Gabriel Johnson Case Calendar

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Oops - all 3 of my entries were from your timeline. I'll have to quest for links...
(Sniffle...I guess this means no puppy...)

On Wednesday December 30, 2009 at approximately 10:00 PM (Eastern Time), Elizabeth Johnson was located by Police Officers with the Miami Beach, Fl Police Department. Elizabeth was placed under arrest for the outstanding custodial interference warrant. Johnson Update.htm
I just wanted to take a moment and publicly thank BeanE for her hard work on this case.

Great job. Thank you.
Puppy please? I worked on January a little bit because December was getting full fast. Gotta go to work but I'll do more when I get back.
I read the document and noticed that in C, part 3 the report lists a false statement being made to LE and in D, part 1 it lists a separate false statement --2 different dates, one in sept. and one in dec. I thought the sept. legal issue was destruction of property. Also, on the last page, it says EJ made threats to G life on 2/27/09 (rather than 12/27/09). It seems like it would be pretty important for all the paperwork to be accurate. I'd hate to see anything be "off the books" based on it being recorded inaccurately.
We sure got off to a great start on the calendar today! This is going to be such a valuable resource, and although it will take time and work to build, in the long run, we'll save time on looking up not only when things happened, but we'll be able to quickly click to the full story in the source links.

Great job, everybody. Thank you to Kamille, captdj, b4e, and Txhope. You definitely all get :beagle:s

:beagle: :beagle: :beagle: :beagle:

Calendar is coming along! nice work and thank you.
JBean, can we post based on TS' FB statements?
I have some additional entries to add,
but some come from TS' facebook -- for example one entry which was discussed in various news media, and the other a screenshot taken after her initial arrest -- the former is important as it shows that TS knew EJ was in TX on the 23rd, the latter, is important as she specifically states that she went to the trailer on Monday the 21st to pick up Gabriel, and EJ and Gabriel were gone, also stating that Logan then helped them find EJ in SA
JBean, can we post based on TS' FB statements?
I have some additional entries to add,
but some come from TS' facebook -- for example one entry which was discussed in various news media, and the other a screenshot taken after her initial arrest -- the former is important as it shows that TS knew EJ was in TX on the 23rd, the latter, is important as she specifically states that she went to the trailer on Monday the 21st to pick up Gabriel, and EJ and Gabriel were gone, also stating that Logan then helped them find EJ in SA

I'm not JBean of course, but I can help you with that. If you can link to a news article, news video, or NG transcript that has screenshots or text from the FB or MS, it's fine. There are examples of that in the Dec 23 and 24 events for Elizabeth's myspace.

I remember Tammi saying she went to the trailer on Dec 21, but when I went to get the source the other day, I couldn't find it. Do you have a link for that? Or is a screenshot someone took?

If you have the source, I can edit the event I put in for that. I have it as ranged event because MissingGabe couldn't remember the exact date.
Prof, thank you so much for your contributions to the case calendar! Here's your

We've really made great headway on getting the calendar built. I find myself going to it more and more as a quick reference for what happened when.

Next I'm looking for the easiest way to extract the info, which looks at this point like it might be copy and paste from the weekly views. I want to extract the info to rebuild the timeline threads. Then we'll be able to do searches on the Timeline subforum as another way to quickly and easily find what happened when.

Great job, everybody. Thanks!
The Timeline thread for December 8 has now been updated with all source reference links.

Please review it, and post if you find information in the first post that does not have a subsequent post with a source reference link to support it.

Please check the thread against the case calendar for this day (link in first post) and post any updates/additions that are needed, or add them into the calendar.

Here's the December 8 Timeline thread:
[ame=""]Timeline - Tuesday, December 8, 2009 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Dec 9 and Dec 10 (one thread) are now also updated as in previous post.

Please review and provide additions/corrections.

Link to thread: [ame=""]Timeline - Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - Thursday, December 10, 2009 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]


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