Identified! GA - Atlanta, Blk/HispMale 487UMGA, 40-50, at Grady HS track, Jul'02 - Name not found

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Found: July 23, 2002, in Midtown at the Grady High School outdoor track, with a severe head injury and broken hip. He had fallen while jogging the stadium steps.
• Description: Light-skinned African-American or possibly Hispanic male, 5 feet 6, 150 to 155 pounds, with hazel eyes, a Mohawk haircut and a mustache. Thought to be 40 to 50 years old.
• Clues: None. An investigation around Piedmont Park area hotels, bars, fitness clubs, neighborhoods, churches and businesses produced no leads. Searches in surrounding states and government databases also failed.
• If you have information: Call 404-616-8100.
John Doe No. 1 possibly ID'd

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 01/07/06

Four sisters from Memphis may have finally given a name to John Doe No. 1 — a patient who's been cared for by Grady Health System for more than three years.

Friday, after a long, emotional drive from Tennessee, they surrounded him at a nursing home looking for any sign that the man, who cannot walk or talk, is their 49-year-old brother, Tommy Lee Addison.

"Look, look at his forehead," said Martha Addison, 57, lightly touching a patch of discolored skin. "This is where he got burnt on a wooden heater. I know this is him, he's still got that mark."

The light-skinned African-American man was found injured, unconscious and without any identification July 23, 2002, at Grady High School stadium in Midtown Atlanta.

A witness said he'd tumbled 30 to 40 feet while jogging the concrete steps. After being treated for nine months at Grady Memorial Hospital for a broken hip and a traumatic brain injury, the man was placed at Crestview Health and Rehabilitation Center in southeast Atlanta, where he's lived for three years without a past or a name.

That may change early next week with DNA test results. "We're not going to release him to the family until his identification has been established," said Kim Morris of Crestview. Last year, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution wrote about the search to find relatives of Grady's three long-term unidentified patients, known as John Doe No. 1, John Doe 2 and John Doe 3. John Doe No. 2 was identified as Jose Osorio Barrillas after his plight made its way to the media in his native country of Guatamala. The third unidentified man, who suffers from dementia, is an African-American man in his 60s.

Annie Addison, 51, who was swabbed for the DNA test, said she hasn't allowed herself to think of the possibility that the test will reveal that her brother is still out there, somewhere else.

She said her brother moved to Atlanta in 1982 but he wasn't one to call or write home. They last talked to him on the phone in 1991.

As a child, he loved roller skating, then turned to karate, weightlifting and running. "He was a person all to himself," said Martha Addison, the oldest sister, who often watched after Tommy, the youngest of her four brothers.

An Internet Web site for missing adults that posts photos of Grady's two remaining John Does led the Addison family to Atlanta.

For two hours Friday, the Addison sisters peeled back memories of growing up in South Memphis. "Do you remember your girlfriend, Kathy? Remember when you got caught dating two women in the same night?"

The man who can't move, communicate or swallow, who depends on nurses for all his needs, broke out a smile, revealing a clue — a gap in his front teeth.

"That's where he used to have a solid gold tooth," said Lillie Addison-Jones, who at first, didn't believe she had found her brother.

Leaning against the wall, she sobbed, "It's not him, oh, no, it's not him."

But then she reconsidered after a closer inspection of the man's face, eyes, ears, and mouth. The sisters are now talking about their next step – how to bring their brother home.

"We all love him," said Dorothy Harris, 55, an Addison sister accompanied by her 27-year-old daughter. "We don't know what God has planned."

Reference: Doe Network page:

Please note: This article was published January 7, 2006 and the DNA tests were supposed to take a week. There is no followup article, and the Doe Network page is still up. So was it him?

Unfortunately this article has already been deleted from the net (no link) I was able to view it in Google's cache.
Oh wow. Thanks for the update PT. I don't know why, but this particular case has always driven me *crazy*. He just seemed so distinctive and it blew (or still blows, rather) my mind that nobody recognized him. Hopefully there will be some kind of follow up on this SOON!

Just wondering if anyone knows if there is a thread on here anywhere for him. Thanks

Vital Statistics

Estimated age: 40-50 years old
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'6"; 144-155 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Light-skinned African-American or possibly Hispanic male. Black hair; hazel eyes. Wore a mohawk hair style and a mustache when located. No tattoos, no birthmarks, no scars. Smooth feet and trimmed toenails. Well-groomed, clean-cut, with impeccable skin.
Dentals: Front upper, left tooth missing (it is unknown if it was missing before his fall or due to his fall).
Clothing: T-shirt, running shorts. No ID. No wallet, no keys or cellphone.
DNA: Available
Did he have amnesia or brain damage from the fall?

It's weird that no one missed this person's absence.
Did he have amnesia or brain damage from the fall?

It's weird that no one missed this person's absence.

I agree - this case is puzzling. I always imagined that he was running those stairs as a physical workout. Seems to me that someone who cared for himself enough to exercise would have someone in his life who would be missing him! I also thought it seemed logical that he lived close by where he was found. IDK - very sad.
He looks like he'd have been a boxer - that and running the stairs. Training athletes tend to do that.
I agree - this case is puzzling. I always imagined that he was running those stairs as a physical workout. Seems to me that someone who cared for himself enough to exercise would have someone in his life who would be missing him! I also thought it seemed logical that he lived close by where he was found. IDK - very sad.

Although, I do know of a homeless person, here, in San Diego who reminds me quite a bit of this guy and he's also an exercise fanatic (muscular, defined, etc.) I believe he's also schizophrenic, as he's always talking to himself. Like this guy, he is also missing teeth... perhaps from hard living on the streets.

So, I think It's possible he may be homeless and anonymous. The police should ask the local homeless population about him.
Can anyone tell me if this man is still UID??
His information is still posted everywhere, but there is another thread that talks about sisters going to Atlanta to find out if he his their brother. I also think I read some where in here that someone had called Grady's and were told that they had no UID there. If someone could please enlighten me if possible.

Thank you,

Shawn aka trying2id

* The victim was discovered on July 23, 2002 in Atlanta, Georgia

Vital Statistics

* Estimated age: 40-50 years old
* Approximate Height and Weight: 5'6"; 144-155 lbs.
* Distinguishing Characteristics: Light-skinned African-American or possibly Hispanic male. Black hair; hazel eyes. Wore a Mohawk hair style and a mustache when located. No tattoos, no birthmarks, no scars. Smooth feet and trimmed toenails. Well-groomed, clean-cut, with impeccable skin.
* Dentals: Front upper, left tooth missing (it is unknown if it was missing before his fall or due to his fall).
* Clothing: T-shirt, running shorts. No ID. No wallet, no keys or cell phone.
* DNA: Available

-discovered alive at the Grady High School Stadium outdoor track, in the vicinity of the 900 block of Charles Allen Drive NE in Atlanta, GA.
-had been jogging up and down the concrete stadium steps when he slipped and fell 30 to 40 feet.
-he had severe brain injury and couldn't walk or communicate
-he died August 11, 2007, still unidentified.

I added an attachment for further confirmation, because there was no news article linked on DN.


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somehow I missed this. So great to see that he has been identified after all of these years!!
I've always been interested in this case. I'm so happy they identified him. So who is he? Was he ever reported missing? Was anyone looking for him all these years? How did they finally id him? I have been looking for this info but can't seem to find it anywhere.
I am curious too. There was another website (invision?? in the url) where someone found a man that was a possible match that looked pretty close. I wonder if it was him!

ETA: tried to search around and can not find that info now but I *think* (horrible memory) I remember someone stating that the possible match lived or went missing about 11 miles from where John Doe was found.

Found the link finally!

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