GA-Winder-Massive police presence at Apalachee High School.

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I'd guess it may be short for "Colton" which is an incredibly common name in the US. It's possible, but I don't think it would be unusual enough to be a huge problem, though of course bullies always find a way.
Oddly, one of the LE people at the latest press conference said that in addition to the suspect "Colt Gray," there is another student at the school by the name of "Colton Gray," who wasn't involved in the shooting. I assume they confirmed that, but it seems strange to me. But I guess it could be a very common name...

Oddly, one of the LE people at the latest press conference said that in addition to the suspect "Colt Gray," there is another student at the school by the name of "Colton Gray," who wasn't involved in the shooting. I assume they confirmed that, but it seems strange to me. But I guess it could be a very common name...

As far as I know, colt and Colton are both common names here (US), especially in the south and especially in the age group of kids in high school currently.
Interestingly, as I drove home from my college campus today, I heard an interview with the author of books on Parkland and Columbine, and he said that one of the key changes he's observed every time another school shooting occurs is that, of late, the tendency is actually for the shooter to NOT kill themselves/be killed by law enforcement/school resource officers, which is a marked change from school shootings of previous years.

He speculated that perhaps the "fan culture" that has sprung up online (on social media especially) around certain notorious killers and school shooters is motivating some young people to try to gain a sick
type of fame for themselves in this brutal fashion.

‘This isn’t a mystery, why people die’: Nicolle Wallace on the American tradition of mass shootings
oh interesting. I think the shooter's younger age also played a role somehow.
Oddly, one of the LE people at the latest press conference said that in addition to the suspect "Colt Gray," there is another student at the school by the name of "Colton Gray," who wasn't involved in the shooting. I assume they confirmed that, but it seems strange to me. But I guess it could be a very common name...

Aww, man. I feel sorry for the other CG.

And I know parent's aren't always at fault .... but IMO red flags abounded.

My opinion is one or both parents might be in trouble for :
1: Not removing the weapons after the first incident over a year ago.
2: Explaining just how this (imo) troubled teen was able to access the hunting guns.
Ok, I did find this dubious when we first heard about it. No threat phone call.

I think we're still in the "fog of war" stage. A witness on CNN just swore up, down, and sideways that a female school employee was looking for either the suspect or someone with a very similar name shortly before the shooting.

That doesn't mean a threat was called in. There are some alternate explanations. For instance, the suspect leaving their class and not returning might make someone look for them, though it sounds like their skipping class was not unusual. It could be a coincidence if as claimed the school indeed contained both a Colt Gray and a Colton Gray. Or the witness could be confused. But I hope her report is investigated and this is cleared up.

"In May 2023, the FBI's National Threat Operations Center received several anonymous tips about online threats to commit a school shooting at an unidentified location and time," the FBI post read. "Within 24 hours, the FBI determined the online post originated in Georgia and the FBI's Atlanta Field Office referred the information to the Jackson County Sheriff's Office for action."

The agency added that the sheriff's office "located a possible subject, a 13-year-old male, and interviewed him and his father.
The father stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them. The subject denied making the threats online," the FBI said.


First bolded : Imo, I would have considered that a red flag.
Second bolded : Obviously there were failures that led to today's heinous acts.
Wondering if the parent(s) will face any charges ?
The FBI had enough info, pictures of guns and the location the threat came from, to send the locals out to a very specific household. Presumably because they knew with 100% accuracy the threat originated there. So they asked the boy if he made the threats and he said no. Ok great, have a nice day. I hope that's not how it went down.

Should there not have been a forensic search? Computers phones etc..
The FBI had enough info, pictures of guns and the location the threat came from, to send the locals out to a very specific household. Presumably because they knew with 100% accuracy the threat originated there. So they asked the boy if he made the threats and he said no. Ok great, have a nice day. I hope that's not how it went down.

Should there not have been a forensic search? Computers phones etc..
They say there was no probable cause for that, which makes absolutely no sense because as you say, they had specific information that led them to that house and that kid.
They say there was no probable cause for that, which makes absolutely no sense because as you say, they had specific information that led them to that house and that kid.
If they had photos of guns, why can't they look at the father's guns and at least confirm if the photos posted were of the father's guns.

If that father didn't restrict access before the FBI came knocking, then I sure as heck would expect he should have after. I mean if that isn't the biggest red flag warning there could be, other than an actual shooting. He had a warning that his son was possibly posting photos and making threats. That is the time to secure all the guns 100% of the time or get them out of the house. I just told my husband this exact thing.. we own guns, my husband and sons hunt, the guns are secured 100% of the time and there is zero concern at this point that anyone in my house would do anything other than hunt with those guns. They get unlocked when they are going out to hunt and they get secured when they come home, every single time.
I wonder if he had difficulty in the school system with that name. Maybe teachers or other students remarked on it regularly? I imagine it would be a tough one to grow into an adult with.

? why?
They say there was no probable cause for that, which makes absolutely no sense because as you say, they had specific information that led them to that house and that kid.
Can't link so don't quote me, but talking heads on CNN indicate FBI notified the appropriate jurisdiction at the time but the family subsequently moved and (from what I can gather) the information did not follow the family to the new jurisdiction.
Can't link so don't quote me, but talking heads on CNN indicate FBI notified the appropriate jurisdiction at the time but the family subsequently moved and (from what I can gather) the information did not follow the family to the new jurisdiction.

It makes me wonder, if the FBI did just that...and notified the proper jurisdiction ( Sheriff?)....did they then just cross CG off their list? Never to inquire again? Was that it? They turfed it? Their job was complete?

No one was watching this kid !!

smh in disbelief

RIP to the poor victims
Prayers for all who are suffering through this.
The school year just started. I am concerned now about "copy cat" crimes. But usually, the kids who do school shootings are "injustice collectors", and have specific targets. There are specific agendas that they want to complete. Usually with a statement, but of course, as is the case of the Christian School Shooter, I don't think that manifesto was ever released.
So Colt's dad failed to keep his weapons away from his dangerous son. Even after being questioned by the FBI. Wow unbelievable. And they just let this kid off the hook it seems. The incompetence
Some emerging details, which haven't been confirmed so I won't post them here, suggest that there's going to be A LOT MORE to this story.

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