GA - Katherine Janness, 40, fatally stabbed and dog killed, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 28 July 2021 #2

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Thinking about this case the past few days, with the police saying to walk in groups of 3 or 4 it seems to me that more than one person is involved or they suspect there may be more than one person involved. If it was a single assailant walking with another person should be enough. If it’s two perps, they could still attack a pair hence wanting 3-4 people in a group. Maybe they just don’t know and are covering their bases. One attacks and kills Bowie and the other has his hand clamped over her mouth hence no screams being heard. IMOO and amateur speculation only.
The tree branch was taken by LE the Saturday after the murders when LE did another sweep of the park. We can't assume the branch was laying on the ground as some have speculated. I haven't heard anymore about it either.
On this video from cbs46 at the 1:21 mark shows what think is the tree limb in the background.
But there are lots of tree branches around there and it may not be the one in this video.
Good morning everyone, I'm still reluctant to think this was an attack from the front, I think the fatal throat injury lends to the belief, that it was from behind and quick. An attack that up close would result in a massive amount of blood transfer to the idiot. Maybe Katie was attacked where she was found then Bowie chased the idiot, which could explain why he wasn't next to our girl. The after effects or disfigurement occured once Bowie the good boi was exhausted, giving it just a few minutes to exact whatever vengeance remained in their black heart. Thanks to all who've taken to this site, it helps to focus my thoughts and know we're desperate to have this resolved, even knowing they'll never be anything that even comes close to punishment for inhumans that carry out these senseless assaults.
Hoping too that if someone in the killer's life suspects them, they come forward. Even if the killer lives alone, most everyone has either a neighbor, a friend, co-worker, family members, etc who they talk to or come in contact with, unless you truly live off the grid and never go anywhere. Since this happened in a major city, I kind of doubt that.

If the killer does live with someone, unless they work third shift or regularly are out late, it may stick out that someone came home very late at night, possibly flustered or out of sorts. They likely would have blood or even injuries on them. I suppose they cleaned up before heading home, but it's easy to miss specks of blood when cleaning up in a hurry. And what about their clothes? Also very possible they have dog bites/scratches from Bowie. Their personality may have changed/they may have been acting odd the day after the murder - this is something perhaps co-workers would pick up on. Even if working remotely, many jobs do have audio or video meetings where you hear and see each other.

Even though we have no sketch, no description of a perp like we do in some cases, just really hoping if someone near Atlanta has any suspicions about a person in their life, they just call it in. Best case - they weren't involved and life moves on. But there's always that chance they were.
Does anyone know if Katie was wearing headphones or ear buds? Her partner mentioned she often listened to podcasts when she walked the dog. If so, the attacker could have caught her completely off guard if he came from behind her.
Regarding the perp and blood splatter, for all we know he could have been nude when he launched the attack, afterwards slipping into clothing tucked away, or hung from a tree branch, imo, speculation.
I also kind of suspect the slash to her neck came from behind. This is really far reaching, I know, but I checked the weather almanac for midnight on July 28th and the wind was around 6 mph out of the NNW. That's not much of a wind, but if the killer was able to sneak up behind them, that might mean Bowie did not smell him coming.

So, does that put Katie and Bowie walking into the wind, heading NNW, with the killer behind them?

Or, did the killer and Bowie engage first, Katie ran, and the killer caught up with her from behind?
Thinking about this case the past few days, with the police saying to walk in groups of 3 or 4 it seems to me that more than one person is involved or they suspect there may be more than one person involved. If it was a single assailant walking with another person should be enough. If it’s two perps, they could still attack a pair hence wanting 3-4 people in a group.

This is a good point.
This is another thing that's been bothering me: Emma's dad being the source of so much information, so early on, that's now being repeated like it's gospel. That happens over and over again with news stories, especially crime stories (I'm a writer and a researcher). He may have misspoken, either intentionally or non-intentionally, but what makes me uneasy is that he's a politician, and as such, knows you have to get out in front of the story and shape the narrative. So here we have this guy talking about how in love they were, how they were such a great couple, how he could see them staying together forever -- did reporters ever talk to anyone else who may have had a different opinion? He also set up the timeline by saying things that now, in retrospect, have people scratching their heads because they don't add up. But with nobody to set things straight, the waters have been muddied. Know what I mean? Again, I'm not saying he did any of this intentionally or with bad intent, but it did happen.

My impression of Emma's dad is that he is trying to shield her from some of the uncomfortable attention by acting as a "spokesman" of sorts. He seems to be someone that is comfortable with talking a lot and used to dealing with the media. But it definitely does get confusing when someone who wasn't there starts injecting a lot of commentary and information that may not be 100% factual. I think his intentions are good, but I agree that he may have confused the timeline and narrative a bit with some of his statements.
Hoping too that if someone in the killer's life suspects them, they come forward. <snip> just really hoping if someone near Atlanta has any suspicions about a person in their life, they just call it in. Best case - they weren't involved and life moves on. But there's always that chance they were.

I hope the same thing! And I hope this message is being spread aggressively throughout the city--I know people hesitate to get someone else in trouble sometimes, or they say to themselves "oh, no, it couldn't be so-and-so" but like you said, if they weren't involved, and their names aren't released -- no harm, no foul.
Does anyone know if Katie was wearing headphones or ear buds? Her partner mentioned she often listened to podcasts when she walked the dog. If so, the attacker could have caught her completely off guard if he came from behind her.

I'm going to be pedantic again -- did Emma say this, or did her dad say it? I saw quotes from him about this in early articles, but since I haven't listened to Emma's interviews (just read the summaries), I don't know if she has said it.
I also kind of suspect the slash to her neck came from behind. This is really far reaching, I know, but I checked the weather almanac for midnight on July 28th and the wind was around 6 mph out of the NNW. That's not much of a wind, but if the killer was able to sneak up behind them, that might mean Bowie did not smell him coming.

So, does that put Katie and Bowie walking into the wind, heading NNW, with the killer behind them?

Or, did the killer and Bowie engage first, Katie ran, and the killer caught up with her from behind?

In the recent interview where Emma revealed that Katie's neck was slashed, she made a motion to the right side of her own neck. Probably reading too much into it, but I thought that might indicate that's where she observed the primary injury being. If that's the case I would assume the killer either attacked her from behind (though it seems like it would be really difficult to sneak up behind someone totally unseen or unheard), or a left-handed killer. Totally speculating, obviously, and again, probably reading too much into it.
In the recent interview where Emma revealed that Katie's neck was slashed, she made a motion to the right side of her own neck. Probably reading too much into it, but I thought that might indicate that's where she observed the primary injury being. If that's the case I would assume the killer either attacked her from behind (though it seems like it would be really difficult to sneak up behind someone totally unseen or unheard), or a left-handed killer. Totally speculating, obviously, and again, probably reading too much into it.
That's interesting. I suppose she could associate it with the side she was looking down on, though, which would actually be the anatomical opposite. Which hand did Emma use to make the motion? Maybe she just used her dominant hand in gesturing? Hard to say! What a horrible memory for her...

The ability to sneak up on, or even jump out at them, is made more surprising considering she had along a dog. That's why I wondered about the wind moving the scent away.

I also find it hard to consider the idea that the dog chased the killer, accounting for the approx. 100 ft distance between Bowie and Katie. Unless Bowie was off-leash and at a distance at the time of the attack on Katie, I don't think the perp would get 100 ft with Bowie in chase.
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The ability to sneak up, or even jump out at, is made more surprising considering she had a dog. That's why I wondered about the wind moving the scent away.

I also find it hard to consider the idea that the dog chased the killer, accounting for the approx. 100 ft distance between Bowie and Katie. Unless Bowie was off-leash and at a distance at the time of the attack on Katie, I don't think the perp would get 100 ft with Bowie chasing.

My dog (pocket pittie) can hear things I can't. I don't think there's any way the perp sneaked up on Katie without Bowie knowing it. Maybe Bowie didn't have a chance to react before the attack, but he for sure went after this guy, and again, I'd bet everything I have that he was killed just to get him out of the way.
I'm curious as to why mostly everyone here believes that Bowie was protecting Katie during/after the attack. From the evidence the public has isn't it just as possible the dog was killed first and then the confrontation/attack on Katie?

Because I have a dog, and I know how she would act if someone came after me. Unless this is someone Katie and Bowie both knew, the dog would sense the ill intent -- and even if it was someone he knew, he still might have. Dogs are very sensitive to energy, smell, etc.
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