GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #3

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Hi Batwoman. If it was me I would have taken her miles away, the other side of Brisbane. Logan, Manly, Gold Coast. Somewhere that would make it look more like a kidnapping, robbery gone wrong. Not so close to my own backyard. Kholo is very close in the middle of the night, and I would never have gone anywhere near a scout den if I had ties to that arena.

But only had x amount of hours to dispose of the body??
It's a very quiet dark road 9pm-4am there are no street lights near the bridge nor houses that look directly on to the area there are bends in the road before and after the bridge so if you were to park in the bush area at the time of Allison's disappearance you would see the car lights before they saw you if they would see you at all. The location of her body under the bridge would not have been visable from traffic or from any helicopters, she would be simply stuck there where she was placed to decompose. Who ever put her there probably throught she would never be found. I travel over the bridge twice daily during the week on the school run to & from the grammar school. I feel terrible that I drove over the bridge while Allison was under there. I also remember someone on WS saying they got a creepy feeling while driving over the bridge, I was almost tempted to go and look. I wish I had!
Thanks for the explanation as I don't know the area
Folks copy/paste from blogs or social media isn't allowed.

You can link to the page & say something like "check out such & such" but you can't then discuss anything posted on the page.

Oh sorry Marly :) I thought that just meant opinion-type blogs (being considered less reliable than msm articles), thinking GBCs blog counted more as original content directly from defendant.

I had no idea - probably missed a previous warning too - oops :)

Went right over my head, lol
Do a google search on "husband jealous of wife breastfeeding" "husband jealous of pregnancy" "husband jealous of wife's childbirth" etc. Lets just say it's an "attention seeking" jealousy pattern that forms. They want it to be all about them. They want to be the centre of attention, a bit like today's court proceedings. MOO

My sister whom I spoke of earlier, comparing her ex to GBC, he was jealous of her family, her dog, and on their last day together (only hours before her OD suicide attempt), he told her "you love the washing machine more than me"... yep he was totally pissed off that after intercourse she had to attend to the washing...

There are some messed up 'men' in the world...

Sent from my T-Hub2 using Tapatalk
That statement alone is completely offensive to the intelligence of most people I would think. Like, WOW! "I did everything else except breast feed"! Amazing! IMO after hearing what he said in court today I have a sneaky suspicion that he thought he was special and hung around after the birth just in case his milk "came down" and he could in fact breast feed. I bet he wishes he could have given birth too and rambled on and on and on about how painful and horrendous it all was.

He would need a box of bandaids after that and his 'war cry of being a little bit hurt' would at least be truthful.
I have been here almost from the start, sometimes with vigour and sometimes as a very occasional interloper. I have wrestled with my position many times. I was referred here by a former friend of GBC's. Like many people on here (I imagine), I have a close connection to this case and I do intend to reveal my own personal connection when this is all said and done. In the meantime, thanks very much to all the sleuthers, all the contributors, pundits, amateurs, professionals, court tweeters and those who just feel very, very deeply for the children left behind by a loving mother.

Someone very interested in this case posed something to me tonight that I had never previously considered and initially found repugnant. But I will leave it with you ...

What if GBC was set up by Allison? She is a very intelligent woman, a devoted wife and mother, betrayed horribly by her husband. Those journal entries - all written in the same pen. What if she intended to take her own life but not without taking down her husband? I know it's outlandish but so is everything about this case. Nothing is out of the realms of possibility.

Nuts, right? Or not.
But only had x amount of hours to dispose of the body??

Yes but that would depend upon whether you were the disposee? Personally I think that he did stay home or had help after the fact and someone else helped to dispose of Allison's body. I just don't think he had the balls to do it on his own.
My sister whom I spoke of earlier, comparing her ex to GBC, he was jealous of her family, her dog, and on their last day together (only hours before her OD suicide attempt), he told her "you love the washing machine more than me"... yep he was totally pissed off that after intercourse she had to attend to the washing...

There are some messed up 'men' in the world...

Sent from my T-Hub2 using Tapatalk

There are only a few things men can't do which are in order - get pregnant, give birth and breastfeed. They can clean the toilet and do the laundry but most choose not to (only joking so please don't shoot me) :)
I have been here almost from the start, sometimes with vigour and sometimes as a very occasional interloper. I have wrestled with my position many times. I was referred here by a former friend of GBC's. Like many people on here (I imagine), I have a close connection to this case and I do intend to reveal my own personal connection when this is all said and done. In the meantime, thanks very much to all the sleuthers, all the contributors, pundits, amateurs, professionals, court tweeters and those who just feel very, very deeply for the children left behind by a loving mother.

Someone very interested in this case posed something to me tonight that I had never previously considered and initially found repugnant. But I will leave it with you ...

What if GBC was set up by Allison? She is a very intelligent woman, a devoted wife and mother, betrayed horribly by her husband. Those journal entries - all written in the same pen. What if she intended to take her own life but not without taking down her husband? I know it's outlandish but so is everything about this case. Nothing is out of the realms of possibility.

Nuts, right? Or not.

It was G or Byrne going through the journal today saying these (referring to questions in the journal) WERE the questions she discussed onthe 18th etc, so I think it is supremely unlikely that Allison had ulterior motives.
My Crib Notes. Apologies if I ramble.

GBC’s “Hard to Swallow” Claims:

Claims to have no idea whether ABC came to bed or not. Claims he is a heavy sleeper, yet put phone on charger after 1am. Now alluding that ABC may have been the one who placed it on charge, as he now claims he handed his phone over to her each, and every night.

Scratched himself horrifically, multiple times, while shaving.

Neck and body bruises are from a violent caterpillar attack. Car crash (with no skid marks) on way to being photographed in relation to said caterpillar-induced bruises and abrasions.

Started “worrying” as early as 6.30am, so sent a “friendly feeler text”. A trifle early, one would think? Would be very interesting to observe the usual tone of SMS exchanges between the two, especially the most recent.

No panic, no desperation, when Police first attend after 8am, even when it is clear she was well and truly late home from her “walk”. “What if my wife has been abducted?! Why aren’t you putting out an APB?!!” These things never entered his vernacular.

His demeanour in all interviews, and 000 call was NOT consistent with a worried, panicked, distraught or even vaguely interested husband. “I don’t want to be alarmist, but…”

His new desperation to paint ABC depression as debilitating, despite contrary opinions by all friends, family and professionals. The only supporters of GBC’s version are the clearly coached NBC and OW.

ABC’s journal clearly defies GBC’s “spin” so far.

Suicide Theory “Hard to Swallows”:

If suicide, where is her phone? Why is it missing at all? Why was there unexplained activity at 6.31am on the morning of her disappearance, logged on the Fig Tree Pocket tower? Her phone apparently remained switched on until the battery died (ringing out whenever people tried to call).
ABC had plans for the next day (conference) and had done her hair accordingly.

Also had plans for the following evening (sleepover).

So why the sudden mood shift? What was the supposed trigger? GBC himself claims the next morning there was no reason for her to be suicidal. Claims they did not have a fight. Claims the Conference was never discussed.

No suicide note. ABC loved her children dearly, and would surely have explained her reasons (your father, is a lousy, cheating blaggard), so as not to put them through the pain and suffering of not knowing, or blaming themselves.

Cause of death? Shown not to be drowning. Shown not to be an overdose. No significant trauma in post-mortem, so does not suggest she “leapt to her death off the bridge”. Autopsy does leave open the possibility of numerous other causes, including suffocation.

Why would she have leaves from the patio in her hair?

Why is there blood in the Captiva?

Abduction Theory “Hard to Swallows”:

Why was she walking at all, knowing she had to leave early for a conference, and had had her hair done especially?

If abducted during her “supposed” morning walk, why no signs of sexual assault?

Why no theft of wedding rings?

Why is she at Kholo Bridge, 14km from where she would be walking?

Again, why would she have leaves from the patio in her hair?

Why is there blood in the Captiva?

Likely Scenario “Easy to Swallows”:

GBC raises issue of TM to attend same conference the following day.

ABC is angered on numerous fronts (GBC is clearly still in contact with TM; why is he only telling her now, the night before the Conference? etc)
Points to a confrontation. And one where ABC conceivably threatened to leave.

GBC realises his public persona is threatened.

GBC realises he could lose the business during a divorce.

GBC realises the “window of opportunity” for a life insurance claim is now shortening, and with great rapidity.

GBC suggests “taking it outside so as not to upset kids”. This also explains his calm willingness to allow Police to search inside the house.

GBC attacks her on the back patio/carport. Quite possibly to silence her at first. In the scuffle, ABC scratches GBC on the face. ABC suffers some sort of superficial wound (sadly masked by decomposition of her body). Leaf matter becomes lodged in her hair. GBC picks up an array of welts, bruises and scrapes in the tussle.

GBC places her in the back of Captiva. Blood transfer occurs.

Takes time to hatch some semblance of a plan, and to wait until the roads are quieter.

Dresses her in exercise gear. This does explain his uncanny ability to postulate with impeccable accuracy, precisely what she would be wearing, despite forgetting her age (um, um 44?), her height (um, um, about 5’6”, something like that), hair colour (blondy, browny, reddish kind of…) in his 000 call.

Sidenote: I love my wife, and clearly know the latter points, but would never in a blue moon be able to quickly surmise what exercise gear she would be wearing to go for a walk, purely by the process of elimination of what was not in the clothes hamper/wardrobe.

Transports her to Kholo Bridge (somewhere he is familiar with, near the Scout Camp, in his Real Estate jurisdiction) but on a dark, back road. Also somewhere Police are unlikely to focus early searches, due to the “walking story”.

Drops her body over the edge. Her arm entanglement in her pullover, and the fact that there were few leaves from plants local to Kholo entangled in her hair/clothing suggest she was likely dropped from the bridge, not dragged down any embankments. A thud was reportedly heard in a nearby house.
I’m not sure if he was planning the suicide defence? Or a mystery abduction? Or just aiming to drop her in the creek, but misjudged? Or was he understandably, simply not thinking clearly? Do Life Insurance policy requirements enter into this at all? e.g. needed body to be found? Hard to say.

That said, I think he fully expected her to be found well before she was.

I am confident the Prosecution will trip him up in cross examination. They will poke a number of holes in his version of events. The jury will see just how deceptive he is. They already know he is a compulsive liar (affairs and cover-ups, and business embellishments to name but a few).

GBC’s defence appears to be founded on shaky explanations of a staggering array of implausible events.

Next week is the Prosecution’s real time to shine. I trust they will grab it with both hands.

* The above is based upon opinions formed by statements delivered in the case thus far
Something that's always niggled at me and until now have not piped up and had my say... As someone who goes to the hairdresser every six weeks, and has a cut and colour, I've never worried about how it might look the next day. I wash and blow dry my hair every I have pretty straight hair I can't stand having unwashed hair. Having said that, I have friends that will stretch out a blow dry for five days. But I just don't get it. I like freshly washed, nice smelling hair. My point is that I think there is too much focus on the hairdresser visit and what Allison would do with it afterwards. Especially as the photos show, the hot rollers are in the bathroom. I don't think it make any difference whether that stopped Allison from going for a walk, I just think she didn't go cause it was either nighttime or she didn't go in the morning cause she had to get ready for the conference. I think she didn't go because someone had already taken her to Kholo Creek. Ok, rant over, please be gentle with your responses!
Hi Batwoman. If it was me I would have taken her miles away, the other side of Brisbane. Logan, Manly, Gold Coast. Somewhere that would make it look more like a kidnapping, robbery gone wrong. Not so close to my own backyard. Kholo is very close in the middle of the night, and I would never have gone anywhere near a scout den if I had ties to that arena.

Noone is saying he is smart.....
I have been here almost from the start, sometimes with vigour and sometimes as a very occasional interloper. I have wrestled with my position many times. I was referred here by a former friend of GBC's. Like many people on here (I imagine), I have a close connection to this case and I do intend to reveal my own personal connection when this is all said and done. In the meantime, thanks very much to all the sleuthers, all the contributors, pundits, amateurs, professionals, court tweeters and those who just feel very, very deeply for the children left behind by a loving mother.

Someone very interested in this case posed something to me tonight that I had never previously considered and initially found repugnant. But I will leave it with you ...

What if GBC was set up by Allison? She is a very intelligent woman, a devoted wife and mother, betrayed horribly by her husband. Those journal entries - all written in the same pen. What if she intended to take her own life but not without taking down her husband? I know it's outlandish but so is everything about this case. Nothing is out of the realms of possibility.

Nuts, right? Or not.

Nup I don't agree with that at all.

1. She would not leave her babies

2. Allison was the one who instigated marriage counselling.
My Crib Notes. Apologies if I ramble.

GBC’s “Hard to Swallow” Claims:

Claims to have no idea whether ABC came to bed or not. Claims he is a heavy sleeper, yet put phone on charger after 1am. Now alluding that ABC may have been the one who placed it on charge, as he now claims he handed his phone over to her each, and every night.

Scratched himself horrifically, multiple times, while shaving.

Neck and body bruises are from a violent caterpillar attack. Car crash (with no skid marks) on way to being photographed in relation to said caterpillar-induced bruises and abrasions.

Started “worrying” as early as 6.30am, so sent a “friendly feeler text”. A trifle early, one would think? Would be very interesting to observe the usual tone of SMS exchanges between the two, especially the most recent.

No panic, no desperation, when Police first attend after 8am, even when it is clear she was well and truly late home from her “walk”. “What if my wife has been abducted?! Why aren’t you putting out an APB?!!” These things never entered his vernacular.

His demeanour in all interviews, and 000 call was NOT consistent with a worried, panicked, distraught or even vaguely interested husband. “I don’t want to be alarmist, but…”

His new desperation to paint ABC depression as debilitating, despite contrary opinions by all friends, family and professionals. The only supporters of GBC’s version are the clearly coached NBC and OW.

ABC’s journal clearly defies GBC’s “spin” so far.

Suicide Theory “Hard to Swallows”:

If suicide, where is her phone? Why is it missing at all? Why was there unexplained activity at 6.31am on the morning of her disappearance, logged on the Fig Tree Pocket tower? Her phone apparently remained switched on until the battery died (ringing out whenever people tried to call).
ABC had plans for the next day (conference) and had done her hair accordingly.

Also had plans for the following evening (sleepover).

So why the sudden mood shift? What was the supposed trigger? GBC himself claims the next morning there was no reason for her to be suicidal. Claims they did not have a fight. Claims the Conference was never discussed.

No suicide note. ABC loved her children dearly, and would surely have explained her reasons (your father, is a lousy, cheating blaggard), so as not to put them through the pain and suffering of not knowing, or blaming themselves.

Cause of death? Shown not to be drowning. Shown not to be an overdose. No significant trauma in post-mortem, so does not suggest she “leapt to her death off the bridge”. Autopsy does leave open the possibility of numerous other causes, including suffocation.

Why would she have leaves from the patio in her hair?

Why is there blood in the Captiva?

Abduction Theory “Hard to Swallows”:

Why was she walking at all, knowing she had to leave early for a conference, and had had her hair done especially?

If abducted during her “supposed” morning walk, why no signs of sexual assault?

Why no theft of wedding rings?

Why is she at Kholo Bridge, 14km from where she would be walking?

Again, why would she have leaves from the patio in her hair?

Why is there blood in the Captiva?

Likely Scenario “Easy to Swallows”:

GBC raises issue of TM to attend same conference the following day.

ABC is angered on numerous fronts (GBC is clearly still in contact with TM; why is he only telling her now, the night before the Conference? etc)
Points to a confrontation. And one where ABC conceivably threatened to leave.

GBC realises his public persona is threatened.

GBC realises he could lose the business during a divorce.

GBC realises the “window of opportunity” for a life insurance claim is now shortening, and with great rapidity.

GBC suggests “taking it outside so as not to upset kids”. This also explains his calm willingness to allow Police to search inside the house.

GBC attacks her on the back patio/carport. Quite possibly to silence her at first. In the scuffle, ABC scratches GBC on the face. ABC suffers some sort of superficial wound (sadly masked by decomposition of her body). Leaf matter becomes lodged in her hair. GBC picks up an array of welts, bruises and scrapes in the tussle.

GBC places her in the back of Captiva. Blood transfer occurs.

Takes time to hatch some semblance of a plan, and to wait until the roads are quieter.

Dresses her in exercise gear. This does explain his uncanny ability to postulate with impeccable accuracy, precisely what she would be wearing, despite forgetting her age (um, um 44?), her height (um, um, about 5’6”, something like that), hair colour (blondy, browny, reddish kind of…) in his 000 call.

Sidenote: I love my wife, and clearly know the latter points, but would never in a blue moon be able to quickly surmise what exercise gear she would be wearing to go for a walk, purely by the process of elimination of what was not in the clothes hamper/wardrobe.

Transports her to Kholo Bridge (somewhere he is familiar with, near the Scout Camp, in his Real Estate jurisdiction) but on a dark, back road. Also somewhere Police are unlikely to focus early searches, due to the “walking story”.

Drops her body over the edge. Her arm entanglement in her pullover, and the fact that there were few leaves from plants local to Kholo entangled in her hair/clothing suggest she was likely dropped from the bridge, not dragged down any embankments. A thud was reportedly heard in a nearby house.
I’m not sure if he was planning the suicide defence? Or a mystery abduction? Or just aiming to drop her in the creek, but misjudged? Or was he understandably, simply not thinking clearly? Do Life Insurance policy requirements enter into this at all? e.g. needed body to be found? Hard to say.

That said, I think he fully expected her to be found well before she was.

I am confident the Prosecution will trip him up in cross examination. They will poke a number of holes in his version of events. The jury will see just how deceptive he is. They already know he is a compulsive liar (affairs and cover-ups, and business embellishments to name but a few).

GBC’s defence appears to be founded on shaky explanations of a staggering array of implausible events.

Next week is the Prosecution’s real time to shine. I trust they will grab it with both hands.

* The above is based upon opinions formed by statements delivered in the case thus far

That is truly brilliant! And indeed accurate
In my opinion
Danny may be looking for an assistant next week
I think you should pop him an email!
I have been here almost from the start, sometimes with vigour and sometimes as a very occasional interloper. I have wrestled with my position many times. I was referred here by a former friend of GBC's. Like many people on here (I imagine), I have a close connection to this case and I do intend to reveal my own personal connection when this is all said and done. In the meantime, thanks very much to all the sleuthers, all the contributors, pundits, amateurs, professionals, court tweeters and those who just feel very, very deeply for the children left behind by a loving mother.

Someone very interested in this case posed something to me tonight that I had never previously considered and initially found repugnant. But I will leave it with you ...

What if GBC was set up by Allison? She is a very intelligent woman, a devoted wife and mother, betrayed horribly by her husband. Those journal entries - all written in the same pen. What if she intended to take her own life but not without taking down her husband? I know it's outlandish but so is everything about this case. Nothing is out of the realms of possibility.

Nuts, right? Or not.

Sounds like something GBC would have said.....
Something that's always niggled at me and until now have not piped up and had my say... As someone who goes to the hairdresser every six weeks, and has a cut and colour, I've never worried about how it might look the next day. I wash and blow dry my hair every I have pretty straight hair I can't stand having unwashed hair. Having said that, I have friends that will stretch out a blow dry for five days. But I just don't get it. I like freshly washed, nice smelling hair. My point is that I think there is too much focus on the hairdresser visit and what Allison would do with it afterwards. Especially as the photos show, the hot rollers are in the bathroom. I don't think it make any difference whether that stopped Allison from going for a walk, I just think she didn't go cause it was either nighttime or she didn't go in the morning cause she had to get ready for the conference. I think she didn't go because someone had already taken her to Kholo Creek. Ok, rant over, please be gentle with your responses!

I think we have to keep in mind GBC gave four different "walk" versions.

There was no walk....she was murdered on or about 19th April.
My Crib Notes. Apologies if I ramble.

Transports her to Kholo Bridge (somewhere he is familiar with, near the Scout Camp, in his Real Estate jurisdiction) but on a dark, back road. Also somewhere Police are unlikely to focus early searches, due to the “walking story”.

Drops her body over the edge. Her arm entanglement in her pullover, and the fact that there were few leaves from plants local to Kholo entangled in her hair/clothing suggest she was likely dropped from the bridge, not dragged down any embankments. A thud was reportedly heard in a nearby house.
I’m not sure if he was planning the suicide defence? Or a mystery abduction? Or just aiming to drop her in the creek, but misjudged?
Next week is the Prosecution’s real time to shine. I trust they will grab it with both hands.

* The above is based upon opinions formed by statements delivered in the case thus far

Great post - really nice summary Stick.

I agree with your scenario, but one point I'd question is the drop off the bridge because
(a) no fractures
(b) found under bridge, not next to it
(c) much more dangerous to park on the bridge than off to the side before the bridge.

If you can find a photo of where she was found, you can see it's possible to walk down the side of the bridge (dry not muddy), then roll her over a ledge down a ~6 ft (2m) drop to the mud below where her body was found.
I have been here almost from the start, sometimes with vigour and sometimes as a very occasional interloper. I have wrestled with my position many times. I was referred here by a former friend of GBC's. Like many people on here (I imagine), I have a close connection to this case and I do intend to reveal my own personal connection when this is all said and done. In the meantime, thanks very much to all the sleuthers, all the contributors, pundits, amateurs, professionals, court tweeters and those who just feel very, very deeply for the children left behind by a loving mother.

Someone very interested in this case posed something to me tonight that I had never previously considered and initially found repugnant. But I will leave it with you ...

What if GBC was set up by Allison? She is a very intelligent woman, a devoted wife and mother, betrayed horribly by her husband. Those journal entries - all written in the same pen. What if she intended to take her own life but not without taking down her husband? I know it's outlandish but so is everything about this case. Nothing is out of the realms of possibility.

Nuts, right? Or not.
Respectfully, I like laws of, not every husband, fiance or boyfriend is the perpetrator when a woman turns up dead...

But when said boyfriend/fiance/husband has made it clear he wants out of the relationship; there's evidence of (at least) emotional abuse; infidelity; financial crises; clearly manipulating the victim's mental health to his gain; a heavily insured victim AND the victim turns up dead...I'm willing to bet he's a whole lot more involved than some masterminded ploy by Allison.

At the end of it all...I think she honestly really loved him - or at least desperately wanted to. He never deserved her for even a moment. I believe Gerard is just too concerned with Gerard to ever consider anyone or anything else.

The thing about narcissists is that they don't love, not truly, in my opinion. Everyone they involve themselves with are expected to make them look good, feel better, appear more respectable, etc. It's always all about what others can do for them. I think he loved the idea of her much more than the reality.

I have been here almost from the start, sometimes with vigour and sometimes as a very occasional interloper. I have wrestled with my position many times. I was referred here by a former friend of GBC's. Like many people on here (I imagine), I have a close connection to this case and I do intend to reveal my own personal connection when this is all said and done. In the meantime, thanks very much to all the sleuthers, all the contributors, pundits, amateurs, professionals, court tweeters and those who just feel very, very deeply for the children left behind by a loving mother.

Someone very interested in this case posed something to me tonight that I had never previously considered and initially found repugnant. But I will leave it with you ...

What if GBC was set up by Allison? She is a very intelligent woman, a devoted wife and mother, betrayed horribly by her husband. Those journal entries - all written in the same pen. What if she intended to take her own life but not without taking down her husband? I know it's outlandish but so is everything about this case. Nothing is out of the realms of possibility.

Nuts, right? Or not.

First thought is 'Allison wouldn't leave the girls', followed immediately by... If I were in her shoes and I desperately wanted to suicide, I'd want my kids with my parents not my lying, cheating hubby, so a set up is clever! But then... I can't see a sensible intelligent woman putting her kids through that. To lose both parents? The heartache that those girls are undoubtedly going through? As a mother, I'll choose misery to see my young kids grow up healthy and happy and pretend to the enth degree for the sake of my littlen's to be able to keep them safe and secure. Having said that, I'm not in an abusive relationship with a possible NPD partner...

Interesting, but IMO improbable.
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