Not Guilty)" Where do you stand?

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Guilty V Not Guilty & What Level

  • Guilty 1st Degree Murder - Totally Premeditated

    Votes: 530 79.3%
  • Guilty 2cnd Degree Murder

    Votes: 58 8.7%
  • Guilty Manslaughter - Not premeditated but during a Rage attack or a snapped moment

    Votes: 61 9.1%
  • Not Guilty - Complete Accident

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • Completely Innocent

    Votes: 8 1.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I vote Guilty....but feel, at this point she will walk........ too much "garbage in...garbage out" Create confusion ......Create reasonable doubt! And the beat goes on!
Jannie, the aspiring paralegal that she is when JB is around.

Thanks, Brini! I totally forgot about her in her crisp, virginally white shirt and quaint librarian glasses! She probably fantasizes about her and JB settling down together and running their business after this "problem" is resolved!

You know ree ....

The missing babydoll bothers me more than anything. Terrible. No report of that even being at the discovery sight. So sad.
I believe the babydoll was in the carseat (I could be wrong). As far as not taking any clothes, I think that again goes to premeditation. KC knew that Caylee was not going to need any clothes where she was going. IMHO.
I believe the babydoll was in the carseat (I could be wrong). As far as not taking any clothes, I think that again goes to premeditation. KC knew that Caylee was not going to need any clothes where she was going. IMHO.

I think that is a big part of the building blocks for making a pre-meditated murder case-NO PLAN FOR CAYLEE'S FUTURE BECAUSE KC PLANNED ON TAKING IT AWAY FROM HER!!:furious:
Caylee did not fall out of a tree.

Neither did I. She is guilty of first degree murder.
I voted guilty of first degree murder, one reason being her total indifference after Caylee went "missing", as if she had planned, or thought of getting rid of her for some time.
Wait so .. how did Caylee die?

Clorophorm still doesnt make sense because it only puts people to sleep for a few minutes .. there was no trauma on the bones .. those of you saying she killed her after packing to go to Tony's house - what was her murder weapon?
Wait so .. how did Caylee die?

Clorophorm still doesnt make sense because it only puts people to sleep for a few minutes .. there was no trauma on the bones .. those of you saying she killed her after packing to go to Tony's house - what was her murder weapon?

Good question, but lots of answers, imo ---

choking her
suffocating her
overdose on some medication

Any one of those will work with no trauma to the bones.
Wait so .. how did Caylee die?

Clorophorm still doesnt make sense because it only puts people to sleep for a few minutes .. there was no trauma on the bones .. those of you saying she killed her after packing to go to Tony's house - what was her murder weapon?

Probably-her hands!!:furious:
Sweet Caylee :heart:

Regardless of how any of us voted -- this little:heart:girl deserved much better than she got.
I'll never forget Dobber the search dog tracking Laci all the way out to the end of the pier and staring out into the water. I wish some dog like this had been used to track Caylee. I think there is going to be so much evidence that everyone will know how she died and there won't be any NG's in this case. I can only remember one or two NG's in the Peterson case though.

If the body was only 15 houses away from G&A's house on Hopespring, when the dogs searched the backyard- which way was the wind blowing those days? Toward Hopesprings from the disposal site, or away? I wish the dogs had been smart enough to point and say "over here, this way, let's go get her..." I mean, TV dogs like Lassie would have. I wish a lot of things about this case. Like that the "mother" had a shred of compassion for her child and gave up custody instead of killing her. Like that now the worst that COULD happen, has happened, and the A's have absolutely nothing left to lose, really, no matter what else they retain. And that nobody has buried that poor baby's bones. I wish that the perp gets the appropriate and correct sentence for the actual crime committed. I wish that the next dukmbazz girl who wants to go out partying will obtain and use an effective form of birth control. I wish that this case would go to trial and be put to rest. I wish some sort of peace for G&A, but I am afraid they will never find it.
just saying that because it was on her resume she must have thought of herself as a nanny, then says a nanny took caylee...it's just odd.

i know there is no zanny the nanny in a literal sense.

She didn't think herself a nanny. She claimed varying roles to impress different people.

She knows she made up the nanny, so that the folks wouldn't find out that she actually took the baby partyng, and to sleep at her assorted boyfriend's houses.

The woman is not frankly delusional-- she's a sociopath. They are selfish and heartless to the nth degree, but not psychotic.
Sweet Caylee :heart:

Regardless of how any of us voted -- this little:heart:girl deserved much better than she got.

I love that pic of her with doll. Love it.
I vote Guilty....but feel, at this point she will walk........ too much "garbage in...garbage out" Create confusion ......Create reasonable doubt! And the beat goes on!

I don't think so. Despite the hired-gun circus, FL is not CA. Whacky defenses likely won't win the case.
I don't think so. Despite the hired-gun circus, FL is not CA. Whacky defenses likely won't win the case.

I hope you are right & hope & pray that I'm wrong. The modern-day defense strategy seems to be creating a circus of confusion (Phil Spector) It was so infuriating to watch that spectacle, with the best that money could buy, & the bigger the dog & pony show, the more reasonable doubt is cast in the minds of the jurors. I am still in shock over that outcome, but see the theatrics growing by the day in this one. You can hold a smoking gun in your hand, & say "I think I shot someone" & blame the victim:bang::bang:
I hope you are right & hope & pray that I'm wrong. The modern-day defense strategy seems to be creating a circus of confusion (Phil Spector) It was so infuriating to watch that spectacle, with the best that money could buy, & the bigger the dog & pony show, the more reasonable doubt is cast in the minds of the jurors. I am still in shock over that outcome, but see the theatrics growing by the day in this one. You can hold a smoking gun in your hand, & say "I think I shot someone" & blame the victim:bang::bang:

Spector, OJ, and Blake-- all CA cases, all "celebrities." Most has-beens, but still with s strong following, of a sort.
Wait so .. how did Caylee die?

Clorophorm still doesnt make sense because it only puts people to sleep for a few minutes .. there was no trauma on the bones .. those of you saying she killed her after packing to go to Tony's house - what was her murder weapon?

I posted a link on the thread about parents who kill....two studies I found showed that mothers who kill overwhelmingly used suffocation or drowning as the method of killing...also, mothers who killed were more likely to kill children in the "tender years" (before age 5) while fathers were more likely to kill older children, and use weapons...

Unlike strangulation, where trauma would probably be evident in the breaking of the hyoid, suffocation or drowning would not involve trauma to the skeleton...
What would Casey have done with Caylee when she left home to live with Tony IF Caylee hadn't died???

Casey told Tony late June 15 and early June 16 she couldn't stay with Cindy and George anymore.

Tony said Casey could stay with him, but not Caylee.

None of Caylee's clothes or diapers were packed. Casey packed up enough stuff for HERSELF for a LONG stay.I think Casey WAS in a rage with Cindy and moving out.

But, no way was Casey going to let Cindy win and have HER daughter. Premeditation and malice can be developed in 10 minutes if someone has already been fantasizing along those lines.


Did I miss this? Do we know for sure Tony said this and when? Can anyone link a source? That would definitely be more grounds for premeditation IMO...
Wait so .. how did Caylee die?

Clorophorm still doesnt make sense because it only puts people to sleep for a few minutes .. there was no trauma on the bones .. those of you saying she killed her after packing to go to Tony's house - what was her murder weapon?

Chloroform can also kill a person if too much is used, or it is inhaled for more than a few seconds, especially if it is a small child.
I don't know if that was the cause of death, and technically they don't have to prove cause of death, since it is now known for certain that Caylee died.
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