GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 #14

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OK, tomkat -- back for more.

Just some things that come to mind:
a: doesn't seem that all of SM desired scenario has been played out, so he either didnt' do it, didn't do it exactly has he'd dreamed or got excited and screwed up <snipped>
Or, as you note in another post, if he killed Lauren, maybe it was not to implement a "perfect murder" plan, but in a panic after being caught at something else devious -- and he just then fell into some of the pattern he had worked out in his mind in the "perfect murder" musings.

It also sounds to me that, over the nights of these alleged perfect-murder discussions, SM probably changed the scenario from time to time, added to it, etc.

One thing I'm really curious to know is whether SM continued to have these kinds of discussions with other acquaintances -- if there are any similar reports beyond "the Thad Money years".

c: I've always wondered HOW, with some time restraints, dismemberment was carried out in the apts with not much if any evidence left behind from such brutality

Me, too -- that is, if it is true that there was not much evidence left behind.
d: WAS there EVER any evidence that a crime was committed in the bathroom?? or was it assumed by readers because their was mention of DNA found in the bathroom drain in LG apt. If anyone ever used it, there'd be DNA, right? Not necessarily SM DNA in Laurens drain but no doubt Laurens, I dont remember the "DNA in the drain discovery" article ever mentioned blood, may be wrong . When they say DNA didn't necessarily automatically think it had to be blood.

I don't remember any "DNA in the drain" article, to tell the truth -- although there sure may have been one and I have just forgotten. (Do you happen to have a link to one?) I know we read that they were pulling the plumbing and searching the drains, etc., but I don't recall hearing of what, if anything, that yielded. I think most of the assumption that the dismemberment happened in one of the bathrooms, likely Lauren's own, was from the intense LE focus there and from the marks on Lauren's tub (and it being removed).

In my post pondering the implications of "no evidence of dismemberment in a bathroom", I was reaching back only as far as the just-before-Christmas articles and documents, from which we finally learned something about the results of the Luminol exams. Apparently, Luminol reacted with something around the drain in Lauren's tub and on the walls of the tub up to a height of several feet. But the catch is -- was it blood? Was it something else that can react with Luminol (such as bleach, I think)? Had blood been there, but was so obliterated by bleach or Luminol that it would not identify as blood in further kinds of testing?

e: I do find it hard to believe that the crime was commited elsewhere, maybe on the BH grounds, inside or outside, becuase it seems difficult (maybe not they aren't rediculously large) but definitely dumb (clearly in this case) to transport the torso back to the apts had the dismemberment taken place elsewhere, still baffled that there wasn't a huge mess and more discovered by Detectives if it took place inside, but then again, no other apts were checked but the 3

Weird that you mentioned other apartments not being checked, because, just after reading your series of posts, when I went to link the article about the odor/brush-cutting above, I happened to notice that it also mentions, just in passing, that during that same time (early July), LE also checked every apartment in the complex. If I'd ever registered that, I had forgotten it. I wonder if it wasn't just a quick look-see, though -- doubt they were Luminoling all the bathrooms, for instance!
I saw brunette pics, the color of her mother

Thanks. I thought I had a vague memory of someone, way back, posting or linking to something Lauren had written about someone's suggestion to go blonde being a good one, or something to that effect -- but I couldn't be sure.

The discussion about Lauren's hair color came up, of course, a few days back when we were focusing in on what could be going on with the defense not having any reports of lab results concerning the brown hairs found on Lauren and the blonde and brown hairs found on the running shorts. (Sonya was suggesting that perhaps both colors of hairs were Lauren's own.)

I ran across something else the other night that also could play into this, I guess. (I kind of doubt that it does, but it was interesting and caught my attention, so thought I'd share.) I was reading about different types of pre-trial motions and one type that was described (not a type, I think, that has been filed in this case -- not yet, anyhow) was a type to request evidence that is normally not covered by the rules of discovery, where the prosecution hands over info to the defense.

Somewhere in what I was reading, it was mentioned that it happens, sometimes, that LE collects forensic evidence but then, for whatever reasons, does not have it tested. I guess it could be that one situation where that might happen is if, when evidence is being collected, something looks promising but then, through other sources, it's learned that "it's not what it seemed" and wouldn't support LE's theory of the crime, might even weaken it somewhat.

I tried to think how that kind of situation might apply to the hairs. It's hard to come up with something, but I sort of reasoned out this: PURELY HYPOTHETICAL: All I can think of is if, maybe just by visual comparison to SM's or maybe because they eventually found a lot of the brown hairs elsewhere in Lauren's room, car, etc., say, it was decided that the hairs likely didn't belong to SM and/or any killer, but to someone who had been in Lauren's apartment a lot, visited, etc., and was not a likely suspect in her murder, so that, while the hairs looked like a good clue at first, it was decided they actually were not, and so were not even tested.

There is just no telling how it came to be that the running shorts were on Lauren's remains, or where they had been beforehand -- were they what she was wearing when attacked, were they pulled out of her laundry bag, off the floor, the trunk of her car, etc. A few brown hairs might have easily belonged to someone who visited often, or someone who, maybe, brushed his/her hair in Lauren's bathroom, say. And hairs already on the shorts could easily have transferred a few to her abdomen, as well.

It could be that none of those hairs came from Lauren's killer, and that, somehow, a bit later, LE was able to figure that much out in some way. In that case, they might not have continued on to actually have them tested in any way. If they did, they would (in this scenario) have lab results pointing to someone other than their suspect -- and, under the rules of discovery, would have to hand that over to the defense! Talk about reasonable doubt in the mind of a juror -- if LE was able to be certain, somehow, that the hairs got there innocently, probably best not to test them and then have the prosecution have to explain what they were doing on a murder victim's remains and clothes.

I know this is pretty far out there, but just thought it one more possibility about what is up with "missing" forensic results on the hairs!

ETA: And, oh, I just had a thought -- and I am NOT trying to be funny -- could they even have been Butterbean's hair left behind from when the little dog was still living there? Maybe, to a trained hair examiner at the FBI, say, something like that (not human hair) would be obvious on first visual inspection, without even running any actual tests ...?
Whether the "missing" results regarding the hairs in this case is due to human error somewhere along the track, to lab backlog, to purposely-untested evidence, or whatever -- I found the linked article really interesting, thought some of you might, too:

Untested Evidence: Not Just a Crime Lab Issue

A new study examines forensic evidence caseloads in law enforcement agencies.

...There are many legitimate reasons why evidence collected from a crime scene would not go to a lab. Evidence may not go to a lab if prosecutors drop the charges against the alleged perpetrator or if someone pleads guilty to the crime. In rape cases, officials may not analyze sperm or other evidence if consent, but not identity, is the contested issue. Finally, some evidence is not sent to the lab because it would not help identify a perpetrator or solve the crime. ...

read more at:
AH! And the pic I saw was very curly brown hair of her! Somewhere on FB. But her sister Sarah was very young in pic so was several years before 2012 even tho photo was uploaded oct 2012. How long can hairs hang around too but really really interesting that LG had the same hair as SM but not frizzy.

Good points on the forensic reasoning, I'm sure there are all kinds of strategies, but not having something tested would just piss me off as a juror, leaving us hanging, so that strategy can probably help or bite them in the butt, but it's a good point you make , a likely one I'm sure!

I think butterbeans hair was straight and he was more on the golden blonde side. Not likely his BUT HIGH LIKELY HER OWN, not sure how long hairs can hang around a place tho

Thanks. I thought I had a vague memory of someone, way back, posting or linking to something Lauren had written about someone's suggestion to go blonde being a good one, or something to that effect -- but I couldn't be sure.

The discussion about Lauren's hair color came up, of course, a few days back when we were focusing in on what could be going on with the defense not having any reports of lab results concerning the brown hairs found on Lauren and the blonde and brown hairs found on the running shorts. (Sonya was suggesting that perhaps both colors of hairs were Lauren's own.)

I ran across something else the other night that also could play into this, I guess. (I kind of doubt that it does, but it was interesting and caught my attention, so thought I'd share.) I was reading about different types of pre-trial motions and one type that was described (not a type, I think, that has been filed in this case -- not yet, anyhow) was a type to request evidence that is normally not covered by the rules of discovery, where the prosecution hands over info to the defense.

Somewhere in what I was reading, it was mentioned that it happens, sometimes, that LE collects forensic evidence but then, for whatever reasons, does not have it tested. I guess it could be that one situation where that might happen is if, when evidence is being collected, something looks promising but then, through other sources, it's learned that "it's not what it seemed" and wouldn't support LE's theory of the crime, might even weaken it somewhat.

I tried to think how that kind of situation might apply to the hairs. It's hard to come up with something, but I sort of reasoned out this: PURELY HYPOTHETICAL: All I can think of is if, maybe just by visual comparison to SM's or maybe because they eventually found a lot of the brown hairs elsewhere in Lauren's room, car, etc., say, it was decided that the hairs likely didn't belong to SM and/or any killer, but to someone who had been in Lauren's apartment a lot, visited, etc., and was not a likely suspect in her murder, so that, while the hairs looked like a good clue at first, it was decided they actually were not, and so were not even tested.

There is just no telling how it came to be that the running shorts were on Lauren's remains, or where they had been beforehand -- were they what she was wearing when attacked, were they pulled out of her laundry bag, off the floor, the trunk of her car, etc. A few brown hairs might have easily belonged to someone who visited often, or someone who, maybe, brushed his/her hair in Lauren's bathroom, say. And hairs already on the shorts could easily have transferred a few to her abdomen, as well.

It could be that none of those hairs came from Lauren's killer, and that, somehow, a bit later, LE was able to figure that much out in some way. In that case, they might not have continued on to actually have them tested in any way. If they did, they would (in this scenario) have lab results pointing to someone other than their suspect -- and, under the rules of discovery, would have to hand that over to the defense! Talk about reasonable doubt in the mind of a juror -- if LE was able to be certain, somehow, that the hairs got there innocently, probably best not to test them and then have the prosecution have to explain what they were doing on a murder victim's remains and clothes.

I know this is pretty far out there, but just thought it one more possibility about what is up with "missing" forensic results on the hairs!

ETA: And, oh, I just had a thought -- and I am NOT trying to be funny -- could they even have been Butterbean's hair left behind from when the little dog was still living there? Maybe, to a trained hair examiner at the FBI, say, something like that (not human hair) would be obvious on first visual inspection, without even running any actual tests ...?
Hmmm, interesting indeed, becuase I don't think that ever came up before, only that eveyrone was discussing that only the 3 front apts were checked and that the jury could use that against them (that they had not checked the others) but maybe when it was discussed it was meant that there was no thorough investigation done like luminol or search dogs, glancing in the door tells us NOTHING

I wonder to about who he discussed this with, probably only those willing to go so far themselves in discussions of sort, but SM didnt' seem to have MUCH of a filter but as disliked as it has appeared, you'd think more would come forward so I'm guessing not many if any

No link but it was about the time of the saw dna coming out, dna in the drain and I think it was LG drain, I'll look around to see if I can find anything, I remember thinking, well duh, of course there was DNA and I recalled the article didnt' say blood dna, just dna

OK, tomkat -- back for more.

Or, as you note in another post, if he killed Lauren, maybe it was not to implement a "perfect murder" plan, but in a panic after being caught at something else devious -- and he just then fell into some of the pattern he had worked out in his mind in the "perfect murder" musings.

It also sounds to me that, over the nights of these alleged perfect-murder discussions, SM probably changed the scenario from time to time, added to it, etc.

One thing I'm really curious to know is whether SM continued to have these kinds of discussions with other acquaintances -- if there are any similar reports beyond "the Thad Money years".

Me, too -- that is, if it is true that there was not much evidence left behind.

I don't remember any "DNA in the drain" article, to tell the truth -- although there sure may have been one and I have just forgotten. (Do you happen to have a link to one?) I know we read that they were pulling the plumbing and searching the drains, etc., but I don't recall hearing of what, if anything, that yielded. I think most of the assumption that the dismemberment happened in one of the bathrooms, likely Lauren's own, was from the intense LE focus there and from the marks on Lauren's tub (and it being removed).

In my post pondering the implications of "no evidence of dismemberment in a bathroom", I was reaching back only as far as the just-before-Christmas articles and documents, from which we finally learned something about the results of the Luminol exams. Apparently, Luminol reacted with something around the drain in Lauren's tub and on the walls of the tub up to a height of several feet. But the catch is -- was it blood? Was it something else that can react with Luminol (such as bleach, I think)? Had blood been there, but was so obliterated by bleach or Luminol that it would not identify as blood in further kinds of testing?

Weird that you mentioned other apartments not being checked, because, just after reading your series of posts, when I went to link the article about the odor/brush-cutting above, I happened to notice that it also mentions, just in passing, that during that same time (early July), LE also checked every apartment in the complex. If I'd ever registered that, I had forgotten it. I wonder if it wasn't just a quick look-see, though -- doubt they were Luminoling all the bathrooms, for instance!
Whether the "missing" results regarding the hairs in this case is due to human error somewhere along the track, to lab backlog, to purposely-untested evidence, or whatever -- I found the linked article really interesting, thought some of you might, too:


read more at:

interesting, kind of like not calling a witness or the defendant to the stand
That may have been the article, but i was surely thinking, it all happened within days of finding LG missing and then body discovery, Just wondering IF SEARCHERS/CITY WERE CERTAIN IT WAS ONLY A DEAD ANIMAL. Hmm, good way to mask the odor if it was during the day or days before LG was discovered in trash bin. That has always nagged at me. Were there body parts that were missed since no one suspected anyone missing at the time. Thinking that was a great decoy. I had a person viewing a home in Gray that said she had lived across or near the BH during that time and said the odor was horrendous and that people had complained about the trash or odor, some anyone wondering where parts are may have been removed by city workers, minus the skull or anything really obvious. Probably just went in some other trash. ANd what was the dead animal? Cats? Why was it dead there? Anyway, The lady below SM apt, mentioned in the interview article, SM was sitting and staring at the cats playing in the brush or nearby.

ACH! Just some nagging thoughts. Also, was there any digging done in that brushy area near BH in search of body parts?

bbm: tomkat, the only thing like that I remember was after the murder, when the search for additional remains in the immediate area was still pretty intense. Not sure if this is the same thing you are remembering but, anyhow, here's one link:

read more at:

Also -- the scenario where Lauren happened upon SM while he was somehow prowling her apartment is probably now the one I consider most likely, when pondering on the "he did it" side of the fence.

Some great posts, tomkat -- I hope I'll get a chance to respond to your others a little later, but just wanted to go ahead and link the story about the odor and about the undergrowth cutting now, since I happened on it.
AH! And the pic I saw was very curly brown hair of her! Somewhere on FB. But her sister Sarah was very young in pic so was several years before 2012 even tho photo was uploaded oct 2012. How long can hairs hang around too but really really interesting that LG had the same hair as SM but not frizzy.

Good points on the forensic reasoning, I'm sure there are all kinds of strategies, but not having something tested would just piss me off as a juror, leaving us hanging, so that strategy can probably help or bite them in the butt, but it's a good point you make , a likely one I'm sure!

I think butterbeans hair was straight and he was more on the golden blonde side. Not likely his BUT HIGH LIKELY HER OWN, not sure how long hairs can hang around a place tho

Could be she had a perm at the time that particular photo was taken.

Guess how long hairs "hang around" depends on one's housekeeping tendencies, LOL! I expect I have some ancient ones hereabouts, especially in nooks and crannies that don't get addressed all that often.

But I wonder if the pic with Lauren with curly hair might not possibly pre-date her living at BH altogether, from your description.
That may have been the article, but i was surely thinking, it all happened within days of finding LG missing and then body discovery, Just wondering IF SEARCHERS/CITY WERE CERTAIN IT WAS ONLY A DEAD ANIMAL. Hmm, good way to mask the odor if it was during the day or days before LG was discovered in trash bin. That has always nagged at me. Were there body parts that were missed since no one suspected anyone missing at the time. Thinking that was a great decoy. I had a person viewing a home in Gray that said she had lived across or near the BH during that time and said the odor was horrendous and that people had complained about the trash or odor, some anyone wondering where parts are may have been removed by city workers, minus the skull or anything really obvious. Probably just went in some other trash. ANd what was the dead animal? Cats? Why was it dead there? Anyway, The lady below SM apt, mentioned in the interview article, SM was sitting and staring at the cats playing in the brush or nearby.

ACH! Just some nagging thoughts. Also, was there any digging done in that brushy area near BH in search of body parts?

All thought-provoking, for sure.

All I can say is that it seems likely that the HRD dogs brought to the apartments and thereabouts would have indicated if there were (or had recently been) human remains that close by.

Another thing I remember is that poster AngelAnalyzes said she smelled (and reported) a suspicious odor when she was near the trash bins at BH a short while after the murder. It was so hot that summer -- I think trash of all biological types reeked more than usual. And everyone was being hypersensitive to it, too, after the murder at least, because LE was asking for reports of anything like that.
All thought-provoking, for sure.

All I can say is that it seems likely that the HRD dogs brought to the apartments and thereabouts would have indicated if there were (or had recently been) human remains that close by.

Another thing I remember is that poster AngelAnalyzes said she smelled (and reported) a suspicious odor when she was near the trash bins at BH a short while after the murder. It was so hot that summer -- I think trash of all biological types reeked more than usual. And everyone was being hypersensitive to it, too, after the murder at least, because LE was asking for reports of anything like that.

Hmm, I remember the 108 temps in Gray GA this past summer and nothing wreaked like that near any of my rentals in eatonton, gray, macon or byron, I"m sure the year before didnt' surpass it surely.
OK, here's a puzzle.

Among the defense motions, there is one (Motion 2.11) thus labeled:
The defense motion includes the affidavit of lead detective David Patterson that was submitted in support of requesting this warrant. In substance, it contains what was in Patterson's affidavit that I posted a few pages back, except that it came later in the investigation and contains additional information. For one thing, it goes into the whole thing about Stephen saying he was a virgin and, when asked why, in that case, he has condoms in his apartment, replying that he stole them -- the basis, of course, for the burglary charges on which he was originally held.

It also contains this:

...Officers also located several rings that do not appear to belong to McDaniel based on the inscriptions on the interior of the ring bands and thus may be stolen and may be evidence of additional Burglaries. ...
The warrant requested, and granted, is for: storage devices and jewelry items; which may contain/are evidence of the crime of Murder, in violation ofO.C.G.A. ?16-5-1 and Burglary in violation of O.C.G.A. ?16-7-1.
But...the return, listing what was seized, lists these ...
One Sony PS3 Game system and controller serial number CG512687546
One XBOX game system, red and black in color serial number 401687232805
Three XBOX controllers
One PS2 Game system serial number U3853719
One PS2 Game system controller
Three spools of compact discs
One black case containing CDR'S
One Lexis Nexus memory stick
One CD case with two discs
One Dell black bag contaning a Kingston memory stick, power cords and DVD player insert.
Two Dell operating program discs
One PNY 4 GB memory stick
Two SanDisk (2GB each) SD cards
One black bag containing a 4GB Kingston SD CARD Mercer University black bag containing a gateway laptop computer model 450ROG serial number 0034165998, computer cords. Power cord, 11 compact discs, a floppy drive and 2 adult magazines.
One floppy disk (gray in color)
One Clipster camera and package.
... but NO jewelry items. :waitasec:

Why, do y'all reckon?
Finally -- and maybe a little bit anticlimactically! -- though the Telegraph apparently (as indicated above) doesn't have the police transcript of what TM said, it seems the paper did get access to an affidavit regarding some of what TM reported, because the defense sure didn't include the following stuff in its motion, hence the paper cannot be quoting from there in this instance:

I would have thought such an affidavit might still be confidential/not public record at this point, but apparently not -- so now I want to know: If the paper has it, why don't we? :fence:

Quoting the above snippet from one of my posts to make somewhat of a correction.

I think I was correct that Thad Money's "report" wasn't included in the particular defense motion I was discussing in that post, but they ARE included (via Det. Patterson's affidavit) in the defense motion numbered 2.12. (Can't find page numbering on that motion, but they start at page 148 --numbered upper left corner -- of the overall document containing the motions, at the link: )

What TM apparently said is a little more extensive even than what we've seen quoted in the media, too. I don't know how I missed this until now. (<sigh> Every time I look at those motions I find something I missed before -- think it's because it is very easy to get confused/lost about which one I am looking at/have looked at, flipping through them in that format, and with parts of one resembling parts of another.)

bessie, if you haven't yet seen this or aren't familiar with it otherwise, you may want to take a look; TM makes some references to SM's theater activities, and I remember that, at one time, you were sort of delving around in that area.
WHY? do we reckon? ............they really were his? LOL

OK, here's a puzzle.

Among the defense motions, there is one (Motion 2.11) thus labeled:
The defense motion includes the affidavit of lead detective David Patterson that was submitted in support of requesting this warrant. In substance, it contains what was in Patterson's affidavit that I posted a few pages back, except that it came later in the investigation and contains additional information. For one thing, it goes into the whole thing about Stephen saying he was a virgin and, when asked why, in that case, he has condoms in his apartment, replying that he stole them -- the basis, of course, for the burglary charges on which he was originally held.

It also contains this:

The warrant requested, and granted, is for:

But...the return, listing what was seized, lists these ...
... but NO jewelry items. :waitasec:

Why, do y'all reckon?
I could be wrong, but I think we missed posting this link, from late December -- wanted to add it, even this belatedly, because Lauren's case is mentioned, though rather briefly:

Cooke sworn in as new district attorney

He said he probably won&#8217;t have extensive involvement in the Jomekia Pope case, in which Pope is accused of burning his ex-fiancee, LaTosha Taylor, to death, noting that the case was far along. However, he said he plans to work closely with Malcor and prosecutor Dorothy Hall in the prosecution of Stephen McDaniel, who is accused of killing Mercer University law student Lauren Giddings last year. ...

read more at:
Lauren's thread needs a bump, so: I happened to be reading back in Lauren's thread #12 and found this link that Oriah posted back there that I found informative at the time. Since the topics of blood evidence, luminol, etc. have come up lately, it was interesting to re-read it and so thought I would repost here:

Collection and Preservation of
Blood Evidence from Crime Scenes
Lauren Giddings Classic

Agnes Scott to host second annual softball tournament in honor of Lauren Giddings.

Agnes Scott College is set to host the second annual softball tournament in honor of former player Lauren Giddings who was murdered in Macon in June 2011. ...

The tournament will be held March 2-3, 2013 at Oakhurst Field in Decatur. ...

more at:
Stopping by to see what's new. Glad to see Agnes Scott is still remembering LG. How many years will this take before there is a trial?
Anytime I hear of a new dismemberment case, which seems to be more frequently these days, I think of Lauren (and Zahra Baker).

I can't help but wonder what is going on at websites that condone these types of things.

Are the lines crossing between imagination and reality?

How absolutely horrific.

Thoughts of Lauren and her family today.
Heavy rain in the middle Georgia area for several days is making a little headway toward taking us out of a rain deficit for the year, but bringing the possibility of flooding for the Ocmulgee River and other bodies of water.

I know the Ocmulgee is thought by some to be the likely spot where Lauren's missing remains could be ... and just wondering, if that should be true, if there is a chance flood conditions could reveal something, even after these many months.

Flood Warning for Ocmuglee River extended through Friday

The Ocmulgee Heritage Trail is closed from Spring Street to the Otis Redding Bridge due to a Flood Warning.

Significant runoff from heavy rains is expected to bring the Ocmlugee River out of its banks with minor flooding.

A Flood Warning has been posted through Friday as the river is expected to go over flood stage of 18 feet and crest at about 19.9 feet by Thursday morning. ...

...Macon set a new daily rainfall record for Monday with 2.21 inches, which breaks the record of 2.02 set in 1897. ...

...The warning covers Bibb, Jones, Houston, Twiggs and Monroe counties. ...
read more at:
Just to update my previous post about flooding in the middle Georgia area:

Ocmulgee River receding, flood warning shortened

The Ocmulgee River is receding from a crest of of 20.81 feet in Macon at about 6 a.m. Wednesday. ...

...Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Center now estimates the river will drop below flood stage of 18 feet by Friday afternoon....Flooding is also reported on the Flint River in Crawford, Talbot, Taylor and Upson counties.

Flood warnings are also posted until further notice on the Echeconnee Creek near Byron....

...The City of Macon closed the Ocmulgee Heritage Trail as the water began spilling out of the river banks Tuesday morning.

The trail is expected to be closed as long as the flood warning is posted and until crews can clear the mud that is anticipated to linger after the river is back in its banks. ...
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