GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #5

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I would think this apt complex that does their own landscaping has contractor bags . . .you can also buy them at Home Depot or Lowe's. I do . . .they are awesome!

It's not likely they do their own landscaping - not that it matters, but just fyi - the landscapers are almost always contractors whose main job is curb appeal - they plant seasonal flowers, mow, trim bushes, fix sprinkler heads, trim trees, blow leaves and bag them, break your windows when they trim with the weed whacker .. lol. This at a cost of about $3,000 per month (avg. 300 units), which does not include the sprinkler repairs and broken windows...
I am defending Ryan Brunn because I haven't detected any deception in him. So I think it is in his best interests to take a polygraph; I think Brunn needs to proclaim his innocence and this is what he should do. Don't Wait IMO.

LE interviewed Ryan Brunn for 14 hours without an attorney present so this conversation is not admissible in court. Good.

It's a common misunderstanding that people think someone has the right to an attorney when they are simply being questioned....they only have that right when being placed under arrest.

Anything you say prior to the arrest during questioning can be used in a court of law. The Miranda rights do not fall into play until there has been an arrest. You can refuse to answer questions, you can call your attorney (though investigators won't tell you that), and you can just get up and walk long as you haven't been placed under arrest. He could have simply said, either arrest me or I am walking out and they would have had to arrest him or let him go.
It's not likely they do their own landscaping - not that it matters, but just fyi - the landscapers are almost always contractors whose main job is curb appeal - they plant seasonal flowers, mow, trim bushes, fix sprinkler heads, trim trees, blow leaves and bag them, break your windows when they trim with the weed whacker .. lol. This at a cost of about $3,000 per month (avg. 300 units), which does not include the sprinkler repairs and broken windows...

I'm just going by Ryan's facebook comments that he was going to do landscaping there . . .
It's a common misunderstanding that people think someone has the right to an attorney when they are simply being questioned....they only have that right when being placed under arrest.

Anything you say prior to the arrest during questioning can be used in a court of law. The Miranda rights do not fall into play until there has been an arrest. You can refuse to answer questions, you can call your attorney (though investigators won't tell you that), and you can just get up and walk long as you haven't been placed under arrest. He could have simply said, either arrest me or I am walking out and they would have had to arrest him or let him go.

This is not correct!

You always have the right to legal representation, whenever, however! How the information is used is another issue (therefore why you need legal representation). When you are arrested, it's LE's responsibility to notify you of this right (Miranda Rights - for those who do not realize it's a right).
I'm sorry for her loss, and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy - but I see unsupervised kids under the age of 7 playing outside all the time with no adults in sight, and whether one likes it or not, the age of letting your 7 and 4 year old play outside without checking on them for two hours is long gone. I know she had a sitter, but apparently either she or the sitter were negligent twice before. The fact that this monster did this is not her fault...just saying there's some measures that a parent can take to be more aware.

I'm sure I'll get :banghead: and :slap: and that's ok - because this little girl's death should be a wake up call to whomever is in charge of these little ones - pay attention to where they are and who they are talking to - and check on them at least every few minutes. Kills me.

As a single mother who raised 3 boys, I would like to add that I am sick of Mothers getting bashed when something happens to their child. Yes, they should be supervised, but they also need a place to live, clothes to wear, and food on the table. I guess they could lock their kids up in the house and not let them have a life, but as for myself and I am sure JR's mother thought she was doing the best she could. At least she was working and not laid up all day living on welfare like so many of them do. I think talking about her lack of supervision is not any part of the equation and should not be talked about any more. Her daughter is dead through no fault of her own. She had someone that was supposed to be watching her children so what else could she have done?

I am sure she is blaming herself enough without anyone else placing blame on her. Sorry, but as far as I am concerned this has nothing to do with sleuthing what happened to Jorelys. Unless I am missing something and in that event I would be interested in hearing that theory. A person can be dealt all kinds of problems in their life and all they can do is deal with it the best way they can. In my opinion JR's mother needs to be left alone. Think about working all night in a chicken processing plant. But, at least she was working and trying to make a life for herself and her children. My heart truly breaks for her and I hope she gets the hell out of here and goes back to PR where she at least has family that can help her. BTW I respect your expertise in the apartment managing field, but unless you have been a single mother in this current day and time, please don't pass judgement on the mother because you are passing judgement on all of us who have been in this same situation. And I like you, am sure I will get lots of disagreeing posts, but that is okay. It just really upsets me. Now I will go and duck. jmo:furious:
You may have an attorney there to represent your interests during any questioning by police, however, police are not required to tell you that. They are required to Miranda you once they take you into custody/place you under arrest. But if you go in willingly to answer questions during an investigation you are there for simply that, to answer questions. If you wish to leave, you have every right to do so, right up until they arrest you.

I am betting many people were interviewed and questioned during this investigation. RB was questioned for as long as he was because his story was not adding up IMO. Had he decided to exercise his right to end the session he could have done so.
As a single mother who raised 3 boys, I would like to add that I am sick of Mothers getting bashed when something happens to their child. Yes, they should be supervised, but they also need a place to live, clothes to wear, and food on the table. I guess they could lock their kids up in the house and not let them have a life, but as for myself and I am sure JR's mother thought she was doing the best she could. At least she was working and not laid up all day living on welfare like so many of them do. I think talking about her lack of supervision is not any part of the equation and should not be talked about any more. Her daughter is dead through no fault of her own. She had someone that was supposed to be watching her children so what else could she have done?

I am sure she is blaming herself enough without anyone else placing blame on her. Sorry, but as far as I am concerned this has nothing to do with sleuthing what happened to Jorelys. Unless I am missing something and in that event I would be interested in hearing that theory. A person can be dealt all kinds of problems in their life and all they can do is deal with it the best way they can. In my opinion JR's mother needs to be left alone. Think about working all night in a chicken processing plant. But, at least she was working and trying to make a life for herself and her children. My heart truly breaks for her and I hope she gets the hell out of here and goes back to PR where she at least has family that can help her. BTW I respect your expertise in the apartment managing field, but unless you have been a single mother in this current day and time, please don't pass judgement on the mother because you are passing judgement on all of us who have been in this same situation. And I like you, am sure I will get lots of disagreeing posts, but that is okay. It just really upsets me. Now I will go and duck. jmo:furious:

I have to agree with you on this one. Ryan Brunn was so sure of himself with what he was doing. His confidence was high. Remember what he said to the neighbor something like this "it was easy to break into those apartments and that someone could have done that to get one of these kids.":candle: Believe me. He wouldn't have said that unless he had thought of doing just that. It is odd how someone can do something like this (to JR), and feel like they can get away with it. They feel untouchable. They feel superior. The act of extreme violence against the innocent cast a shadow on their loved ones. These type of acts should point directly to the perp. The perp should be the one to bear the heavy load of their actions.
I have to agree with you on this one. Ryan Brunn was so sure of himself with what he was doing. His confidence was high. Remember what he said to the neighbor something like this "it was easy to break into those apartments and that someone could have done that to get one of these kids.":candle: Believe me. He wouldn't have said that unless he had thought of doing just that. It is odd how someone can do something like this (to JR), and feel like they can get away with it. They feel untouchable. They feel superior. The act of extreme violence against the innocent cast a shadow on their loved ones. These type of acts should point directly to the perp. The perp should be the one to bear the heavy load of their actions.

BBM: ??? What? I think he was just speculating as we all would . . .

He was only employed here < than a month. How about others who've been here longer . . . Justice for Ryan!
BEM: Interesting, do you have a link? Of course there would have been cardboard in the trash, but I'd like to see the context of this statement. TIA

Me too. I think LE/GBI talked about this at a press conference after they recovered the body so I'll post the link as soon as I find it.
BBM: ??? What? I think he was just speculating as we all would . . .

He was only employed here < than a month. How about others who've been here longer . . . Justice for Ryan!

I don't have any idea what happened, but I would like to see more evidense against RB, sorry, I would like to see Some evidense against RB. To date there has been none presented. :waitasec: jmo
I will wait patiently to see the evidence when it is presented. And it will be, only not on our timetable. Til then I have to take Keenan's word that they have evidence and they have their man.
As a single mother who raised 3 boys, I would like to add that I am sick of Mothers getting bashed when something happens to their child. Yes, they should be supervised, but they also need a place to live, clothes to wear, and food on the table. I guess they could lock their kids up in the house and not let them have a life, but as for myself and I am sure JR's mother thought she was doing the best she could. At least she was working and not laid up all day living on welfare like so many of them do. I think talking about her lack of supervision is not any part of the equation and should not be talked about any more. Her daughter is dead through no fault of her own. She had someone that was supposed to be watching her children so what else could she have done?

I am sure she is blaming herself enough without anyone else placing blame on her. Sorry, but as far as I am concerned this has nothing to do with sleuthing what happened to Jorelys. Unless I am missing something and in that event I would be interested in hearing that theory. A person can be dealt all kinds of problems in their life and all they can do is deal with it the best way they can. In my opinion JR's mother needs to be left alone. Think about working all night in a chicken processing plant. But, at least she was working and trying to make a life for herself and her children. My heart truly breaks for her and I hope she gets the hell out of here and goes back to PR where she at least has family that can help her. BTW I respect your expertise in the apartment managing field, but unless you have been a single mother in this current day and time, please don't pass judgement on the mother because you are passing judgement on all of us who have been in this same situation. And I like you, am sure I will get lots of disagreeing posts, but that is okay. It just really upsets me. Now I will go and duck. jmo:furious:
BEM: I was a single mother for 18 years. I am not judging this mother, and I made that clear. I'm saying that if the babysitter was in charge of this little girl, it should not have taken two hours to find out she was missing. Whatever my profession is, that's not rocket science.

How does it help in sleuthing the case you ask? Was he watching her, stalking her, before that day? Had he been talking to her? Did she often get a drink for him? Did he ask her for one that day? Was he on the playground talking to her? Swinging her and the other little one? Had she ever gone into an apartment with him before? We don't know - but had someone been outside on the playground with them, they could sure as heck help us out right about now, don't you agree?
I'm just going by Ryan's facebook comments that he was going to do landscaping there . . .

Oh right, I remember reading that. Sounds better than porter or groundskeeper would be my guess.
I will wait patiently to see the evidence when it is presented. And it will be, only not on our timetable. Til then I have to take Keenan's word that they have evidence and they have their man.

You are right we will all have to wait, but after such a quick arrest it is hard to wait patiently. At least for me. jmo
I remember reading or watching RB's one brother CB, I think, say they had been questioning RB and also there was a neighbor who said the LE had been "camped out" by RB's apartment door.

The brother made it sound like they came to their home to question RB and it was prior to finding Jorelys.

I don't have links to either, sorry. If I find them I'll post them though!

Keenan said 60 investigators conducted hundreds of interviews and they interviewed the registered sex offenders in the area first but he didn't say they interviewed Ryan Brunn; he said they tracked Brunn.


Keenan said investigators had enough evidence to arrest Brunn Wednesday but noted that the case is far from over. "This investigation will continue on for several months," he said.

More than 60 members of the Canton Police Department, Cherokee County Sheriff's Office, GBI and FBI have been working around the clock on the case, interviewing hundreds of people.

Keenan said one of the first things investigators did was interview registered sex offenders in the area. The GBI director said there was no reason to believe any of them was involved in Jorelys' disappearance and death.

However he added that anyone else who might have had a hand in her death would be held to account.

He said investigators began tracking Brunn Tuesday night based on tips from the public. A $15,000 reward had been offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of Jorelys' killer.

Keenan said while the GBI was not aware of any past criminal record for Brunn, investigators are piecing together what he has been up to for past several years in other states.
You are right we will all have to wait, but after such a quick arrest it is hard to wait patiently. At least for me. jmo

I agree, but I think it's even harder to wait on an arrest of someone hiding behind a high powered attorney.

They have the body, the cause of death, the place of death, and probably DNA linking RB to the murder and sexual assault - we don't know yet. What we do know is there has not been a peep out of his defense me that's telling.
I'm sorry for her loss, and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy - but I see unsupervised kids under the age of 7 playing outside all the time with no adults in sight, and whether one likes it or not, the age of letting your 7 and 4 year old play outside without checking on them for two hours is long gone. I know she had a sitter, but apparently either she or the sitter were negligent twice before. The fact that this monster did this is not her fault...just saying there's some measures that a parent can take to be more aware.

I'm sure I'll get :banghead: and :slap: and that's ok - because this little girl's death should be a wake up call to whomever is in charge of these little ones - pay attention to where they are and who they are talking to - and check on them at least every few minutes. Kills me.

I think Joseline worked from 10:15 pm to 7:15 am so what time did Jorelys leave for school? Is there a reason Joseline didn't she her daughter that particular morning? It seems strange to me why Joseline said she didn't see her eldest daughter at all on Friday. Joseline said she was asleep when her daughter returned home from school too.

Does Joseline own a vehicle? She lived with a coworker.

How long did it take Joseline to drive to work?

"She's innocent," Joseline said. "She's a little angel. She doesn't know what she's doing. She doesn't know why they took her. Give her back."

Asansa added that she went outside to help Friday night and asked Jorelys’ mother if she could be of assistance.

“She didn’t say anything,” Asansa said. “She looked like she was in shock.”
I agree, but I think it's even harder to wait on an arrest of someone hiding behind a high powered attorney.

They have the body, the cause of death, the place of death, and probably DNA linking RB to the murder and sexual assault - we don't know yet. What we do know is there has not been a peep out of his defense me that's telling.

I absolutely agree with that and have thought of that myself. But, and I am sorry, I think probably is the key word. Trust me, I am on your side. I want the guilty person to pay for this crime. Just throw me a crumb and I will be happy. jmo
Your story brought to my mind...does this particular apt complex have outside trash wooden decorative cans throughout the complex, say like in the playground or common areas? I feel for sure they would use heavy duty bags in those.

Jorelys' body wasn't bagged if LE found her while 'sifting" through the garbage. IF she had been in a bag, they would have said 'they found her inside a trash bag.' JMO


While investigators had searched other dumpsters in the complex over the weekend, the contents of the dumpster where her body was found were compacted and could not be searched until the owner of the dumpster moved it to another location. Investigators found Jorelys' body while sifting through the dumpster's contents in an open field off Reinhardt College Parkway Monday afternoon.

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