GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #1

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But surely defence would be all over that and the crown would be probing already???

That's what has me worried. I guess nbc is on the stand again Monday so maybe they're just warming up, but I would have thought if they considered him involved they'd be right in there asking the hard questions? Or does the case have to follow some kind of process like building the scene or outlining all the parties before they get into the guts of it?

It'll be interesting to see nig trying to control the speed of the questions and answers. I think he is a pubic speaker and is used to opening everything from chip packets to scout toilet blocks.
I've just been thinking , Alioop you could probably answer this - is it possible they've timed BC seniors time in the witness box so it is broken up with a such a long time between. 'If' he is lying about things it's possible he won't recall what answer he gave to certain questions yesterday ......
I wonder if they will ask some of the same questions on Monday
Does the prosecution have to share all their findings with the defence?
Say if they found Allison's freshly done hair in the vacuum or CCTV of the roundabout, would they share their findings with the prosecution?
They did with her hair and blood in sparky.
Can they keep those trump cards?

Yes the prosecution has to give to the defence all their evidence, even if it supports the defence. That happened before the committal.
I've just been thinking , Alioop you could probably answer this - is it possible they've timed BC seniors time in the witness box so it is broken up with a such a long time between. 'If' he is lying about things it's possible he won't recall what answer he gave to certain questions yesterday ......
I wonder if they will ask some of the same questions on Monday

I think he was more likely just next on the list and it is a coincidence that his evidence is the one that spans the 3 day break. That can be an advantage or disadvantage to the prosecution and to plan it would not be likely. However the prosecution will now use the break in questioning to their advantage to test his credibility.
I was just reading the Brisbane Times reporting of yesterday and it says that the defence Michael Byrne was cross examining NBC. If this is the case then the prosecution must have finished their questions. Wewillgetyou is that correct? The prosecution can ask questions on redirect after the defence has finished.
So a good prosecutor should be polite and calm and ask questions nicely that elicit the information that they are trying to get or to expose credibility issues with the witness.

And that's exactly what he did ! :)
Does the prosecution have to share all their findings with the defence?
Say if they found Allison's freshly done hair in the vacuum or CCTV of the roundabout, would they share their findings with the prosecution?
They did with her hair and blood in sparky.
Can they keep those trump cards?

Yes the prosecution shares the findings with defence.

One of the more recent trials, Cowan's. At the start of the trial all the eye witnesses were called up...all those who had seen Daniel at the bus stop. Then it went on to people who knew or were friends with Cowan.

It wasn't until well into the trial when Cowan's "confession" came into the light & exploded.

It seems to me GBC's trial is going along a similar path. All the witnesses with all they heard the night Allison disappeared. Next week it could be those who knew or had worked with GBC.
I was just reading the Brisbane Times reporting of yesterday and it says that the defence Michael Byrne was cross examining NBC. If this is the case then the prosecution must have finished their questions. Wewillgetyou is that correct? The prosecution can ask questions on redirect after the defence has finished.

I know it was a long day but I'm sure he wasn't because the prosecution was still asking questions.....
In cross-examination by Michael Byrne QC, for Baden-Clay, Mr Baden-Clay said he was employed as a salesperson in his son’s business and also did the accounts for the business.

Sarah Elks ‏@sarahelks 17h

The first week of the #badenclay murder trial has now finished. Cross-examination of Gerard's father Nigel will continue on Monday.

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou

Defence asks whether Gerard was contacting other people. Nigel says he doesn't think so. #badenclay
I think we all need to remember that it took nearly 2 months for GBC to be arrested, even though they suspected him early on, because they can't do that without solid evidence. He was refused bail because of the evidence AND he was committed to stand trial because of the evidence! It is impossible to get to this point based purely on a facial scratch! Today marks 2 years since his arrest, I don't believe you can keep so done in jail for 2 years with no evidence!
It's not the police making these decisions, it was a judge that refused bail and a judge that committed him to stand trial!

My observation of the questioning of Bwana yesterday was as I would have expected a police interview to be like. Lots of simple questions in quick succession. Sometimes going back and asking the same question but worded differently.
I'm pretty sure they are going to catch him out.
The only problem I can see is him saying 'I don't recall' at convenient times.
The prosecutor questioning him really was fantastic.

An example of this was when he was asked if on the evening of the 19th April did he have dinner with Olivia and Family as well as GBC and kids at his house. I am pretty sure he answered that he couldn't recall. The prosecutor pushed a bit but then moved on to the next question.
I remember this because I thought at the time a huge life changing event happened the next day and you can't remember who you had dinner with the night before :banghead:
Further in the questioning the prosecutor was discussing that afternoon ( 19th April) and Bwana agreed to a statement put to him that BC kids were swimming and playing with Olivia's kids. So what do you know he can remember after all !

I'm sure if that happened to an ordinary person you'd be going over and over those last days and remembering everything.

After watching Bwana yesterday I have no doubt that he is going to get himself tangled up in lies. He needs to think quickly and on the spot. He doesn't have a police statement to refer to. He is going to have to remember what answer ( lie ) he has given previously.
I wish I could go back Monday to see him finished off !
What's the bet he takes ill over the weekend and doesn't appear again :mad:

The difference with those two questions was Olivia & GBC was it those two names he preferred not to say or am I looking into that too hard.
Was anyone else from here in court yesterday when NBC was in the witness box ?

I had a splitting headache by the end if the day and I'm worried now that it's been reported about him being cross examined. I honestly can't remember that

I hope I haven't reported incorrectly to you all :(
I'm not so sure Seeking, you may be being overly generous to her character my interpretation of the transcripts and phone calls btw Gered (intentional mispronunciation) and her is that she felt entitled to him and outraged that allison still had expectations of and hopes for the relationship - I kept interpreting a 'how dare she try to take what's mine' tone/subtext on TM's part

I'm no fan of any person contributing to the break-up of any relationship, and particularly not in this case. TM's behaviour certainly appeared at very least pushy and at worst clingy, needy, tenacious and desperate.


Let's not forget that she herself was lied to, and deceived, and manipulated by Bruce. Considered completely separately from the rights and wrongs of her being involved with a man who was already otherwise committed and walking in her shoes for a moment: and let's also not consider that she was silly enough to believe, and blinded enough to not verify what she was being told...

Would the lies he told her about the status of their own and his and Allison's relationship quite reasonably and logically manifest (Word of The Week) in her sense of entitlement jealous, insecure behaviour and her planning for when she and he will be together? Ie, based on what she was told, wouldn't it be quite reasonable for her to plan their lives together, to foster resentments, jealousies and insecurities?

I'm pretty sure I would, were I silly enough to get involved in that sort of situation in the first place...
The difference with those two questions was Olivia & GBC was it those two names he preferred not to say or am I looking into that too hard.

No I just think he didn't want to answer that they all had dinner together. Perhaps he truely didn't remember.
The trivial little corker from yesterday for me was when one of the girls disclosed that Bwana's car is named 'BRUCE'. LOL.


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Mr Baden-Clay said he was at his son’s house on April 18, 2012 to babysit because he and Allison wanted to “go out for a coffee”.

He said the children were already in bed.

“I think they were only gone for about half an hour, they weren’t that long, half an hour, three-quarters of an hour,” he said.
Mr Baden-Clay said he couldn’t remember what his son and daughter-in-law’s mood was like when they returned because he was “engrossed in a TV show”.

this is the part killing me, he did go and watch the children that night!
What time were you really there sitting the children nig? Coffee pfffft ! Did Allison actually come back? Half-3/4 hour just enough time to get to Kholo and back!
That accounts for the roundabout activity! Oh nig, you loved her like a daughter in law :(
Cop out- he didn't notice- he was engrossed in TV oh c'mon!

Yes the children did see Allison but it was after they were in bed nig went over to watch over them.

oh c'mon! There it is!
I'm not sure what you are getting at TGY. Can you expand on it?
He is certainly vague, that is indisputable.

In the '90's it was a fashionable conflict resolution technique to take someone for coffee on neutral ground in public to discuss things so that their reaction could be moderated. That's what I took their going out for coffee to be ... either that, or it was the venting session ... or working on their marriage/having a quick 'grown-up's' date.

Have I missed something?
I'm not so sure Seeking, you may be being overly generous to her character 😊my interpretation of the transcripts and phone calls btw Gered (intentional mispronunciation) and her is that she felt entitled to him and outraged that allison still had expectations of and hopes for the relationship - I kept interpreting a 'how dare she try to take what's mine' tone/subtext on TM's part

I fully understand your point Doidy. You are right about the sense of entitlement from TM that we perceive from the media reports and transcripts etc. What I perceive is that underneath the "sense of entitlement" there is still a sense of shame that in some ways she tries to cover over or bluff or put onto Allison. If she had true confidence in her "entitlement" she wouldn't feel sick at the thought of seeing Allison at the conference. Whereas if there had been a divorce and GBC was a "free agent" TM would have been confident to express her relationship entitlement at the conference even if Allison was there.

What a tangled web is woven in these situations. So many lives damaged and broken. Such a waste of the good that can come out of people's lives. A truly harrowing experience for all the friends and family of both Allison and GBC. A confession and complete truth from all will be the most helpful with healing and rebuilding for all. Let's hope and pray that this will happen. Forgiveness can only come after remorse, confession and repentance.
Mr Baden-Clay said he was at his son’s house on April 18, 2012 to babysit because he and Allison wanted to “go out for a coffee”.

He said the children were already in bed.

“I think they were only gone for about half an hour, they weren’t that long, half an hour, three-quarters of an hour,” he said.
Mr Baden-Clay said he couldn’t remember what his son and daughter-in-law’s mood was like when they returned because he was “engrossed in a TV show”.

this is the part killing me, he did go and watch the children that night!
What time were you really there sitting the children nig? Coffee pfffft ! Did Allison actually come back? Half-3/4 hour just enough time to get to Kholo and back!
That accounts for the roundabout activity! Oh nig, you loved her like a daughter in law :(
Cop out- he didn't notice- he was engrossed in TV oh c'mon!

Yes the children did see Allison but it was after they were in bed nig went over to watch over them.

oh c'mon! There it is!

GBC and Allison went for coffee on the 18th, the day BEFORE she disappeared.
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