GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 4

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Pushing back the emotional aspects....

Lauren's Obituary states that she died June 26, 2011.
I would presume that this would be the correct date, as per the Coroner.

I don't know if this could be considered "official".
Would be interesting though, if the coroner actually gave this date.
It would mean she had her Zaxby's... and would rule out a few theories.
Judge Jeanine Pirro show that's on Fox tonight, claims "new video from the Lauren Giddings crime scene". Can someone do a recap, if they watch it? They don't seem to upload the video to their site quickly, and I don't think you can watch it online.

Could this be the link to their site? I'm still trying to figure out if it is actually live or not.
“…To even consider that LE would not warn or inform the public that there was a dangerous killer in the community would be the height of irresponsibility on their part. I cannot imagine that scenario in my wildest dreams that they are putting Macon citizens at risk of being murdered just because they don't want to create panic….” (from post 228, by Idreamofgenie)

To above post suggesting/concluding avoiding-public-panic is the reason LE is failing to issue a warning, I imagine another reason could be potential repercussions at trial.

If LE issues Dangerous-Killer-in-the-Community warning and if SMcD, who is now in custody, is ultimately prosecuted for the death, does this allow his defense attorney ---

to put LE witness on the stand to ask about the warning, the timing & circumstances, etc. and
in closing argument, argue (among other things) if LE issued a D-K-C warning while SMcD was in jail, then ---

---the evidence LE gathered early-on showed the D-K-C was “real killer” and

---LE planted or created evidence against SMcD to cover-up LE incompetence, etc. {BTW, I’ve read nothing to make me think there’s bn. any of this.} and

---The “real killer” is still out there, so the jury s/find the defendant not guilty {as we hear in so many closing arguments by defense counsel}.

The above is only speculation on my part about possible reason for no D-K-C warning and does not reflect my opinion re SMcD’s guilt or innocence.

Possible repercussions at trial may be a reason for LE not to issue a D-K-C warning any time someone is in jail on another charge and in a circumstance where LE can continue investigating the homicide.

My thoughts and prayers for victim and family in this awful crime, and to those investigating and prosecuting.

To Idreamofgenie and others, I stress my thoughts above offer an additional or alternative reason, not the only reason for LE’s no-warning.
Hi there, al66pine. Very nice first post.

We are and will not be privy to the evidence that is needed in order to make such a serious judgement of guilty or not guilty before a court.. If we were then our justice system would fail each and every time.. There is a very good reason We are not privy to the evidence needed to truly make a judgement against an individual.. It is necessary..

And this is why this is so frustrating.

I initially formed a very plausible theory convicting McD, then the more I followed the case and thought about various things, I was back and forth quite a bit. For several days, he was less likely than many of my theories and I was feeling quite sorry for him.

When it finally came out that the body was indeed found "in the trash bin", that pushed him way over the half-way mark for me. I concede there are still many other possibilities... and unfortunately, I don't think any of us will be able to completely feel confident in our beliefs without the type of evidence that we simply are not going to be privy to for some time. Hopefully I'm wrong about this, and early next week we will indeed get a definitive answer. My greatest fear is that the evidence will not be strong enough one way or the other. I want some 100% no-doubt-about-it proof.
Can someone confirm that this is actually live? I don't have Fox News on my lineup, so I cannot check it.
I don't think so. Huckabee is on the Fox channel now, the one that airs the judge's show.
"Could this be the face of a killer?"...coming up in the next segment. Right after she discusses five or six other cases. Sheesh!
"Could this be the face of a killer?"...coming up in the next segment. Right after she discusses five or six other cases. Sheesh!

I noticed that at the end of the article on Fox24's website, they say, "There could be exclusive information never heard before, so be sure to tune into FOX News at 9 p.m. Saturday evening." Sounds like a lot of hype to me, but we will see. Thanks for the play by play, Bessie! :)
Michelle says MU law class is standing behind McD. They don't think he's guilty.

JJ asking about bf. Michelle says not much known about him. JJ says, "That's very interesting."

A little more about the dismemberment shows anger, yada, yada..

More after the break. (I don't think we'll be hearing any bombshells.)
Local reporter said that they were looking at some other rooms in the apartment complex besides the 3 apartments.
Alright. I think we should not be discussing pictures we can't post, because I think I know which picture you mean and: (a) He's not sliding it into a holster and (b) it doesn't look like the picture you linked at all. You can only see the hilt and it looks like some sort of decorative sword hilt. The guy is a gamer. He has and wears chain mail. He probably has swords too.

The histrionics and linking to a menacing-looking weapon that likely bears no resemblance to whatever he was wearing on his belt in that picture is unfair and unsupportable.

This is ABSOLUTELY 100% INCORRECT! there is absolutely no embellishing done whatsoever!!! The link that McMunn posted is ABSOLUTELY 100% CORRECT and is absolutely identical to the picture that many of us have seen and can attest 100% to the fact it is identical.. This link is not a false misrepresentation it 100% ACCURATE..
Most Evil forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Stone, said that he has interviewed 12 serial killers who did dismembered their victims and 13 who did not.

Most people are killed by someone they know and strangers rarely dismember their victims.

My mother pointed out that McD made a big point to say that her friends had a key but that was admitting that he knew the fact that he had a "universal" key was wrong.
Also, Most Evil forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Stone, said he did not buy the acting job of McD during the interview.
Also, Most Evil forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Stone, said he did not buy the acting job of McD during the interview.

Who is this Most Evil Dr. Stone? LOL I've never heard of him before, but then again, I never watch TV either.
Well, so much for the new info.

The Fox show was nothing earth shattering.

There were a few interesting points raised, that haven't already been summarized here.

As per Forensic Psychiatrist:

-He studied 12 serial killers and 13 non-serial killers who dismembered. It was very rare for a non-serial killer to not know their victim. Most were acting on rage towards the victim, in their dismemberment. Or convenience to dispose of the remains.

-He didn't believe SM on video

As per LE Detective:

-He totally believed SM on video, and thought it was a normal reaction

-He thought it was a mistake that LE arrested SM for the 2 condom burglaries, because LE never got a chance to interrogate him, and SM lawyered up

-He thought there was some sort of history with behavior for SM, which JJP said no way

As per Newsanchor who interviewed SM on "the video"

-She thought it was odd that SM came back out of ATT building and allowed himself to be interviewed by the media, after finding out the news about LG. She had a couple of other interesting things to say, but, I can't remember them right now.

As per JJP:

-The email that night at 10 pm, was written to LG's boyfriend, DVD, from Atlanta

-The door was locked even though LG's keys were inside. OKAY, I need a dunce cap. HTH could I have overlooked that? I am sure it has been discussed here, ad nauseum, but I really missed that. WTH?

So much for the new crime scene video and details.
I have a comment regarding the "little handgun" that SM says he could have lent Lauren.

If SM actually is an avid collector of knives, and does actually have a collection in his apartment, why wouldn't he have offered to lend her one of THOSE, kwim?

Kind of funny that he suggests a handgun, if in fact he has a large collection of knives. JMO

Well and does he have a permit for that handgun is what I thought!!! First time I saw his interview a month ago
Michelle says MU law class is standing behind McD. They don't think he's guilty.

JJ asking about bf. Michelle says not much known about him. JJ says, "That's very interesting."

A little more about the dismemberment shows anger, yada, yada..

More after the break. (I don't think we'll be hearing any bombshells.)

That's definitely interesting that the law class is standing behind him. Definitely says something about his character and what people thought of him. I know it's been said earlier in the thread that some murderers seem incapable of the crimes they've committed (ie, Craigslist killer). However, it's interesting to hear the opinions of people who knew both Lauren and Stephen.

And I'm unable to watch the show, so thanks for the updates!
This is ABSOLUTELY 100% INCORRECT! there is absolutely no embellishing done whatsoever!!! The link that McMunn posted is ABSOLUTELY 100% CORRECT and is absolutely identical to the picture that many of us have seen and can attest 100% to the fact it is identical.. This link is not a false misrepresentation it 100% ACCURATE..

This pic just gave me the creeps. I had a stalker in high school, and he showed up on campus to talk to me, and later when the officials arrested him; they found this very same hunting knife on him. Long story but if McD is perp, I totally understand this fantasy situation. And I remember thinking this guy would not hurt a fly, and i had to have a few people talk some sense into me.
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