GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Very interesting, Sandstorm... shortened for emphasis:

However, in the meantime check out the two backlog charts I have copied and attached from the FBI report.

Also, here is a few paragraphs I copied from the report. After you read this and looked at the two charts attached, you will realize it can take up to 200 ( TWO HUNDRED) days for the test results to be completed.

My question is... if this timeline is known information to the MPD, why did they EVER claim the results would be back at the beginning of that first week? Why not from the beginning explain their methodical process? I think then people wouldn't be as antsy waiting for the answers... Thanks for the info you posted....
Maybe they won't have all of the evidence back from the FBI by next week, but have been advised of what they will have back and hope to be able to bring charges based on that. I don't think they will go to the DA just for the heck of it...they must think they will have enough by then.
My question is... if this timeline is known information to the MPD, why did they EVER claim the results would be back at the beginning of that first week? Why not from the beginning explain their methodical process? I think then people wouldn't be as antsy waiting for the answers... Thanks for the info you posted....

Could be any number of reasons. The first one that comes to my mind is that maybe they thought they had enough convicting evidence to get a quick response, but either through using luminol or for some other reason the FBI needed more evidence (I keep going back to the multiple searches - not as grasping for straws but for more specific evidence) so it ended up taking longer than initially ecpected. Just a thought.

I was a bit let down by the presser, but in no way discouraged. I think a lot of these recent comments are spot on. Still an active investigation, frustrating to have to address text message rumors, etc etc. Maybe I'm just optimistic that they know more than the general public think they know, but I won't be discouraged until they throw their hands up and shrug their shoulders.
When I watch this video I see a man trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness of the rumors going around, I also don't see nerves as much as I do irritation and confidence. Can you imagine knowing everything there is to know so far about this case and also knowing you cannot discuss it lest you jeopardize the whole thing?
There comes a point when you would almost get smug about this stuff in that position, due to the frustration and silliness, jmo.
If the case was shaping up to fall apart in terms of McDaniel's involvement, there would be more of an appeal to the media. The MPD would realize that pretty soon they were going to have a blunder on their hands along with public outcry and true panic, you would see a lot more preemptive sweet talking going on to set up for that contingency.
Instead we get pretty much zilch, we get smug, glib replies to questions. I'm not going to fault Burns for that, it's not an easy position for him to be in.
What we do get though is a very firm delivery when he ridicules the notion that McDaniel is not even a POI, listen to how he says the name "McDaniel" in that video.
My opinion of the arrest, prolonged incarceration of SM based on breaking and entering and stealing 2 condoms a couple of years ago, and the time it is taking to get FBI results back is simple. I think SM set off the LE hinky meter right away. He consented to a search of his apartment. This occurred, I think but may be wrong, before he was questioned by LE. I personally believe that LE saw enough in his apartment the first time they were in there to suspect him of the murder. LE might have thought it best to get this guy off the streets for public safety reasons. They questioned him and he owned up to stealing the condoms. Voila! A reason to arrest him and keep him in jail. I think we all agree that keeping someone in jail for a month because of the condom issue is a bit out there. I think there is plenty of reasons (about 200 of them) to keep this guy in jail. And the approximately 200 reasons he may be in jail is taking the FBI a while to examine. The police chief said in his press conference that only 4 people know the entire case so far. This is keeping it very close. This would mean that not even all police officers that have worked the case know all the details. My opinion is they have their man. Of course, I have been wrong before and expect I will still be wrong in the future. I hope not in this case.

Bessie, just want to say I like your picture of Janis Joplin. I am an old Janis fan. I chose Pearl as my username because that was Janis's nickname for herself.
I CONCUR, read my other rantings. lol. THanks. These small town minded cops can do whatever they want, I lived in Warner Robins, I know, also know some Macon cops dont' do their job properly or timely, experienced be human is to err.........intentional or not.

Centerville citizen here-use to be a Mercer student and lived in Macon. What you said its soo true!

Does anyone remember the homosexual serial killer that Macon had back in the late 80's. He killed Carol's linens husband. It took the police quite awhile to get him.

I lived on the main campus back in the 80's and we always had some crazy running around. Once my roomate and myself was in beds studying and the police broke threw our door. It scared the stew out of us. A guy had climbed up the outside wall and was almost in our window. It was cracked for some fresh air. He ended up falling into the bushes and being captured. That is just one story of craziness of living in Macon. lol
Sorry for the confusion. Someone above stated SM wasn't going anywhere soon. I was pointing out that he could be going somewhere soon. With a bond hearing, he could be out of jail by next week.

And Chief Burns said he was not discussing arresting anyone in his meeting with the DA. It is isn't planning on discussing arrests then, I would expect SM's bond hearing will be able to go on as scheduled.

haha. oh ok, TRUE...... sorry and I agree!
It seems that today's Macon PD Press conference regarding Lauren can be summed up as:

*Rumors are false - no serial killer in Macon

*Chief is meeting at the beginning of next week with the DA to discuss all they know regarding Lauren's case

* Only 4 people know all the facts about the case

*Be patient - My interpretation of what the Chief said was not much of anything, except: they are still waiting for FBI results (snipped for content)

Man, am I glad I watched Burns' live telecast just now!! I just went on WS here before noon and almost fell out of my seat over all the negativity. Burns looked fine to me, no odd body language, and he looked the public straight in the eyes and didn't shift his eyes left ( which indicates lying), and he still had his same cute little sense of humor around the media and speculation. I take this conference as a very positive message. And Chief Burns said he was getting with the three other people, 2 lead detectives and Major Stone and discuss the homicide case today or at least this week and get their facts together before presenting to Winters. Yay!!!
The thing is, that LE is under an immense amount of pressure to press charges.

IMO, they needed to come out today, and confidentally reassure the public that they are safe, that an arrest is coming, and if that there is not a serial killer on the loose and here are the reasons why (facts).

If I were a resident of the Macon area, I would not be reassured by what was stated today. JMO

I AGREE, and I live near Perry and I NEVER lock my doors, on a few acres and now I have begun locking all doors, all the time,home or not. So if I lived in Macon, I'd have to take nerve pills. haha

Very interesting, Sandstorm... shortened for emphasis:

However, in the meantime check out the two backlog charts I have copied and attached from the FBI report.

Also, here is a few paragraphs I copied from the report. After you read this and looked at the two charts attached, you will realize it can take up to 200 ( TWO HUNDRED) days for the test results to be completed.

My question is... if this timeline is known information to the MPD, why did they EVER claim the results would be back at the beginning of that first week? Why not from the beginning explain their methodical process? I think then people wouldn't be as antsy waiting for the answers... Thanks for the info you posted....

This is a mystery to me as well. At first, I was under the impression that the results would be back within a couple weeks. Once LE continued to inform the public that they had not received the FBI forensic results, I searched online and found the FBI backlog report.
Hopefully, some of the results will be provided soon so that McD can be charged or released.

According to the FBI backlog report upcoming trials have priority:

"External influences usually determine the order in which DNA cases are analyzed by the FBI Laboratory. For example, upcoming trial dates are the primary influence on case completion. Other considerations include FBI initiatives, the FBI Director’s priorities, and media attention on a case. However, because the Nuclear DNA Unit has 10 to 15 cases with approaching trial dates at all times, it is difficult for the Unit to work on cases that are not driven by trial dates. The FBI Director's priorities include counter-terrorism, intelligence, cyber-based/high technology crimes, public corruption, civil rights, major white-collar crimes, and significant violent crime. ..." (page 12)
Maybe they won't have all of the evidence back from the FBI by next week, but have been advised of what they will have back and hope to be able to bring charges based on that. I don't think they will go to the DA just for the heck of it...they must think they will have enough by then.
Not sure how it all works but could they be meeting with the DA in regards to the LG murder AND in conjunction with SMcD couldn't they, I mean they all know what they suspect as do we, so somehting has to be discussed whether or not the forensics come back or not. Can't do anything with an innocent man sitting in jail, in regards to murder anyway. I mean you certainly have to discuss cases when time goes by without other evidence coming forth. ANyone?
When I watch this video I see a man trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness of the rumors going around, I also don't see nerves as much as I do irritation and confidence. Can you imagine knowing everything there is to know so far about this case and also knowing you cannot discuss it lest you jeopardize the whole thing?
There comes a point when you would almost get smug about this stuff in that position, due to the frustration and silliness, jmo.
If the case was shaping up to fall apart in terms of McDaniel's involvement, there would be more of an appeal to the media. The MPD would realize that pretty soon they were going to have a blunder on their hands along with public outcry and true panic, you would see a lot more preemptive sweet talking going on to set up for that contingency.
Instead we get pretty much zilch, we get smug, glib replies to questions. I'm not going to fault Burns for that, it's not an easy position for him to be in.
What we do get though is a very firm delivery when he ridicules the notion that McDaniel is not even a POI, listen to how he says the name "McDaniel" in that video.

You are dead on!
It seems that today's Macon PD Press conference regarding Lauren can be summed up as:

*Rumors are false - no serial killer in Macon

*Chief is meeting at the beginning of next week with the DA to discuss all they know regarding Lauren's case

* Only 4 people know all the facts about the case

*Be patient - My interpretation of what the Chief said was not much of anything, except: they are still waiting for FBI results (snipped for content)

Man, am I glad I watched Burns' live telecast just now!! I just went on WS here before noon and almost fell out of my seat over all the negativity. Burns looked fine to me, no odd body language, and he looked the public straight in the eyes and didn't shift his eyes left ( which indicates lying), and he still had his same cute little sense of humor around the media and speculation. I take this conference as a very positive message. And Chief Burns said he was getting with the three other people, 2 lead detectives and Major Stone and discuss the homicide case today or at least this week and get their facts together before presenting to Winters. Yay!!!

I thought the main message was BE PATIENT - test results not in yet. I think he was a little frustrated about all the rumors though.
When I watch this video I see a man trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness of the rumors going around, I also don't see nerves as much as I do irritation and confidence. Can you imagine knowing everything there is to know so far about this case and also knowing you cannot discuss it lest you jeopardize the whole thing?
There comes a point when you would almost get smug about this stuff in that position, due to the frustration and silliness, jmo.
If the case was shaping up to fall apart in terms of McDaniel's involvement, there would be more of an appeal to the media. The MPD would realize that pretty soon they were going to have a blunder on their hands along with public outcry and true panic, you would see a lot more preemptive sweet talking going on to set up for that contingency.
Instead we get pretty much zilch, we get smug, glib replies to questions. I'm not going to fault Burns for that, it's not an easy position for him to be in.
What we do get though is a very firm delivery when he ridicules the notion that McDaniel is not even a POI, listen to how he says the name "McDaniel" in that video.

AA, where does he say McDaniel in the video? Do u know around where, tried to skim back thru it and I couldn't find it.
Centerville citizen here-use to be a Mercer student and lived in Macon. What you said its soo true!

Does anyone remember the homosexual serial killer that Macon had back in the late 80's. He killed Carol's linens husband. It took the police quite awhile to get him.

I lived on the main campus back in the 80's and we always had some crazy running around. Once my roomate and myself was in beds studying and the police broke threw our door. It scared the stew out of us. A guy had climbed up the outside wall and was almost in our window. It was cracked for some fresh air. He ended up falling into the bushes and being captured. That is just one story of craziness of living in Macon. lol

WOW! Tears in my eyes from laughter, (for a change).
Good one!
We needed some comic relief!
Glad it was nothing more serious regarding the crazy who climbed up your wall so that we can LOL about it.

Thank you!
WOW! Tears in my eyes from laughter, (for a change).
Good one!
We needed some comic relief!
Glad it was nothing more serious regarding the crazy who climbed up your wall so that we can LOL about it.

Thank you!

That would scare the bejeezus out of me.
I thought the main message was BE PATIENT - test results not in yet. I think he was a little frustrated about all the rumors though.

Sorry I didn't mean to write within the quote box. I loved what u said. I concur! I just wish I would have seen the video first before reading heart fell into my stomach over the negativity. Thanks for your summary as well.
QUOTE:bold sections - my emphasis


Could be any number of reasons. The first one that comes to my mind is that maybe they thought they had enough convicting evidence to get a quick response, but either through using luminol or for some other reason the FBI needed more evidence (I keep going back to the multiple searches - not as grasping for straws but for more specific evidence) so it ended up taking longer than initially expected. Just a thought.


Maybe they won't have all of the evidence back from the FBI by next week, but have been advised of what they will have back and hope to be able to bring charges based on that. I don't think they will go to the DA just for the heck of it...they must think they will have enough by then.

I am leaning with these two ideas and am inclined to believe there will be enough evidence tested and returned for LE to make an announcement once Chief Burns meets with the Winters and the two detectives.

Here's to HOPE and PATIENCE.
So now authorities have to have an "airtight case" before they can arrest and charge someone? What happened to the probable cause standard?

IMO, the only thing we know for certain is that there is no "smoking gun", and if they don't charge SM before he gets out next Thursday, they not only don't have a smoking gun, but they don't even have probable cause. That is not a particularly high standard.

I wonder if luminol reacts to raw hamburger juice. Does anyone know if they brought the refrigerator back to the vacant apartment?
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