GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #12

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:bricks::confused::confused:Can I just ask...why is it important which bathroom is the one in the photo?
JVM: Wendy Murphy thinks there are more lies to come....wonders if RH was "making money" sending out his private body pics......:rolling:

No way.
The things that people say when the studio lights are getting a little too hot and the producer says there's 10 seconds left "So you better fill 'em... with somethin' goooood"

Of course I've not been in that particular situation, so I suppose I could say anything too.
Oh ok, I was under the impression that JRH took him to day care more often than not.. :waitasec:

He did take him more often than not, apparently. I think the point is that more often than not is the opposite of a routine -- especially if the "not" days vary on whim and not schedule (which we don't know yet)
OT: my BIL cleared the men's room at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo so that us females in my family could view the beautiful (and it was), waterfall that was the men's urinal!!! It was done in green marble!

OMG: found a shot of it with the water flowing!


Nice setting, now that goes back to what my husband calls a man's most primal need. To pee outside.
:bricks::confused::confused:Can I just ask...why is it important which bathroom is the one in the photo?
It was to me. It's Chops in Buckhead.

All posts are MOO. Sent via Insignia Flex Tablet.

16/17 yo female that RH met at Old Rope Mill Park in Woodstock GA on June 5 2014. It's in Cherokee County. They are requesting information from Cobb County. Actually they want all his electronic devices as well. Looks like someone has pressed charges against him in this matter.

All posts are MOO. Sent via Insignia Flex Tablet.

Just curious if anyone can answer or knows specifics -- concerning popsicle's OP with the DA's tweet about this being "2nd police department".... so is this 2nd being behind Marietta police or is this the 2nd outside PD to contact Cobb Co re illegal activity? I'm just racking my brain trying to figure out if I've missed "something else."

Regardless, I'm sure that if I were a parent learning it was MY 16/17 year old who had contact with THIS PARTICULAR adult male, I'd be pressing charges too -- if for no other reason than to make sure he's brought up on something guaranteed to stick.... kwim? Like OJ.


From "Police squash rumors in Justin Ross Harris case" at

Does anyone have any theories on whether the prosecution or defense would most benefit from a change of venue or court? Just curious.

Atlantans? What are your thoughts? How is the Marietta judge on death penalty cases?

A change of venue is generally a request from the defense and generally a benefit to the defense.
He did take him more often than not, apparently. I think the point is that more often than not is the opposite of a routine -- especially if the "not" days vary on whim and not schedule (which we don't know yet)

I kind of agree with you here - it doesn't sound like it was his habit or routine in that he did it every day and would have been on autopilot to drive to the day care. If that were the only evidence, they wouldn't have a case against him for murder ...because people can and do forget their kids in hot cars and it leads to their deaths. In some states it would still be a felony child endangerment charge though.

But in this case, there seems to be more going on than just forgetting the child in the car.

eta: No idea what's going on with my posts. This was supposed to be to Ginger about the restroom at Chops :sigh:
I kind of agree with you here - it doesn't sound like it was his habit or routine in that he did it every day and would have been on autopilot to drive to the day care. If that were the only evidence, they wouldn't have a case against him for murder ...because people can and do forget their kids in hot cars and it leads to their deaths. In some states it would still be a felony child endangerment charge though.

But in this case, there seems to be more going on than just forgetting the child in the car.

I typed a post and lost it...again (gah!). Short version is yes, I agree, there's a lot.
Their friendship ended in 2010. I feel sorry for Ben and I know he is horrified, but I also think he is milking this for all it is worth and acting a little too over-the-top. I wouldn't be surprised if he has rejection issues. For someone who is no longer friends with RH, it doesn't make sense to pretend like it was a personal betrayal. Whatever betrayal happened then happened back in 2010.

JMO. Of course.

I tend to agree to a point. I will say that I appreciate someone from his background coming forward to tell us about the RH he knew for years (even if it hasn't been in the last few). As far as "rejection issues" ... I totally think RH has NPD -- and gaslighting is gaslighting; someone who is NPD can "idealize, devalue, and discard" someone close regardless of whether they are family, friend, or significant other -- BM may have very good reason to feel abandoned/rejected by RH considering how many years they were friends & how close they were before he was cut off. It could have felt like a personal betrayal -- like, "Hey, we've been friends for years and have differences of opinion, but you're totally cutting me out of your life all the way."

And I think there's more of BM that is trying to reconcile the great guy/Ferris Bueller RH he knew for years with what he is seeing all over the media today -- IMO it's almost like a trigger for him and he will talk to anybody who will listen -- not necessarily because he's a 15-minuter but because he's trying to make sense of everything for himself... JMO

eta: No idea what's going on with my posts. This was supposed to be to Ginger about the restroom at Chops :sigh:
Did ya' see my post about the urinal at Madonna Inn?
LinasK said:
OT: my BIL cleared the men's room at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo so that us females in my family could view the beautiful (and it was), waterfall that was the men's urinal!!! Bathroom walls were done in green marble!

OMG: found a shot of it with the water flowing! (graphic)
In the PCH, it was mentioned that Leanna and JRH split the drop off and pick up duties. Further, it was mentioned that JRH often (defense said frequently, prosecution said occasionally) dropped Cooper off, then went back out for breakfast, then straight back to work. So, it was not a fixed routine.

And defense had a copy of his debit card transactions. Prosecution is wrong on this one.
Alas, they don't work as well as something you actively have to move or manipulate. Like bumper stickers or stains, our brains accustom themselves to the discrepancy and stop paying attention to it.

If any of you like neuroscience, you should read Daniel Kahneman's awesome book, Thinking Fast and Slow. It completely changed the way I understand the human brain.

Link to book

I totally agree in that we can't rely on sticky notes or signs or any of those things because they become just another part of the background -- that's why parents should realize that "accidents" can happen and take precautions with something they NEED that day -- like the shoe thing that has been mentioned multiple times.

I do think presenting the info to parents in the hospital wouldn't take but a few seconds longer than they already spend talking about "Back to Sleep", correct car seats, water heater temp, etc... why not try to reach the parents who might not have the common sense?

I wonder how many parents or caregivers of other children who died trapped in a hot vehicle RESEARCHED these types of deaths in the days before it actually happened? My guess is ZERO before this case. JMO

Someone posted an article here that said this is the first time someone has ever been charged with leaving a child in a car intentionally.
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