GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 2

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How and where did McD get that master key?

Building owner says only he, the other co-owner and the property manager have master keys. There have been two property managers in three years. Was McD friendly with one of those property managers? Maybe have access to their key ring at one time or another?

The kicker is that in one of those news stories I read, it said the apartments he took the condoms from were unlocked? Is that just what McD said? Where did the reporter get that info I wonder?

ETA; The apartments also have security alarms. If he was entering apartments, how would he know if the alarms were set?

Perhaps he was locked out or pretended to be locked out. If the manager trusted him, they could have given him the master key to open his door with the understanding he return it. Perhaps he kept it? This is looking worse for McD.

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Jinx Bessie!

Same article says the 66 yo neighbor was home most of the time and did not hear anything the night Lauren went missing. If McD was overly active, going in and out, moving around a lot wouldn't she have noticed?
That's a good point, and one I've been asking myself. I was thinking the fourth apartment might've been vacant, too. Off the bat, I'd say she didn't hear the activity because it was taking place in Lauren's apartment or the other downstairs apartment, and McD was probably careful to be as quiet as possible. Maybe he turned up the volume on a video or video game to disguise the noise. She said he was loud at times, so if she heard noise, it didn't strike her as unusual. If it was late at night, she was asleep. Might be a sound sleeper, and a little hard of hearing. I also have to wonder if she's being completely truthful when she says she didn't hear anything. She might've told LE what she heard, and they've asked her not to talk about it.
If the downstairs neighbor could hear him playing a video game & hear him cursing and running, wouldn't you think she could hear him dismembering a body??? Wouldn't you need power tools for that??? (sorry to be so graphic)
Not necessarily. And we've heard rumors that he has a machete collection. Others have mentioned swords, which I think is quite possible.
I wonder if McD went into Laurens apartment while she went for food at Zaxby's? If she returned quicker than he expected, he could have panicked

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Not necessarily. And we've heard rumors that he has a machete collection. Others have mentioned swords, which I think is quite possible.

Oh, I forgot about that.

This is all giving me nightmares. I can't even imagine what her family is going through.

Late Wednesday afternoon, investigators removed a refrigerator from the ground-floor apartment next door to Spencer’s for further forensics testing. That apartment, No. 1, is directly below Giddings’, and police have now sealed it.

Its tenant was in the process of moving during the time Giddings was missing, Bush said. Most of the furnishings had been removed before Giddings’ body was found, and the tenant has since finished moving out.

Wonder if McD was chummy with the downstairs tenant in Apt 1?

Spencer, McDaniel’s downstairs neighbor, said she is home most of the time and that she welcomes the police presence.

Yeh. I would think so.
respectfully snipped

I was certain I read somewhere that the tenant of one apartment McD burglarized was male and the other female, but now I cannot find the article to confirm. If the object of his quest was condoms, I'm wondering whether McD entered other apartments besides those, but didn't find what he was looking for. He reportedly has a master key to all of the units, so the apartments wouldn't necessarily need to be locked, and how would he know beforehand which apartments to search?

An interesting item from this article:

Doesn't this suggest that McD confessed to the 2nd burglary hours after he confessed to the first? I think the confessions came only after hours of intense questioning, so McD wasn't being very forthcoming with LE.
Yep. You are absolutely right. Bond had been set for the first charge, but it was revoked when the second charge came down. I'm not sure what to make of that right now. Perhaps he gave up the first confession easily thinking it would satisfy the police, and he could bond out. Since he is a law school grad and worked in the DA's office, he probably knew that second charge would tie him up awhile, so he held out.
The most shocking thing was all the rumors I have heard from different people about multiple bodies. But a bunch of the stuff I heard has never even been hinted at. Like a bunch of other people have said, people are talking around here. It's hard to know what to believe and what to throw out (I will say quite a bit has proven true, so... I'm not a total dumdum, right?).

I snipped this from your first post a week ago.
Here is some stuff that I believe to true (indirectly from cops/detectives). McDaniel's machete collection, him having a skeleton key to all apartments, removal of his bathtub, and a bunch of info I have already seen discussed here.
So, someone was living in the apartment underneath. Still had access to it. Still had items in it. And that's the refrigerator they removed. Hmm. . . Could that be the 2nd POI? It should be. Whether it is a male or a female. We do not know if the perp was a male or not. We have all assumed it was. It is just as likely another female became jealous of her, or maybe was infatuated with her, or whatever reason, and killed her. Then had a body to dispose of. It is food for thought.

And I would think the hours of intense interviews doesn't mean he wasn't cooperating. It may mean that he had nothing to tell. The only thing he could come up with is the condom thing.

We do not know if any of the managers of the apartment complex gave him a passkey to have on site in case someone got locked out. Saves them a trip over there. Of course, not a single one of them will ever admit to that now.

He may be guilty, but these are all things we need to keep in mind. After all, just because someone is guilty, if the facts don't add up, they can walk. Look at what just happened in Florida. They need to have real proof of this, and if the worst thing the neighbor can come up is him running sometimes and cussing at a video game, that is pretty lame. Maybe he was running for a ringing cell phone. Who knows? We know nothing.

What about the neighbor's son? Has he been checked out? He lives with his mama. We all saw Psycho. Maybe he is a little out there.

I guess I just need more before I settle on McD as the only one who could do this.
The Master passkey is a substantive blow to SM, this allows for easy access to open and close any apartment door, at any time.

This could allow for MS to hide in the apartment and leave without any visible signs of entry.

The door jam not being placed under the door and the lack of struggle seem to point to either someone Lauren knew and that she let in Saturday night or someone that was already lurking inside waiting for the right time to pounce.

This could also allow MS to use another vacant apartment for the disarticulation itself or at a minimum, provide a temporary body storage place until he could get rid of the body all without necessarily using his own apartment.

We will not have anything concrete until the FBI evidence has been processed and all the new evidence has been collected and processed.

The fact that LE revisited his apartment last night to collect evidence and that they are looking for evidence in apartment #1 is truly telling.

If MS has the master key and the knowledge of what apartments are empty, he has free reign over the entire complex.
I just finished reading the last 3 pages of posts.
Some very good info.
Thanks to you all.
Based on these recent posts - my thoughts not facts:

McD did not find any doors open to any apartments he entered - he used the stolen or duplicated master key.

How many other apartments has he entered?

Was he hiding in Lauren's apt when she returned from Zaxby's?

Since Ms Spencer did not hear anything, he was very careful and quiet during all cover up activities.

LE must have gotten word from FBI via email or phone which led to another search of McD's apt on Tues night.

I am perplexed as to why he stole condoms...what is that about?
What else did he steal?

The removal of the refrigerator in apt #1 and the Tues night search of McD’s apt tells me LE has a lot more info than they are disclosing.

The body was most certainly in the trash can awaiting the Thurs AM trash truck. I have thought this from day one, since it only made sense. Why would the body be placed in the woods where it would eventually be found when it could be trash in a landfill so that headline news reads: Missing Person (and not Homicide). IMO

The crime was committed in the Barrister Apartment Complex. IMO

LE will charge the POI very soon. IMO

In my opinion, McD is the one; however, I do not conclude with certainty; only God and the FBI know.
I just finished reading the last 3 pages of posts.
Some very good info.
Thanks to you all.
Based on these recent posts - here are my thoughts not facts:

McD did not find any doors open to any apartments he entered - he used the stolen or duplicated master key.

Since Ms Spencer did not hear anything, he was very careful and quiet during all cover up activities.

LE must have gotten word from FBI via email or phone which led to another search of McD's apt on Tues night.

I am perplexed as to why he stole condoms...what is that about?
What else did he steal?

The removal of the refrigerator in apt #1 and the Tues night search of McD’s apt tells me LE has a lot more info than they are disclosing.

The body was in the trash can awaiting the Thurs AM trash truck. I have thought this from day one, since it only made sense. Why would the body be placed in the woods where it would eventually be found when it could be trash in a landfill so that
headline news reads: Missing Person (and not Homicide)

The crime was committed in the Barrister Apartment Complex.

LE will charge the POI very soon.

In my opinion, McD is the one; however, I do not conclude with certainty; only God and the FBI know.
Nice post. I also think the torso was in the trash can. We know trash is picked up on Thursday. We've seen a photo of the complex with trash cans on the left side if you're facing the building. I don't know the exact time LE arrived back at the complex Thursday morning, but I'm fairly certain that had they come a little bit later, the trash can would've been emptied.
So, someone was living in the apartment underneath. Still had access to it. Still had items in it. And that's the refrigerator they removed. Hmm. . . Could that be the 2nd POI? It should be. Whether it is a male or a female. We do not know if the perp was a male or not. We have all assumed it was. It is just as likely another female became jealous of her, or maybe was infatuated with her, or whatever reason, and killed her. Then had a body to dispose of. It is food for thought.

And I would think the hours of intense interviews doesn't mean he wasn't cooperating. It may mean that he had nothing to tell. The only thing he could come up with is the condom thing.

We do not know if any of the managers of the apartment complex gave him a passkey to have on site in case someone got locked out. Saves them a trip over there. Of course, not a single one of them will ever admit to that now.

He may be guilty, but these are all things we need to keep in mind. After all, just because someone is guilty, if the facts don't add up, they can walk. Look at what just happened in Florida. They need to have real proof of this, and if the worst thing the neighbor can come up is him running sometimes and cussing at a video game, that is pretty lame. Maybe he was running for a ringing cell phone. Who knows? We know nothing.

What about the neighbor's son? Has he been checked out? He lives with his mama. We all saw Psycho. Maybe he is a little out there.

I guess I just need more before I settle on McD as the only one who could do this.
The tenant below Lauren had removed most of his/her belongings before Lauren's body was found. Earlier articles said the apartment was vacant. The refrigerator probably is furnished with the apartment.

The "condom thing" is something, a big something in my mind. What kind of person sneaks around, entering apartments without permission to steal condoms?

Granted, the apartment owner might not be telling the truth when he says only he and two others have pass keys. How McD came to be in possession of the pass key is irrelevant. The fact that he had possession of the key proves that he had means to commit a crime within the apartments, whether it was to steal condoms or murder Lauren.

As for the neighbor, as far as we know, she hasn't offered any information that would that would incriminate McD. She simply stated her observations as his neighbor. Nothing she said has influenced my opinion, though she did reinforce a couple of my suspicions. Funny you mention the Hitchcock classic. If there's a Norman Bates residing at Barristers Hall, something tells me it's not the neighbor's son.
The tenant below Lauren had removed most of his/her belongings before Lauren's body was found. Earlier articles said the apartment was vacant. The refrigerator probably is furnished with the apartment.

Late Wednesday afternoon, investigators removed a refrigerator from the ground-floor apartment next door to Spencer’s for further forensics testing. That apartment, No. 1, is directly below Giddings’, and police have now sealed it.

Its tenant was in the process of moving during the time Giddings was missing, Bush said. Most of the furnishings had been removed before Giddings’ body was found, and the tenant has since finished moving out.

This is interesting to me. While LG was missing, the tenant in this apartment was still using it. The tenant had access to the apartment, and was moving things out over a period of time. Now, they have chosen to take the refrigerator from this apartment and seal it. To me, that indicates a person who had access to an apartment and was moving items from that apartment during the time after LG stopped communicating is a viable POI. I am wondering who it is and what they might be involved in. It is something to consider.
Something doesn't add up. The killing could have been quite, if the killer took LG by surprise. Even with someone she may have known I believe based on all the information given on her personality and ablities she would have put up a fight or made a hell of a lot of noise.
Not to be twisted or graphic, but the dismemberment would have been very very messy with a machette or a sword, probably rule out power tools because of the noise. One could use a hunters field knife set it comes with 2razor sharp knives a large one and a small one and a bone saw.
The amount of blood would have most definitely been very difficult to conceal. Unless the killer bled out the victim in one of the bath tubs(this would take a while and rigor would have started setting in on the victim, making the dismemberment difficult( especially in a small bath tub).
Those apartments have thin walls, I have friends who have lived in a few of them over the years while attending the law school. Also from the pictures on line it appears they all have tan carpet ( I couldn't tell for sure) only the bath and kitchen are not carpeted. I could not even imagine trying to clean a scene like this out of carpet, walls and it not being noticed by someone. The amount of trashing to dispose of all the items would have to be noticed, and the cleaning would be heard.
If the apartments are the scene of the crime this was carefully planned out, purchasing of plastic, duct tape, knives etc. The kinks were LG s friends showing up if this was mcd.
Oh well lets see what to day brings.
Just want to put those thoughts out, I'm sure they have already been mentioned, but they have just been stuck in my head.
I can't imagine the tenant downstairs allowing someone to store a body in their refrigerator with their knowledge. If it was, in fact, McD, he must have thought the person wouldn't be coming back for the rest of their stuff. He may have even moved things between empty apartments during those four days before her body was found. I'm just glad some additional information is getting out finally. It's so hard not knowing anything. I had heard early on that McD had a master key and that it was found on Thursday right after the body was found but this is the first news that substantiates it. As for the motion filed by McD's attorney, it may have been suggested to him by the DA's office that he needed to file that motion so the police could stall for time while they wait for the forensic testing results from Quantico and McD could avoid the embarrassment of the evidence that would come out against him in the bond hearing on the burglary charge in the event the forensic evidence turns up nothing. Maybe a last ditch effort on McD's attorney's part to help his client save face if at all possible. Delay is frequently a defense attorney's best tactic. I would bet money that there was some discussion between the DA and McD's attorney regarding the cancellation of the bond hearing this morning. It was really a win-win situation for the state not to have to play their hand in court today.
Something doesn't add up. The killing could have been quite, if the killer took LG by surprise. Even with someone she may have known I believe based on all the information given on her personality and ablities she would have put up a fight or made a hell of a lot of noise.
Not to be twisted or graphic, but the dismemberment would have been very very messy with a machette or a sword, probably rule out power tools because of the noise. One could use a hunters field knife set it comes with 2razor sharp knives a large one and a small one and a bone saw.
The amount of blood would have most definitely been very difficult to conceal. Unless the killer bled out the victim in one of the bath tubs(this would take a while and rigor would have started setting in on the victim, making the dismemberment difficult( especially in a small bath tub).
Those apartments have thin walls, I have friends who have lived in a few of them over the years while attending the law school. Also from the pictures on line it appears they all have tan carpet ( I couldn't tell for sure) only the bath and kitchen are not carpeted. I could not even imagine trying to clean a scene like this out of carpet, walls and it not being noticed by someone. The amount of trashing to dispose of all the items would have to be noticed, and the cleaning would be heard.
If the apartments are the scene of the crime this was carefully planned out, purchasing of plastic, duct tape, knives etc. The kinks were LG s friends showing up if this was mcd.
Oh well lets see what to day brings.
Just want to put those thoughts out, I'm sure they have already been mentioned, but they have just been stuck in my head.

Of course, we must wait for the forensics but in the meantime, step outside your mind and look at the big picture.
Who would have thought this horrific crime would have ever happened as and where it did in the first place?

All of this is unthinkable.
Nevertheless, murder is committed throughout the USA every single day and less than HALF of the murders are solved.

YES, of course, he could have killed her and dismembered her right there in those apartments without a soul knowing a thing about it. Infact, as I have said prior, had the trash truck arrived before the body was found this case would be filed as a missing person statistic.

Never under estimate the mind of a desperate person.
Some people will do anything.
Like I said, it happens every day.

Check out the FBI stats on unsolved murders:

Missing persons
Something doesn't add up. The killing could have been quite, if the killer took LG by surprise. Even with someone she may have known I believe based on all the information given on her personality and ablities she would have put up a fight or made a hell of a lot of noise.
Not to be twisted or graphic, but the dismemberment would have been very very messy with a machette or a sword, probably rule out power tools because of the noise. One could use a hunters field knife set it comes with 2razor sharp knives a large one and a small one and a bone saw.
The amount of blood would have most definitely been very difficult to conceal. Unless the killer bled out the victim in one of the bath tubs(this would take a while and rigor would have started setting in on the victim, making the dismemberment difficult( especially in a small bath tub).
Those apartments have thin walls, I have friends who have lived in a few of them over the years while attending the law school. Also from the pictures on line it appears they all have tan carpet ( I couldn't tell for sure) only the bath and kitchen are not carpeted. I could not even imagine trying to clean a scene like this out of carpet, walls and it not being noticed by someone. The amount of trashing to dispose of all the items would have to be noticed, and the cleaning would be heard.
If the apartments are the scene of the crime this was carefully planned out, purchasing of plastic, duct tape, knives etc. The kinks were LG s friends showing up if this was mcd.
Oh well lets see what to day brings.
Just want to put those thoughts out, I'm sure they have already been mentioned, but they have just been stuck in my head.

Check this article again where evidently LE has told Lauren's mother that she was taken by surprise and "never knew what hit her." This and other comments she makes in this article lead me to believe they told her Lauren was surprised and didn't suffer. IMO she was overtaken quickly - maybe showering or sleeping? McD was next door and possibly could have heard when her shower came on? Since he had a key he could've been there when she came back from Zaxby's (was the food eaten?) or just snuck in when she was in the shower, etc. This may also explain why there wasn't a lot of noise (such as screaming, fighting). Lauren was tall and athletic. She was an athlete at Agnes Scott and as we have heard, ran frequently for exercise. If she were not compromised in some way with chloroform or other drug, she surely would have put up a hell of a fight.
By the way, if you have a really sharp knife you can cut through muscle and bone. My father-in-law once cut the entire neck and head of a large buck with just his pocket knife.
Also, if he purchased plastic, tape etc. LE could hopefully find receipts or credit card charges.
Have you read the threads about Leiby Kletsky? Warning: very sad and disturbing.... 8 year old boy missing from Brooklyn found dismembered. Parts were in trash cans and his feet were found in the freezer of his killers apartment.
Perhaps LE wants to rule out the possibility of the refrigerator being used as storage.

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