GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 8

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I am concerned about the statement made in regarding the length of time until McD's trial.

My concerns are: an extensive delay will lessen the impact of the trial, forensics will be 'contaminated' or 'lost', the Giddings will suffer all the more waiting for justice, unfair to the McDaniel's family, and what if McD were innocent?, and mainly the delay may increase the chances of an unjust trial, and in my mind, increase the chances of an aquittal.
Prior to reading this article with the delay of 3 to 5 years, I thought a trial would commence in the upcoming 12 to 18 months.
Question: WHY would it take Bibb County 3 to 5 years before they bring McD to trial?
Attorneys: I would really appreciate your thoughts on this. THANKS!

Previous post:
QUOTE: "McDaniel, who enrolled in Mercer’s law school in 2008 for what would be a near-three-year stay, stands a chance of spending even longer in the Bibb lockup awaiting trial. He will almost surely mark his 26th birthday there next month. Should prosecutors seek the death penalty -- and there has been no suggestion either way -- McDaniel’s time at 668 Oglethorpe St. could, as three current cases with death-penalty implications have, exceed even five years..."

Given that LG's body was found on June 30, 2011, and
McD's trail opens in 3, 4 or 5 years:
from time of crime to conclusion of trial we are looking at:
2015, 2016, or 2017

Why would Bibb County require such a delayed timeline for McD's trial when we see below that a 'speedy trial' is possible?
OJ Simpson - total 1 yr 5 mo
June 12, 1994 - Nicole Simpson and Mark Goldman bodies found
Jan 24, 1995 - trial opens
Oct 3, 1995 - trial ends

Scott Peterson - total 1 yr 8 mo
April 14, 2003 Laci and Conner bodies found
June 1, 2004 - trial opens
Nov. 12, 2004 trial ends
I thought a year was a long time-wow if it takes FIVE. That seems so unfair to everyone-including McD if he is innocent or acquitted. Five years in jail?
It took the court and lawyers three years to bring Casey Anthony to trial, and look how that turned out. But she's special. :cool: I'd like to know more about the three cases mentioned in the article that have exceeded five years. Are there unusual circumstances that explain the delay? Or is that the norm for Georgia? And if so, why? In Louisiana, the average for capital crimes is 1-3 years, and many think that's too long. Thinking back, the cases that stand out to me which took several years to be tried either involved multiple defendants and numerous witnesses, or fraud and racketeering, maybe tax evasion, where there is a long trail of deception. That kind of thing. So, I agree, five years is too long for an innocent person to sit in jail, and long enough for the truth to become diluted. I don't have any sources to back this up right now, but I think I could find statistics to show that in general, juries view older crimes differently than more recent ones.
This question so reminds me of criminal prolifer Van Zandt's quote about ask a teacher who on the playground will become a criminal or killer-that teachers are the best criminal profilers.
I don't know if thats true but I bet they get a good view of some abnormal behavior.

I agree tutmed and I, too recall this same statement that you're speaking of by the famous profiler Clint Van Zandt.. I believe it is a very accurate and right on the money theory about just what all as a teacher they are privy to see at any given moment throughout the school year with each student within their class.. As some have already spoken about their parent being mom, too is a teacher of 29 years with the vast majority of that time spent within 4th-6th grade{combined with approx 5 yrs teaching 3rd grade}..but all within the same developmental stage as a whole..
And she was making these exact statements about particular students waaaaayyyy back before this media crime and forensic age that we are in now..This was as far back as mid eighties when she had her first experience with such a child.. Don't get me wrong, as I don't want it to seem as tho she has had many of these type children and multiple times when her instincts told her right off the bat that something was very wrong.. It's not that many at all, infact out of 29 years of teaching there have been only 3 cases where she has been overcome with such a gutteral instinct that she actually spoke about it to others{including us, her family} along with school counselors and in one instance even going above the school counselor's choice of ignoring or writing off particular behaviors that my mother knew were very grave indicators of something very unusual, if not even evil..

As I said 3 students in 29 years.. All 3 were male{tho they doesn't neccesarily mean that is always the case, as I do know of females that have shown these same traits and characteristics at very young ages}.. But the three mom encountered happened to be male.. My mom is very gifted teacher, highly awarded within the county of which she has spent the duration of her career, as well as highly respected, and always the teacher that the entire faculty always requests for their own children to be placed in mom's class.. She's the last of a dying breed of those who truly care for her students and will go to all lengths necessary in order for her students to be able to learn while in her matter what that means in ways of difficulty and trying to say the very least on her end..she will at all costs do what is right by each and every student who has ever had the pleasure of being in my mother's classroom..She still presently is invited and attends multiple high school as well as college graduations every single year as she is that one teacher that we all had at some point throughout our elementary and highschool careers that we love and respect and hold dear to our hearts even as adults..

Her lengths of what she'll go to for her students truly is for THEM ALL..and that means even the ones who are seriously and deeply disturbed in ways that the majority of us cannot even imagine, especially at such a young and seemingly still innocent age[4th-5th grade].. But these three young boys in particular she knew without a doubt they indeed were very disturbed and on levels that she, herself did not even comprehend{atleast the extent that the disturbance sometimes was}.. She said that one of them had the look of death behind his ask what does that mean?..the way she explained it was that no matter the severity of his behaviors and actions which at times were very matter what the situation or how elevated the situation was all the same..anger..hate.. furor..sadness.. frustration.. they always remained the same hollow and vacant.. My mom a very God fearing Southern Baptist would never say what she truly felt was behind those eyes but the truth was that there was nothing behind them..they were vacant..and as much as she hated to admit it..behind those eyes was soulless..

As I said my mom is a very gifted and caring teacher who genuinely cares for her students and throughout 29 years has had many extreme behavioral problems due to the entire gamut of reasons why..some chemically imbalanced, some genetical born with particular medical problem that greatly affected behavioral problems, many many many directly due to abusive environments in which they had or were still presently being raised in..{another entirely different issue is the abuse that she has discovered throughout her career and the many times that she went above and beyond her call of duty for the best interest of those children..going way above her superiors heads when enough just wasn't being done to protect precious children..literally at one point very temporarily my mom's fighting for a student resulted in the student temporarily being brought into our very own home to stay..My mom did and would still go to any length necessary for these children}.. But these 3 of which I speak of are of a different "breed" entirely..nothing even remotely the same of the many many other children throughout her 29 years of teaching{even those of some extreme behavioral problems..still these 3 were different even from those}..They were in a category all of their very own and it was inherently known literally days if not hours of my mom coming to know them and experience there very darkness that encompassed their very beings..

One came from still married and intact family unit with both parents being very successful, as well as very high intellect.. So too was their son, very, highly intelligent.. That too was very apparent from the get go as well.. Very skilled artist and was obvious that he seemed very much gifted in the creativity area.. If one is especially fond of the brutal horrors of extremely visually stimulating drawings of the darkest most depraved of actions being inflicted on harmless animals..Yes, much as what we all well know now is that many of these "serial killer" types indeed are known to have enjoyed torturing and killing neighborhood animals, pets, and even their own pets.. That is what is extremely detailed art was depicting.. My mom learned very quickly tho with this family in particular that once in the stage of requesting help from outside individuals[which was immediately done by the school counselor when my mom went to her with some of the drawings along with her concerns].. It became evident quickly this family was not on board very any type of treatment nor even discussion of there being even a problem of any sort with their child.. They took the path of great denial and how dare you attempt to say such horrors about of highly intelligent and gifted son..

Long story short was that by the end of the school year my mom said the behaviors and the drawings as well had escalated and it had escalated to the point of their now being humans that were replacing the once pictured mutilations of innocent animals..they now were depicting those depravities done on humans.. Mom said that he very much enjoyed instilled terror in people..She said it was the one time in which you could almost see something behind those eyes..that something was actually alive behind those dead eyes..Terrifyingly it was realized that actually what was being seen behind those eyes while instilling and striking fear and terror in the hearts of his "victims" was almost flickers of joy and a sick satisfaction..all precursors IMO.. I say "victims" because at that time and age his "victims" were those he was paralyzing with heart stopping terror of being subjected to one of his drawings and then his looking you in the eye and telling you that you are actually the "victim" that he'd drawn and depicted in his picture.. At that time this is what he was deriving his sick satisfaction from and it was only the beginning..

Another of the boys that my mom had the experience of teaching that seemed to have the all encompassed darkness inside of his being, the dark and dead eyes that only seem the lurch to life when a sick thrill is being sought..otherwise a completely devoid of everything type of withdrawn persona.. He had a much much different background and homelife, a very broken home, as in a few times over broken home with multiple step dads, half sibling, and step siblings moving in and out of his life like revolving doors.. Learning disabilities that neither family nor any other teachers had ever even given the time of day to attempt to help or ensure that he received help offered and available to him.. Different in many ways and multiple ways and at a time my mom had even momentarily felt guilty for feeling he was so possibly disturbed as at that time the only other young man that she had ever encountered similar in the least.. But this momentary lapse in judgement was fleeting.. IMO most likely what it was that she felt from this particular young man was that he was much more capable in ways that the other young man was not.. In very manipulative ways..Ways that were used and put into place when he saw just what a caring and giving individual my mother was and was so desperately wanting to "save" him from his homelife's existence who she had pegged as the source for all his issues.. I think he saw her coming and when realized he could "work" her thats what he attempted to do..Now remember we are talking an 11yr old boy here.. Not a grown man,nor even a teenager...we are talking a young kid at the age of 11 that was already that skilled in the games and rewards that his skills of manipulation could bring him..what he could achieve in his "acting" as tho he cared, or was sad, or was remorseful when need be.. These "acts" were all eventually clearly realized by my mother who just was all the more devastated in realizing that he was infact even more sinister in many ways than the first jackal...

I truly could go on and on for days on different happenings, the long journey that she took in all three cases of these young students that she knew were different in very severe ways.. And the toll it eventually took on her in going through these situations as well as the aftermath of the outcomes of two of these young men's lives..

Yes, two of them indeed did become very sick, depraved, and brutal murderers.. One of them some of you may even know of the brutal and depraved rape, torture, sexual mutilation, and murder of 3 little 8 yr old boys out for a bike ride in their neighbor one late afternoon...three little boy scouts who would never return home..instead their bikes later found and then their mutilated little murdered bodies discovered there in the wooded area of Robin Hood Park.. Sick and depraved???.. In my book those words don't even cut it... Not hardly.. No the words that I use to describe this type of murder and those who commit it are words that I cannot use here on this forum..But I certainly believe most can imagine what exact type of words I am speaking of...
Although there is some debate about whether or not the term sociopath and psychopath are interchangeable, considering that many of my professors believe that they are and then others in the field believe otherwise, this article helps to elucidate the differences and I believe [assuming his guilt] that SMD would qualify as a sociopath:
Although there is some debate about whether or not the term sociopath and psychopath are interchangeable, considering that many of my professors believe that they are and then others in the field believe otherwise, this article helps to elucidate the differences and I believe [assuming his guilt] that SMD would qualify as a sociopath:
This is a good article but now I am more confused, AA , and you may have already weighed in on this, but what is your armchair assessment of McD ? I thought he was a sociopath, after reading this I am not so sure. And, can someone please tell me what "compulsive masturbation" is ? I am not kidding . If McD , proclaiming to be a virgin, was a "compulsive masturbator", I can see this being a healthy outlet for his sexual frustrations, unless his "sessions" were totally focused on LG .
A more detailed article:
List of Common Sociopathic Traits
Egocentricity; Callousness; Impulsivity; Conscience defect; Exaggerated sexuality; Excessive boasting; Risk taking; Inability to resist temptation; Antagonistic, deprecating attitude toward the opposite sex; Lack of interest in bonding with a mate

List of Common Psychopathic Traits
Glib and superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Need for stimulation; Pathological lying; Conning and manipulativeness; Lack of remorse or guilt; Shallow affect; Callousness and lack of empathy; Parasitic lifestyle; Poor behavioral controls; Promiscuous sexual behavior; Early behavior problems; Lack of realistic, long-term goals; Impulsivity; Irresponsibility; Failure to accept responsibility for own actions; Many short-term marital relationships; Juvenile delinquency; Revocation of conditional release; Criminal versatility
snipped -
Much more at the link
Criminal Profiling Research

I certainly enjoyed this article. Thanks for posting the link.
Responding to excerpts:

Excerpts from Generalized Characteristics of Serial Murderers

The hedonistic type kills for the thrill of it. Killers simply enjoy the act of killing. Sexual arousal is common with this type of murder. Finally the power-oriented type kills because he enjoys exerting ultimate control over his victims. These murderers are not psychotic, but they are obsessed with capturing and controlling their victims and forcing them to obey their every command.
IMO: McD is a combination of these two types. Hedonistic type substantiated by the fact that he had a murder plan as stated in the warrant and the premise was a lust murder. Power-oriented exhibited by planning, entering Lauren’s apt, and taking complete and final control of Lauren.

Every single one of the murderers were subjected to serious emotional abuse during their childhoods. All of them developed into what psychiatrists label as sexually dysfunctional adults, unable to sustain a mature, consensual relationship with another adult.
IMO: Emotional abuse is exhibited in many forms. Due to WS rules, I cannot state in detail the form of emotional abuse that I believe McD experienced growing up. However, I believe we can get a glimpse into his childhood by the type of published religious discussion Glenda had with her adopted grandchildren ages 6 to 10, as stated in the article link below on page 2. If the parents’ message is too dominate, negative, and strict the child often finds a means to please the parent by presenting an angelic facade to the parents, while at the same time, develops a covert pattern of behavior to void following rules in order to do what he pleases.
A Closer Look at Stephen McDaniel

[First of all, there is no such thing as the person who at age 35 suddenly changes from being perfectly normal and erupts into totally disruptive, murderous behavior. The behaviors that are precursors to murder have been present and developing in that person's life for a very long time, since childhood.

IMO: McD exhibited some unusual social behaviors as discussed upstream. I won’t repeat them. I consider some of those behaviors red flags and as a parent I would have addressed those behaviors with my child. McD’s behaviors did not happen overnight. It took years for his behavior to culminate on the night of June 25th.

These children grew up in an environment in which their own actions were ignored, where there were no limits set on their behavior. The task of the first half-dozen years of life is socialization. Those who grow up to murder never truly comprehended the world in other than egocentric terms.
IMO: Again, I suppose it is against WS rules for me to state what I really think here.
Suffice it to say: Parents must hold their children accountable for their behavior. When a parent ignores unacceptable behavior and makes excuses for their child, the child grows up believing they can get away with anything, and believes he can beat the system in his egocentric world.

By the time a normal youngster is participating in an active social life, the loner is turning in on himself and developing fantasies that are deviant. The fantasies are substitutes for more positive human encounters, and as the adolescent becomes more dependent on them, he loses touch with acceptable social values. All the murderers knew that they had not had normal relationships, and they resented not having them; it was this resentment that fueled their aggressive, murderous behavior.

IMO: McD’s loner behavior has been witnessed and confirmed by those who knew him. The absence of interaction with others and McD’s lack of ability to develop relationships is a major contributor to his horrific attack on Lauren.

The deviant person, having had very few true restraints on his behavior since childhood, believes he can act out his fantasy and that nobody will be able to stop him. The offender's commitment to the fantasies deepens as he becomes a loner in adolescence, subject to the onset of puberty and sexual arousal. Aggressive, and with a feeling of having been cheated by society, he may channel his hostility into fantasies, which are characterized by strong visual components, and by themes of dominance, revenge, molestation, manipulation, and control. The other person is depersonalized, made into an "object". Deviants feel the sexual urge without having learned that it hast anything to do with affection.
IMO: The fact that McD had a plan for committing murder and getting away with it is a huge fantasy that deepened. Lauren became the object of his sexual urge absent any affection.

Only later, after many violent acts, will he come to believe that he is invincible and will never be caught. Things have been building up to a point where the potential murderer is ready to commit his violent act, and then a possible victim (usually especially vulnerable) appears and the potential murderer becomes an actual one.

IMO: We do not know of any other violent acts by McD. All we know is he had the master key and Lauren’s key. He did steal from the apartments. However, this is the first time he had gotten caught burglarizing. McD does not have a record. Lauren stated in the conversation with her sister, Kaitlyn, that “if McD was dangerous that she would be the only one who was safe”, inferring that she had been nice to him and that he liked her. Considering Lauren’s physical location, i.e., next door, and the fact that she believed she was safe made her the ‘unusually especially vulnerable’ person.

Then, the threshold has been crossed; the point of no return is passed. He is probably frightened and thrilled, has experienced a state of heightened arousal and liked it. After a few days, still on the loose, he might feel bad and try to control his impulses. More usually, the man starts to feel more egocentric than ever and becomes convinced that he can do it again without getting arrested.
IMO: After the murder, McD was calm and confident enough to show up for 2 of the 4 classes. He missed Monday because he was very busy with the murder cleanup. He missed Thursday because he knew LE would be showing up, and he wanted to be around for that. Otherwise, no one noticed anything out of the ordinary with McD. He was confident during the interview explaining how he had heard nothing and that Lauren was just gone, snatched while running. Imagine how egocentric you would have to be to remain calm and collected in this situation. I cannot. But his ego was huge at this point. He was so confident that he wasn’t even worried about LE finding the torso even though the BH grounds were crawling with LE. He was so confident that he placed himself on camera helping direct the investigation. At this point, he was convinced that his mission was accomplished… until Michelle Quesada informed him a body had been discovered which of course changed the course of events.

He incorporates details of the first murder into his fantasies and begins to construct future crimes. Now, in subsequent crimes, the life stresses that preceded the first murder may not need to be present. The next victim will probably be more carefully sought out, the murder more expertly done, the place further away and displaying more violence to the victim than was evident in the first crime. Then, the murderer will become a serial killer.

IMO: If the body had not been found, McD would have fulfilled this last excerpt of the article.
Lauren would have been the beginning of his killing career.

Generalized Characteristics of Serial Murderers
This is a good article but now I am more confused, AA , and you may have already weighed in on this, but what is your armchair assessment of McD ? I thought he was a sociopath, after reading this I am not so sure. And, can someone please tell me what "compulsive masturbation" is ? I am not kidding . If McD , proclaiming to be a virgin, was a "compulsive masturbator", I can see this being a healthy outlet for his sexual frustrations, unless his "sessions" were totally focused on LG .
In terms of a sexually sadistic killer, one prone to a form of paraphilia called erotophotophilia i.e., necrophilia, vampirism, compulsive masturbation relates to an association formed in childhood between a violent image or fantasy and sexual arousal. Masturbation is used to sustain the violent fantasy. The two traits have been found in high numbers in serial sexual murderers, or lust murderers, in various studies over the years. (See the table referenced in my previous post.) I wish I had time to give a more detailed explanation, but I have to get to work. Here's a reference I just found that you can read online. You can also do a term search at the bottom. For this subject, see pp. 20, 27, 42, 55, 74, 79 and more.
Psychology of Lust Murder -- Catherine E. Purcell, PhD and Bruce Orrigo, PhD
I am concerned about the statement made in regarding the length of time until McD's trial.

My concerns are: an extensive delay will lessen the impact of the trial, forensics will be 'contaminated' or 'lost', the Giddings will suffer all the more waiting for justice, unfair to the McDaniel's family, and what if McD were innocent?, and mainly the delay may increase the chances of an unjust trial, and in my mind, increase the chances of an aquittal.
Prior to reading this article with the delay of 3 to 5 years, I thought a trial would commence in the upcoming 12 to 18 months.
Question: WHY would it take Bibb County 3 to 5 years before they bring McD to trial?
Attorneys: I would really appreciate your thoughts on this. THANKS!

Previous post:
QUOTE: "McDaniel, who enrolled in Mercer’s law school in 2008 for what would be a near-three-year stay, stands a chance of spending even longer in the Bibb lockup awaiting trial. He will almost surely mark his 26th birthday there next month. Should prosecutors seek the death penalty -- and there has been no suggestion either way -- McDaniel’s time at 668 Oglethorpe St. could, as three current cases with death-penalty implications have, exceed even five years..."

Given that LG's body was found on June 30, 2011, and
McD's trail opens in 3, 4 or 5 years:
from time of crime to conclusion of trial we are looking at:
2015, 2016, or 2017

Why would Bibb County require such a delayed timeline for McD's trial when we see below that a 'speedy trial' is possible?
OJ Simpson - total 1 yr 5 mo
June 12, 1994 - Nicole Simpson and Mark Goldman bodies found
Jan 24, 1995 - trial opens
Oct 3, 1995 - trial ends

Scott Peterson - total 1 yr 8 mo
April 14, 2003 Laci and Conner bodies found
June 1, 2004 - trial opens
Nov. 12, 2004 trial ends

Five years might be around the upper boundary of how long it would take, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was 3-4 years from now. In a capital defense case (assuming that's what this will be.. I couldn't fathom why Winters would take the death penalty off the table, unless of course- in exchange for info from McD), every member of the system is on their P's & Q's more than they are in a non-capital case. When it's someone's life at stake, everyone is going to make sure they do everything correctly while getting ready for the trial. That means a prolonger pre-trial process.

The defense typically stalls as muich as they can because, well...every moment they haven't been to trial/convicted yet is a moment their client is still alive. I would think that would be true in almost all capital cases, unless those where there is a very good defense to mount, where you wouldn't want your client to sit in jail any longer than he has to.
This is a good article but now I am more confused, AA , and you may have already wUOTEeighed in on this, but what is your armchair assessment of McD ? I thought he was a sociopath, after reading this I am not so sure. And, can someone please tell me what "compulsive masturbation" is ? I am not kidding . If McD , proclaiming to be a virgin, was a "compulsive masturbator", I can see this being a healthy outlet for his sexual frustrations, unless his "sessions" were totally focused on LG .

Here is a snippet from the article I feel apply to McD:
Sociopaths are intelligent but they are lacking in emotional intelligence, they show their cards and aren’t even aware of this action. They are almost dumbfounded that they have been suspected or even apprehended for committing an offense that they actually admit participation in a crime through expressive behaviors of astonishment.... Sociopath’s are caught because they sabotage themselves in a systematic fashion

In terms of McD, I do feel elements of the crime suggest a mix of organized and disorganized typology. I also don't imagine McD to be capable of the charming, socially adept behavior the psychopath mimics that makes a psychopath so successful. Something about McD alerted police to him rather quickly, prompting the search to his apartment. I don't think he expected that to take place so quickly, which is why they were able to find some incriminating items in his apartment when they searched it that Thursday. He thought he was skilled enough to insert himself into the investigation without setting off alarms in the minds of the investigators and was sorely mistaken.
I concur, currcat. :) Lauren and her friend had talked about a tentative camping trip. There is no indication that McD was included in their plans.

MCD told someone he was supposed to go camping, as well...could have been LE he told but I can't remember now.
Excellent post. Thank you.
And a lot to think about.
I am not familiar with your specific field of expertise but is sure sounds interesting.
I am especially intrigued by your book recommendation: The Murderer Next Door.
That particular one may be quite pertinent to this case!
In the cart!

I hope you enjoy the book! Dr Buss is IMO a very good writer. The book was great for me as someone who is really into evolutionary psychology, as well as for my friends who don't know as much about it.
Lol, this post nearly gave me a heart attack! But it was fascinating. I may have to pick your brain in PM!
I would be exalted to ever get a position within the FBI, but working for a state agency and as an independent consultant wouldn't be a letdown, I can imagine myself elated even to be a homicide detective for a major metropolitan department. I'm flexible. Just to make a living at all doing what I love would be satisfying.
Funny thing is, the local police department in New Smyrna Beach knows me well because I am always calling them asking questions, etc., scheduling ride alongs, but I'll likely try to go for a position with the Orange County Sherriff's Office or the Orlando Police Dept...
The Macon Police that I met were incredibly nice and professional, I might add, but I'm sure some locals have a different take, lol.
Sorry for the OT! Smooth's post was just awesome.

I wondered where you were from in the Orlando area. I grew up going to New Smyrna Beach on weekends. I am from Maitland/Winter Park. Cool! I sure do miss the beach!
Here is a snippet from the article I feel apply to McD:

In terms of McD, I do feel elements of the crime suggest a mix of organized and disorganized typology. I also don't imagine McD to be capable of the charming, socially adept behavior the psychopath mimics that makes a psychopath so successful. Something about McD alerted police to him rather quickly, prompting the search to his apartment. I don't think he expected that to take place so quickly, which is why they were able to find some incriminating items in his apartment when they searched it that Thursday. He thought he was skilled enough to insert himself into the investigation without setting off alarms in the minds of the investigators and was sorely mistaken.

It seems like LE grabbed McD right after that interview ended. See picture at link.
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