Is that the same Krispy Kreme that was there in 1972? Because if it is then the only place to park a car is in the Krispy parking lot because the mall was up a hill and there is a intersection at the corner.
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puzzleme, I think it is "basically" the same Krispy Kreme, not to say that some remodeling, changes in the parking lot, etc. may not have been done since 1972.
Look back at this post, from dogperson:
I will watch the video on my home computer this evening. My work computer doesn't have speakers so I can't do it right now.
I am trying to upload an attachment of what Westgate Mall looked like with different areas marked out. Let's see if this works. Okay, looks like it did. So I had some help with this from a local who remembers the mall and this is my understanding of the marked areas. The blue dot is the rear parking lot by the Piggly Wiggly. The red dot is the rear parking lot by the Big Apple. The yellow line represents Pio Nino where the vehicle was later found parked across the street by the Krispy Kreme and a tire store. The green line is the Eisenhower/Mill Irons road area and there was supposedly a steep drop-off there. Where the pink line is was also a steep drop-off into undeveloped land. Windows were mainly just in the front so if Carlene parked in one of the lots near the grocery stores it's possibly nobody would have seen her. I'm going thru all my saved info on this case and will upload more as I get it sorted. Maybe this will give a better idea of how the mall and parking lots were laid out.
So the tire store is/was in that area, too. I THINK dogperson is saying that the car may have been parked at the curb along Hightower Road, not sure. It could have been ditched along Pio Nono itself, but I think that would have been noticed very soon -- still possible, though. Perhaps it had not been there very long when Carlene's sister spotted it. I wonder if the engine was still warm ...??!
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Does anyone know where the first dirt road is? I know that most of the roads are paved now. But still I would like for us to see what we could come up with if we say he might have taken her body within a least 30 minute drive North South East and West of the Krispy Kreme. Is anyone up for this?
No, I don't know offhand where the nearest dirt road would be, then or now. In the late 1970s or early 1980s, I had a boyfriend who worked in the circulation dept. of The Telegraph in Macon and I rode his "area" with him a few times, addressing service errors, etc., and I can say pretty confidently that, at that time, there were at least a few back or cross streets
within Macon that were not paved.
One thing I can try to do is see if I can come up with an older map of Macon that is detailed enough to show the "lesser" roads and whether they were unimproved. I'll try, might take me a few days.
Beyond Macon, within your 30-minutes'-time radius, there were MANY dirt roads at that time. I lived in an adjacent county and on a dirt road, and 30 minutes would be a reasonable window in which to have arrived -- and there were many other dirt roads nearby me, in 1972, and that's just in my county alone.
BTW, in 1974, Paul John Knowles killed (I guess I should say "allegedly", at least once, since he was never convicted of any murders, because of his death) a woman who lived on just such a dirt road, about 6 or 7 miles away from mine. (Not to get stuck on the Knowles angle ...just saying.)