GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #3

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Yes waffles on & throws out the tears...for himself.

From today's report....

Then there were the tears, near tears, choked words and red-faced emotion that punctuated his evidence.

He spoke for one hour and 17 minutes before the court adjourned until 10am on Monday, when he will return to the stand. There may be days more to come

However, on the day he reported Allison missing there were no tears, zero emotion....nothing!!

June 16, 2014

She said she and her husband rushed to her daughter's home on Brookfield Road that morning to find her son-in-law "just as calm as a cucumber".

"I couldn't believe it, he had a pinked striped shirt on an a tie," Mrs Dickie said.

"Just as calm as a cucumber. [He] just came over and said, 'g'day dad ... g'day mum', and I looked at him and I said what's happened and he said 'Allison's missing, she went for a walk and hasn't come back'.

"Couldn't believe it ...

"Then he said, 'would you like a cup of tea?'"

Yes, for someone so devastated about his beautiful wife going missing it is mind boggling that he didn't bother to make a plea to the public.

And another thing, he was really sticking to his story about Allison going for a walk, wasn't he? Said as a fact when really, how could he be certain? Oh right, Mr Perfect Husband knew the contents of Allison's wardrobe and what she wore when :banghead:
Just bouncing off your post because it got me thinking. Downgraded the Lexus for Captiva because Allison wouldn't drive the Prado because of the hanky Panky with TM in it.
So HE kept the Prado, rather than the Lexus? That must have bothered Allison. You'd want that car gone. Something is not right there, I can't quite put my finger on it. Timeframe? So Allison drove the Lexus instead until she got the Captiva?

She didn't drive..remember.
Would love to know whay a singlet top is. TIA :loveyou:




A tank top :D

agree Smegal :) I'm not sure Jane if the singlet top had spaghetti strings or not though. :)
I agree suicidal people don't always act different before they go ahead with it. In Charlotte Dawson's case, she had already attempted suicide before, she was definitely in a high category risk of suicide.

Allison was not in that category, at least not in the last year or years, and had no previous attempts of suicide. Allison looked after herself, she sought help from psychiatrists, doctors and psychologists. She wasn't giving up. She was fighting for her marriage, she adored her daughters, why would she remove herself and allow Toni to become their full-time mother?! :no:

We should make GBC shoulder the blame for misdirecting us about suicide, it is he who is throwing around the idea that Allison remained the same as when she had her first child or the incident with the Lariam. He's trying to implant those thoughts into the jurors minds because he wants to escape justice.

Allison was murdered and dumped by the one person who should have loved and protected her. His motivation was greed and desperation. jmho

Not directing this at you specifically PrimeSuspect. But I am starting to think perhaps I just don't express myself clearly.

I have not at any time in any post suggested that Allison killed herself.

I have said many times that I believe GBC is guilty.

I have just tried to correct some misconceptions I have seen posted regarding depression and suicide. That's all.

Mr Byrne and Co. would have got a signed indemnity clause out of Gerard that he was taking the stand in direct contradiction of their advice.. no barrister would possibly suggest it, and certainly no barrister would suggest , or god forbid, encourage Gerard, of all people ...they would be fully aware of the effect Gerard is having, and also fully aware that Gerard is completely oblivious to that effect.. he simply cannot conceive of himself being boring and evasive and a very poor liar.. not because he hasn't practised as one for a lifetime , but because he believes his lies are being fully absorbed as truth..

A defence lawyer has to cope with this.. Mr Byrne would have read his man very well, from long experience of defendants.. he'd know that nothing and no one would persuade Gerard not to get up in that witness box.. I haven't seen him on the stand but its a fair conclusion to reach that he would be amazingly and inappropriately relaxed at this point.. he is selling his story and he would have a lot of confidence that it's being bought , lock stock and barrel...

When he is cross -examined, his speech pattern will instantly change to um and ah.. his voice will go up an octave, his body language will be one of rejection and defensive, and it may suddenly dawn on him that a jury of his peers is taking note.. .. no one will be more surprised than Gerard when it is dismissed as 'a tissue of lies', ..
Mr Byrne and Co. would have got a signed indemnity clause out of Gerard that he was taking the stand in direct contradiction of their advice.. no barrister would possibly suggest it, and certainly no barrister would suggest , or god forbid, encourage Gerard, of all people ...they would be fully aware of the effect Gerard is having, and also fully aware that Gerard is completely oblivious to that effect.. he simply cannot conceive of himself being boring and evasive and a very poor liar.. not because he hasn't practised as one for a lifetime , but because he believes his lies are being fully absorbed as truth..

A defence lawyer has to cope with this.. Mr Byrne would have read his man very well, from long experience of defendants.. he'd know that nothing and no one would persuade Gerard not to get up in that witness box.. I haven't seen him on the stand but its a fair conclusion to reach that he would be amazingly and inappropriately relaxed at this point.. he is selling his story and he would have a lot of confidence that it's being bought , lock stock and barrel...

When he is cross -examined, his speech pattern will instantly change to um and ah.. his voice will go up an octave, his body language will be one of rejection and defensive, and it may suddenly dawn on him that a jury of his peers is taking note.. .. no one will be more surprised than Gerard when it is dismissed as 'a tissue of lies', ..

Command post recording: I have noticed the North Queensland upward inflection in statements Gerard is not sure he is being believed on. I expect that will reappear on the stand under cross examination.
I'm just waiting on the first time the prosecutor says "I put it to you Mr Baden-Clay that you....!'
Not directing this at you specifically PrimeSuspect. But I am starting to think perhaps I just don't express myself clearly.

I have not at any time in any post suggested that Allison killed herself.

I have said many times that I believe GBC is guilty.

I have just tried to correct some misconceptions I have seen posted regarding depression and suicide. That's all.


I'm sorry cattail, I'm being economical with my posts, I agree with you it's hard to predict if someone will suicide (but there are usually signs we, for whatever reason, ignore), and at the same time I'm sticking my boot into GBC and his game plan. I suppose I'm trying to keep it on topic. jmho
Gerard seems to do the opposite of what one would expect. Could he have connived to construct a self-incriminating scenario ~ through a wealth of circumstantial evidence .. with the aim of profiting through compensatory damages ?
Gerard seems to do the opposite of what one would expect. Could he have connived to construct a self-incriminating scenario ~ through a wealth of circumstantial evidence .. with the aim of profiting through compensatory damages ?

I think so!
I know we can't talk about dreams on here, but we certainly can talk about lying awake, which I found myself doing at 3:30 this morning, with the wind whipping around our house and shaking it. I was dwelling on the few analogies that have been made between Gerard and Lindy Chamberlain. I started to get quite outraged. We have come such a long way from there as a nation, as humanity. Gerard was arrested after a very thorough investigation, which continued after his arrest, and up to and beyond the bail hearing. Lindy offered an explanation with regards to Azaria (which was found 'unbelievable'). Gerard offered no 'unbelievable' explanation - depression was hinted at, but the suicide story was not offered up until the bail hearing.
There is no analogy there.
If we look to the other part of the analogy, that Lindy was part of a community that was not mainstream, I again see no parallel. Except by accident if birth, with a notorious relative, the Baden-Clay family are pretty mainstream. Olivia speaks about Allison's childbearing years with some authority I think because that is her area, she supports and encourages women through her church, so would be familiar with the cacophony of femine issues such as eating disorders, fertility issues, and anxiety. I think that is the only frame of reference that she knows. She certainly could not speak about Allison's talents as a linguist, for example, because that isn't who she is.
In a nutshell, I don't think the Chamberlain analogy holds even a teensy weensy bit.
Gerard seems to do the opposite of what one would expect. Could he have connived to construct a self-incriminating scenario ~ through a wealth of circumstantial evidence .. with the aim of profiting through compensatory damages ?

with respect.. I think he does the exact thing anyone could expect.. that he does each and every thing so cackhanded is not a surprise.... its par for the course..

get into debt.. borrow more money... continue getting deeper into debt, borrow more money... nothing surprising there..

max out credit cards, and don't make a payment.. standard,,

be unfaithful to ones wife, and mistress.. nothing surprising there.. claim you're not proud of it.. standard stuff..

contrive to construct a self incriminating scenario.. he has strived, as far as he is capable of, in constructing a murder victim as a suicide.. the non surprising thing is, he is still at it, despite the finding that Alison didn't die a natural death and there is no medication or previous attempts and medical evidence given that it is the remotest possibility.. not just A remote ,but the remotest..
Which was lucky for us they were late. There was a near riot at the overflow court when the doors had been forgotten to be unlocked and opened. A member of the public went into a court next door and the judges assistant came out. He went into the courtroom being used for the overflow and rang downstairs to the bailiffs office to request somebody come up to open the doors.
Everyone was very twitchy and looking at their watches.
Imagine our surprise and relief when we were finally let in and it hadn't started for the day yet.

Somebody asked before about myself and Liaden giving our seats up for a family member. It wasn't necessary to do that on Thursday, we just made sure she was bought to near the front of the line to stand with us to make sure she got in.
We both agreed though we would give our seats up for family members if we needed to. It's far more important they are in the court than us.

Edited to add - to give you some idea of the number of people attending there was probably a couple of HUNDRED members of the public trying to push and shove their way through the doors.
Some peoples behaviour is just disgraceful. This is a murder trial, not a movie at the cinema. Have some respect for both families involved. I'm sure they would never have chosen to be mixed up in such a horrendous event :(

That was me asking WWGY.

People pushing and shoving to get through the doors too??? Streuth!!!
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