GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 #10

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I just saw the video that Matou posted in the previous thread for the first time believe it or not. The video of him getting interviewed when the body was found. I saw the other 10min video but somehow missed this one until now and guilt was written all over SM's face and body.

I feel like he needed to take a seat and turn his back away from everywhere in order to get his story together and deal with the "shock" of the body turning up as he thought it was headed to a landfill by now. I also believe he was trying to make himself cry(similar to making himself vomit as he posted on the ch** site). He couldn't make himself cry b/c I think his nerves were going in hundreds of different directions. Once he came back and started talking he was hoping tears would run down his face but they didn't and he gave us a terrible acting job.

sorry for rambling

Here's the link to that video in case anyone else hasn't seen it. Just wanted to say great sleuthing to the group on here, you're all super amazing! I haven't really followed this case but was updated a bit by a friend on here. xoxoxo

video of SM on June 30th:

I'm a Moderator over at the other website under discussion in this case, and have posted a a statement over in the hidden thread.
In light of the recent charges, I was reminded of an article I read last week in which the Telegraph quoted a GBI agent regarding the results of their search of his computer. In hindsight, I think the agent was being more literal than I would have ever guessed:

State investigators examining a computer that belonged to McDaniel have alerted Macon police to an item of interest they found recently, a GBI agent said Tuesday.
“One small thing” is how agent Craig Rotter of the GBI’s Perry field office described the discovery, “one item that had some information on it” that state authorities thought might be useful to Macon detectives and Bibb County prosecutors.


I'm a Moderator over at the other website under discussion in this case, and have posted a a statement over in the hidden thread.

Welcome! :cheesehead: :peace:
I'm sure your input there, as well as in these threads, will be greatly
appreciated. I believe most everyone here will agree with me when I say
that any information about SM we can find on the internet, such as the
posts from your site, is of great interest to us. Not because we believe
such information will prove his guilt or innocence, but because we have
a desire to know more about SM. The burden of proof for the charges that
have been brought against him is, of course, LE's burden - not ours.

I believe you'll find our discussions from the previous threads quite
interesting. Many of us, including myself, were "on the fence" for quite
some time as to our personal beliefs about SM's guilt. Some still are.
And yet we ALL understand and implicitly acknowledge each others'
understanding that we have yet to see enough real evidence released by
LE for any of us to convict SM if we were to be in the jury box today.
Of course, this is how it should be.

So, feel free to chime in with your thoughts! Your knowledge of the
various cultures represented by your site, and I'm sure others like it
which you would be familiar with, would certainly give you better
insight into that area of SM's life and a better perspective from that
view point on the many questions raised here.

To make it easier to continue the discussion downstairs, I've copied most of the posts with the original links to the Parking Lot thread. If you see any I missed, let me know and I'll bring them down.

Here's the link again
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Please remember that the Parking Lot discussion stays downstairs.

The commitment hearing is tomorrow morning at 9:30. We should have new information to discuss afterward.
Irene Adler is a verified attorney. Thanks, Irene.
I have lectured to my kids ad nauseum about the dangers of posting on the internet and how things can come back to bite you, to the point my son who is 22 won't touch Facebook.

This OpChan stuff is just a perfect example.

Can't wait to see what the hearing tomorrow brings ....
Interestingly enough, there is a new comment poster on this article calling himself "websleuths look here".

eta: oh, and to that person, thanks for the info!

Wow what an interesting/creative way for that person to get us the message. To that poster- you obviously read our posts so thanks for clearing that up. I wish you'd join our discussion and perhaps give us some more insight into having had a class with SM!!!!
August 25, 2011 cont.

Hearing Could Reveal New Evidence
Macon defense attorney Franklin Hogue is not involved in the case, but he described what might happen at the commitment hearing...(continued at the link)
I wonder what sort of evidence will be presented tomorrow, if anything?
I don't know wondergirl, but I certainly am dying to know...especially after having read one of the latest articles that stated that Stephen's atty Buford would actually be questioning the lead detective on the stand... I certainly wasn't aware of that little detail...

Should be very interesting for certain..
A law enforcement source close to the murder investigation declined to say how long authorities had been aware of the posts, but did say the discussion boards were “being looked into.” On Aug. 2, McDaniel was charged in Giddings’ death. Then, this week, Macon police charged him with seven counts of sexual exploitation of children after they said child *advertiser censored* was found on a computer flash drive in his apartment.

Upon learning of McDaniel’s discussion-board posts, Giddings’ sister Kaitlyn Wheeler questioned why no one was alarmed by McDaniel’s writings.

“Even his parents, or someone in school? It’s just scary. It could be your neighbor. It could be your friend,” Wheeler said. “Obviously, there were signs.”
More at link-
<snipped from "new evidence" article>
prosecutors will have to present evidence, and possibly reveal new details.

"There'll be a police officer there, probably the lead agent, hearsay is allowed so the agent can just come and sum up their findings in the investigation and have to do that under oath in open court," Hogue said.

That gives McDaniel's attorney, Floyd Buford, his first chance to hear the prosecution's case.

"What the defense usually does is just listens very carefully during the testimony of the police officer and then bases the questions asked off of what you hear right there on the spot," he said.

The hearing ends when the judge says he's heard enough to make a ruling.

Above snipped just goes into a little better detail of exactly how it will play out.. Seems as tho the particular defense atty speaking in this article says to sum up what tomorrow's hearing is that "does the evidence show that a particular crime was committed and does the evidence show that this defendant is likely the one who committed it"..

I also now see that my questions about was Buford going to have a line of questioning already preplanned out of what he was going to question him[lead investigator] on.. According to this article the likely answer to that is no..but rather the lead detective will take the stand and thru the duration be under oath when he states an outline of what their investigation has uncovered as far as evidence.. and then once he has concluded with the details that were chosen to be shared in court.. it is at that time that Buford will then be allowed his questioning which would likely be spur of the moment questions due to the new knowledge having just been learned there in open court..

So not a preplanned arsenal of questions but rather the questions hinge on what new details that the lead investigator chooses to disclose while on the stand..and then Buford would be questioning along the lines of that new info..

IMO definitely sounds as tho it is extremely likely that we will learn not just one new detail but possibly several details or pieces of evidence they have on Stephen.. but I do know for certain no matter how "jaw dropping"[if it should so turn out to be something that is a shocker or unexpected]..IMO it still is truly only a tiny modicum of what they truly have against the man.. They are not gonna lay their arsenal out of what IMO are going to be some of the absolute key pieces tying Stephen directly to Lauren's murder..not for "probable cause" I will keep that in mind..

One last thing from snipped quote above.. I had been wondering on what were the boundaries, limitations, time constraints on these proceedings tomorrow.. Was it specified, was there a specific amount necessary, etc??.. and I see now that it is strictly at the judges discretion.. It seems as tho when they feel that the SA has met their burden in showing probable cause that it is at that point that they let that be known and say that the case may indeed proceed onward.. toward it's being taken to trial on the murder charges..

9:30am.. Going to very interesting IMO.. alot more interesting than I originally was even giving it even an ounce credit for, even just this time last week...
hhmmm..Yes, I too am racking my brain for Glenda's speaking of neuro disorders in ppl surrounding their lives.. and am then wondering just WTH her motive was for saying such.. she is one person who you damn well better believe there are very intentional and specific underlying motives to almost every word that comes out of her mouth to the media..

** Disclaimer as there is always some flaming that takes place when someone has an opinion about GM **..
It's an opinion and it's mine and one certainly does not have to agree with it..but we are free to state our opinions here..
Apparently, to their credit, the paper didn't publish the full details of the conversation with GM.
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