Gathering for Caylee - NOT IN THEIR FRONT YARD

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For us that can't travel there for the Meetup for Caylee, here is what can be done. Once this local meetup for Caylee has a set date and we are informed of the time and date, there can be a set time for a balloon release- WORLDWIDE! Lets have everyone release PINK BALLOONS for CAYLEE all around the world at the same time! Lots of folks will be having their holiday outings so there should be a lot of participation. I'm in, will send up ours from N.C.! Please just be sure to post a date and time for us that are out of town so we can fill the sky with Caylee's Pink Balloons at the same time they go up in Orlando!
what an awesome idea!:blowkiss:
I think we should organize searches and then end w/a vigil. I think that is what will put pressure on Casey! Casey is lazy and I doubt she went far. If Casey thought that Caylee would be found soon she'd be more likely to try to cut a deal and fess up. She thinks she has it made and the longer she waits the better for her.

Maybe a good news blitz about hundreds of dedicated/angry Caylee supporters preparing to scour the woods might shake something out of her.
I'm wondering if your "get together" Monday morning is the demonstration LP referred to on NG tonight?

1000 people?

What was the response from local media when you contacted them today?

I think we should organize searches and then end w/a vigil. I think that is what will put pressure on Casey! Casey is lazy and I doubt she went far. If Casey thought that Caylee would be found soon she'd be more likely to try to cut a deal and fess up. She thinks she has it made and the longer she waits the better for her.

Maybe a good news blitz about hundreds of dedicated/angry Caylee supporters preparing to scour the woods might shake something out of her.

My first post here and therefore a total newbie. I will go to the park across the street Monday at whatever time you all think appropriate and send a bunch of pink baloons. I will write "Caylee" on every one.
For us that can't travel there for the Meetup for Caylee, here is what can be done. Once this local meetup for Caylee has a set date and we are informed of the time and date, there can be a set time for a balloon release- WORLDWIDE! Lets have everyone release PINK BALLOONS for CAYLEE all around the world at the same time! Lots of folks will be having their holiday outings so there should be a lot of participation. I'm in, will send up ours from N.C.! Please just be sure to post a date and time for us that are out of town so we can fill the sky with Caylee's Pink Balloons at the same time they go up in Orlando!

This is a wonderful idea. Count me in...
One of the first thoughts that popped into my head was Jay Blanchard Park, except I have such a negative vibe feeling about that park because of the recent murder there!! Then I thought about Phelps park - it's located in Winter Park behind the YMCA off Lakemont - it's a beautiful park. I'm still working on it - what does everything think about Monday morning - Labor Day? This weekend may be a little sketchy due to the holiday & other plans. But if we can gather a few together - why not? I would bring pink balloons & grab a table out there so we can meet up with whoever shows.

Phelps Park ??

I am a lurker coming out of the woods, but I would just like to make a suggestion for the vigil. What about Blanchard Park since Caylee loved going their? I am not from Florida, but I just thought I would throw it out there for all of you.
How sweet of you girls to name your unborn babies after these sweet children who died in the hands of a so called "mom":furious: My neice who is 1, her name is Caylee, everytime I see her I think of "our" Caylee :angel:

Oh, I love the idea of Blanchard Park, and Casey mentioned it was one of Caylee's favorites !

I am in Ohio, so I cannot go, but will be there inspirit if I know what time ?

I'll keep an eye on this thread so I know what day and time, when you're releasing your pink baloons I'll be planting a pink rose bush in my yard to honor Caylee. She deserves beautiful things and will never be forgotten.

Can we ALL put the LARGEST PINK and YELLOW BOW we can find/make and put in the most prominent place on our home or car? Solidarity in Mass? Get the word out across the nation!!!

Pink for Caylee and Yellow until she comes home to us!!!!
And maybe a snail mail card of thanks to the Orlando PD that are working for this little angel? Thats something we out of the area can do?

My niece has a 6 month old named Kaylee...
I'll be at Phelps Park on Monday morning - around 9:30am ish. I have small children so I won't be able to go out and join in the search. And the demonstration that is being talked about for Monday is a silent drive by - 6am - 6pm I think - driving by their house with signs that say WHERE'S CAYLEE? and the like.

If anyone would like to join up on Monday to the Phelps Park in Winter Park - I'll be there where we can vent & talk in person! I will bring a pink balloon with a yellow ribbon - that's such a great idea. I say we release them at 1:00pm EST. That's approx. the last time anyone other than Casey saw Caylee alive.

I also want to add that I think it's very disturbing to think about Casey's words that she feels in her heart that Caylee is close to home & that she has NO idea where her daughter is - I think we have those "grains of truth" in those statements. Because if she was to dump Caylee in a garbage dumpster - the honest truth is she wouldn't have ANY idea where Caylee is - I wouldn't know where they haul dumpster trash either. I keep thinking that's where she is and it makes me sick!!
I have added a new thread for the PINK BALLOONS 4 Caylee Tribute to be held Sept 1, at 1 pm est. Please post there and let us know if you will be participating. Please help spread the word so we can turn the sky PINK for CAYLEE! Thanks!
I hate to be a naysayer but PLEASE DON'T RELEASE A BUNCH OF BALLOONS INTO THE AIR! It really causes pollution and damage to animals...we don't want a bunch of dead birds and sealife to result from this. Surely there is a more appropriate memorial than polluting with dangerous objects????

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