GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - #10

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Ok. Here's how I see it as plainly as I am able.

BIG UNKNOWN BOSS: We need to get xxxxxxxxx to tow the line. They are not doing what they agreed to.

MINION: What do you want us to do?

BUB: Start small. Begin with the elder folks. Behead one of them and put the other in the water.
BUT it's not these elderly folk who are behind payments. Yes, make it shocking but no need to make them suffer. They haven't done anything. But it should get the message across real fast to xxxxxxxxs and get them to tow the line as promised.

Minion: What if that doesn't work?

BUB: We'll worry about that later if need be. And we won't be as compassionate next time...if you get my drift.


Sorry, very elementary but as of now, it's the only thing that makes any kind of...... sense.(to me.) I'm always up to hear other suggestions and retool my thinking but I haven't heard
any yet that makes sense.

Don't know if it's mafia, drug lords or whoever, but the elder Dermonds were not the ultimate target. They were just the message.

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on the one hand I see something similar on the other hand; follow the money scenario. I wont putting anything past anyone who is willing to kill or have someone killed, that's barbaric in itself so no telling what they are capable of doing to save themselves, Sad for the D's for sure is what we do know!
Speculating as well, but I don't think the Dermonds were murdered because of something that happened decades ago. Usually, people don't wait that long plus no one knows when death will come first. To me, the planning, anger and desire for retribution have all been within the past few years at most.

I think there may be more "Hatfield and McCoy" scenarios than we care to recognize or admit. The longer the time passes, the more names are added to the pot through mobile society and marriages or just plain identity theft.
Speculating as well, but I don't think the Dermonds were murdered because of something that happened decades ago. Usually, people don't wait that long plus no one knows when death will come first. To me, the planning, anger and desire for retribution have all been within the past few years at most.

I think there may be more "Hatfield and McCoy" scenarios than we care to recognize or admit. The longer the time passes, the more names are added to the pot through mobile society and marriages or just plain identity theft. Has anyone attempted a genealogical trace? I discovered that sometimes family secrets can be by adding a few false leads with duplicate names, but the trail picks up further back. Sixty two years ago goes back to 1954.
Sympathy to the McIver family. Tex McIver accidentally shot and killed his wife. IIRC, he donated money for the billboard or gave money for the reward fund.
yes, italian mother and family..............also wasnt there another Russell Dermond similar age from NY or something? Olympic canoer?
It's been too long, far too long without anything remotely resembling activity on these murders. I'm somewhat skeptical of sensationalizing this murder case in the popular media, e.g., television, but what else is there? That and perhaps an increase in reward money advertised on some strategically placed billboards along major thoroughfares in and around Georgia. I've said it before: there's a strong likelihood that several people were involved in these murders, at least three on the scene and possibly two or more "support staff". Money talks, and it may be the enticement that breaks open this case. Someone involved will have had to have said something by now and although it may not have seemed important at the time it could turn out to be pivotal. Public awareness has to be reignited so that "somebody" who heard something but placed little emphasis on it at the time steps forward and says something like, " Now that I've seen (such and such) that person I talked to who said ...........".
Strikes me odd the family hasn't contributed to the reward money seeing that they probably inherited an easy million dollars probably much more considering the inherited the house ( most likely d off ) 401k which i'm sure they had quite a bit in there , life insurance which I bet they had a nice policy plus investments which I guarantee Russell Dermond was smart about investing. The least the family inherited was a nice 1.5 million on the conservative side. Odd they haven't even kicked in 20 or 30k. No comments from any family member except Keith Dermond is another thing I find odd. I know it sounds bad accusing family of such a horrendous crime and lets say i'm not accusing them but just pointing things out. No updates for a few months now tells me this case is colder than an ice cube. My bet is they aren't working this case very much probably since just over18 months since the murder happened... t's a shame this case will probably go unsolved
The FBI was brought in immediately to work on this case, so there were top brass working on it.

As time goes on without any solutions, it is more evident to me that this was definitely a professional hit. It was too clean and precise. Professionals don't make mistakes, they have their actions down to perfection.

This murder was in retaliation to something done by a family member, not the Dermonds themselves. At their age, it is most likely they had not been doing business dealings for sometime. If the anger was directed at them, the murder would have happened years before. IMO.

Of course, there is that question if a child needed money and the parents turned them down. My thinking on this is the parents could have given it to them and just deducted it from what child would have received from their inheritance.

The children may have not offered a reward because they have been told by the FBI they suspect it was a hit, therefore, a reward will be useless. Also, the children may have been advised to stay out of the limelight. We have to remember that Sills was not the only one working on this case.

Who knows? I don't think it will ever be solved.

My opinions only.
I can't get it out of my head that these murders were a group effort and the strike force came by land and sea ( Lake Oconee). The boat itself is intriguing in that it had either been docked on the lake or had to be put in the water at one the marinas. If docked on the lake it may have been rented from a marina or the boat and its owner live on Lake Oconee. I also believe at least one of the perpetrators drove to the Dermonds. That means there were more than two and at least three active participants in these murders. Odd, isn't it, when it's abundantly clear the Dermonds posed no physical threat?
This was definitely a planned hit there’s no doubt about it.This murder was very personal . Beheading is a sign of rage or revenge andconsidering this couple were 88 and 87 I have asked myself many times who couldthey have made this angry. Most elderlypeople keep to themselves and family as they were in their late 80’s and activeenough and healthy enough to live on their own with their children in differentstates . They lived in a gated community where everyone knows each other through some sort of activity .

Was this a mob hit or gang hit? I’d say no because of thebeheading and the head being taken and not found. Remember beheading is either rage or revengeif this was revenge I doubt they would have planned this so well after all it’sa couple in their late 80’s. The mobwouldn’t even kill an informant at that age and a gang wouldn’t have went togreat lengths to make sure the place was so clean and that nothing was broken.

Could this have been a professional hit? It sure could bethat someone hired a professional to do this murder but why? Like I said before this sounds personal sincethere was nothing stolen and nothing broken.

Who would want to do this to an elderly couple ? Somebody they pissed off possibly and beingin their late 80’s I’m doubting theywere pissing off the people in the gatedcommunity. When people get to that age it’s usually the family that startsarguing about the parents and their finances . Most of the kids want their parents closer to them and by that age theywant them in an assisted living center or nursing home. Now here is theconfusing part. One of the kids or sometimes all of them equally have to figureout who is going to control the finances ( durable power of attorney) or maybethe parents already did that.
This is where I suspect the family. They had 2 living sonsand a daughter and I’m not sure how many grandchildren .The 2 sons I believetook over the family business that Mr. and Mrs Dermond built up so the moneyfrom the business if it’s succeeding wouldn’t be an issue the sons have butwhat about the daughter? I’m sure shefeels short changed as she’s probably not getting an equal share of thebusiness. Maybe the business isn’t going well as a lot of businesses are havingtough times these days.

Who could have pulled this off without being seen? A professional sure could but he would haveto have help with recon. There was a gate with a security camera which wasknocked out from a storm weeks before the murder. Someone would have to knowthis from the beginning of planning. Who would know this? Well I’m not sure ifthe residents knew the security camera was broken so my bet would be thatbefore recon began the professional broke the camera so as not to be seen oncamera casing out the area. Some say the killers used a boat to get there.Could be they used a boat but I guarantee they have been on that river beforeand probably a few times during their recon probably day and night as to learnthe route they would take out of there.
Did Mr Dermond get shot in the head? I doubt it sincesomeone would have heard it unless a silencer was used which is possible butthey wouldn’t have shot a gun because if they missed it would be tough torepair a hole in the wall or the floor or ceiling and there would have been alot of blood splatter.

Sherrif Sills says he has hairs and fibers and dna but nothits in any system that they have checked. Either he is lying or these people are eitherfrom out of the country or they are the best hired killers ever.

Part 2 coming soon I promise. Any thoughts id love to hearthem. Hopefully this horrible murder can be solved soon. NEVER GIVE UP HOPE

Do we know if the deceased son had children?
(Good question. I posted this a few months back.)
I have often wondered if the one Dermond family member who intrigues me -- the deceased son -- could have fathered a child shortly before his death.The child could have been born after the death of the deceased Dermond son. Could it be possible that those who raised this child attempted to procure financial support from the elder Dermonds? Might there have been some initial financial support but subsequent attempts rebuffed? Perhaps all attempts to garner financial support on behalf of the child met with the utmost resistance. Just a thought yet I'm somewhat skeptical. I would think the elder Dermonds would have revealed this to their children.
Strikes me odd the family hasn't contributed to the reward money seeing that they probably inherited an easy million dollars probably much more considering the inherited the house ( most likely d off ) 401k which i'm sure they had quite a bit in there , life insurance which I bet they had a nice policy plus investments which I guarantee Russell Dermond was smart about investing. The least the family inherited was a nice 1.5 million on the conservative side. Odd they haven't even kicked in 20 or 30k. No comments from any family member except Keith Dermond is another thing I find odd. I know it sounds bad accusing family of such a horrendous crime and lets say i'm not accusing them but just pointing things out. No updates for a few months now tells me this case is colder than an ice cube. My bet is they aren't working this case very much probably since just over18 months since the murder happened... t's a shame this case will probably go unsolved

<BBM for Focus>

The Dermond murders are going on Two & a half years Cold; 29 months... GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014

'BUMPING Latest Article' -

APRIL 30, 2016 8:26 PM
Son of slain Dermond couple says Lake Oconee mystery &#8216;haunts us&#8217;

Killings happened two years ago this week

Shirley and Russell Dermond lived in exclusive golfing community

Killer left few clues


When Keith Dermond answered his phone the other afternoon, the newspaper reporter calling for this story didn&#8217;t have to ask many questions.

Because lingering questions are plenty. Questions are all there are.

What happened to your mother and father?

Who would do such a thing?


Two years after the slayings of 88-year-old Russell J. and 87-year-old Shirley Wilcox Dermond, answers remain elusive.

Read more here:

<6 Reader Comments>
The tendency is to overthink murder cases like the Dermonds where there are no clues and no apparent motive. One would think there would be a string of similar violent killings yet no such pattern emerged. Was this murder a one and out? Why the spectacular staging? Why the calculated choreography of leaving behind all valuables? Ugh. Now I'm overthinking......
Overthinking or being realistic? Case has gone nowhere for two years. Might be time to start thinking differently!
One thing that has always puzzled me is why they left the husband's body, but took the wife's body several miles and dumped it.
JMO... They took Shirley because they knew it would slow down the investigation a bit.
JMO... They took Shirley because they knew it would slow down the investigation a bit.
But why weight her body down in the lake with cement blocks, maybe never to be found. They could have easily have buried her in the ground never to be found. She floated to the top most likely from decomposition gasses, and subsequently became tethered to tree limbs growing out from the lake. Boots, do you think they placed her in the lake knowing that she would eventually float to the surface due to decomp thus delaying the investigation? I'm still undecided why they anchored her to weights....stall tactic or they really didn't know she would eventually float up for a period of time and be discovered.

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Hockeyguy33...its been in the back of mind for quite awhile that Mr Dermond gravely mistreated or abused an individual many,many, years ago. This individual became damaged and was unable to become a productive person in society. Perhaps this individual blamed Mr Dermond for his life turning out sh#t and sought out revenge. Mrs Dermond was killed because she was aware of the abuse or mistreatment and did nothing about it. Just my thoughts currently...rage and revenge co-mingled with a past singular or repeated event. moo.

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