Height and hair color match. Ricky might even be described as having a Mediterranean appearance was mentioned for the Omni Doe. I do see some subtle red flags:
1. Ricky was 18 when he went missing, so he’d be 19 or so in 1976 when the Omni Doe was found. I personally think that the Doe was at the older end of the age range- late twenties, pushing 30. Why? My hunch about his age is based on his clothing and watch. I get a kick that you are generous with your assessment of the Doe’s style as “fashion forward”, evoking the retro Hip Hop look favored by NY’s emerging artists. ….I don’t know, Madame X, usually I bow to your expertise on fashion and all things NY, but I’ve got to disagree. I think that our Doe is rocking some mid-70’s suburban “Dad style.” That tan windbreaker from Saks? Paired with a Lacoste golf shirt? These seem almost fuddy-duddy, and, while a safe fashion choice for someone his age, I don’t see this apparel (and that watch!) as being worn by the missing Canadian teenager. Could be wrong though.
2. The hair doesn’t add up. Ricky has some of the fullest, most luxurious locks that could ever grace a guy, while the Doe’s hairline is listed in his NamUs as showing frontal receding. Again, not a total dealbreaker, but..
3. Ricky is not described as having any identifiable or distinctive marks, while Omni Doe has a scar “over the posterior aspect of his left tricep.” As being “over”and not simply “on” his triceps muscle, this sounds like a substantial scar, IMO.
4. I believe that I read in one of the news articles that the Omni Doe was described as “somewhat paunchy” (measured at 230 lbs) while Ricky is described, and depicted as slimmer.
Hair can recede, pounds and scars can all be gained in a year’s time. The good news is that Ricky Jones can be definitely ruled out if LE takes initiative. His DNA is on file, and his sister is very determined to find him!
Thank you for posting the Omni Doe on Ricky’s page.