GA - Katherine Janness, 40, walking dog, both fatally stabbed, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 28 July 2021

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This is all speculation on my part : moo and imo-
I think that if the Killer was someone well known to Katie or someone she worked with we would have an arrest by now. Also, if the killer was spotted on camera coming or going we would know about it by now. I think this is going to be difficult to solve unless they have a good dna sample and can match it to someone.
When people kill by stabbing they often cut themselves, right?
And I do think Bowie was able to extract some DNA God bless him. But it has been 11 days and no new info.

I’m with you here. I think it might take sometime to process the forensics in a case with no leads so while disheartening, I don’t think it’s hopeless yet.
Oh right. Yes I think this is also entirely possible. I misinterpreted your post as suggesting it wasn’t random period. But yes, it could have been a squatter that was mentally unwell and then snapped. I don’t mean to disparage the homeless population, but the fact that the homeless people in the area are mostly peaceful and non violent is pretty irrelevant to what any given person can do. Someone so detached from reality is likely experiencing problems that also make them more likely to be out on the prowl in the middle of the night without a place to go home to.

it’s not about how peaceful they are imo, they are a community that lives in very close vicinity to each other, who don’t want attention. I don’t think a guy who is this type of messed up would be encouraged to stick around but really I also just don’t think most of the mentally ill houseless people have the resources to get away and dispose of evidence, etc, they’d have bloody clothes, only one pair of shoes, and be acting erratically.
Rest in Peace Katie and dear friend Bowie, and heartfelt condolences to all who loved them.


I believe we now know that the jogger has spoken with police.

The newer image of the guy in the white shirt is the third image that has been released. Timestamps are 12:25:05, 12:25:07, and 12:25:10 AM. Stride is distinctly much longer in the latest image released at 12:25:10.

The red stain has been mentioned earlier.

I've enlarged the image of this individual, carrying a cane with what seems to be a distinctive white band near the mid to lower shaft of the cane. (Sorry, for some reason I am unable to upload the enlarged images, so members will have to enlarge it themselves.)



(top 2 images are reversed timewise)

I've enlarged, done colour inversion, and stared at that reddish brown blob for days now and really can't see it being anything other than blood. That is just MOO and I could be totally wrong.

Speculation here. IF it is blood, surely there aren't many people walking out of the park, bleeding. IF it is blood, it could be coming from an upper, under arm wound. I specify upper, under arm because there is nothing visible coming down the outer arm. I can visualize an under-arm wound coinciding with a dog coming straight up from underneath a raised arm. If an arm was raised in what may have been a blitz attack, with Bowie on a limiting, short lead (noted in the pic of Katie and Bowie in the crosswalk), it may have been difficult for Bowie to grab an extended hand/weapon, but coming straight up under a raised arm toward the armpit seems, IMO, very likely.

This person is only discussed as a potential witness, so hopefully he hears that LE would like to speak with him and will come forward so they can eliminate him as having any knowledge or involvement.
Rest in Peace Katie and dear friend Bowie, and heartfelt condolences to all who loved them.


I believe we now know that the jogger has spoken with police.

The image of the guy in the white shirt is the third image that has been released. Timestamps are 12:25:05, 12:25:07, and 12:25:10 AM. Stride is distinctly much longer in the latest image released at 12:25:10.

The red stain has been mentioned earlier.

I've enlarged the image of this individual, carrying a cane with what seems to be a distinctive white band near the mid to lower shaft of the cane. (Sorry, for some reason I am unable to upload the enlarged images, so members will have to enlarge it themselves.)



(top 2 images are reversed timewise)

I've enlarged, done colour inversion, and stared at that reddish brown blob for days now and really can't see it being anything other than blood. That is just MOO and I could be totally wrong.

Speculation here. IF it is blood, surely there aren't many people walking out of the park, bleeding. IF it is blood, it could be coming from an upper, under arm wound. I specify upper, under arm because there is nothing visible coming down the outer arm. I can visualize an under-arm wound coinciding with a dog coming straight up from underneath a raised arm. If an arm was raised in what may have been a blitz attack, with Bowie on a limiting, short lead (noted in the pic of Katie and Bowie in the crosswalk), it may have been difficult for Bowie to grab an extended hand/weapon, but coming straight up under a raised arm toward the armpit seems, IMO, very likely.

This person is only discussed as a potential witness, so hopefully he hear that LE would like to speak with him and will come forward so they can eliminate him as having any knowledge or involvement.
Since you have studied his image do you think he seems to be leaning on the cane when he walks? Watching the video I thought maybe he was not leaning on it. Wondering if it was just me who thinks that.
Since you have studied his image do you think he seems to be leaning on the cane when he walks? Watching the video I thought maybe he was not leaning on it. Wondering if it was just me who thinks that.

I couldn't really tell K.jill.

Some people carry canes due to mobility issues, or just as walking sticks, for protection or as an actual weapon. I can't really tell, but in that 3rd image that was released, I did think that if a person had mobility issues that required the assistance of a cane, they would probably not go from smaller steps to a long stride within seconds for no apparent reason.

ETA: You mention 'video' and I have only seen stills. Is there an actual video published? If so, I'd love to have a look at it.
Actually, being a good dog mom she probably would not have let him runoff the leash in the park because of food!
Yeah, it seems unlikely to me Katie would have let him off-leash, especially in the dark. In the crosswalk pic, you can see how close he is to her -- either it's a short lead, or she shortened it herself temporarily (looping around her hand). She doesn't strike me as someone to take risks with her dogs.
it’s not about how peaceful they are imo, they are a community that lives in very close vicinity to each other, who don’t want attention. I don’t think a guy who is this type of messed up would be encouraged to stick around but really I also just don’t think most of the mentally ill houseless people have the resources to get away and dispose of evidence, etc, they’d have bloody clothes, only one pair of shoes, and be acting erratically.

Good points—there are definitely some logistical issues. It’s not unheard of however. Take for example this case:Seattle homeless man arrested, suspected in 1976 Maine killing

I guess I’m pretty evenly divided on the question of the perpetrator’s background, but am leaning slightly more towards depraved creep with a paraphilia.

Unrelated, but I wonder how assimilated into society this person would be were he a non-homeless and non-psychotic person (i.e. someone like the Golden State Killer).

Edit: The link I included was for a different case and not for the one I was thinking of. It’s unclear if the suspect was homeless when he committed the stabbing murder featured in the headline.
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Thank you.
I have thought of this as well and even posted about it several days ago. I am very familiar with the area. And also very familiar with having dogs in the city and feeling the need to let them runoff leash. So, I would understand if that’s what she was doing. What makes me question this is that Bowie was found very near the entrance at Charles Allen and 10th and 10th is a busy road anytime of the day. I think if he had been off leash and they were nearing that area or anywhere near the road she would’ve put him back on. The Grassy field area there along 10th would have been fairly dark and less you were close to the road. For that reason I don’t think she would’ve let him off for very long on their walk.
Quoting myself because I just realized that she likely would not let Bowie off leash at night because of trash/food! There would definitely be lots of tasty Disgusting morsels on the ground. Off leash in dim light a dog and go crazy eating things you don’t want them to eat and that might make him sick. And if he was cocaphagic (many very wonderful dogs are) … she would keep him close.
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I couldn't really tell K.jill.

Some people carry canes due to mobility issues, or just as walking sticks, for protection or as an actual weapon. I can't really tell, but in that 3rd image that was released, I did think that if a person had mobility issues that required the assistance of a cane, they would probably not go from smaller steps to a long stride within seconds for no apparent reason.

ETA: You mention 'video' and I have only seen stills. Is there an actual video published? If so, I'd love to have a look at it.
There is probably a better Source for the video released where you don’t have to watch the entire news clip but this is the first one I found.
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Anyway, I'm not 100% sure this is a man. Someone had mentioned earlier and I tend to agree, it's a clutch or purse this person is holding under their arm. Also, I think this person is wearing glasses. And, it looks to me that he/she is wearing socks with sandals.
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Good points—there are definitely some logistical issues. It’s not unheard of however. Take for example this case:Seattle homeless man arrested, suspected in 1976 Maine killing

I guess I’m pretty evenly divided on the question of the perpetrator’s background, but am leaning slightly more towards depraved creep with a paraphilia.

Unrelated, but I wonder how assimilated into society this person would be were he a non-homeless and non-psychotic person (i.e. someone like the Golden State Killer).

Edit: The link I included was for a different case and not for the one I was thinking of. It’s unclear if the suspect was homeless when he committed the stabbing murder featured in the headline.

I’ve been thinking about that too, what this guy’s place in the world looks like. It’s very hard to wrap my head around the idea this dude passes for normal. But sometimes they do.
Rest in Peace Katie and dear friend Bowie, and heartfelt condolences to all who loved them.


I believe we now know that the jogger has spoken with police.

The newer image of the guy in the white shirt is the third image that has been released. Timestamps are 12:25:05, 12:25:07, and 12:25:10 AM. Stride is distinctly much longer in the latest image released at 12:25:10.

The red stain has been mentioned earlier.

I've enlarged the image of this individual, carrying a cane with what seems to be a distinctive white band near the mid to lower shaft of the cane. (Sorry, for some reason I am unable to upload the enlarged images, so members will have to enlarge it themselves.)



(top 2 images are reversed timewise)

I've enlarged, done colour inversion, and stared at that reddish brown blob for days now and really can't see it being anything other than blood. That is just MOO and I could be totally wrong.

Speculation here. IF it is blood, surely there aren't many people walking out of the park, bleeding. IF it is blood, it could be coming from an upper, under arm wound. I specify upper, under arm because there is nothing visible coming down the outer arm. I can visualize an under-arm wound coinciding with a dog coming straight up from underneath a raised arm. If an arm was raised in what may have been a blitz attack, with Bowie on a limiting, short lead (noted in the pic of Katie and Bowie in the crosswalk), it may have been difficult for Bowie to grab an extended hand/weapon, but coming straight up under a raised arm toward the armpit seems, IMO, very likely.

This person is only discussed as a potential witness, so hopefully he hears that LE would like to speak with him and will come forward so they can eliminate him as having any knowledge or involvement.

I can’t imagine this guy having anything to do with it. The timing is just way off. She was at the rainbow crosswalk only a mere 15 minutes earlier and he is exiting out a totally different entrance than where she was found.
They had such great ones of the jogger you could make out his tattoos.Surely they have some sharper ones.
The better quality jogger ones were from the Beltline which has newer cameras/cameras at a better vantage point.
But as mentioned in other posts unless the time stamps are off I think we had already eliminated this person as a suspect due to the timing.
12:07 or 12:09 (depending on which source you believe) victim is seen crossing rainbow sidewalk, cane person at 12:25 is roughly a .5-1 mile away from where bodies are found. Doesn't leave enough time for a viscous attack and murder of a person and dog.
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They had such great ones of the jogger you could make out his tattoos.Surely they have some sharper ones.
Speculation: I think the good pics of the jogger where you can see his tattoos were taken from a different type of camera. I think he was on a path called the beltline next to Piedmont Park. But that does not necessarily mean they have better pictures of all the possible witnesses than the ones we saw.
The brutality, timing and high risk of this crime make me wonder if the perp was on drugs.
A human on some drugs (like pcp) can feel no pain, become stronger, feel no fear and explode with rage. Here is one awful example Big Lurch - Wikipedia

That would have been my guess but here’s why I don’t know if we can say for sure:

A few years ago, there was this frat boy from FSU who had been acting erratic at dinner with his parents and then walked home. He happened upon an unassuming couple in their garage and brutally killed and cannibalized them and severely wounded their neighbor who helped.

People (maybe even officials too?!) speculated drugs were involved because bath salts/flakka (which were big in SoFla at the time) can give some people superhuman strength, and apparently this kid was unstoppably strong when wrestling with officers:

“The sheriff’s office said the college student was growling like a dog and had abnormal strength, requiring several deputies to pull him off Stevens. Harrouff also allegedly attacked a neighbor who tried to intervene.”

Like a year later it was revealed that he just suffered from a mental illness and had no drugs (other than trace amounts of THC) in his system. Sad situation all around.
Quoting myself because I just realized that she likely would not let Bowie off leash at night because of trash/food! There would definitely be lots of tasty Disgusting morsels on the ground. Off leash in dim light a dog and go crazy eating things you don’t want them to eat and that might make him sick. And if he was cocaphagic (many very wonderful dogs are) … she would keep him close.

But didn’t one of the sources quoted earlier in this thread say that Emma, upon first seeing Bowie’s body, thought that he might’ve been hit hy a car? There was some reference to cars speeding through (or speeding near) the park. It seems unlikely, IMO, that Emma would’ve considered this possibility (even for a moment) if she believed that KJ always, without exception, kept Bowie on the leash. I don’t *think* leashed dogs are frequently the victims of vehicular homicide, but admit—as a non-dog-owning person—that I could be wrong.
The better quality jogger ones were from the Beltline which has newer cameras/cameras at a better vantage point.
But as mentioned in other posts unless the time stamps are off I think we had already eliminated this person as a suspect due to the timing.
12:07 or 12:09 (depending on which source you believe) victim is seen crossing rainbow sidewalk, cane person at 12:25 is roughly a .5-1 mile away from where bodies are found. Doesn't leave enough time for a viscous attack and murder of a person and dog.
They still want him to come forward to see if he witnessed anything though.
But didn’t one of the sources quoted earlier in this thread say that Emma, upon first seeing Bowie’s body, thought that he might’ve been hit hy a car? There was some reference to cars speeding through (or speeding near) the park. It seems unlikely, IMO, that Emma would’ve considered this possibility (even for a moment) if she believed that KJ always, without exception, kept Bowie on the leash. I don’t *think* leashed dogs are frequently the victims of vehicular homicide, but admit—as a non-dog-owning person—that I could be wrong.

A car could hit a leashed dog. A dog can pull a leash out of your hands. A woman could see a dead pet in Atlanta and just think “car” as it’s an always present danger.

The whole piece about how Bowie fits is just imperfect for me. I just don’t know.

ETA it could also very well be that Emma knew her partner let the dogs off leash and was afraid of them getting hit by a car one day, and that was why it was her first thought. I didn’t mean to discount the point you were making. I can see it either way, although personal accounts say this couple was careful with their pets and it would be an odd place for a careful pet owner to let their pet off leash. But definitely possible.
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