GA in Putnam

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Good for George!!! When he spoke for Caylee at her memorial a few days ago I thought how he could channel his passion and voice to help others.
I didn't think it would be so soon though. Haleigh's family deserve all the help and publicity that they can get.
Good for GA. I honestly think this is his passion now. Glad he is doing something positive with his experience. I just hope that he is able to be honorable with the reporters and say "This isn't about me being here but about finding a missing little girl."
Sometimes what helps a person heal is to help others, to give & recieve comfort. That's what support groups are all about.

The way I see it, George can remain in his home, drink in hand, full of sorrow & pity ( and I wouldnt blame him for that) OR he can be there for others because he knows first hand, in his gut, how God awful this feeling is. Isn't that what makes Tim Miller the compassionate person he is who has made it his life mission to to help those who have loved one's missing? I am not saying GA is a TM, I am just saying we never know how any event will change our life. If this family takes comfort from a kind word or hug from George, than God Bless him.
I agree, LeLe1953.
It's simply called paying it forward..

:blowkiss: ITA. Good for George. Is he suddenly well? Probably not, I think depression is a long road. The important thing is he reached out for help, said he could nto battle this alone & accepted help.
I would imagine, esp as a man, George felt pretty guilty about not protecting Caylee, although I don't think anyone could have protected her. I imagine he has felt pretty helpless. Not only does this give George a purpose, which helps him heal, he is also able to talk to the family & understand in a way none of us ever want to. Let's not pick George apart, let's pray for him, for Haleigh & for her family.
Thank you George, may God Bless you.
He, himself needs to get well ..

The other day everyone was questioning whether or not GA was still suicidal ..
Today, he's all good and well enough to help others???
I think not ..

There's no way he's ready for this ..

Marla, we don't heal under our covers, hiding away from the world. We get well by doing, by getting back to living and finding something that makes it all worthwhile. Sure George has issues still, he will for a very long time but in doing this he is taking a step toward wellness... toward caring about himself and life again.
that's quite a list of people showing up to help find Hayleigh. i hope they do. can anyone tell me if any one of these people showed up to search for Adji?
According to First Coast News, GA has made the journey to Putnam County to support the family of Haleigh Cummings.

I hope and pray he is strong enough for the tide of emotions that is sure to overcome him.

I think this is a great move on GA's part. Sometimes the best way to get beyond ourselves is to help someone else. I really applaud his courage in being willing to step up.

~Jai Yen
According to First Coast News, GA has made the journey to Putnam County to support the family of Haleigh Cummings.

I hope and pray he is strong enough for the tide of emotions that is sure to overcome him.
great, maybe he will see how a normal mom reacts to her daughter beign missing and how normal parents grandparents act when they are searchign for a loved one. Maybe it will be an eye opener for him . I hope hes not going just to get kid finders involved.
I also feel it will be good for GA, as part of his healing process, and I do not think he will want extra attention focused on him during the search.
I wish I was in a position to go help myself.
I think he needs to figure out what actually happened in his own family, especially to Caylee, before he "helps" out people of REAL missing children.
The family of Haleigh said in press conference that George is helping them a lot with moral support. I so hope that this story ends up with a different ending.
great, maybe he will see how a normal mom reacts to her daughter beign missing and how normal parents grandparents act when they are searchign for a loved one. Maybe it will be an eye opener for him . I hope hes not going just to get kid finders involved.
I was just about to ask this, is Milstead with George? If so, I hope the authorities there are up to speed on Kid Finders.
Boy, he sure does rebound quickly. I wish I could speak my mind freely but I can't so I won't go into what I really think is going on here with George. I'll leave it at that for the time be continued...
The family of Haleigh said in press conference that George is helping them a lot with moral support. I so hope that this story ends up with a different ending.

And what they say matters a heck of a lot more than anyone. I hope that some of the naysayers can be satisfied with that rather than trying to tear apart something that is obviously doing good for all involved.
Is he now the spokesperson for Kid Finders?

Is he now the spokesperson for Kid Finders?


I wonder if Milstead and his wife accompanied him to give support and ask for donation and handouts?

Is there going to be another bogus reward?
I was just about to ask this, is Milstead with George? If so, I hope the authorities there are up to speed on Kid Finders.

o/t Can someone link me to the info on Kid Finders? I would like to get up to speed myself.
I just want the "dirt" so to speak.
LeLe - I totally agree with ya for saying it...brings tears to my eyes!

Thank you, your kind words are appreciated. Like others, I have also been very critical of the Anthony's. I still can't come to terms with many things they have done. I hope someday to have the understanding but they owe me nothing in way of an explanation.

We have a huge problem with children who go missing, either at the hands of their parents or strangers. It is easy to sit behind a key board & be critical of LE, family, media, lawyers..whatever. But you know what, it is also just as easy to be part of the solution. ALL of us need to ask ourselves, what am *I * doing to help? It has been said it takes a village, & it does, we are that village. Look out for other's children like you look out for your own. I will give you an example. Two wks ago I was in Walmart & a small non english speaking child was wondering around, crying, lost. I knelt down to her level, took her hand to let her feel safe since I couldnt communicate with her. Other's noticed & I asked someone to go get a store mgr to help locate someone who could speak Spanish so we could unite this child & mother. They were reunited in under 5 minutes. Today, I was again at Walmart. I was leaving the check out area & I notice an older lady standing outside the ladies room saying "come back little boy, come back in here." I then noticed a child, maybe 18 mo old toddling toward the out doors. He was righ in front of me. I asked the woman if he was with her, she said no, his mother was in the rest room & he just walked out. I took that little one by the hand & was leading him back to the ladies room when mama came running out. He had crawled under the door soon as she sat down to pee. So, if you see a child who looks lost, take the time to make sure they are reunited with their parents, no matter how much of a hurry you are in. Notice weirdo's around the bus stops, on the play grounds. Donate your time, money if you can, to children groups, search groups, whatever your passion might be. Just get involved. We have to let those who harm children know we are watching them & we will protect those children. If you abduct our child, we will search for them, no matter where, no matter how long. After we find them, we will keep the pressure on to hunt you down.

With so many missing, please, lets all ask ourselves how we can be part of the solution.
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