GA in Putnam

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I am not try to be mean- I am truly concerned: If GA goes to Putnam or anywhere in regards to a missing child and gets turned away- this could be a big set back for him.

I believe GA could be involved with looking for missing children- I just think it's too soon for him after what he's not only been through, but what he has ahead of him.

He needs counseling for a long while yet - I don't believe he has truly dealt with what brought him to the siuation he found himself in- but instead I feel he has candy coated it, in order to go on- that's not good-

My biggest problem with him getting involved now is because- he and the family are not dealing with reality yet- they are not dealing with the truth- only what they want the truth to be-

GA is not think of GA yet- he is hiding behind anyone and everyone else- I wonder if GA even knows who the real GA is anymore- He needs something to get involved with, but not looking for missing children- at least not yet-

The families looking for their missing children- don't need false hopes- they don't ned to hear someone else's woes- they need action- immediate- unobstructed- concistency

I'm also concerned that this may be used to buy sympathy for KC. If GA can sell himself well enough, he may buy that one juror.

Also, GA wa in LE- he knows that KFN has a bad reputation- why is he still loyal and involved with them- it's okay to stay friends with them, but not be in their dealings.

I would like answers to these things before I could condone GA getting involved-

GA would probably be better suited at this time dealing with kids who need a big brother-
or handicapped olympics-

I wish him the best- one step at a time
Thank you, your kind words are appreciated. Like others, I have also been very critical of the Anthony's. I still can't come to terms with many things they have done. I hope someday to have the understanding but they owe me nothing in way of an explanation.

We have a huge problem with children who go missing, either at the hands of their parents or strangers. It is easy to sit behind a key board & be critical of LE, family, media, lawyers..whatever. But you know what, it is also just as easy to be part of the solution. ALL of us need to ask ourselves, what am *I * doing to help? It has been said it takes a village, & it does, we are that village. Look out for other's children like you look out for your own. I will give you an example. Two wks ago I was in Walmart & a small non english speaking child was wondering around, crying, lost. I knelt down to her level, took her hand to let her feel safe since I couldnt communicate with her. Other's noticed & I asked someone to go get a store mgr to help locate someone who could speak Spanish so we could unite this child & mother. They were reunited in under 5 minutes. Today, I was again at Walmart. I was leaving the check out area & I notice an older lady standing outside the ladies room saying "come back little boy, come back in here." I then noticed a child, maybe 18 mo old toddling toward the out doors. He was righ in front of me. I asked the woman if he was with her, she said no, his mother was in the rest room & he just walked out. I took that little one by the hand & was leading him back to the ladies room when mama came running out. He had crawled under the door soon as she sat down to pee. So, if you see a child who looks lost, take the time to make sure they are reunited with their parents, no matter how much of a hurry you are in. Notice weirdo's around the bus stops, on the play grounds. Donate your time, money if you can, to children groups, search groups, whatever your passion might be. Just get involved. We have to let those who harm children know we are watching them & we will protect those children. If you abduct our child, we will search for them, no matter where, no matter how long. After we find them, we will keep the pressure on to hunt you down.

With so many missing, please, lets all ask ourselves how we can be part of the solution.

Thank you for your thoughtful post. Unfortunately it's much easier for many to criticize other's actions rather than do something to help the horrible problem we too often face with crimes against children.
God bless George for being there to support Haleigh's father. Praying for this precious child and her family, what a nightmare they are living.
Boy, he sure does rebound quickly. I wish I could speak my mind freely but I can't so I won't go into what I really think is going on here with George. I'll leave it at that for the time be continued...

Hey were on W/S. Pleas share your thoughts on this. My first reaction comming from a mental health background wasn't positive. Then I chose a kinder more refreshing approach to his volunterring today. I cannot forget the scales of Lady Justice has been tipping up and down since the beginning of Caylees disappearance. Hopefully the men that are volunteering alongside of GA will help him achieve the backbone he is going to need at trial.
I encourage anyone who will to watch this very touching tribute made by our own momtective of websleuths.

All of this was done for Caylee. Many thousands of people gave all they could to find her..some could only offer a hug, or a simple you are not alone.
Many other families will go through this, and if George can offer that simple hug, or simple message that they don't have to go through it alone, God Bless Him!
While I would applaud GA for his support in Haileigh's seach, I have to wonder if he is really helping or hoping to find some other suspect responsible than his own daughter to go along with their Fugitive defense comparison. I dont have a problem with GA based on his openess with LE but believe he could easily be manipulated by JB if it was suggested he should go to Putnam. I believe JB might have suggested it to get the Anthony name involved in that case and also believe GA might go unaware of JB's motivations. I believe GA to be a good person and grieving Grandfather. I believe JB willing to do anything to cast doubt on KC's guilt.

Before I saw Ga had made the trip to Putnam, I suggested a thread regarding the possibility KC's defense team would somehow try to use the kidnapping or a little girl from her bedroom to show a possible serial kidnapper related to their case. This would be in line with their reasonable doubt story to account for items from the A home found with Caylee's body. IMHO, Now that GA has connected his name to Haileigh's case, any similarities in cases will likely be used to bolster KC's defense. I pray they find little Haileigh unharmed but also pray GA's involvement isnt a ploy of some kind to undermine the Prosecution case against KC.
o/t Can someone link me to the info on Kid Finders? I would like to get up to speed myself.
I just want the "dirt" so to speak.

Here's some info.

#1 They've never found a child.
#2 Dennis Milstead (CEO, whatever) is a convicted felon. He impersonated a police officer, yielded a badge, and stalked a woman.
#3 There's plenty of shadiness in regards to their finances.

Here's a good start: may want to pass that message along to Mark Klaas and the many other parents who have started foundations in memory of their children - that what they're doing is not "real" work.

George's situation may be very different in the sense that the abductor in his situation was his own daughter, but he knows grief, terror and hopelessness as well as any of those parents. If he can provide any support to any part of this case, it's a job well done.

Huh??? :waitasec:

Where'd I say it was not real work???
I said a job might give him "purpose" ..
Why in the world would you even mention Marc Klaas???

BTW- Don't parse, snip and take ONLY what you want from my posts, thanks ..
This might be very good for George. It may bring him full circle
He will be able to speak somewhat freely without his wife telling him what to say Freedom of speech for George. To get outside his own problems might help him see more clearly. He knows the truth and is really in a hard spot because ALL of the sad story comes out of his own home. Not a good spot to be in.
Prayers for George to do the right thing for his Granddaughter and Himself.
And for all the people he may be able to help.

Please George don't dissappoint
So no good deed goes unpunished, yet again.
Give the man a break already. God bless him for whatever efforts he makes to help this family.
Boy, he sure does rebound quickly. I wish I could speak my mind freely but I can't so I won't go into what I really think is going on here with George. I'll leave it at that for the time be continued...

I hear ya .. :blowkiss:
My heart goes out to George. God bless him for trying to help. Hope he takes care of himself as well.
o/t Can someone link me to the info on Kid Finders? I would like to get up to speed myself.
I just want the "dirt" so to speak.

Here's a video
I wonder if Milstead and his wife accompanied him to give support and ask for donation and handouts?

Is there going to be another bogus reward?
You bet!
Padilla put up $25,000 ..
Good for whole 72 hours!

I think it's wonderful of George Anthony to go over and help with this case, because it is help turning media attention to it---that is something he can do that is very useful. Good for GA!

It's not relevent whether Caylee was a "real" missing child or a child who was never missing because from day 1 Casey knew where she was- jeez, George didn't know where she was! George is the one Anthony whom I truly feel the most for besides Caylee. For George to lend his support for Haleigh, is completely positive, it will help him heal, it will his time and thoughts and help him to feel of value. He is doing it in honor of little Caylee, to make a difference, I am SURE.

I pray for Haleigh to be found alive. The 17yo girlfriend of the father is setting of my hinky meter....per this link

it says the GF has taken lie detector tests twice, and she says she could hardly take it, she was shaking and nervous and she's quoted as saying "I don't care what people think of me because I didn't do it" sounds like she's being a little too defensive....first why take LDT twice, did she fail the first one? Then she said it's nerves? And how does a child go missing from your bed and you don't know it?

I don't feel the GF DID this......but I am wondering if she let someone in the house who did, or has an acquaintance who caught sight of haleigh through her and figured out how to get her, etc.
Anything done with good intention cannot be a bad thing. I think George will be the only Anthony to truly become a better person because of the he** he has been through.
I think he is sincere in his hope to help others with missing children and I applaud him.
I wonder if Milstead and his wife accompanied him to give support and ask for donation and handouts?

Is there going to be another bogus reward?

I hope that GA is not simply positioning KFN, more so than sharing his experience and offering comfort. While the 'concept' of KFN is good......
I think this is gonna help George tremendously. Bless him for helping, and it gets him wrapped up in something to keep his mind away from the turmoil in his life. He will also see that his family is not isolated in their hurt and grief. I pray this case has a better outcome.
I hope that GA is not simply positioning KFN, more so than sharing his experience and offering comfort. While the 'concept' of KFN is good......

KFN appears to me to be a self perpetuating fundraising outfit that doesn't find kids. George would be better off disassociated from them imo.
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