GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #12

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Lol, I am loving these responses. Keep 'em coming, some of them are really taking me back!

I can't remember if I said this before. But the revulsion reminds me of Wayne Williams. I shudder to think what Wayne Williams would have been up to on social media and the internet. And, if things were done like they were in the 80s, I can totally see Ross Harris acting just as arrogant and superior as WW did.

And the resumes....

You know WW was certified Nascar driver, right?

And both exaggerated LE relationships.

The only difference is that Doughboy #2 got himself a wife and Doughboy #1... well... I don't think he was into them.
What makes you think it's Cherokee?

The above post is my opinion only!

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The mention on cnn was Woodstock was investigating, which is in Cherokee. Stoddard said on the stand that RH met one of his sexting friends at rope mill park in woodstock. It's about 20 miles north from where RH lived.
Can you really install infant seats without the base AND with a seat belt, rear facing? It's been a while since I used an infant seat (my boys are 7 and 8 now) but that doesn't seem possible/safe from the models I had (Graco/Cosco). Where would you thread the seatbelt through? I understand how you'd do that forward facing, but not rear facing. Mind you, I had LATCH so I always used it, AND the base (so much easier to remove a sleeping baby that way).

Yes you can. There is a place to thread the seat belt through the seat in usually between the child's bum and their feet. It is in all seats.

In that picture do you see the seat at the bottom where there seems to be 2 exposed places on either side of the bottom? It is gray plastic? That is where the belt would go there.

I just saw it, and it appears the driver has his seat really forward but we know that Ross was very tall. The passenger seat is much further back though and still the seat does not protude into the front. So this more accurately gives us an idea of how easily he could have missed Cooper.

I think it shows that without the other evidence of his intent, it might be believable that he simply forgot. So I hope they get that evidence in!
Randy Travis did say the seat was just inches from his elbow when he was talking about the upcoming segment.
I just saw it, and it appears the driver has his seat really forward but we know that Ross was very tall. The passenger seat is much further back though and still the seat does not protude into the front. So this more accurately gives us an idea of how easily he could have missed Cooper.

I think it shows that without the other evidence of his intent, it might be believable that he simply forgot. So I hope they get that evidence in!
Since evidence at the scene is part of what caused his arrest, I think it is safe to believe, for me, he couldn't have missed Cooper's carseat.
Since evidence at the scene is part of what caused his arrest, I think it is safe to believe, for me, he couldn't have missed Cooper's carseat.

I dont think that alone was an indicator, taken by itself. He was not arrested until about 10 pm that night. I think by that time they had heard the comments between him and LH, plus the behavior at the scene, the video from his work, lies about going to his car etc.
I just saw it, and it appears the driver has his seat really forward but we know that Ross was very tall. The passenger seat is much further back though and still the seat does not protude into the front. So this more accurately gives us an idea of how easily he could have missed Cooper.

I think it shows that without the other evidence of his intent, it might be believable that he simply forgot. So I hope they get that evidence in!

I think the extremely short time window for forgetting is possible evidence of intent. Moo.
Just curious....can anyone else think of another case with such a huge narcissist who was so unattractive by the majority of people's standards? Usually they are fairly attractive or have at least one or two features that someone might find appealing. He seems out of place among the likes of Ted Bundy, Scott Peterson, Richard Ramirez, Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias and even Drew Peterson, although he is clearly every bit as impressed with himself. I'm sorry if this is a rude question but I just can't help but wonder HOW JRH got to be soooo high on himself. ??

I think folks are starting to use the word Narcissist interchangeably with Sociopath and they are NOT the same thing! Individuals can have both traits but they are typically different types of personalities.

I don't think Ted Bundy was a narcissist, I don't have any reason to think Richard Ramirez was either. I don't know a lot about Casey Anthony but she seemed more like a sociopath to me The others I don't know enough about to comment.

While they may have similar traits the motivations vary greatly. From what I understand broadly speaking narcissists live to manipulate other people's emotions for their OWN emotional validation and pleasure. They need to see themselves through the eyes of others. They build up their "adored special ones" and then tear them down and emotionally torture them and they enjoy seeing how far others will go for them.

Plenty of sociopaths do not have those narcissistic traits. Sure they will manipulate folks but NOT because they get off on controlling your emotions for the sake of it, they generally don't care about their victims emotions beyond getting what they want such as money, social status within the community, sex with your corpse, good conversation, companionship, etc...

Narcissists are typically driven to eventually torture the folks closest to them because that validates their importance and their control over others. Sociopaths generally do not feel the need to torture those close to them just for the heck of it, if you are providing whatever the sociopath wants from you then he is happy.
I think folks are starting to use the word Narcissist interchangeably with Sociopath and they are often NOT the same thing!

You can be diagnosed with both. It does not have to be one or the other.

You can also be antisocial with narcissistic tendencies, or narcissistic with antisocial tendencies.
I dont think that alone was an indicator, taken by itself. He was not arrested until about 10 pm that night. I think by that time they had heard the comments between him and LH, plus the behavior at the scene, the video from his work, lies about going to his car etc.
LE made the statement... evidence at the scene and what came out during questioning is what lead to his arrest. I am sure it is in the media thread.
Just wondering...the only thing I have heard about Leanna's employment is that she is a dietician and works out of the home. It just seems odd, if that is the case, that Cooper was at daycare ALL DAY.. I would think that maybe a half day would work better financially for them since it's hard to imagine Leanna making the big bucks in her so-called profession while at home. JMO
Actually, when I worked as a Home Health Speech Pathologist, my rate was $40/hour, so I didn't need to have 8 hour work days... Just saying, and since her schedule was probably variable as well, yes he did need to be there all day. When I would get doctors orders for an evaluation, I only had 48 hours from the time the orders were written to get the eval completed, and that includes contacting the patient and getting them scheduled to be seen and fit into your schedule!
You are absolutely right, its not justification whatsoever for leaving him. Its also not a defense. The point I am outraged over is that its not at all representative how NG showed it to be, and this is a question we really want to know. But most who saw it are satisfied with that, I am not.

bbm: Agree

I'm not outraged, MSM be it print, tv, internet always need to garnish attention. And they will do it any way they see fit. I may not agree with their tactics but I guess it works for them.

The questions that are important to me and the answers I seek are obviously not going to be satisfied by the he said/she said, so I will have to wait till trial - I hope my patience holds up :blushing:
Have they released Coopers Height and weight? Because to be honest he looks on the small side. The average weight and height for a normal 2 yr old is about 28 lbs and 34 inches..

They haven't and I keep looking because I really want to know! It would make such a difference. My 21 month old is small for his age at 32.75 and 25lbs (last time I checked a few weeks ago). I doubt he's growing to grow another inch or more and gain 3 pounds in the next less than three months. I know pictures can be deceiving but he looks like he's about the size of my son!
They haven't and I keep looking because I really want to know! It would make such a difference. My 21 month old is small for his age at 32.75 and 25lbs (last time I checked a few weeks ago). I doubt he's growing to grow another inch or more and gain 3 pounds in the next less than three months. I know pictures can be deceiving but he looks like he's about the size of my son!

Believe it or not, kids do grow that fast! Most kids have growing spurts, its amazing how fast it happens.
The thought of kissing my boys after putting them in the car in case we are in an accident and they die has never crossed my mind.Ever. I still can't wrap my head around all just makes me so terribly sad.

I have 2 little boys, one 3.5 and one just 5 days younger than Cooper. They spent 5 days with Grandma and Grandpa and I was so anxious to get them back last night. I was putting my littlest to bed, cradling his little body, snuggling and kissing his sweet cheeks, tears running down my face thinking of Cooper and how he was the exact same age as my little one. I don't understand how a parent could hurt a child so small and precious and so dependent on them for protection.

He knew Cooper was there. He knew exactly what he was doing. I have a feeling he had this planned for a while, they just had to wait for the weather to get warmer. There is also no way Cooper fell asleep. A 22 month old that woke up only a couple hours earlier and just had breakfast does not fall asleep in the car in a matter of seconds.
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