GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 #15 *appeals denied*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I just did a GA Dept of Corrections inmate search, and SM is not in the system yet. Probably will be the next time the database is updated.

Bessie, you have been and still are very helpful to us following Lauren's thread. You look things up for us, participate in discussions, and help us stay focused. I've noticed that you do this for all the threads that you moderate that I have read.
Is anyone else having a hard time believing this was the straw that broke the camel's back? I mean, there was a lot of other circumstantial evidence like the underwear and the hacksaw packaging found in his apartment. Not to mention other evidence we don't have the full details on, like the possible blood stains and earring in his car. I just can't believe that if he didn't confess after the other evidence was brought to light, that this would be the one thing to make him confess. I obviously don't know but have a sneaking suspicion that there was more to it than surveillance video (given his internet search/forum history and images found in his apartment).

This later article indicates there WERE other "recent developments"(bbm) -- but that, yeah, the recovered surveillance was the final straw:

...McDaniel’s long spiral back to reality, or perhaps the realization that he might not have covered his tracks enough, hit critical mass late last year.

Experts combing his computer began unearthing a trove of potentially damning evidence. He had gone online, investigators learned, researching ways to disable a burglar bar like the one on Giddings’ apartment door. Prosecutors said he also looked up garbage pickup schedules around the time Giddings was killed.

As it turned out, the morning after she was reported missing, police found her torso less than two hours before a trash truck would have hauled it away with that week’s refuse.

About two weeks ago, he granted his lawyers permission to go to prosecutors and discuss a plea. Then McDaniel, 28, changed his mind.

“He stepped back and went back into trial mode,” Franklin J. Hogue, one of his attorneys, said Tuesday.

“And then the evidence just kept pouring in.”

Videos that McDaniel made looking through Giddings’ living room window the night she died were among images discovered on his digital camera.

When his defense team presented him with those findings, Hogue said, “He then realized ... there’s no viable defense theory we can give...".

I guess I never got beyond the general range of, say, 75-80 percent toward the "guilt" side -- and for me, that left reasonable doubt, which is the standard I was trying to go by. I just didn't see the "early" evidence (that we knew of) adding up to beyond that. I think a lot of the most damning evidence did come toward the end -- we had just begun to get hints of it, and then the gag order came.

I have to say -- and I know this is something many will not like -- that I had my concerns about some of the "early" evidence stuff having been cooked a little, in some way. The underwear, and, for a while at least, the keys. Can I prove it? No. Do I still wonder about it? Yeah, I do. I think it is a possibility that there is a piece or two of earlier evidence that got prominent placement that the prosecution might well be extra-glad it doesn't have to take to court.

I am not sold on anything like that having happened, just still wonder a bit. (And also -- for all I know, there could be "early" evidence that we never knew of that is just as damning as damning can be.)

It's not that I ever felt that LE was saying, "Quick -- we need to pin it on somebody -- this guy's kind of strange, so HIM!"

I felt that that LE felt pretty confident that SM was the likely perp, but forensic evidence turning up was slim...and maybe someone gave it a little boost of some sort. Sometimes, in cases like that -- you know, "framing a guilty man", well, it does happen. This was such a very high-profile case, locally (as you, MaconMom, know) -- and Lauren had friends closely connected to the mayor, and there was a LOT of pressure, I feel. (Just want to add here -- not in any way saying that there was anything wrong AT ALL with anyone who cared about Lauren pulling every string they could tug. It was the thing to do. Good for them.)

This later evidence, though, that we are just learning about -- computer evidence and surveillance, garbage schedule search .... sounds as if there is a good bit.

I'm a bit puzzled -- seems that back during the pre-trial hearings, before the gag order hit, it was the GBI that was beginning to talk about new discoveries in the computer scrutiny. Now what we're getting seems to have come from the FBI ... when the last we had heard, the prosecution was waiting only on one or two tests from the FBI, something about mitochondrial dna (because we speculated it had to do with the hairs* found). So-- I wonder, after the GBI started finding stuff on his computer drives -- did the prosecution (maybe with a great big whoop) ask the FBI for help in that area, too? And they found even more, and the camera stuff as well?

I feel pretty confident that this computer/camera evidence is truly of recent finding -- not something somehow "held back" -- because otherwise surely the prosecution would have whipped it out way back when the death penalty was on the table and deals were likely being proffered.

Lord, why did it take so long to find that stuff?

It just seems providential, doesn't it? Especially if evidence WAS slim, and then this all came to light.

I don't know. I'm just glad they found it. I never wanted SM to walk if he killed Lauren.

I will admit, though, that after holding down that fence for so long, I did begin to HOPE he was not guilty -- that it was not he who killed Lauren. Heck, maybe I always hoped that. I know some would say that's bad, because then that would mean all that wasted effort, and the family would have had to go through maybe more years of wondering and maybe never get answers, etc. And yes, that would be awful. (And as my daughter once said to me: "But even if HE didn't kill her, Mom -- SOMEbody did.") But, in the end, you feel what you feel.

MaconMom, I'm sure you didn't want me to write this tome in response to your post, LOL. Sorry -- I started out in response to you, but I kinda then just jumped off into some things I needed to say, needed to work through.

* I AM curious to know what kind of results they got with those hairs...
I have to say -- and I know this is something many will not like -- that I had my concerns about some of the "early" evidence stuff having been cooked a little, in some way. The underwear, and, for a while at least, the keys. Can I prove it? No. Do I still wonder about it? Yeah, I do. I think it is a possibility that there is a piece or two of earlier evidence that got prominent placement that the prosecution might well be extra-glad it doesn't have to take to court.

I think your suspicions have merit. I don't think they had enough in the beginning either, we all remember the idiotic "troll post internet confession" that they threw up in front of the judge.

As far as guilt or innocence I was 90% sure he did it after the internet posts surfaced (just like everyone else was) but I really thought they didn't have enough evidence to prove it.

Dismembering a body a few feet away from one's own home has to be one of the bloodiest most evidence producing crimes imaginable, the fact they DIDN'T find any really strong evidence early on made me think they never would.

People like to imagine the "guilty party" always gets convicted cause the police are always smarter than those stupid criminals etc...but the fact is if the trash pick up had occurred a few minutes earlier it would have been the "perfect crime", or at least perfect enough!
You know, the fact that he never even considered, (apparently) that LE or anyone would even look at his computer reminds me of what I heard a psychologist say in regards to another murder She said "phsychopaths have a shallow sense of right and wrong". THere you have it, they don't see what the normal person sees, he only sees in his/her shallow mind what someone else might look at, which is why he didnt' get rid of his computer in this case. So he was an idiot in not covering it all even if he thought the trash pickup would come in time. He was so convinced that he'd be cleared, even until a few weeks ago almosting making a plea deal, only slightly did he consider it was over.
I have finally figured out how, with a good deal of fussing and resetting this and that, to VIEW the comments on even though I don't do Facebook.

On the article here:

...there is a comment (in response to someone disparaging Hogue's abilities as a defense attorney) from a DD, and I am pretty sure it is the same DD as the "maintenance man/resident contact" whose name got dragged into the fray early on. He gives a good explanation of what a defense attorney's actual job often is, and he is anything but disparaging of Hogue's abilities.

I think Floyd Buford is also a very competent attorney. I know him slightly (I have never met Hogue) though I have not seen nor talked to him in several years.

It has so often crossed my mind that capital case (as this case started out) defense apparently was a special interest of Lauren's. ....What a strange, sad case this has been.
McDaniel's landlord: Tenants were told of murder

...13WMAZ reported that Georgia law does not require landlords and real-estate agents to tell customers about murders or other violent crimes that happen at a property....

Boni Bush...sent 13WMAZ this statement ...:

"Regardless of the law, we have, and will continue to, disclose the crime that occurred at Barristers Hall to our prospective tenants. Surprisingly, because we rent to students coming from all over the U.S., there are actually many of them (who) do not know what happened. ...

... The class who is graduating next month was the class who arrived in August 2011, one month after the nightmare started...".
more at:
I have finally figured out how, with a good deal of fussing and resetting this and that, to VIEW the comments on even though I don't do Facebook.

Yeah I used to visit every day but since they went to the facebook comments the site isn't really fun anymore, the comments/discussions were always the best part. I have a safe facebook account but still since very few people post in response to stories there isn't much reason to bother with the site.
Does anyone know what prison he will go to after classification at Jackson?
Sonya, that's why they call Jackson the Diagnostic and classification System, he will be diagnosed and classified and they will figure out where to send him. I am sure we will know fairly soon . I don't have a whole lot to add to this sad story, there was a lot of very damning evidence that hadn't been made public that caused the confession. I am like the majority of you I don't believe much of the allocution as regards not assaulting her sexually or eating body parts . It would serve little purpose for McD to confess to that though, so good for him that he did spare the family some of the gruesome details of his craziness. I do wonder from a psychological standpoint, though, he is now down to 125 pounds. When he was first incarcerated he couldn't sleep and was losing weight. These are signs of stress. If he truly is a sociopath, would this be happening to him ? Only someone with some type of conscience would experience these feelings , although it might be he is just worried that he got caught. Lots of opinions on how life in prison will be for him. There was a child molester recently found dead in a prison here in Georgia, Milledgeville I think . Stephen should not last long, in my opinion, or if he does it will be because he has made a deal , like Richard Speck did , to sell his body for protection. No winners at all here . Just makes you want to cry at the waste of life
I am like the majority of you I don't believe much of the allocution as regards not assaulting her sexually or eating body parts .

Eating body parts? There is absolutely NO reason to believe he had cannibalistic tendencies, in fact in one of his old internet posts he mentioned the risks of eating human flesh, cannibal wannabes don't point out those minor details. He was not a cannibal, that whole idea came up with the silly troll post.

He has a lot more to offer in prison than just his body; he has a law degree from a prestigious law school in a place where most everyone wants/needs legal advice (including prison gang leaders).

I am now more concerned about what Backwoods said regarding suicide, that is probably far more of a concern than inmates torturing him.
Eating body parts? There is absolutely NO reason to believe he had cannibalistic tendencies,

Not according to his computer history.

in fact in one of his old internet posts he mentioned the risks of eating human flesh, cannibal wannabes don't point out those minor details. He was not a cannibal, that whole idea came up with the silly troll post.

Well he's clearly given the issue some thought, then.
I expect he'll be in AD-SEG - administrative segregation. The state of Georgia doesn't want to be held liable if SM is harmed by other inmates. jmo

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Not according to his computer history.

Well he's clearly given the issue some thought, then.

The link refers to necrophilia which in my experience is the exact OPPOSITE of cannibalism (don't ask me how i know these things, but they are polar opposites, folks are either into necro or into cannibalism, the two don't seem to mix).

The article also mentions gynophagia and those sites often focus on giants/monsters swallowing tiny little humans whole (some weird fantasy thing) which can have nothing to do with realistic cannibalism ideas.

Knowing about "kuru" and other brain destroying prions is not exactly a rare thing among those that educate themselves.

He may have been into necro but I seriously don't think he was into cannibalism. First off that would most likely have shown signs on the torso (disembowlment, removal of breasts, buttocks, liver, etc....), secondly it requires a bbq or other cooking equipment which would have lead to obvious evidence that would have been found early on.
The article also mentions gynophagia and those sites often focus on giants/monsters swallowing small humans whole (some weird fantasy thing) which can have nothing to do with realistic cannibalism ideas.

I looked up gynophagia. I very much don't recommend it. But the pictures are pretty much exclusively young women being cooked, dismembered, and devoured. And yes, some of the pictures depict torsos that are in precisely the same state as how Lauren was found.
Eating body parts? There is absolutely NO reason to believe he had cannibalistic tendencies, in fact in one of his old internet posts he mentioned the risks of eating human flesh, cannibal wannabes don't point out those minor details. He was not a cannibal, that whole idea came up with the silly troll post.

He has a lot more to offer in prison than just his body; he has a law degree from a prestigious law school in a place where most everyone wants/needs legal advice (including prison gang leaders).

I am now more concerned about what Backwoods said regarding suicide, that is probably far more of a concern than inmates torturing him.

NO BODY KNOWS, the sorry SOB aint saying either! And gladly wouldn't want that confession, the whole thing is gruesome enough.

He cuold have had protection as part of plea deal, no?
I looked up gynophagia. I very much don't recommend it. But the pictures are pretty much exclusively young women being cooked, dismembered, and devoured. And yes, some of the pictures depict torsos that are in precisely the same state as how Lauren was found.

THat came up during this whole case, dont' recall how, thought on his computer anyway, that is interesting, I'm escared to look it up. Very interesting, wondering why no other hits from the dogs and if only bones were put in dumpster, would the dogs hit on it with no flesh had it been cooked?

I hope to High Heavens the LG family isnt' reading all this

Prayers to Giddings and

SM family as well, glad his grandaddy passed on before this mess finished out
NO BODY KNOWS, the sorry SOB aint saying either!

Yes nobody knows, least of all the public, so speculating on an extreme perversity like "cannibalism" seems uncalled for.

If there is no real evidence of such I can't imagine why anyone would want to go there and imply something like that! It is degrading to ALL parties involved and for what benefit???

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