Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

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George's story about the 24th and the gas cans

  • He did find them in Casey's car, and nothing was wrong.

    Votes: 39 9.1%
  • He did not go into the truck, and made it up to help Casey..

    Votes: 68 15.9%
  • He made it up to protect Casey and himself.

    Votes: 98 23.0%
  • I have no idea. This family cannot keep dates and stories straight.

    Votes: 222 52.0%

  • Total voters
Bolded by me.

There was something in that trunk that day, I'm almost convinced. George said she didn't know he was home because his car was in the garage and he startled her as she walked in.

She was pist that he wanted in her trunk. She grabbed the cans and slammed the trunk real fast. She was hiding something. No doubt.

If this series of events were true, I can only wonder how different things would be if he had seen inside that trunk.
Bolded by me.

There was something in that trunk that day, I'm almost convinced. George said she didn't know he was home because his car was in the garage and he startled her as she walked in.

She was pist that he wanted in her trunk. She grabbed the cans and slammed the trunk real fast. She was hiding something. No doubt.

Could be......but that would be very gusty of KC to return home w/the body, knowing that GA has called the cops about the break-in.....

however, the 'phone slueths' are saying the only call from Cindy to KC the 24th was @ 315PM
If this series of events were true, I can only wonder how different things would be if he had seen inside that trunk.

I would say that it would be much different had George seen into the trunk and Caylee was in there. I am inclined to say he is telling LE the truth that he never saw into the trunk that day. His whole persona would have been much different had he seen Caylee dead, and he wouldn't have covered for her then. He would have never advised her to leave the car at Amscot several days later. He would have called Cindy, and Cindy would have never made that series of 911 calls. He is a mere shell of a man whose largest happiness in the interview I listened to was his new job. I feel bad for him because he has absolutely no control in the house. He has to put his money in Cindy's account - I found that sad.

As for now, he is doing what he is told by the dominant women in his life. If he could only break out of the hold, it would do so much for his granddaughter. He came close in the interview. He did say things that he didn't want Cindy to know he said, like the chase for instance.
What IF George found the body in the trunk, while looking for his gas can? I agree most retired LE can recognize the smell of decomposition.

I recall George in his statement about the gas cans.
Didn't he say there was a bag in the trunk, he picked it up, was frightened, and then relieved when it was light ? There u go another 1/2 truth from a nutjob, possibly ?:confused:
I recall George in his statement about the gas cans.
Didn't he say there was a bag in the trunk, he picked it up, was frightened, and then relieved when it was light ? There u go another 1/2 truth from a nutjob, possibly ?:confused:

That was when he picked up the car in the tow yard.
I heard his interview about Casey coming and not letting him in the truck. I believe this interview. He even said that he didn't like the smell of the car. This to me, and telling them that Casey didn't want him in the trunk made me believe him. He is the ONLY Anthony I feel sorry for.
Bolded by me.

There was something in that trunk that day, I'm almost convinced. George said she didn't know he was home because his car was in the garage and he startled her as she walked in.

She was pist that he wanted in her trunk. She grabbed the cans and slammed the trunk real fast. She was hiding something. No doubt.

I agree with you. When I first heard about this I thought GA may very well have "helped" Casey in some way, but after listening to his interview I no longer believe that. IMO he was upfront about things that had to be difficult for him to admit about his daughter. With that being said, I wonder what changed to make him/them go into cover-up mode. I realize that Casey is his daughter and that no matter what he will love her, but IMO he KNOWS what happened to Caylee (or at least knows that Casey did something to her) I am a Mom and a Grandmother, and God forbid that any of us every be in a situation such as this, but I would not/could not protect one of my children if they had harmed one of my precious, INNOCENT grandchildren. Love them in spite of everything, yes...protect them, Absolutly Not! ..Caylee deserves at least that from the GP's and how they can not see that is beyond me. I've given up on Casey's concience (sp?) ever getting the best of her, ain't gonna happen IMO.
He is a mere shell of a man whose largest happiness in the interview I listened to was his new job. I feel bad for him because he has absolutely no control in the house. He has to put his money in Cindy's account - I found that sad.

As for now, he is doing what he is told by the dominant women in his life. If he could only break out of the hold, it would do so much for his granddaughter. He came close in the interview. He did say things that he didn't want Cindy to know he said, like the chase for instance.

I did feel sorry for him at one point or another in this whole mess but you know, today, I just feel anger. :mad: Plain old, unadulterated anger, that he doesn't have the cojonies to stand up to CA, or to stand up for the rights of his granddaughter. She deserves better. Someone in that family needs to be the one to put an end to this mess. Someone who cared enough about Caylee to make sure she gets the justice she deserves.

Based on his interview with LE, his admitting the smell, and everything else we are now finding out about KC in these interviews, that he and CA tried to downplay in the beginning, he just had to know. And shame on anyone who is willing to cower in a corner and not speak up on behalf of Caylee, just because they feel dominated by another family member. Can you tell I am frustrated? :furious:
George is full of baloney with the whole story about seeing them leave together on the 16th, when KC just so happened to be wearing the same human decomposition soaked pants Cindy found and washed before she called 911 on July 15. How convenient that KC left some slacks behind so dad would have a clue as to what to say about her clothing. He got it down to the pin stripes. Right. 31 days after the fact and he remembered exactly what they were wearing. BS!BS!BS!

At exactly 12:50pm too. AND he remembers exactly what he was watching on tv. Uh-huh. Another cooking show - just like Scooter Peterson.

I challenge every woman here to ask the man in your life to tell you what you were wearing 31 days ago. Ask them what you were wearing a week ago. I will bet you get a blank stare for an answer.

Sorry I cut out some of your post, as I just wanted to respond to this part.

In all fairness to George..

If you were to ask the man in anyones life what they were wearing 31 days ago, and it was the last image they had , it may be a bit more "memorable" in ones head. I tried this on my bf just this morning, as we were apart for an extended period of time this summer. I asked him what I wore to the airport when we said our goodbyes, and he told me. This was more than 31 days ago - this was like 3 months ago. I then asked him what I wore on Monday(two days ago) ..... now there came the blank stare.. lol

With the cooking show - I KNOW that at 7:00 pm everyday I watch NG. If it were a show that he consistently watched at the same time every day - he would know it.

JMO of course.
I recall George in his statement about the gas cans.
Didn't he say there was a bag in the trunk, he picked it up, was frightened, and then relieved when it was light ? There u go another 1/2 truth from a nutjob, possibly ?:confused:

I agree - no one in the Anthony family is keeping up with "a script" . . . stories continue to change as time goes by and I am certain LE is keeping track of their discrepancies. The Anthonys should have started keeping track of their own stories.
I agree with those who said George would certainly know about decomposition, making murder/killing appear accidental, know about disposing of a body where no one could find it (especially if the Florida swamps, etc.), and he would definitely know how to spin a kidnapping tale, so how did it all go so haywire? This and this alone makes me think George was not in on it in the beginning but was trying to cover Casey after the fact with the made up stories, the gas cans, seeing them on the 16th, whatever. If he knew that body had been in the trunk, I don't think he would have just let Casey abandon it. He would have burned it or dumped into water, anything but abandon it, knowing full well the owner could easily be traced (remember, every vehicle has a VIN). No, I think the car thing was all Casey's idea.

That is the only thing which makes me think GA was not involved until after the child was dead because he would have done it differently knowing what he knows about trace evidence. I do feel like he helped her after the fact.
Sorry I cut out some of your post, as I just wanted to respond to this part.

In all fairness to George..

If you were to ask the man in anyones life what they were wearing 31 days ago, and it was the last image they had , it may be a bit more "memorable" in ones head. I tried this on my bf just this morning, as we were apart for an extended period of time this summer. I asked him what I wore to the airport when we said our goodbyes, and he told me. This was more than 31 days ago - this was like 3 months ago. I then asked him what I wore on Monday(two days ago) ..... now there came the blank stare.. lol

With the cooking show - I KNOW that at 7:00 pm everyday I watch NG. If it were a show that he consistently watched at the same time every day - he would know it.

JMO of course.

IMO if GA watched the same favorite cooking show every day he would have named it... just as you've named the NG show and didn't say "my favorite news show". Just seems strange.
I think the baby was being carried around and moved in a duffel bag. I believe when they find her, they will find her in one. That would have been an easy way for Casey to transport her without being noticed. I have my son's karate one in the back of my SUV all the time and it could have been in plain site like my son's and no one would have paid any attention. My son's karate bag would easily hold a 38 lb. child.
IMO if GA watched the same favorite cooking show every day he would have named it... just as you've named the NG show and didn't say "my favorite news show". Just seems strange.

If you remember he started to say NEWS and Cindy put her hand on his leg to stop him.
I think the entire story GA told about the 24th was a lie. You can tell by the look on CA's face when he was telling the story. She's thinking, "what the h*ll are you talking about, and what are you gonna say next, and it better fit in with all of our other lies or I'm gonna beat you when Greta leaves".

I have thought it was a lie from the beginning.
I think the baby was being carried around and moved in a duffel bag. I believe when they find her, they will find her in one. That would have been an easy way for Casey to transport her without being noticed. I have my son's karate one in the back of my SUV all the time and it could have been in plain site like my son's and no one would have paid any attention. My son's karate bag would easily hold a 38 lb. child.

Let's think about a duffel bag. George could have possibly gotten a glimpse of an exposed body in the trunk. Not necessarily if it was a bag of some sort. She really didn't want him near her trunk. I do think Caylee was in the trunk at that time.

The last report I remember that stuck in my head was that forensics will show the position of the body in the trunk. This is still possible if she was in a duffel bag.

I can see Casey being able to move Caylee easier if she was in a duffel bag. I'm not sure about the trash bag scenario that LP has mentioned with the ripping and leaking. Bodily fluids will leak through a cloth/canvas duffel bag very easily.

If Casey went back to the house on different occasions with Caylee and if she moved her at least once from trunk to yard or yard to trunk, I really don't think she'd be carrying a body in her arms. That's too risky.

A duffel bag with a body and a couple of those concrete pavers (that were possibly replaced since) would sink quickly to the bottom of a lake. That brings me to think she threw her off a bridge, deep enough to sink, instead of the edge of water which could easily be discovered soon enough.

When thinking like Casey, IF she did confess to the female body guard, she might have told her it was a dumpster to divert the attention there.

I've learned that Casey tends to speak in complete opposites.

Squirrel in the engine = body in the trunk.
Caylee is close = possibly far away.
Never had sex = 7 months pregnant.
Working late = doesn't have a job.

And the list goes on.

I know I warped a little O/T (sorry) but I was typing and I couldn't stop. :bang:
It seems to me that there was conversation some where that Casey had numerous back packs, and duffel bags.
George says Caylee & KC leave the Anthony home at 12:50 PM on June 16th & describes what Caylee is wearing - This is the last reported sighting of Caylee

George files a report that his gas cans have been stolen sometime around June 22nd

George Says he finds the gas cans in Casey's trunk on the June 24th

George replaces Pavers in his yard on July 4th

George Picks up the Car at the tow yard on July 15th


Are all of these dates Correct?

Also, What day did George report the Gas can theft to LE?

I think he said that they were stolen around the 22nd but what day did he report it?
George says Caylee & KC leave the Anthony home at 12:50 PM on June 16th & describes what Caylee is wearing - This is the last reported sighting of Caylee

George files a report that his gas cans have been stolen sometime around June 22nd

George Says he finds the gas cans in Casey's trunk on the June 24th

George replaces Pavers in his yard on July 4th

George Picks up the Car at the tow yard on July 15th


Are all of these dates Correct?

Also, What day did George report the Gas can theft to LE?

I think he said that they were stolen around the 22nd but what day did he report it?

Hello Boston! George reported the can theft to LE on the 24rth. In the morning - before KC came to the house. I believe his report is in the initial 400 page document dump.
IMO if GA watched the same favorite cooking show every day he would have named it... just as you've named the NG show and didn't say "my favorite news show". Just seems strange.

I dunno.. men aren't that bright LOL - Kidding!! . If you ask a guy what he watched on TV last night - he may possibly just respond "The game". If you ask more specifically what game he would probably respond "Dallas and Chicago". I know my bf doesn't know the name of half the shows we watch. He knows which ones he likes and doesn't like, ( ie: NG is that "loud lady show with lawyers" and CSI is "that dumb crime show" ) but he doesn't refer to them by name.

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