GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 3

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"Has anyone figured out why the chief was out in front of the appts about an hour ago? looked like an interview maybe? Anyone know?"

The Chief gave an interview.

He said they have "several" persons of interest. And almost seems to say that if McDaniel had not inserted himself into the initial investigation....they might not even be looking at him that closely. Just a thought.

Hey GTT! Welcome!

Do you know if there is a link to the show that Chief Burns did the interview for?
Here is new information from Nancy Grace (transcript) from tonight's show, which I missed.

I have to say, that I do wonder about the coincidence of the National Media picking up Lauren's case now, and wonder what that's all about?

GRACE: To special guest, Kaitlyn Wheeler. This is Lauren`s sister. Kaitlyn, thank you so much for being with us.

I know that you are beside yourself with grief. Beside yourself.

Tell me, I know you logged into her Facebook and her e-mail account, what if anything did you discover, Kaitlyn?

KAITLYN WHEELER, SISTER: When I logged in, I discovered right away that she had neither read nor sent an email or a Facebook message since Saturday night. And right then, that was literally the breaking point for me. That was the point of panic.

GRACE: Because she was always on Facebook and e-mail, right?

WHEELER: She always would be on her G mail. She had G mail sent to her phone and she also would be on G mail chat with friends. So I knew, maybe if it was a day I wouldn`t panic, but definitely being since Saturday night, this was Wednesday evening when I went into her e-mail, so I knew right then that there was something that was definitely wrong.

GRACE: Tip line, 478-751-7500.

GRACE: Kaitlyn, question, she was afraid in her apartment. Why was she afraid?

WHEELER: In her e-mail that was last sent, she has said that someone had tried to break into her apartment Thursday night and that she was afraid. But in general, she was not afraid of her apartment, like had been said in an interview by her neighbor. She did feel safe there. There was never a threat. It was just in that e-mail that we found that she had mentioned someone trying to break in.
This thing about the Gmail makes me wonder if Lauren ever even really used her laptop to login to Gmail, or if she mostly just used her phone? Maybe an email sent from her laptop would be rather unusual?
This thing about the Gmail makes me wonder if Lauren ever even really used her laptop to login to Gmail, or if she mostly just used her phone? Maybe an email sent from her laptop would be rather unusual?
My gmail comes to my phone and my computer. You can see what I receive or send from either one without having to log back in. A convenience thing. I can get them on the road or while on the computer.
Hello all. It has been a few years since I read or posted on this site, but I have been "catching up" with this thread for several days, going back to read all the way through. Please be patient with me as I relearn how to work all the tools, etc., here, as I'm sure I will make some goofs.

I am riveted by this case, for several reasons, but largely I'm sure because of its location here in the central Georgia area where I live. I grew up and have lived most of my life in a mostly-rural county neighboring Bibb County, where Macon is located. Going to Macon has been and still is for me "going to town" to do shopping or whatever. I have worked there and my daughter is a college (not Mercer) student there now.
respectfully snipped

:seeya: Hi, Backwoods. Glad you decided to start posting again.

Now to jump right into some thoughts...
(But ---OK, folks, can someone give me a dummies tutorial on how to quote a post...? I've tried everything I can find on the site, but can't seem to do it!! Sure I'm just missing something perfectly clear... The post I'm wanting to quote is back in thread #2, #603...

Once a thread is closed (locked) the quote feature is disabled.
Just wanted to add a something to my reply to Backwoods' question about quoting a post in a closed thread.

If you want to reference a post in a closed thread, there's an alternative to the quote feature. Each post has a number. Click on the number, and a window will open with only the single post inside. You can copy the url and paste it as a link in your post. Then anyone reading your post can click right back to the quoted post to read the original text.

BTW, Backwoods, IF (still a big if), the rumor about the McD claiming to be a virgin and describing his neighors' apartments turns out to be fact, then I do believe this equation is a plausible explanation of McD's logic: guilty of burglary=innocent of murder.
During the interview, Burns said that they had sent about 200 pieces of evidence for analysis at the FBI and GBI crime labs, including pipes and drains from Gidding's apartment.

He also said they had several persons of interest in the case and are "getting closer."

He says one of their persons of interest, Stephen McDaniel, first came to their attention after Burns says he "inserted himself," into the search for Giddings and sought out media attention.

Wow so we now know there are over 200 pieces(more than dbl the original 74) of evidence that have been sent to the crime lab and are awaiting results.. IMO obviously those results most likely hold the key to tying whoever is the perpetrator to this crime..

As far as McD "inserting himself" and it is even noted in quotation marks in the article.. It says specifically that McD "inserting himself" into the search for Lauren..

If you go back to those first few days there are several of us who thought that this was very likely to what happened with exactly how McD became involved in being with this group of "friends" of Laurens that entered her apt as well as searched some other areas for any sign of Lauren.. Several of us felt it likely that when hearing these friends outside his apt(directly next door to Laurens front door)this being well after midnight of that Wednesday night into early hours Of Thursday morning.. Him coming out of his apt while the friends are outside of Lauren's front door and he inquires about what is going on?.. They probably relayed to him that none of them had been able to contact Lauren since Sat. Morning and most likely asked him, being her next door neighbor had he seen or heard Lauren and when was the last time he had seen or spoken to Lauren??..

And then as we know he along with these friends then used Laurens outdoor key to enter into her apt to see if there was any signs of Lauren, signs of a struggle, her belongings, and then also as we know per mcD's chattiness on air media interview we know about their going into Lauren's personal laptop email acct and looking for clues.. Which as we know McD went into GREAT DETAIL about..*

That combined with what wondergirl just posted for us from tonight's NG transcript her sister now says this email did not indicate this grave amount of fear that McD seemed so badly for us to believe.. Sister indicates that is not accurate at all.. Now seeming even more suspect is McD's strange elaborate measures he went into in discussing this going as far as to make this whine type of cry about why didn't they get her out of there if she was so scared!!??? Why didn't she come to me I have this little handgun for defense that i could've given her!!!..

Those are the words of McD:. And now hearing the stark contrast of what is the truth from her sister Kaitlyn.. It again makes these things from McD's mouth.. His behaviors.. Etc that much more suspect IMO..

Someone mentioned upthread that after reading Burn's words(which I have quoted in this post)it was stated they felt Burns was saying something to the effect that had mcD not inserted himself in the beginning that he most likely would not even be being looked at..

IMO this is not accurate at all.. I do not believe Burns in any way implied or stated anything even similar.. Infact the only thing is exactly what I have quoted that if anything just validates what many us thought early in the case.. And that is just as Chief Burns stated tonight, he "inserting himself" to the search for Lauren as well as McD sought out the media attention with as we know his chatty 20+ min on cam interview.. Nothing at all to indicate that he is NOT involved and nothing to indicate that had he not inserted himself that police would not have been looking at him.. Nothing of the sort was in any way stated or implied by Burns..

I am highly suspicious of McD's elaborate details of the email especially upon learning from her sister that thise details are not accurate in the least.. The very details that McD Harped on the longest and the loudest.. Hhhmmmm...
I am highly suspicious of McD's elaborate details of the email especially upon learning from her sister that thise details are not accurate in the least.. The very details that McD Harped on the longest and the loudest.. Hhhmmmm...

I'm not so sure that the sister was specifically meaning the email didn't mention some fear...sounds like she is meaning more that, whatever was stated in the email, Lauren had never seemed afraid of her living circumstances in general.

The details of that email!! Just wish we did know more of them. I think some very good possibilities have already been proposed here, both from the point of view of Lauren actually having written the email and from the point of view that the perp may have done so.

To be fair, I guess if you were looking for someone who had gone missing and the last email you found sent from their computer mentioned ANYTHING about a possible break-in or fear, it would be natural to focus on that, even if it didn't say "I'm afraid for my life!"

One thing I've wondered about the email: Say the perp did write it. Suppose it said something like, "you know, the hoodlums apparently were messing around my place the other night, trying to break in I think, and here I am already stressed over getting ready for the bar exam, I'm actually getting jumpy around here, not normal for me -- I need a change of scene. Think I may just go rent a motel room and disappear for a while, do some serious studying ... OR EVEN Think I'll go stay with (whoever) fora few days, but remember, my cell phone never works out that way so don't worry if I'm a little out of touch for a while."

That kind of email would have made more sense for the perp to write, rather than one saying "I'm really scared here", leaving the impression that someone needed to check in on LG. Of course, when things turned out as they did, it would have been a red flag that she DIDN'T actually write it... could it be something like that, with LE and family holding that info back for now?
"Has anyone figured out why the chief was out in front of the appts about an hour ago? looked like an interview maybe? Anyone know?"

The Chief gave an interview.

He said they have "several" persons of interest. And almost seems to say that if McDaniel had not inserted himself into the initial investigation....they might not even be looking at him that closely. Just a thought.
Hello, GypsiesTramps&Thieves. Welcome to all of you. :)

Thank you for the link. I'm afraid I have to agree with Smooth that the quote from Burns didn't leave me with the impression McD wouldn't have been a POI if he hadn't spoken to the media. All that time in front of the camera put him on the radar sooner, but I believe he would've made it there evetually, one way or the other.

The pass key notwithstanding, he knew Lauren, and dismemberment suggests a perp known to the victim. The location and placement of the torso indicate someone who lives in the vicinity, as it's highly unlikely a killer would return to the site to dispose of the remains. LE's interest in the downstairs apartment and removal of the refrigerator indicate the crime, or a stage of the crime, occurred inside, to which we can further conclude the perp was familiar with the property, and was confident the former tenants weren't going to pop in suddenly. And if McD was alone at home studying all weekend as he claims, then he has no alibi to account for his actions on Saturday night and Sunday. Those four facts alone are enough to bring him into sharp focus as a viable suspect, for now a POI. It doesn't prove he's guilty, but IMO there's no way he would've escaped suspicion.
BTW, Backwoods, IF (still a big if), the rumor about the McD claiming to be a virgin and describing his neighors' apartments turns out to be fact, then I do believe this equation is plausible: guilty of burglary=innocent of murder.
<snipped for focus>

Missed this part the first time somehow, Bessie! I can see the thinking toward that possible equation, I believe. Also, yes, I do know the claiming to be a virgin and describing the apartments in detail is in the rumor category; sorry if I got carried away hypothesizing around those "maybe"s.
I realize that Lauren's sister was NOT disputing the word fear was in the email, but rather that the way in which Lauren's neighbor described this detailed fear.. McD stating on cam as he whines, "why didn't they get her out of her apt her being in such fear".. And stAting that, "why didnt Laurem come to me I have a little handgun for defense that I could've given her".. It's those very statements that are exames of McD's having going into elaborate detail that she was in fear..

The sister disputes the neighbor's (mcD) version.. She states it was Laurens neighbor that spoke this inaccurate version..

So while I am not disputing the word fear
Is In the email.. I, just as Lauren's sister states that she does not believe that McD's statements about the email are accurate.. I too feel the same..

Sorry if my wording was not clear.. Hopefully this is somewhat clearer..:)
And if McD was alone at home studying all weekend as he claims, then he has no alibi to account for his actions on Saturday night and Sunday.

I've missed anywhere where he accounts for his time that weekend, can you direct me?

Also, wouldn't it be interesting to know the tenants' normal habits of putting out the trash? You know, how some people let it gather up inside all week and then take it out to the outside bin at the last moment ...while some make regular trips out to the bin with their inside bags...? Wonder if there was other trash in the receptacle where the torso was found... and was any of it SM's. I'm sure all trash was gone over with a fine-tooth comb, just thinking it makes an intriguing line of inquiry.
<snipped for focus>

Missed this part the first time somehow, Bessie! I can see the thinking toward that possible equation, I believe. Also, yes, I do know the claiming to be a virgin and describing the apartments in detail is in the rumor category; sorry if I got carried away hypothesizing around those "maybe"s.
Oh, no, you're fine. I was reminding myself as much you or anyone else. ;)
I realize that Lauren's sister was NOT disputing the word fear was in the email, but rather that the way in which Lauren's neighbor described this detailed fear.. McD stating on cam as he whines, "why didn't they get her out of her apt her being in such fear".. And stAting that, "why didnt Laurem come to me I have a little handgun for defense that I could've given her".. It's those very statements that are exames of McD's having going into elaborate detail that she was in fear..

So while I am not disputing the word fear
Is In the email.. I, just as Lauren's sister states that she does not believe that McD's statements about the email are accurate.. I too feel the same..

Sorry if my wording was not clear.. Hopefully this is somewhat clearer..:)

Smooth, I think my comments center more around what I thought SM said in the interview rather than lack of clarity on your part in your comment. I probably need to go back and watch it again...much as it unsettles me to watch it!
I thought his comments about "if she's afraid, get her out of there" were aimed at bashing himself --an acting job and over the top though it may have been -- for "not helping her" rather than accusing others of knowing she was "in terror" and not coming to her aid. In fact, like he was saying, "if only I had known she was afraid", as though he, too, didn't suspect that Lauren was afraid there and now wished that he had known ....
I've missed anywhere where he accounts for his time that weekend, can you direct me?

Also, wouldn't it be interesting to know the tenants' normal habits of putting out the trash? You know, how some people let it gather up inside all week and then take it out to the outside bin at the last moment ...while some make regular trips out to the bin with their inside bags...? Wonder if there was other trash in the receptacle where the torso was found... and was any of it SM's. I'm sure all trash was gone over with a fine-tooth comb, just thinking it makes an intriguing line of inquiry.
It sure does! I'd love to read the report on their findings.

This photo was taken on Wednesday, July 13th, two weeks later. If it's any indication of what's normal, then the receptacles would have been full enough that the perp felt the remains would escape detection, which would have been the case had LE arrived a little bit later after the garbage trucks had picked up.


Regarding McD's statement of his whereabouts, I'm not sure I've seen it in print. In the interview, though, he mentions being home studying all weekend. Another rumor I read somewhere said he attended the review class on Monday.

Link to audio of the full McD interview.
Posted on Sat, Jul. 23, 2011
FOX news program to focus on Giddings case
A murder mystery that has kept Middle Georgia captivated for more than three weeks is now getting national media attention.
A nationally televised cable news program will focus on the Lauren Giddings killing in a show set to air at 9 p.m. Saturday on Fox News.


The &#8220;Justice with Judge Jeanine&#8221; staff interviewed Macon Police Chief Mike Burns and Telegraph reporter Amy Leigh Womack about the case via satellite.

Members of Giddings&#8217; family also will be interviewed for the program. Those segments were taped in New York.
To contact writer Phillip Ramati, call 744-4334.
Something about this article clicked when I read it. If Chief Burns is worried this case might cast a bad light on Macon, then why do it if he has his man sitting in jail already? I can't help but think IF he had evidence supporting SM as the perp, then he would just say "Thanks, but no thanks" to the television people in order to protect the town and the colleges in the area from bad press. However, if he didn't have the perp in custody and needed help finding the monster who committed this crime, then going on national television might stir some interest and lead in a new direction.

Something about this article clicked when I read it. If Chief Burns is worried this case might cast a bad light on Macon, then why do it if he has his man sitting in jail already? I can't help but think IF he had evidence supporting SM as the perp, then he would just say "Thanks, but no thanks" to the television people in order to protect the town and the colleges in the area from bad press. However, if he didn't have the perp in custody and needed help finding the monster who committed this crime, then going on national television might stir some interest and lead in a new direction.

Hmmm, you could be right.

Guess there are just several ways to look at it, though. If the case is already gathering a lot of attention -- and I think it is, understandably -- national outlets will hone in on it one way or another. Chief probably caught between a rock and hard place on it -- does he give the cold shoulder and risk media reading what they want to into that about local LE and their efforts/success, or cooperate and maybe, as you say, gather some useful info (if they don't already have their man) from the response.

I think it's the kind of case that the spotlight is likely to turn onto, no matter what.
And then as we know he along with these friends then used Laurens outdoor key to enter into her apt to see if there was any signs of Lauren, signs of a struggle, her belongings, and then also as we know per mcD's chattiness on air media interview we know about their going into Lauren's personal laptop email acct and looking for clues.. Which as we know McD went into GREAT DETAIL about..*

That combined with what wondergirl just posted for us from tonight's NG transcript her sister now says this email did not indicate this grave amount of fear that McD seemed so badly for us to believe.. Sister indicates that is not accurate at all.. Now seeming even more suspect is McD's strange elaborate measures he went into in discussing this going as far as to make this whine type of cry about why didn't they get her out of there if she was so scared!!??? Why didn't she come to me I have this little handgun for defense that i could've given her!!!..

Those are the words of McD:. And now hearing the stark contrast of what is the truth from her sister Kaitlyn..

Smoothoperator, your post is what I have considered to be the truth of the Break In email all along, which is substantiated by Kaitlyn as well as by the interview McD gives in his attempt to make it APPEAR that Lauren was afraid in her apt due to an attempted break in.
IMO he was attempting to paint a bigger picture to make it appear that "hoodlums" abducted Lauren.
NO body - NO murder -
And now it appears from Kaitlyn's comments in the interview that Lauren would have used her phone and not her laptop to send the email in the first place.

Upstream I posted my ideas in detail on this:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 27 June 2011 - #2
Couldn't see how to "quote" from the previous thread (#2),

but in reply to Knox earlier; I didn't intend to "post and run". I was at work.

I had commented earlier in thread #2 that SM did not appear to be drugged or "out of it" as had been stated by "Harry Potter" and I really am still curious what makes Harry think that SM was "drugged out of his head" ???

Has anyone figured out why the chief was out in front of the appts about an hour ago? looked like an interview maybe? Anyone know?

Currcat I was speaking of the other poster HP. Not you.
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