CONVICTION OVERTURNED GA - Diane McIver, 63, Fatally Shot, Atlanta, 25 Sept 2016 *husband arrested* #2

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well i didnt know about the 850K prior to marriage!? WOW, i think she was tired of carrying him, (like i read that she had said to someone) and he was afraid he was going to lose it ALL, figured in his shallow mind, maybe some dementia IM JUST NOT SURE, that he'd get away with an "ACCIDENT"

Someone on here said something to the affect, he had scenarios in his mind and was on the ready and when an opportunity arose, he took I see way too many shady behaviors, he was guilty IMO...
I believe there was enough circumstantial evidence to justify the charges. I think people are underestimating the financial circumstances Tex McIver was in.

1) he borrowerd $850k from Diane prior to their marriage. No one knows if he repaid it.
2) Tex McIver's law firm demoted him in 2014 and told him by 2017 he would no longer hold any kind of partnership with the firm. Meaning in 2017 he would no longer have a regular salary, only what he brought in from his own clients. The firm was pushing him into retirement before he was financially ready
3) The ranch cost $20k to 25k per month to maintain, but after the law firm demoted McIver, he was only bringing in $10 to 12K per month
4) Tex McIver borrowed $350k in a loan with Diane's company she owned. The ranch was the collateral for this loan. Diane McIver basically held the mortgage to the ranch. The loan was due in full by the end of 2017.

People who follow true crime, know what happens when people get desperate for many reasons, but especially money drives people to become very desperate. And they begin considering options that others would be horrified to think of.
I had pondered way back, no witnesses OR IF witness, how would someone play that out, if at the ranch, what would have been the consequences there as opposed to how it happened?

Seems to me, THE WAY it happened, he could delay getting her to the hospital but appear to be trying.....but if at home, an ambulance would have been involved, how do you delay calling? He didnt even Call 911 in the car, see couldnt he have had them on teh line, met the ambulance or alteast had someone waiting, he didnt even tell the nurses initally what happneed....yeah delay delay,,, glad they convicted him

IDK, havent thought it out completely but wondered
I will go further and in MOO, I believe Tex McIver somewhat planned this. Maybe not minute detail, but I think he was mulling over options in his head, and thought this might work. And when the situation presented itself, he did it.

True Crime enthusiasts have seen all the potential ways, someone tried to get out of a marriage for financial or other reasons by eliminating the spouse:

1) hire a killer - this have been covered numerous times on Forensics Files, 20/20, Dateline etc. It almost never works. Police follow the money/the phones or someone involved caves in and spills the plan

2) spouse goes "missing" - Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson. Single best way to focus police attention on the remaining spouse. Again, it almost never works.

3) "a fall down the staircase" - Michael Peterson (so many Petersons, should be cautionary tale) how he thought he could get away with this twice is a special kind of narcissism and arrogance.

So, killing your wife in your own car, with your best friend driving doesn't seem like such a bad plan. In fact most people would say, "you would have to be stupid to do that" or "no one could plan that", so this would possibly divert attention from the remaining spouse. Well I believe Tex McIver did plan it and he almost got away with it. If he had summoned up the acting ability to play the grieving husband for an appropriate period and been more on the downlow about trying to get the insurance money, not inquiring into Diane's Social Security benefits and not hosting a gaudy auction of all of her possessions, I believe he would have gotten away with it.
logically NOT PAROLEABLE because he'll be dead in 30 when he could be paraoled...he's 78
BBM That's not what the DA said... see this Ytube @ 7:24 (he said mandatory life sentence- "unparoleable")


thanks for sharing, I know he is guilty too, no matter what, if anything, appeals whatever.....too many shady happpening,s I DID NOT know he took 42 days to collect her remains!! What a cold Bass derd.. nor about his reply, "Near Grady"....yeah if NOTHING else in this case makes him look more guilty, it was the "slow down moms out at 10 pm with baby strollers crap" WTH...

So as far as his conviction, felony murder, the way I have read and understand it , is a death during a felony, accident or intentional, but thats why its not called malice, what was the felony though? Aggravated assault? then its actually malice...If these charges together create issue with the verdict and cant go together , then why is it possible to convict with them together?
Well whatever by the time , if at all, it's appealed or questioned thoroughly as to it's validity, he'll be 90

I take no pleasure in saying this. I KNEW TM was guilty. I will take it a step further and say I believe he planned the murder. The gun didn’t just go off accidentally. TM instructed Dani Jo to drive to Emory instead of Grady - all Atlantans know this is the go to hospital for trauma. In his interview - when asked by detectives what area of Atlanta they were at when the gun “went off” - TM stated “near Grady”. He was aware of the proximity of first rate trauma center Grady Hospital. On the way to Emory Hospital he instructed Dani Jo to slow down in case there were parents out with baby buggies - at 10 PM. Ludicrous. Waited 42 days to pick up DM’s cremains. These are just a few points I make with regard to my feeling of his guilt.

Maybe the reason for the “shocking verdict” is the questions asked by the jurors. I am not shocked at all. I believe a reasonable person can put the puzzle pieces together and find TM GUILTY of felony murder.

My heart hurts for all of those who loved Diane McIver. I feel their loss tonight.
Something that most likely was going on behind closed doors, the reason this shooting happened teh way it did, was that if Diane was telling people she was "tired of carrying Tex", then what was she planning? Divorce? Had she threatened it? Then he puts on a good act. I hate to say it but SS said TEX was his own worst enemy, was naive and possibly dementia...He's delusional, Diane was the naive one, I dont mean to speak ill of her, I liked her after reading about her, butI realy think she thought she was untouchable...never occurred to her she would be harmed....With that much money, I'd be careful with ANYONE, you never know what someone is capable of, case in point....The Tex McIver case....peole never would have expected this

but I think she was talking about leaving him or cutting him off or leaving her estated portion to others mostly

Whatever happneed to that will huh?

WHO IS HIDING that they wrote her codicil or new will?

I dont hear much about this part lately but initally in this case, it was reported that she wanted to leave her half of the ranch to her God son....Tex had something drawn up leaving each other their half....Tex signed his


I hope her closest friends and Godson receive her estate and not go to state because she has no family

NO FAMILY...she was a sitting duck, not only rich when tex met her and he knew it but what sealed it, she had NO family, hopefully for him no one to interfere with her assets....had he been allowed to continue with her estate settlement, jeepers, HE REALLY WOULD HAVE WON!!

Turns my stomach to think of the possibilities

I will go further and in MOO, I believe Tex McIver somewhat planned this. Maybe not minute detail, but I think he was mulling over options in his head, and thought this might work. And when the situation presented itself, he did it.

True Crime enthusiasts have seen all the potential ways, someone tried to get out of a marriage for financial or other reasons by eliminating the spouse:

1) hire a killer - this have been covered numerous times on Forensics Files, 20/20, Dateline etc. It almost never works. Police follow the money/the phones or someone involved caves in and spills the plan

2) spouse goes "missing" - Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson. Single best way to focus police attention on the remaining spouse. Again, it almost never works.

3) "a fall down the staircase" - Michael Peterson (so many Petersons, should be cautionary tale) how he thought he could get away with this twice is a special kind of narcissism and arrogance.

So, killing your wife in your own car, with your best friend driving doesn't seem like such a bad plan. In fact most people would say, "you would have to be stupid to do that" or "no one could plan that", so this would possibly divert attention from the remaining spouse. Well I believe Tex McIver did plan it and he almost got away with it. If he had summoned up the acting ability to play the grieving husband for an appropriate period and been more on the downlow about trying to get the insurance money, not inquiring into Diane's Social Security benefits and not hosting a gaudy auction of all of her possessions, I believe he would have gotten away with it.
Thinking on it now, can you imagine what mustve been going through Dianes mind in teh hospital that brief time she was conscious??!! First off, she said it was an accidnt, well how was she to even KNOW that? She dont have eyes inteh back of her head and she even asked "TEX what did you do?"
Then she realized she was giong to die....then when asked if she wanted to see her husband...DIane said..............................NO

she had cut him off and she realized what was happening

Just MHO!

RIP Diane
Something that most likely was going on behind closed doors, the reason this shooting happened teh way it did, was that if Diane was telling people she was "tired of carrying Tex", then what was she planning? Divorce? Had she threatened it? Then he puts on a good act. I hate to say it but SS said TEX was his own worst enemy, was naive and possibly dementia...He's delusional, Diane was the naive one, I dont mean to speak ill of her, I liked her after reading about her, butI realy think she thought she was untouchable...never occurred to her she would be harmed....With that much money, I'd be careful with ANYONE, you never know what someone is capable of, case in point....The Tex McIver case....peole never would have expected this

but I think she was talking about leaving him or cutting him off or leaving her estated portion to others mostly

Whatever happneed to that will huh?

WHO IS HIDING that they wrote her codicil or new will?

I dont hear much about this part lately but initally in this case, it was reported that she wanted to leave her half of the ranch to her God son....Tex had something drawn up leaving each other their half....Tex signed his


I hope her closest friends and Godson receive her estate and not go to state because she has no family

NO FAMILY...she was a sitting duck, not only rich when tex met her and he knew it but what sealed it, she had NO family, hopefully for him no one to interfere with her assets....had he been allowed to continue with her estate settlement, jeepers, HE REALLY WOULD HAVE WON!!

Turns my stomach to think of the possibilities

testimony Diane Mciver wanted to leave ranch to austin
Thinking on it now, can you imagine what mustve been going through Dianes mind in teh hospital that brief time she was conscious??!! First off, she said it was an accidnt, well how was she to even KNOW that? She dont have eyes inteh back of her head and she even asked "TEX what did you do?"
Then she realized she was giong to die....then when asked if she wanted to see her husband...DIane said..............................NO

she had cut him off and she realized what was happening

Just MHO!

RIP Diane
And I have to wonder about going on camera and saying Dani Jo should have been charged? And then saying that the prosecutors told her they could not because the investigators did not do their job? I watched the entire trial including Dani Jo on the stand and never doubted she did what she could (or thought she could) to save her friend and I never heard anyone say they thought Dani Jo should be charged. Did I just miss that. Boy 61 did not like any of the cast of characters that the state put up and Vinnie should have asked about that accidental discharge on the stand. The 12 lbs was big for this juror . I would very much like to hear what the foreperson has to say but after listening to 61 I am not sure they were clear on what they were charing him with.

A "ride along" with Vinnie...I bet this is better than juror 61 ever imagined?
Juror 61 making the rounds:

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
1h1 hour ago
#TexMcIver - At 1pm today host @AmyDashTV will interview juror #61 from the Tex McIver murder trial.
Bet Dani Jo is getting a PR person (hopefully better one than Tex had) and will be out there soon.
nothing new from the Rucker Team...I think 61 said last night "full of himself"...pretty accurate.
Wow. Juror 61 is replying to all the FB comments

I am uncomfortable with Juror 61's aggressive (IMOO) grab for 15 minutes of fame and beyond. And I think her characterization of "I chewed out the State" is beyond what a juror is supposed to do. She's an accountant, not a lawyer.
I am uncomfortable with Juror 61's aggressive (IMOO) grab for 15 minutes of fame and beyond. And I think her characterization of "I chewed out the State" is beyond what a juror is supposed to do. She's an accountant, not a lawyer.

I would tend to agree with you. She was really putting on a show and Vinnie was playing along but I could tell Vinnie knew some of the stuff she said and the contradictions were troubling to to him as a legal professional. I am sure it was viewed by the defense. I will say she is not an accountant but rather a tax preparer which I think is like H and R Block or maybe just private for people she knows. I will say she is a good example of how tough our jury system is for people...her profile lists 3 children...2 of which are probably still at home and the one in PA. expecting the baby. She is single. Basically she is a home health aide and I know they make very little and it is tough work. She lost tax season and probably could not get many hours on her other job. She has also drove for Lyft. That is a long time to be without a check coming in. She will probably take any interviews she can if she gets far maybe just for the exposure. And to top if off apparently her car was stolen in the first week!!
Looks like the world tour continues....Juror 61 will be on Law and Crime at 4:30 est. After than interview with Vinnie not much more can be asked. She is getting tuned for the book tour. I will listen but actually getting tired of her.
Tex McIver Prosecution Team Joins Jesse Weber on Law & Crime Network 04/26/18

How long would a successful appeal take?

There's no way this was a pure accident in my mind, and ANYTHING less than that deserves severe consequences! A wonderful, interesting, law abiding, productive member of society is gone because she had high standards for her mate--that's a tragedy. There's overwhelming circumstantial evidence that he purposely did this. Oh, and guns don't just go off like that. Remember, he is fully capable of gun violence and risk taking--he shot at those teens and got away with it. Now that he was even more established and respected and connected, he figured it would be even easier!

It's good that he'll spend the rest of his life in prison, and the jury shouldn't have been concerned about the penalty, either. He purposely murdered a wonderful woman. Why should he get out in ten for that? Because she was annoyed that he was financially irresponsible? 99% of women and men would feel the same way about their spouse. Sorry,unconditional love is reserved for our kids and our parents. Second husbands don't get a free ride "just because."

He was mad at her for not loving him unconditionally; for not giving him 3rd, 4th, or 5th chances; and for not wanting to take care of him in every possible way in his old age. He wanted to eat his Cheez-it crackers in peace, get massages, and retire without repaying his massive debts. Cause he was good ole Tex. Wah. So he killed her.

I think he thought, "Sure, some people will be suspicious of me, but so what. I'm retiring, so this won't hurt my career; I already have a few girlfriend possibilities lined up and they know I'm a good guy (plus, they've seen how "difficult" Diane can be); I'll have a ton of money, and if I'm a pariah, I'll just take the money, the women, and run away to some island where nobody cares. And my kids mostly don't speak to me, so I won't be worried about what they think.... yeah, I think this could has in the past..."

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I don't have the link but check out the Law and Crime Aaron Keller interview with is beyond belief and it is clear something unusual was going on in the jury room I hope a more articulate juror can explain their thinking....last night with Vinnie she made a bit more sense this interview she seemed incoherent and acted as if she knows more than Aaron Keller.

it is towards the end of this utube.
Agree! And Diane was 63 when she died. Certainly she had some thoughts about retiring herself in the coming years. When she met and married Tex they were both bringing in substantial incomes, but here Tex is about to retire and running his Ranch to the tune of $20K a month. He had no way to repay her all the money he had borrowed. Was he expecting Diane to keep working M-F in Buckhead, so he could move down to the Ranch full time with his little entourage of assistants, masseuse, etc?

Maybe she was prodding him to serve on a Board or practice on his own or somehow bring in his own income?

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