GUILTY GA - Rusty Sneiderman shot to death at Dunwoody preschool, 18 Nov 2010 #2

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:gthanks: atthelake, I was wondering why the thread was so quiet! I registered for "Google Alerts" on this case, and JUST today got the stuff that you mention above! Kind of "late" on those alerts, they are!! I'll make a note - and check back in December!


:grouphug: to my Caylee thread buddy! Good to see you over here Niner.

There has been a gag order on this case, and there are no sunshine laws!

This case is NOTHING like the Caylee case or DrewP case - as is pretty much local in interest.

Funny that InSession put Hemy on twice, but no one I have talked to locally knows of this case, unless I say "Dunwoody Daycare" then they :waitasec: as they can't really recall it. (yes, I'm in Atlanta where this occurred, living about 4 miles from Andrea)

There was perhaps 500 times more interest (off in numbers of course - was just saying that for impact!) in Dekalb County Georgia for Sandusky/Anthony etc cases. In the past, more folks in Dekalb county have discussed Sandusky/Anthony at cocktail parties, or even a teeny bit of Trayvon Martin, but hardly ANYONE knows of this trial/case other than :waitasec: moment. So, change of venue is a joke in even mentioning or reading about I think. Unless you speak to someone from the Jewish community (which I am not) and they will give you STRONGLY their opinion as this is an atrocity and she has been banished from their community in the area where we live

(hint to Jury Consultant for defendant - use your peremptory dismissals those that are Jewish...... Batson challenges in Dekalb county!)

NOTE TO MY WS FRIENDS: That is NOT a slam to religion, but a legal presentation for excluding a juror!

(I cannot attest to..just sayin' from a Jewish friend so consider heresay.......not in evidence, lol)

It's a hoot that folks think that they may do a change of venue on other threads and blogs. :floorlaugh: They are saying on non-WS threads that just because jurors may have HEARD OF THIS CASE........they would be excluded. Boy, do they have potential to review WS cases. Even DREWpeeeeeeeeee didn't have a change of venue!

I guess I am getting more cynical these days? As there is no publicity in comparison for making the community in a whole think they are affected by this decision as they were with the others. It appears now that the defense/friends of Andrea are coming out more in blogs/threads/ Facebook these days to get their message out as the lawyers in Georgia have a gag order on this due to the judge issuing such.

What is interesting in this case now, is that the media is quoting, and then the blogs are stating as fact assumptions from quips they have heard. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Glad to be posting here at WS!


ETA: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH, Go to the Caylee thread. It's been quiet there trolls there~! (Referring to Amazon ones of course - and not to anyone who is currently on *vacation* Gosh love the mods for that !!!!) :angel: :)
As promised: An opinion on the DA possibly stipulating to a change of venue.

Thank you for sharing your time and thoughts in this case.

On the changee of venue, who decides, the DA or the Judge? I realize a jury can be brought in or the case can be moved entirely, with the same judge, and could posibly be squestered, and other options.

You mentioned Honorable Judge Adams has cases pending that he must attend to regardless. What happens if the Judge denies this motion, due to his on professional business? Would that be appealable, in that she is claiming she can't get a fair trial here.
And I want to say loud and clear, I don't think it will matter one wit were the trial is held, she is just totally so unlikeable! :moo:
If the DA and Defense can agree to change venue, it must be approved by the Judge. If the DA fights a defense motion for a change of venue, then the Judge decides. The decision is appealable after trial. To win that appeal, Andrea would have to show she was unable to obtain an impartial jury on account of pre-trial publicity. Juror impartiality affected by pre-trial publicity is a complicated issue depending on what the juror saw in the media and/or how what they saw affected them.
:twocents:I would be very surprised if Andrea gets a change of venue. They cost the county more money and judges are reluctant to do that. Her case is not that high profile and there has not been massive publicity about her.

Just as an aside, I am against the so-called "sunshine" state laws, like in Florida, that allows so much evidence to be publicly released before trial. Seems to me that could taint a potenial jury pool more than most things.
:twocents:I would be very surprised if Andrea gets a change of venue. They cost the county more money and judges are reluctant to do that. Her case is not that high profile and there has not been massive publicity about her.

Just as an aside, I am against the so-called "sunshine" state laws, like in Florida, that allows so much evidence to be publicly released before trial. Seems to me that could taint a potenial jury pool more than most things.

Oh, I completly agree with you ShadyLadySleuth. I don't think she will get a change of venue.

But that brings up another disturbing scenerio, could she and her team request a new judge for any reason and Judge Adams will have to recuse himself?

I would much rather live with "sunshine laws" rather that what we have here in our state.
As promised: An opinion on the DA possibly stipulating to a change of venue.

Thanks for your comments. I completely agree with you. I grew up within a stone's throw of Dunwoody, and I was put off by Andrea's attitude on the witness stand. When I think of some of our south GA relatives listening to her bickering with the prosecutor, I can only imagine their desire to "straighten her out."

I also agree with your assessment of the pre-trial publicity. In a group of 6 last week, only I and one other person knew anything about the case (although admittedly we knew quite a bit - ). The other four (educated adults who read the news) had no idea what we were talking about. When reminded, it sounded vaguely familiar but they knew no details.

Andrea thinks she's as infamous as Casey Anthony or Scott Peterson - another case of her overinflated ego.
Oh, I completly agree with you ShadyLadySleuth. I don't think she will get a change of venue.

But that brings up another disturbing scenerio, could she and her team request a new judge for any reason and Judge Adams will have to recuse himself?

I would much rather live with "sunshine laws" rather that what we have here in our state.

No reason that I could see. This trial has even been a slow one her at WS for interest, so to our experience, this does not even come close to others here for change of venue it seems.

To answer your question, nothing there, Other than trying to delay the trial. and in the meantime, her friends will try to get into the media!

gag order seems to be leading to more behavior on blogs and media that is "Andrea like" and is so very interesting in a most PECULIAR WAY if you read them.

The way they interject seems to be restating again and again her message on point. As if for the next eight months prior to trial the effort to create doubt, but on another site, it appears her friends are really turning off posters and the forum with rediculous and repeated excuses, which are now beginning to be ignored.

I must say it is a shame to be trolling for those that are supporting Andrea.
You know the friends of Andrea can have an opinion, they're just flapping their gums.
There is a troll on the other forum, who is copying and pasting all the positive stories about Andrea.
I say what ever.

How about me copying that facts that we know of and are true.
I don't even bother anymore.
Waste of my time.
The "discussion" just go around and around.
Trying to come up with "excuses" why Andrea said on the stand what she did, makes me go hmmmmmm, is the defense trying out theories to see what will fly during trial and see what will not believed?

There won't be any new evidense till her trial, because there's a gag order for both sides, the defense and the prosecution.
No reason that I could see. This trial has even been a slow one her at WS for interest, so to our experience, this does not even come close to others here for change of venue it seems.

To answer your question, nothing there, Other than trying to delay the trial. and in the meantime, her friends will try to get into the media!

gag order seems to be leading to more behavior on blogs and media that is "Andrea like" and is so very interesting in a most PECULIAR WAY if you read them.

The way they interject seems to be restating again and again her message on point. As if for the next eight months prior to trial the effort to create doubt, but on another site, it appears her friends are really turning off posters and the forum with rediculous and repeated excuses, which are now beginning to be ignored.

I must say it is a shame to be trolling for those that are supporting Andrea.

:wave: atthelake! The reason I brought up a judge other than Judge Adams is because during the Caylee Anthony trial, they were able to get Judge Strickland removed and got Judge Perry.

After all the fall out of that, it was revealed to us they didn't have to have grounds to request another judge. Was just wondering of Georgia was the same as Florida. Also, that could only be a one time occurrence with no grounds.
I will add this, after learning from the Casey Anthony, I know that defense attorneys go around different message board and pick up the pro's and con's how people think.
What will fly and what won't.
What can we use and not.

It's like instant information, non stop.

Lawyer Dotty was on the Internet constantly during KC's trial, monitoring the boards what was said and suggested, and not only her, also the juror consultant and law students.

That's the world we live in now.

I personally think that's wrong.
A trial should be presented to a jury, clean as it can be, without interference from anyone else.
And without trying to excluding potential jurors because of publicity.
The defense is under a gag order, so what can they do?
Set up message boards, set up "friends of Andrea" websites, facebook, what have you, just to reach anyone they can, hoping to shrink the jury pool.
:wave: atthelake! The reason I brought up a judge other than Judge Adams is because during the Caylee Anthony trial, they were able to get Judge Strickland removed and got Judge Perry.

After all the fall out of that, it was revealed to us they didn't have to have grounds to request another judge. Was just wondering of Georgia was the same as Florida. Also, that could only be a one time occurrence with no grounds.

:party: sooner! Great to see you here, and need to send a pm on your update. :hug:

Please everyone , correct me if my recollection is wrong old timers, but IIRC the reason Strickland was dismissed was becase he met with a blogger.

And of interest in the past two weeks, I have seen blogs/facebook sites that are trying to advance media and publicity recently, one is trying to get publicity from CBS right now on the net. Interest in that it appears.... well, :websleuther: understand what is happening I think.

Again I will state it is UNFATHOMABLE to think that this trial would deserve a change of venue. so! But .. it perhaps is being tested on the net in other sites. As Jose Baez did during the Anthony trial, trolls went to blogging and forums to inflame and post emotional nonsense to see what caused the most response IMHO and others that :shall go namelsess: :> ) It seems they are doing it for this trial,.soliciting media for some reason, and I would love for CBS or the Dunwoody crier to investigate such as this really has not been an expose in MSM yet about defense USING BLOGS AND THREADS SUCH AS THIS other than Jose writing an article that he used forums and blogs with his free student help.

By the way....again near Caylee this week, and may go pay my respects again as I did last year. It was so very very very moving to be at her site, and see the cross etc... off I go back to her thread to light a candle. :blowkiss: to all the Caylee thead folks here.

And as always, :blowkiss: to wolfmom for those from Caylee threads.

And as always here and there, as another stated, do not feed the %&*##$! They are now cropping up on other Andrea sites, but only ...well, y'all know the drill and folks that ate posting here have gotten great discussions and followings from some, but realize why they are posting. It now seems common place that defense folks have posters......and I would love love love to see an exposee on such as we did with Baez on Amazon, lol!
I will add this, after learning from the Casey Anthony, I know that defense attorneys go around different message board and pick up the pro's and con's how people think.
What will fly and what won't.
What can we use and not.

It's like instant information, non stop.

Lawyer Dotty was on the Internet constantly during KC's trial, monitoring the boards what was said and suggested, and not only her, also the juror consultant and law students.

That's the world we live in now.

I personally think that's wrong.
A trial should be presented to a jury, clean as it can be, without interference from anyone else.
And without trying to excluding potential jurors because of publicity.
The defense is under a gag order, so what can they do?
Set up message boards, set up "friends of Andrea" websites, facebook, what have you, just to reach anyone they can, hoping to shrink the jury pool.

Noor, just catching up on threads and saw your posting after I had already posted mine above. As a :websleuther: it appears VERY VERY evident that there is a change in public realations for defense folks right now. This trial has such very interesting characters, that not only Andrea, but all the groups and facebooks that are cropping up.
You are exactly right, ATL! It was MDave, but I thought when things died down, the laywers on the threads said it was a joke...that they got one pass on a judge. I could very well be wrong on that.

That was a mess of a trial, huh???

When is the next court appearance or the trial?

I am working on a project right now and haven't had much free time to stay current with this.

When is the next court appearance or the trial?

I am working on a project right now and haven't had much free time to stay current with this.


Unfortunately, I think it is a long way off. The defense will keep moving for a continuance. It sickenes me. Let's move this along!
SoonerFan, so glad to see you back on threads after your very ....jeez no words for my prayers and worries for you during the past week. :grouphug: Are you now back at home and have loved ones looking after you?

RIP Sooner Fan#1. I just saw the posting downstairs in private forum from Salem of your passing and that you have wings now in heaven. Just last week you were posting with us on this thread. Prayers for uncle Sooner and Sooner family. :grouphug:

"Andrea Sneiderman has asked the judge in her upcoming murder trial for permission to visit the grave of the husband she is accused of conspiring to kill. Her attorneys on Friday filed a motion requesting permission to observe Yahrtzeit — a Jewish religious observance for deceased loved ones that involves the recitation of a religious prayer and the lighting of a special 24-hour candle — on Nov. 18, the second anniversary of Rusty Sneiderman’s death. "

There's a couple of photos from her last court appearance - I guess I missed it. Her hair looks great.

"Andrea Sneiderman has asked the judge in her upcoming murder trial for permission to visit the grave of the husband she is accused of conspiring to kill. Her attorneys on Friday filed a motion requesting permission to observe Yahrtzeit — a Jewish religious observance for deceased loved ones that involves the recitation of a religious prayer and the lighting of a special 24-hour candle — on Nov. 18, the second anniversary of Rusty Sneiderman’s death. "

There's a couple of photos from her last court appearance - I guess I missed it. Her hair looks great.

This woman never ceases to disgust me with her religous requests. And this one really pizzes me off. :furious: I hope the judge denies it.
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