GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 #13

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I would like to let you know that the defence has been in contact with us, and we have forwarded his information to several users who may or may not have made many of the SoL troll-posts. So, from this point out, we have to be careful on what information we present here on WS, and elsewhere on the internet, lest we involuntarily impinge upon our users rights to not be involved if they decide not to be.

We have also explained how the ID number system works, but have not given out the custom salt that arrives at that ID number based on an IP address. FYI SoL is known to have the ID: 39b29a from his home IP. Any other computer or access point he used would have a different IP, and thus, ID.
bbm: This is one thing that has always puzzled me, when looking toward the "guilty" argument. Why would he not have expected Lauren to be noticed as missing -- even sooner than she was? He knew that she was a very social person, describing her in the interview as "very much a people person" -- and likely knew, too, that she had close ties and frequent communication with her family. Yes, I know she was studying for the bar, preparing to move, etc. -- but I believe she was still very much in touch with the people in her life, and it seems to me that SM would have expected as much.

This has troubled me too...the fact that such a popular, social, family-oriented person could go so long before someone came to seriously look for her.

But that's what makes me think it was McD, a neighbor who knew a lot about her and her comings and goings. Maybe he took note that she may not have had a lot of friends coming by lately, maybe her boyfriend had not come to stay the weekend in a while, he obviously would have known that her family lived out of state. It was pretty bold of the killer (whether it was McD or a serial killer or whoever) to assume that he'd have days with her body before anyone came looking. And also pretty perfect timing that her boyfriend was out of state and "out of the way." I don't know how he would have known that though unless she told him herself or he snooped around her apartment and looked at her emails or texts while she was gone or unawares.

I see it both ways guys, I really do. I know all we've heard so far is circumstantial but you gotta admit, it's A LOT of things don't look good for him. Let's also remember that McD boldy made an accusation against another person after being charged with the murder. Innocent people don't make wild accusations against others.
I note that The Telegraph still appears to be mum on the internet post controversy.

People have asked them to run a story on it in the comments section and also directly, they said they are not planning to run one.

They may change their mind if all of the other local news stations run it though, maybe then they won't have to worry about alienating any local offices.
They were next door neighbors throughout all of law school.

Maybe on the surface, those things can be explained away as not being "creepy" but you must remember - he had a key to her apartment in his possession. He had a pair of her underwear in his possession.

And the graduation party wasn't just a college get together. It was a party thrown at a restaurant by family/friends. Going to that uninvited, especially if you are a "recluse" is very out of the ordinary.

Yeah I can't argue that the panties and the key were not a bit stalkerish.

The party I am not sure about, obviously someone told him about it and maybe he took that as an invitation. Also since he DID go to the party her friends probably discovered he was her neighbor and fellow student, which would fit in with them asking if he had seen her when they searched the apartment.

Somehow I think if they had just shown up at her door that night and he had popped his head out and said "Whatcha all doing???" and inserted himself into the search that would have been brought up as incriminating by now. If he had acted odd I think the friends would have reported it, or someone else like the boyfriend would have mentioned it in his long diatribe.
bbm: I didn't know that SM's family was there as well -- I had always thought the report was that it was SM alone. (Not doubting you, just something I didn't know.) If he was with his family, somehow that makes it seem less strange to me. It's a popular eatery -- they could have just chosen that spot for their celebration.
I don't think McD's family was there.

The family had seen McDaniel at a graduation party thrown jointly by the Giddings family and another law student’s family at the Fish N’ Pig restaurant in May.

McDaniel attended the party. Although both students’ family members and friends were at the party, it seemed to family members that McDaniel was there uninvited, Mann said.

The way it's worded is misleading at first. After reading it more carefully, I'm pretty sure "both students" refers to LG and her friend who co-hosted the party.

A commenter on the the most recent Telegraph article is saying that reports said SM took an overnight trip the weekend Lauren disappeared. I have never seen this reported anywhere. Would some of you take a look at the details and see if it is familiar to you? (Maybe the poster should be saying "rumored" instead of "reported"...?)

article is at:
I read it, and I think the poster is, well...mistaken. I've never heard or read anything like that reported in the media. Speculation, maybe, but nothing more than that.
I don't think McD's family was there.

The way it's worded is misleading at first. After reading it more carefully, I'm pretty sure "both students" refers to LG and her friend who co-hosted the party.

Well that's EVEN weirder if he showed up by himself! It could be construed that his family randomly picked that restaurant to go to that night. Which was my thought when I first heard that report. But for him to show up alone to her party....
I read it, and I think the poster is, well...mistaken. I've never heard or read anything like that reported in the media. Speculation, maybe, but nothing more than that.

I also think that person is confused. I think they are thinking of the fact that his grandfather has a farm and Lauren was the one who had family near Rome. Remember, her family stated that her grandmother was adopted and had discovered she had a long lost sister living in the N. GA mountains. Or something to that effect...I just remember reading that LG had family near there.
This has troubled me too...the fact that such a popular, social, family-oriented person could go so long before someone came to seriously look for her.

But that's what makes me think it was McD, a neighbor who knew a lot about her and her comings and goings. Maybe he took note that she may not have had a lot of friends coming by lately, maybe her boyfriend had not come to stay the weekend in a while, he obviously would have known that her family lived out of state. It was pretty bold of the killer (whether it was McD or a serial killer or whoever) to assume that he'd have days with her body before anyone came looking. And also pretty perfect timing that her boyfriend was out of state and "out of the way." I don't know how he would have known that though unless she told him herself or he snooped around her apartment and looked at her emails or texts while she was gone or unawares.

I see it both ways guys, I really do. I know all we've heard so far is circumstantial but you gotta admit, it's A LOT of things don't look good for him. Let's also remember that McD boldy made an accusation against another person after being charged with the murder. Innocent people don't make wild accusations against others.

bbm: I think an innocent person might eventually make some suggestions, if they were being intensely questioned by LE who were pretty much convinced they already had the right person in front of them.

I think he/she might desperately run over events of recent weeks, searching for any slightly unusual interaction he/she had observed involving the deceased and another person. He/she might reinterpret events that, at the time they happened, seemed completely innocuous.

I know this is a touchy subject, so please don't read too much into what I'm trying to say, but one thing to remember about this is that we (most of us, anyway) don't know exactly what SM said in this regard. We don't know that he made any accusation -- we know he probably mentioned a name and an incident, and that's about all we know.

We first heard of this filtered through his mother, who may have been rolling all kinds of possibilities around in her mind, desperately seeking a quick explanation and rapid resolution to what must have seemed to her an unthinkable nightmare, having her just-graduated-from-law-school son suddenly the main suspect in a horrible murder. No doubt, to her, that her son was framed seemed one possible explanation. And what we heard was further filtered through the media who, in interviewing a distraught mother, may have encouraged to speak freely of her thoughts (or at least not discouraged her) and then picked those of her words with the most impact.
People have asked them to run a story on it in the comments section and also directly, they said they are not planning to run one.

They may change their mind if all of the other local news stations run it though, maybe then they won't have to worry about alienating any local offices.

bbm: I doubt they will, at this point, since they have missed the boat big-time on breaking the story -- don't think they will cover it unless/until it comes up in a more "official" way, such as a court proceeding. Maybe I'm wrong -- hope so.
Well that's EVEN weirder if he showed up by himself! It could be construed that his family randomly picked that restaurant to go to that night. Which was my thought when I first heard that report. But for him to show up alone to her party....

This may be one of those (many) items that we (except for those in/close to the family, etc.) will not know the truth about until/unless it comes out at a trial.
Well that's EVEN weirder if he showed up by himself! It could be construed that his family randomly picked that restaurant to go to that night. Which was my thought when I first heard that report. But for him to show up alone to her party....

Just because the relatives that were interviewed didn't know Lauren asked him to come, doesn't mean Lauren didn't ask him to come, even if it was just informally in passing

I just don't envision McD as the type to horn in uninvited at a social event. I would think his presence would require some convincing, such as when Lauren tried to talk him into attending whatever function that was, and she was so surprised to see him there.

We know Lauren had previously invited him to attend things. I don't think it would be so odd for her to have done it again.
The decision of the court regarding guilt or innocent is supposed to be based on the "preponderance of evidence" presented and of course how well that evidence is spun for the jury. He may very well be guilty, but if they do not have the evidence to prove it he will be found innocent; the court decision will be based on the evidence not on whether or not he committed the crime.

I honestly do not believe they have much more than what they had originally, I believe that is why they filed the murder indictment after the 90 day window and why they are bringing up internet posts and still harping on cadaver dog signals. If they had found the smoking gun 30 days after the arrest warrant was issued they would have filed the indictment far sooner, they were likely hoping the FBI would send back something really good.

I personally believe that once this got started and they had fingered McDaniel as the prime suspect they had to keep pursuing it even though they really didn't have the goods because it would have made them look really really bad politically if they stopped pursuing it or stated they weren't ready to pursue it at this time. The public would be outraged and it could damage careers or cause elections to be lost so they just kept the ball rolling.

All just my opinion of course.

I believe you are CORRECT!!!

I think that's all been said before, in many forms...............BUT I still agree.

I still hold onto the hope that there is substantial forensic evidence, as someone stated they DO HAVE, but not sure what the benefits are in hiding it
Innocent people don't make wild accusations against others.

Innocent people do point out leads, and they also help rule people out. Guilty people might point out leads but they generally do not want to rule anyone out, they want as many suspects as possible (unless of course they are real smart about interrogations).
bbm: This is one thing that has always puzzled me, when looking toward the "guilty" argument. Why would he not have expected Lauren to be noticed as missing -- even sooner than she was? He knew that she was a very social person, describing her in the interview as "very much a people person" -- and likely knew, too, that she had close ties and frequent communication with her family. Yes, I know she was studying for the bar, preparing to move, etc. -- but I believe she was still very much in touch with the people in her life, and it seems to me that SM would have expected as much.

It sure helped him that little Butterbean wasn't there during that time, he surely knew that too........The reason BB didnt' go back with her was so that she could concentrate on studying, so maybe that too was a clue as to how her soicalization would be during that time. But he was desperate becuase he waited til the last week practically to do this AND the last day to dump her body. The whole things seems planned but rushed....
A commenter on the the most recent Telegraph article is saying that reports said SM took an overnight trip the weekend Lauren disappeared. I have never seen this reported anywhere. Would some of you take a look at the details and see if it is familiar to you? (Maybe the poster should be saying "rumored" instead of "reported"...?)

article is at:

I couldn't get the article up, but could they possibly be referring to the week that he took his grandfather back home after dinner with the family in Lilburn I think it was.......He and his grandpa rode around on the farm chatting or soemthing? I think it was a day in the the week before Lauren was murdered but he drove back that night or such???
Recalling all these stalkish events by SM towards LG brings to mind the article by her boyfriend, when he was interviewd rather, he said that Lauren told him that she contradicted SM in class or somewhere and apparently it upset him in some way, she was quoted as saying "He is out to get me". We dont' realize how true our statements are or will be sometimes
bbm: I think an innocent person might eventually make some suggestions, if they were being intensely questioned by LE who were pretty much convinced they already had the right person in front of them.

I think he/she might desperately run over events of recent weeks, searching for any slightly unusual interaction he/she had observed involving the deceased and another person. He/she might reinterpret events that, at the time they happened, seemed completely innocuous.

I know this is a touchy subject, so please don't read too much into what I'm trying to say, but one thing to remember about this is that we (most of us, anyway) don't know exactly what SM said in this regard. We don't know that he made any accusation -- we know he probably mentioned a name and an incident, and that's about all we know.

We first heard of this filtered through his mother, who may have been rolling all kinds of possibilities around in her mind, desperately seeking a quick explanation and rapid resolution to what must have seemed to her an unthinkable nightmare, having her just-graduated-from-law-school son suddenly the main suspect in a horrible murder. No doubt, to her, that her son was framed seemed one possible explanation. And what we heard was further filtered through the media who, in interviewing a distraught mother, may have encouraged to speak freely of her thoughts (or at least not discouraged her) and then picked those of her words with the most impact.

I remember that story gave me a good chuckle. As it goes, McD was awakened around midnight by a noise outside his apartment. He got out of bed, put on his clothes, and opened his door to find the mm standing on the balcony. MM said he was going to cut the grass, and McD said it was fine with him because he could sleep through anything (except the sound of the mm standing on the balcony, apparently).

“It was only later, when he started recovering from the shock that his friend was dead, that he started processing that and realized, ‘No. No one cuts the grass at midnight,’ ” she said.

Yes, I'm being facetious, but I do agree that it's unfair to put too much stock into comments made by family members immediately after a tragedy.
Yeah I can't argue that the panties and the key were not a bit stalkerish.

The party I am not sure about, obviously someone told him about it and maybe he took that as an invitation. Also since he DID go to the party her friends probably discovered he was her neighbor and fellow student, which would fit in with them asking if he had seen her when they searched the apartment.

Somehow I think if they had just shown up at her door that night and he had popped his head out and said "Whatcha all doing???" and inserted himself into the search that would have been brought up as incriminating by now. If he had acted odd I think the friends would have reported it, or someone else like the boyfriend would have mentioned it in his long diatribe.
There's a better description of the events somewhere, but I just happened to come across this when I was scanning some of the past articles tonight.

From Chicago, where she works in advertising, Supsic reported Lauren missing to Macon police late Wednesday night. An officer swung by Barristers Hall and checked Lauren’s door, which was locked. Nothing seemed amiss. Then a posse of her law school friends hurried to the apartment, retrieved a key that Lauren had hidden in a candle jar on the balcony and went inside.

Emerging from his apartment next door, McDaniel followed them in, looking distraught and perplexed, like the others.
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