GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 7

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For sure! Blue and gray fibers are everywhere. What I found remarkable about his mother's revelation was not the search for blue clothing/textiles. The wow factor was his mother stating LE was looking for blue clothing/textiles followed by the admission that her son owns a whole lotta blue. :waitasec:

IMO, I think she believes she's being cleaver and diminishing the value of this should they find a match.
i.e. "Of course they found a match... I told you he owns a lot of blue. It's my favorite color, ya know!"
IMO, I think she believes she's being cleaver and diminishing the value of this should they find a match.
i.e. "Of course they found a match... I told you he owns a lot of blue. It's my favorite color, ya know!"

Sometimes I think she is just so glad to have found someone to listen to her story (Telegraph reporters) that she is just being "chatty" with them and then they pick out what will have the biggest impact on readers -- whether "gosh, is she nuts" impact, or "maybe he DIDN'T do it" impact or WHATEVER! It's their job, I know, I was once a reporter myself. But something about it is getting a little distasteful to me... . Well, one thing sure, it sells papers.
One thing I wanted to share with you "faraway" posters is how huge this story is with media here in the middle Georgia area. I know you locals already know ... and those of you who aren't local have seen many of the links, of course. But the newspaper articles in The Telegraph, for example -- it's hard to get an idea of how heavily they are weighted compared to most other coverage unless you have the paper copy in front of you. I remember being so impressed by the extensive coverage of the early days of the investigation, of Lauren and "who she was", her memorial service. And these recent articles featuring GM have been very emphasized, too -- one of them, I know, had big headline and lots of space on the front page and then covered, I think, most of two pages on the jump! It looked weird, actually, compared to the rest of the paper's layout.
IMO, I think she believes she's being cleaver and diminishing the value of this should they find a match.
i.e. "Of course they found a match... I told you he owns a lot of blue. It's my favorite color, ya know!"
I think I agree more with Backwoods. She was happy to have a sympathetic ear and talking a lot, too much, and the reporters were selective about which statements they printed. mother, like son? Maybe.
I think I agree more with Backwoods. She was happy to have a sympathetic ear and talking a lot, too much, and the reporters were selective about which statements they printed. mother, like son? Maybe.
You got a point there. A lot of similar traits. Maybe both a little narcissistic?
from the recently linked Telegraph article:

"The packaging for the saw was found in McDaniel’s apartment, as were a master key to the complex and a key to Giddings’ residence."

Looks like we have a second example now of wording on this issue that doesn't seem to match what is actually stated in the arrest warrant. Wonder if this is a slip, or have they learned that LE has made a further determination?
from the recently linked Telegraph article:

"The packaging for the saw was found in McDaniel’s apartment, as were a master key to the complex and a key to Giddings’ residence."

Looks like we have a second example now of wording on this issue that doesn't seem to match what is actually stated in the arrest warrant. Wonder if this is a slip, or have they learned that LE has made a further determination?

It does make a difference. As does how it was found. Of course, we won't get that part until the end. But we should be able to find out if it is the same type of saw or the same saw. If it is not at this point proven to be a match to that particular saw, then they need to stop stating it like it is. It is very bad form. And incredibly bad reporting. They need to even clarify it by stating, "the packaging has been matched to the hacksaw found ... " or "the packaging is the same type and brand as the hacksaw found ..." It's a good reporting thing. Don't fuel false stories. There is enough of the truth to keep everyone glued to their seats in this one.
I still can't get over some of these statements SM's family is making...
I just read the aunt claim the burglaries are bogus because SM's "friends"
that he accused of stealing from told him he could "pop-in anytime and get whatever he needed".
Well, he must not have needed those condoms too bad, since he's still got them 2 years later.
Just catching up here...

I can't believe how many of you are missing the obvious here...
It's a rolling trash can.
He could simply roll it into Apt #1, load the torso from the fridge, and roll it back out.

Actually, I thought it would be a lot more conspicious to roll a trash can into Apt # 1 than to haul a trash bag out to the trash. IMO
Just wanted to point out here that the article here is incorrect.
This is where we have to be careful about the statements of reporters.
Per the warrant itself, which you have linked to:

So, the warrant only states that the packaging found was for the same brand.
And the "same such" wording would seem to indicate it was also the same "model".

Anything is possible, but what are the odds that the size 8 Nine West shoes I am wearing do not belong to the "same such" size 8 Nine West shoe box that is outside in the trash?
All I am saying: If the "same such" shoe fits.... : )
A question here. SM's mother is providing information that she says that SM has told her. If this case goes to trial with SM as the accused murderer, what happens if he says he did not tell her something or he told her something other than what she reported? Would the prosecution be allowed to point out that he told 2 different stories about something? Or would her reports be considered hearsay? I think SM's lawyer cringes each time he picks up a newspaper.

By the way, I've been busy today and tonight and am trying to catch up. Ya'll have dome some good sleuthing today. I hope this forum eventually gets turned into sections like some of the other ones have.

IF more disturbing elements of this crime prove to have taken place...

I believe control is the central issue at play here.
To consume or engage sexually with the remains of your victim demonstrates an urge to fully control that person, likely resulting from a feeling of personal powerlessness. Let's imagine for a moment that Stephen was fixated on Lauren for a long time, living next to her, working along side her in the FedSoc at Mercer, but never truly able to engage with her on a personal or romantic level. Most likely he never voiced his feelings for her to her directly, but perhaps spoke frequently about her to his mother. He felt she was unattainable, she'd never return his feelings, he'd never HAVE her in life. Perhaps her life force itself was overwhelming to him, because deep down in his psyche, Stephen could be extremely controlling. No consenting partner, especially not an independent and driven young woman such as Lauren, would be suitable for him as he would require the utmost submission and autonomous control over another individual. This is often the case with killers who engage in these post-mortem acts of cannibalism and necrophilia. Only once their victim is dead can they truly actualize their fantasy.
For some killers, the act of defiling their victim's body is an extension of the sadistic acts and degradation they inflicted on their victims pre and peri-mortem, as in the case of Ted Bundy. For others, such as Jeffrey Dahmer, it is the main event. I imagine McDaniel falls into the latter category. He "attained" Lauren in killing her, and cemented his sense of ownership over her entire being [in his mind] by deconstructing her person-hood, literally and figuratively, after death. This is typical of lust murder, as the killer seeks to remove the humanity of his victim through mutilation and disfigurement. The dismemberment itself indicates rage, resentment, but more interestingly it indicates that the killer was threatened, intimidated by the victim. To strip the victim of her identity is to neutralize the threat and exercise ultimate control. It's very personal. When such acts are committed in stranger homicides, such as in the case of Jack The Ripper for instance, the victim is representative of something personally threatening to the killer. In this case, Lauren herself was somehow a threat to Stephen's psyche. IMO, the threat stemmed from the power he perceived her to have in life. If he was obsessed with her, in his mind she held an unacceptable amount of power over him, and in killing her and then destroying her body, he re-asserts his own control. He is aroused by that satisfaction derived from absolute control over someone formerly so out of reach, he can now do as he pleases.
Finally, if cannibalism indeed took place, it would be the penultimate act of control and possession of his victim.
IF it went down like that, I imagine he was high off his actions for several days. The extensive cleaning and obstruction was another way for him to get off on the control he continued to exert over his victim's fate. His downfall was ultimately that he was too greedy with her remains, too indulgent of his urges, to do what needed to be done. He literally waited until the last possible moment to discard the last bit, despite the overwhelming risk involved. Hopefully that means he did a poor job of cleaning up the evidence he left on her body, especially if he originally planned to dispose of them in such a way that they would never, ever be recovered prior to decomposition. If the bleach rumor turns out to be true, that was probably his hurried attempt at making sure he rid the body of evidence, and it probably wasn't as thorough a job as he would have liked. His nerves went into overdrive when he saw cops looking for her Wednesday, so he inserted himself into the search and investigation promptly to control, to whatever extent he could, the flow of information and get access to the facts on the ground. I wouldn't be surprised if those involved in the search, cops and civilians, could tell us in retrospect little things he tried to do to direct the search effort away from key areas.
Getting on camera to discuss Lauren's whereabouts was terribly revealing, and terribly bold. I'm sure he derived some satisfaction from that as well, still holding out the belief that he'd never be found out, linked forever to her memory however due to that interview. Imagine how satisfied he'd have been if he'd never been a POI and his face in that interview would come to represent that fateful day in Lauren's legacy...what a fast one he'd have pulled.

Angel, thank you so much for this post. Such good insight and knowledge you have shared with us. I will be reading this again.
Ask her another question, Whoajo!
Anything is possible, but what are the odds that the size 8 Nine West shoes I am wearing do not belong to the "same such" size 8 Nine West shoe box that is outside in the trash?
All I am saying: If the "same such" shoe fits.... : )

I guess you would have to think if you have had the shoes for 3 months, and if you live in a place where 40 other people live. It could very easily belong to someone else in that case.

I know that isn't where you were going, but it isn't a one residence place, and it was said it was purchased in March or April following a storm. I guess a better comparison is someone finding an old shoe box in your office that you have been storing extra pens and pencils in for the past 3 months, and then finding a pair of shoes the same size and brand in someone else's office and claiming they must be your shoes because you have a box that could match the shoes.

Until they release it is an exact match, we really just don't know. It looks bad, but it is still unclear on that one.
Originally Posted by PsychoMom I am honestly speaking more of the unwillingness to allow others to verbalize a differing view. Either agree or go away was what I was feeling, especially yesterday. I am hoping this is a newer, more open, and friendlier discussion now. I love counter views, but not attacks on every view that is different from the mass. And I'm not the only one proposing alternate views. I look at the alternate views to make sure I cover all bases. It often strengthens the view I feel is most viable. It doesn't mean that my alternate view is the answer. It just another possibility to explore. But in that, realizing your theory is not fact, neither is mine. The best we can do is try to see where all the puzzle pieces can fit and rearrange them to see if they fit better another way.

Originally Posted by Backwoods I see what you mean about the "understanding" and I agree somewhat. But I do see things that gradually acquire a kind of build-up surrounding them, they get bigger than they originally were and sometimes totally morph.

I guess some posters are able to sway others more effectively with their writing styles, reputations, whatever -- and nothing wrong with that, those are their gifts to use! But --especially for a newcomer to the threads--I think sometimes "opinion" does get swept over into "fact".

Sway others with writing styles and reputations. I disagree, newcomers are able to form their own opinions based on what they hear in the media and their own personal intuitions about the case.

My opinion is McD murdered Lauren. I speak to and respond to posts that are similar to what I theorize happened in this case. If I don't agree with an alternate theory I skip over the post.

Actually, I do agree with Backwoods and Psychomom about how influence occurs on this board.
With that said, I still enjoy being a member here.
I certainly appreciate ALL posters even if I disagree. I do read views opposing mine and since neither of us has proof of much in this case, I feel there may be info/opinions to consider.

Actually, I do agree with Backwoods and Psychomom about how influence occurs on this board.
With that said, I still enjoy being a member here.
I certainly appreciate ALL posters even if I disagree. I do read views opposing mine and since neither of us has proof of much in this case, I feel there may be info/opinions to consider.

Nice to know we're welcome here. I think it is highly important for various thoughts and ideas to be generated. :blowkiss:

Hey! Backwoods! We have a fan! :rocker:

I do appreciate good ideas and challenges. It's when it gets nasty that bugs me.
I still can't get over some of these statements SM's family is making...
I just read the aunt claim the burglaries are bogus because SM's "friends"
that he accused of stealing from told him he could "pop-in anytime and get whatever he needed".
Well, he must not have needed those condoms too bad, since he's still got them 2 years later.

Do we know he still has them 2 years later? Or did he just tell police he took them 2 years ago?

I don't recall seeing anything that tells us he still had them, other than speculation on this board (though I haven't visited the condom issue in quite a while).

Something struck me as odd in this article (previously linked upstream).

He doesn't have a debit card? Every person with a bank account has one and I can't imagine at 25 that he doesn't have a bank account. Does Mom just simply give him everything? I know he was a student, but I don't know how you would function without one (and I can't see him having a credit card in his own name without a bank account). Maybe just another oddity within the McD family, just seemed weird to me.
This recent article is huge, if true. All new lawyers, might you chime in? The Barbri costs a lot of monies, so hopeful soon-to-be lawyers do not miss these prep days. I don't need to hash back and forth about the Absence on June 30th...let that play out in court but missing Monday, June 27th is a huge red flag. Here is some cost information in this article about the Barbri
New article:

Source: McDaniel missed 2nd class
Mother of suspected Lauren Giddings killer remains faithful

Read more:

Well, if this is true, then so much for the credibility of the neighbor who swore up and down that he never, ever missed a class before June 30. This is another example of why it is so dangerous to classify what people say as "fact".

As pointed out previously, these courses are all available as videos to be viewed at any time, so missing classes in general is not indicative of much. I agree that it would be interesting to know whether it he had missed others throughout the course (as I think PsychoMom said). At this point, we have no idea.

I'd really love to know how he scored on the practice MBE on June 29!
BBM - McD's attorney acknowledged being told about the MM after his arrest also, not just his mother.

Buford didn't say he was "told" . . . he said he "was aware" of the MM. A very small point, but hearing things from SMD is not the only way Buford has of acquiring knowledge about the MM's suggested involvement. MPD was also aware of and interviewed MM.

How about a black garbage bag....walk to dumpster, open lid, drop it in........nothing suspicious about that

True, but why wouldn't we have heard that the torso was found wrapped in plastic in a garbage bag? And, there is NO reason why SMD would've removed the plastic-wrapped torso from the garbage bag.

I continue to think that the torso was moved via the side-window express elevator, rather than the front steps of the apartment where any arriving resident might happen to shine headlights on the person carrying the torso down the front stairs. Much less risky for the perpetrator, even if he is accustomed to sneaking into and out of apartments.
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