GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #3

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The thing is the showground is locked up at night. So I'm not sure he could have got in there. But I would imagine if he took a house with him he could have found a tap.

Being such a local identity in the community, on Committees, etc, living in close proximity to the Showgrounds, what are the chances that he had been given a key beforehand?
I'm going to go for a drive a bit later to take some more pictures.

The thing is the showground is locked up at night. So I'm not sure he could have got in there. But I would imagine if he took a hose with him he could have found a tap.

careful the caterpillars will get ya
I really can't see how the car would have needed to be hosed, except for reasons of paranoia. He could have parked on bitumen. I can see the relevance of vacuuming it.
Being such a local identity in the community, on Committees, etc, living in close proximity to the Showgrounds, what are the chances that he had been given a key beforehand?

He might have a key but I doubt it. Brookfield Showground people are very protective of it. Maybe he rang the maintenance guy to fish to see if he had found a "phone"
"Laughed at undies. Told me I smell."",Said I was so different. Laughed. Why? Afterwards why so mean? "
IMO this deeply personal response from GBC to Allison shows serious abuse. It shows his 'devaluation' of her, his 'rejection' of her body, her underwear and his 'contemptuous' feelings for her.

I am disappointed the PT did not highlight his true feelings of contempt for and rejection of Allison through this scenario. My opinion only.

:cry: :rage:

But he was all about protecting her and covering for her, yeah?
I have also used a Mach 3 razor for about 25 years, I rush every single shave, and I have never cut myself once.

Here is a thought unexplored, on the morning he makes 000 call, he is out driving around looking for ABC, OW is around early to mind the kids I think.

What was he really doing? Phone records show he was in Mt Cootha tower zone at 7.04 am on the 19th and 6.46 am on the 20th, he has a place up there that he would have met TM is my guess, what did he dispose of at mt cootha?

The 19th look for a disposal site?

Or he was on Mount Coot tha the 20th looking for a disposal site for the phone?
For those interested in the topic of Narcissism, grab a copy of the Weekend Australian as there is a very good article in the Weekend Australian Magazine about just this topic.
There's something at the back of my mind as I read this...someone correct me if I'm wrong, please, but I seem to recall very early on in the forums reading about how the 12 or 13 month waiting period for suicide on this particular policy had not long expired when this whole tragic incident took place? Can't remember if it could be backed up by facts or if it was only rumour. Anyone remember?

the policy was taken out many years ago. Back then there was no 'suicide restrictions..
For those interested in the topic of Narcissism, grab a copy of the Weekend Australian as there is a very good article in the Weekend Australian Magazine about just this topic.

Found this link. Hope it works as it's well worth reading

"The narcissist must be the centre of attention. They soak up admiration like a sponge, need and use others as a narcissistic line of *supply. Whatever is good for the self is good. They are prone to magical, grandiose thinking about their life: it is all or nothing. Greatness is what is desired; to be average is despised. Part of this derives from an exceptional sense of entitlement, of being uniquely special. They are the “captain on a ship of fools”. But they are also prone to savage envy, and their arrogance means that apologising, taking responsibility for a wrong, is impossible, for the narcissist is never wrong. At the end of any argument, the narcissist will see only that you have injured them. Often people around them give in to them, always walking on eggshells, as offence is taken so easily."

As I'm a subscriber to The Australian it worked for me, but it is subscriber content. Sorry.
Sorry Freya – I should have clarified this… I’ve been reading the forums since the start of the trial, and while it seems like it’s 90% Aussies (and mostly Brisbanites) I was surprised at the number of Americans, Germans and other people posting from overseas. I thought, “How do I describe the vibe of Brisbane?” I think it’s good to get an idea of the context of a culture, and I hadn’t really seen it described yet.

I remember wishing someone had told me a bit more about the Vancouver culture and language before I got there – it certainly would have made things less confusing from the get-go. I wrote a little journal for my friend before she visited Vancouver for the first time, filled with things I wished I’d known when I got there (e.g.“A loonie is a one-dollar coin! The person is not insulting you!” and “DO NOT order a cappuccino! It’s froth and a teensy bit of liquid at the bottom of a cup, and if you pick up a Starbucks cappuccino expecting a heavy drink, you’ll anticipate the weight wrong and it’ll end up sailing out of your hands and over your shoulder!” and “Male strangers opening doors for you: they’re not being sleazy. Canadians really are that polite!” etc.). I gotta admit, cultural differences in very similar Western countries are subtle but SO prevalent: I wound up in the middle of quite a few hilarious misunderstandings within the first 15 minutes of setting foot at Vancouver airport.

Ha ha, I’m loving all of these predicted conversations with GBC and the defence! Keep ‘em coming… It also makes me wonder: has GBC spent the last two years taking vocal/acting lessons, or is it that his Byrne has framed questions so that GBC didn’t include all of his usual “umms” and “ahhhs”? I’m hoping he hasn’t spent the last two years learning how to “act” and not trip up. I want the prosecution to be able to throw him with a few unpredicted questions and the “ummms” and “ahhhs” will come back, tangling his mind and language so that he accidentally slips up and reveals truths, not scripted answers!

Oh God… I didn’t realize GBC helped with the floods clean-up. Of course those who helped out of altruistic motives are to be commended, but I can see GBC “helping” for another reason altogether: to look good. I bet he thought it was good publicity for his business rather than caring about those who were seriously hurt by the floods… if this is true, it’s quite insulting.

I recall Oddsocks saying that everyone here is really against GBC and not keeping an open mind. He seems to have not posted lately (unless I missed it)? I think his perspective would be VERY welcome, especially if he explains in detail why he thinks the circumstantial evidence seems faulty? I will add though that, like many of us, I did have a moment when I trawled through all the evidence and was struck by a thought: “What if he didn’t do it AT ALL?” I sat there stunned for a moment, imagining what it would feel like to be accused of guilt when he didn’t do it. After a few moments, all of the evidence seeped back into my mind… and I thought, “No way he didn’t do this. There’s just WAY too much circumstantial evidence.”

That’s the thing about circumstantial evidence. Yes, it’s circumstantial; yes, it often fails to acknowledge forensic certainty. However, when you have about 50 examples of damning circumstantial evidence, this adds up to a conclusion beyond reasonable doubt: he did it. Also, as this trial has shown us, forensic evidence is not as easy to ascertain as TV shows would have us believe.

Re: Lindy Chamberlain. Can you believe that one of the reasons people thought she was guilty was because she had ONE outfit for her baby that was black?! This was cited as a partial reason for her alleged guilt: “Who dresses a baby in black? She’s psychotic!” A VERY unfair assumption and reminds of NBC stating that Allison was depressed because she wore black!
I think the most likely scenario with the phone is that Allison would look at his phone, but not actually keep it. I don't think he'd relinquish control of his phone except for her to have a check and then give it back.

I don't believe she was putting his phone on charge at almost 2:00am when she had a big day the next day......or was already at Kholo Creek :(

I agree entirely! But how can the Crown prove that it was GBC who put his phone on the charger? So frustrating that obvious things have to be proved which seems to be a challenge.
Some new details on GBC's damages claim against Flight Centre in 2000.

Until now, we only knew there had been a claim made by GBC when his employment was terminated after five months ( ), something he's managed to omit from his otherwise excruciatingly detailed testimony so far.


Basically he sued FC for nearly $60k, including things like house rental and storage (!) while Allison was still employed there

Here are the tweets from GBCs version of that time

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · Jun 25
Gerard says at this point both he and Allison were unemployed. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · Jun 25
Gerard said in August he was made redundant. Both he and his boss, the first Flight Centre people to be made redundant. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · Jun 25
Gerard said they found a three bedroom townhouse near his parents house. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · Jun 25
Gerard says "because my job was so good" they could afford for Allison to stop working. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · Jun 25
Gerard says she was a little more fragile than she was before. She found things with work a bit stressful. #badenclay
next session

B Now mr bc was it toni or your father that helped you with the body
BC neither
B then who was it
BC That DIDNT happen
B ok now back to the night and morning i question . it seems you had alot of bad luck, your darling wife who you loved so much went missing ,you cut yourself shaving , you had to make lunches and get girls ready for school , ring parents , ring police and in this time , while your wife is missing you had time to neatly make your bed , which you cant even remember if your wife slept in it or not , Correct ?
BC yes correct
B is this becaise you used to do 80,90,100 % of house work ?
BC yes
B so you dont know if your wife slept in your bed
BC no
B would you have known if it had been any of your little mistresses ?
Defence barrister objection your honour what has this to with the defendent
Bi amtrying to show the inconsistenciesin the defence's case
Judge overruled continue mr B
B with all this bad luck it appears you were very lucky your wife did not have your phone , and you were able to ring family, police etc
BC yes
B but isnt it true you gave her your phone as soon as you got home and she gave it back next morning
BC yes
B every night ???
BC yes
B what happened that night
BC um , yeah , she was , was um at the hairdressers
Bi suggest that you did not always give her your phone
BC um yeh i did
B but not that night
BC well , you see well um yeh um um she was busy when she got um um home and forgot and i well i um forgot too
B how fortunate
BC r um yes
Defence B where is this leading
Judge carry on MrB
Bi am just trying to point out all the inconsistencies in the defence
Judge Carry on Mr B

court adjourned
We're back on Monday with OP.....How will we cope having Gerard all day and then coming home to Oscar? Whoa!!!!

Accept when one is at work all day, and will be trying to do BC catch up and monitor OP trial when we get home later in the afternoon :scared: Should be veeery interesting... tee hee
Allison phoned her home landline at 6:26pm on the Thursday night, 19 April. That call lasted 0.01sec. Obviously nobody was home and she got message bank instead. She phoned GBC's mobile at 6:27pm, a 0:21sec call. The next and final call from Allison's phone was at 8:28pm to OW. That call lasted for 1:01secs. Short and sweet! Was Allison asking OW what time GBC came to pick up the girls etc? Were they all lying to her, covering up GBC's nasty little infidelity? I believe so.

Respectfully snipped.
Yes, I think chronologyis important in this case. I would like to add to the mix Allison's call on the 17th to her insurer with request (perhaps, just very initial request, exploring) to reduce her life insurance total and premiums. Has that been done? I think, not, and that triggered GBC into... you know what. It's to answer the question why then not later. He had time before the 1st of July.
He is just too much! How would any other man measure up - we are so unlucky WS girls!
GBC is a catch beyond any woman's most delicious dreams. FAR OUT --- a loving husband, a fully, qualified accountant (but yet not chartered or practicing- really doesn't matter), an unequivocally devoted spouse and so loving and understanding to his new little family, sets up monitoring equipment to make sure his wife is coping with wiping the bench top in the kitchen, capable of changing nappies on the way to an open home, <modsnip> his fist born DAUGHTER oops bummer its a girl child, drives Allison to every doctors appointment to ensure she can function in the future (she doesn't have any other commitments) because its her problem she can't conceive a boy Baden-Clay child.

Sorry Marley - this is the end of rant , I don't expect this post to last long on here, but I have been here on WS since the beginning of this case and I feel quite emotional about Allison, and truly feel that she has been mis-represented by those closest to her. She was the one with potential brains drive and love for life. That was totally sucked out of her and for that I am incredibly sad.

Yes, caring husband and father that he is managed to arrange carers and drivers for his beautiful wife whilst away on many interstate conventions and trip to Northern Territory..sigh. He's a real catch Tone.
Respectfully snipped.
Yes, I think chronologyis important in this case. I would like to add to the mix Allison's call on the 17th to her insurer with request (perhaps, just very initial request, exploring) to reduce her life insurance total and premiums. Has that been done? I think, not, and that triggered GBC into... you know what. It's to answer the question why then not later. He had time before the 1st of July.

Agree Sor Juana. "Allison's call on the 17th to her insurer with request to reduce her life insurance total and premiums" very likely a contributing factor. IMO it's highly likely financial matters arose in discussions on Wed 18th and this info came to GBC's attention. My opinion only.
I really can't see how the car would have needed to be hosed, except for reasons of paranoia. He could have parked on bitumen. I can see the relevance of vacuuming it.

Agree. I think that because A was found in mud, people are assuming that the car and perp had to be covered in mud, which clearly isn't necessary when you look at the site photos
- parking available at the side of the road
- dry path down to ledge where body was rolled over
- hadn't rained for weeks

best photos to explain:
I really can't see how the car would have needed to be hosed, except for reasons of paranoia. He could have parked on bitumen. I can see the relevance of vacuuming it.

Speculated as part of the cover up: removing evidence of soil and debris from Kholo Creek, knowing that Police check wheel arches, tyres, etc. My opinion only,
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