GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #12

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This photo of RH's so-called "best friend" is sourced from the New York Times. I don't know but seriously, why on earth would he let a national newspaper take his photo for a piece about Cooper?

I wonder if he even bought a gift for Cooper. This kind of grandstanding really annoys me in folks. Mr. Ben needs to tell it to the prosecutor and quit seeking attention. JMO

16/17 yo female that RH met at Old Rope Mill Park in Woodstock GA on June 5 2014. It's in Cherokee County. They are requesting information from Cobb County. Actually they want all his electronic devices as well. Looks like someone has pressed charges against him in this matter.

All posts are MOO. Sent via Insignia Flex Tablet.

I'm sure that if it was my 16/17 year old I would be pressing charges, too!
Their friendship ended in 2010. I feel sorry for Ben and I know he is horrified, but I also think he is milking this for all it is worth and acting a little too over-the-top. I wouldn't be surprised if he has rejection issues. For someone who is no longer friends with RH, it doesn't make sense to pretend like it was a personal betrayal. Whatever betrayal happened then happened back in 2010.

JMO. Of course.

Maybe he's just going out of his way to distance himself from them since they were so close for such a long time! If it were me I'd be telling everyone I could how horrified I was, how I didn't support them at all and that our friendship had ended a few years ago! I think it's refreshing to see someone who grew up with JRH, introduced LH to him and was in their wedding speak out against them!
Speculation only: He could have extorted the women or girls who sent him photos of themselves naked. And demanded money. Wouldn't be the first time an Internet troll did something like that. JMO
I sometimes miss turns when driving because I'm on "autopilot" and end up driving to a place l go to more often, so I can believe him driving to work by mistake. However, I have a difficult time believing he didn't see Cooper when he backed up in the parking lot or hear Cooper while sitting in the car for 30 seconds once he parked. My daughter talked, sang, babbled or just made weird noise constantly at two years old.

I agree it's easy to forget where you are driving, or maybe even forget your child is with you somehow, but if it was not done intentionally then he;
1. forgot to drive to day care.
2. forgot Cooper was in the car.
3. did not hear or see Cooper in the car as he parked at work.
all in the matter of seconds (or a couple of minutes if you want to be generous).
Maybe he's just going out of his way to distance himself from them since they were so close for such a long time! If it were me I'd be telling everyone I could how horrified I was, how I didn't support them at all and that our friendship had ended a few years ago! I think it's refreshing to see someone who grew up with JRH, introduced LH to him and was in their wedding speak out against them!
Thank you. I agree and don't really understand the point of calling out this man for standing up for Cooper.
Naming conventions, yes my family uses the middle name because most of us girls are first-named Mary or Catherine. Hospitalization: yes, in recovery the nurses kept encouraging Catherine to wake up, I kept thinking please Catherine wake up so I can get some sleep.
I also think it is important to note that Cooper wasn't a baby, he was a toddler who was able to talk, sing and laugh. He just got put in the carseat from having breakfast where he was lively and having a good time. I highly doubt that this child was silent while riding along for short ride to work.

BINGO! :p I read someplace, and I really wish I knew where it was so I can give the link, but JRH, in so many words, said that he wished there was a way to create a silence button for kids. This tells me that Cooper is a lively, chatty boy, especially if he just had time with his daddy at Chick-fli-A.. So, once again I do not believe Cooper was sleeping..
What the name of the tool. I wanna get one. I'll get my LE son to get it for me, he'll think I'm going to break into cars. Lol

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I couldn't find the exact one I ordered but this one is pretty much the same thing:

It fits on your keychain so you can have it handy at all times while out and about. There are also various other tools similar to this one on Amazon.
I sometimes miss turns when driving because I'm on "autopilot" and end up driving to a place l go to more often, so I can believe him driving to work by mistake. However, I have a difficult time believing he didn't see Cooper when he backed up in the parking lot or hear Cooper while sitting in the car for 30 seconds once he parked. My daughter talked, sang, babbled or just made weird noise constantly at two years old.

Exactly!!! Two years old are always babbling about something or nothing. It is hard to have a moment of peace with a two year old, which sadly might be the reason this one is no longer here.
Undercover Killer? Friend Of Alleged Tot Killer Ross Harris Says She Missed Signs Of Trouble — ‘There Were A Lot Of Things We Didn’t Know​’

Wilkinson knew Harris while he lived in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. While the craft store owner describes Tuscaloosa as a “big university town,” she explains that it’s also very much a small town where people know each other very well and speak up.

“He could’ve never gotten away with it here,” she told Radar. “Somebody would’ve talked.”

Since more details about the alleged murderer emerged, Wilkinson has doubted the person she once considered a friend. She also told Radar that moving to Atlanta might have played a role in his suspected actions.

“Maybe that’s who he was all along and moving to Atlanta freed him of his inhibitions,” she said.

From a rather trashy source, namely Radar Online. But interesting nonetheless. It goes back to that theory that moving disinhibited him and cut him off from accountability networks. I see lots more of this with friends in my generation who move far away to big cities and get themselves in some big-time trouble.

Obviously, I am in no way referring to everyone- only to people with serious insecurities, like RH.
I'm sorry.... maybe it's the nurse in me, but penises are not pretty. I'm not the least bit aroused or romanced by seeing a photo of one. I've actually always thought it comical to see my husband walk around the bedroom with it "at attention." Who in the HECK would pay MONEY to see a photo of one?!??!!????
You'd have to be hard up to need to see that, pun intended.

ETA: I'm not a prude... please don't feel sorry for my husband. I just prefer the USE of the appendage over it's cosmetic value. :wink:

As Elaine said on Seinfeld, men's bodies are just not aesthetically pleasing, lol.
Thank you. I agree and don't really understand the point of calling out this man for standing up for Cooper.

We can agree to disagree on this.

Standing up for CH happens on a witness stand, not in the national media and not with every single possible national venue. If Ben received financial compensation for this, would you change your mind?
Trying to catch up on the latest.

So, I wonder if the prosecutors are gathering evidence against the wife to offer her a deal?
I sometimes miss turns when driving because I'm on "autopilot" and end up driving to a place l go to more often, so I can believe him driving to work by mistake. However, I have a difficult time believing he didn't see Cooper when he backed up in the parking lot or hear Cooper while sitting in the car for 30 seconds once he parked. My daughter talked, sang, babbled or just made weird noise constantly at two years old.

I understand the autopilot, been there done that :crazy:, but his routine was taking Cooper to daycare, that is his auto pilot (hope that makes sense) ;)
Maybe he's just going out of his way to distance himself from them since they were so close for such a long time! If it were me I'd be telling everyone I could how horrified I was, how I didn't support them at all and that our friendship had ended a few years ago! I think it's refreshing to see someone who grew up with JRH, introduced LH to him and was in their wedding speak out against them!

I understand that's refreshing and I am sure there are many more who are offering their testimonies to LE and lawyers but this is grossly exaggerated. He's been on numerous TV shows, national newspapers, special NYT photo ops, etc. I don't trust the motives of spotlight-seekers.
Meanwhile, a friend of Leanna's tells PEOPLE that her initial shock has been replaced by anger.

"I believe in forgiveness," SAID the friend (NOT LH). "And I believe in finding the best in people. I loved that family. But when I close my eyes, I think of Cooper in that car and I get furious. I don't care if it was an accident or on purpose, I am so angry at Ross that I can hardly see straight."

The quote I posted from is not a quote from LH! It's not about her feelings or thoughts. It's the sentiments of a friends of hers. I feel the need to clear it up cause I think some of you misunderstood it and I don't want to start any rumor. LH has remained silent.

Hmm there's an interesting comment below the article...
As Elaine said on Seinfeld, men's bodies are just not aesthetically pleasing, lol.


I laugh, but I also happen to find male bodies to be extremely pleasing. That said, I'm not down with all the chest-shaving and steroids that make them look more like cars than men- that makes me sad.

Seriously though, penises are awesome- vulnerability mixed with strength. I'll stop there. :)
I understand that's refreshing and I am sure there are many more who are offering their testimonies to LE and lawyers but this is grossly exaggerated. He's been on numerous TV shows, national newspapers, special NYT photo ops, etc. I don't trust the motives of spotlight-seekers.

It didn't do Frank Taffee any favors. :gaah::pullhair: Couldn't find the throwing up smiley but if I could...
it would be here!
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